Transcript Slide 1

• NERC Bulk Electric System (BES) Definition
(NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards)
• FERC Order 693
• FRCC Handbook Review Task Force Involvement
• FRCC Operating Reliability Subcommittee Involvement
The NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability
Bulk Electric System (BES)
As defined by the Regional Reliability Organization, the electrical
generation resources, transmission lines, interconnections with
neighboring systems, and associated equipment, generally operated at
voltages of 100 kV or higher. Radial transmission facilities serving
only load with one transmission source are generally not included in
this definition.
FERC Order 693
In Order 693, Paragraph 77, FERC directed NERC to provide them
with a complete set of regional definitions of the bulk electric system
and any regional documents that identify critical facilities to which
the Reliability Standards apply (i.e. facilities below a 100kV
threshold that have been identified by the regions as critical to system
The FRCC adopted the NERC definition of the BES
as the regional definition.
FRCC Bulk Electric System
The Bulk Electric System, as defined by the NERC Reliability Standards Glossary, provides the
ability to define and specify detail on a regional basis. The general NERC definition is:
FRCC Handbook Review
Task Force Involvement
“As defined by the Regional Reliability Organization, the electrical generation resources,
transmission lines, interconnections with neighboring systems, and associated equipment,
generally operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher. Radial transmission facilities serving only
load with one transmission source are generally not included in this definition.”
• At the August 7, 2008 FRCC
Operating Committee Meeting, the
development of the BES definition
was assigned to the HRTF.
The FRCC Handbook Review Task Force, Operating Reliability Subcommittee and the Operating
Committee are proposing to further define the definition to clarify and reduce ambiguity.
• FRCC HRTF BES Definition (at
•Transmission Lines and associated equipment (such as circuit breakers, line switches and
electrical bus sections), operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher.
right) was provided to the OC for
The Bulk Electric System within the FRCC footprint is defined as all:
•Electrical generation resources (including Generator Step-Up (GSU) transformers) connected at
voltages of 100kV or higher (high side of transformer).
•Transformers (other than GSU) with both primary and secondary windings of 100 kV or higher.
•Reactive Power equipment operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher.
The FRCC Bulk Electric System excludes:
•Radial Transmission Line and associated transformer(s) serving only load with one transmission
•Transformers with either the primary or secondary windings less than 100 kV (other than GSU).
FRCC Bulk Electric System
The Bulk Electric System, as defined by the NERC Reliability Standards Glossary, provides the
ability to define and specify detail on a regional basis. The general NERC definition is:
“As defined by the Regional Reliability Organization, the electrical generation resources,
transmission lines, interconnections with neighboring systems, and associated equipment,
generally operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher. Radial transmission facilities serving only
load with one transmission source are generally not included in this definition.”
FRCC Operating
Reliability Subcommittee
• On August 13, 2009, ORS revised
the HRTF version of the BES
• FRCC ORS BES Definition (at
right) was distributed for comment.
The FRCC Handbook Review Task Force, Operating Reliability Subcommittee and the Operating
Committee are proposing to further define the definition to clarify and reduce ambiguity.
The Bulk Electric System within the FRCC footprint is defined as all:
Electrical generation resources (including generator step-up (GSU) transformers) connected at
voltages of 100kV or higher (high side of transformer).
Transmission Lines operated at voltages of 100kV or higher.
Substation Facilities (such as circuit breakers, line switches, electrical bus sections, and their
associated protection, telecommunications and control systems), that operate at voltages of 100
kV or higher.
Transmission Lines at any voltage that are operated as Tie Line Interconnections between two
separate AGC Balancing Authority Areas.
Transformers (other than GSU) with both primary and secondary windings of 100 kV or higher.
Reactive Power equipment operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher.
The FRCC Bulk Electric System excludes:
Radial Transmission Line and associated transformer(s) and reactive power equipment serving
only load with one transmission source.
Transformers with either the primary or secondary windings less than 100 kV (other than GSU).
FRCC Bulk Electric System Definition Clarification Process
Step 1 – Establish a joint FRCC
OC/PC BES Definition Task Force
• OC appoints Current HRTF Chair as Chair of BESDTF and HRTF
members as core members.
• OC Chair to appoint any other OC volunteers as final OC
membership representative on BESDTF by 9/9/09.
• Planning Committee to add representative(s) as desired to
(BESDTF) by a set date.
Step 2 – Staff to initially “frame”
a definition with parameters and
provide to BESDTF.
• Voltage designation, Clarification of ‘electrical generation
• Comparison with NERC’s definition and the other Regional
definitions/development projects to establish consistency (FERC’s
• Development of reference documents (Appendices) to the definition
(i.e. Protection Systems and Radial Transmission Lines).
Step 3 – Assign the responsibility to develop an FRCC Regional Bulk Electric System (BES)
definition to the BESDTF for clarification of existing definition using parameters set Step 2.
FRCC Bulk Electric System Definition Clarification Process
Step 4 – BESDTF to provide further clarification to the FRCC BES Definition and associated
reference documents (Appendices).
Step 5 – Post clarified FRCC BES Definition and associated reference documents for a 15 day
comment period.
Step 6 – FRCC BESDTF review, respond to comments and revise as necessary FRCC BES
Definition and reference documents.
Step 7 - Determine if further revision is needed to establish a regional consensus. Repeat Steps 5 &
6, as necessary.
FRCC Bulk Electric System Definition Clarification Process
Step 8 – Utilize the FRCC Registered Ballot Body System to conduct a straw poll of the FRCC
BES Definition and reference documents.
Step 9 – Present the final version of the FRCC BES Definition and reference documents to the
FRCC Operating and Planning Committees for approval.
Step 10 – Present to the FRCC Board of Directors for approval.
Step 11 – File with NERC & FERC for informational purposes.
FRCC Standards Home Page
FRCC Regional BES Definition Project Page
Other Regional Entity BES Definitions and
Development Projects
Adopted NERC definition of the BES as the regional definition:
•Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO)
•Southeast Electric Reliability Corporation
•Southwest Power Pool
•Texas Regional Entity
Established a regional definition of the BES with supporting documents:
•Reliability First
Regional BES definition projects in progress:
•Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Filed Regional BES definition with Regulatory Agencies:
•Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc.
• Establish consensus for the foundation of the Regional BES
• Establish consensus for the associated Appendices (clarification of
Protection Systems and Radial Lines).
• Develop ‘Comment’ form to support regional posting of draft
• Respond to comments received during posting period.