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The ADELFE Methodology
Concepts and Definition using SPEM
Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Frédéric Migeon,
Sylvain Rougemaille, Carole Bernon,
Thierry Millan,
ADELFE [2000  ]
A toolkit to develop software with
emergent functionalities
ADELFE Provides
• Process
• Notation
• Tools
ADELFE Overview
Main characteristics:
● Specific agent-based methodology
 Exploiting the AMAS Theory → cooperation
 Open systems, adaptive to changes in the environment
● For engineers aware of MAS
● Apply MDE principles
● Based on RUP and standard notations (UML , AUML)
● Top down approach:
- analysis phase - identification of agents
● Bottom up approach:
- design phase – agent design
SPEM (v1.1/2.0)
Software Process Engineering Metamodel
 SPEM general characteristics
● Provide a standard for method description, management,
interchange, enactment, etc.
● Provide notations and concepts for method content and
process description
● Promote and develop method use and re-usability
 SPEM 2.0 new capabilities
● Clear concerns separation
- Method content (reusable methodological brick)
- Process definition (a particular use of these bricks)
● Re-usability
- Method, process plug-in
- Process pattern application
- Process components
SPEM 2.0 Concepts Separation
ADELFE SPEM 2.0 Applied Notations
 Process definition SPEM 2.0 notations:
Work product use
Role use
Task use
Process performer (links Role use to Task use)
Phase: activity special kind (From SPEM2.0 base plug-in)
ADELFE Process in SPEM 2.0
ADELFE Method Content
SPEM 2.0 Workflow
ADELFE Method Content
SPEM 2.0 Workflow
ADELFE Method Content
SPEM 2.0 Workflow
ADELFE Method Content
SPEM 2.0 Workflow
ADELFE Method Content
Implementation Phase Overview
SPEM 2.0 Analysis
 Software design process
Semi-formal description
Verification, enactment (BPEL)
CASE tools
Design process orchestration
● Interoperability for agent oriented method contents and processes
● Common frame, language to define agent method
● Ease the definition of Methodological Fragments
- Reusable Method library and plugin
- Reusable Process components
● Facilitate method adjustment (automatic tools)
● Standard for publication, documentation, etc.
● Support for end-users, web pages, orchestration etc.
ADELFE: Key Steps
 Environment characterisation
● Entities determination (active/passive)
● Dynamic, static, accessible, continuous, etc.
 Definition of non cooperative situations (NCS)
● Between the system and its environment
 NCS: kind of exceptions at the agent interaction level
 Verify the AMAS adequacy
 Agent Identification
 Agent Design
● UML models with stereotypes (ADELFE profile)
● Guide to define local rules for agent behaviour
 Cooperative attitude
ADELFE: Perspective
Analysis and Design phases
● Definition of DSML (AMAS-ML)
- Specific concepts with specific notations
Add an Implementation phase
● MDE approach
- Model transformations chain
- Code generation
- Reverse Engineering
● Living Design during the implementation phase
- Simulation as a design tool
- Simulation for evaluation
Thank you for your attention
ADELFE references
[Bernon, 2005a] C. Bernon, V. Camps, M-P. Gleizes, G. Picard - Engineering Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems: the ADELFE Methodology - In
B. Henderson-Sellers and P. Giorgini (Eds.), Agent-Oriented Methodologies. Idea Group Pub, June 2005, pp.172-202.
[Bernon, 2005b] C. Bernon, M. Cossentino, M-P. Gleizes, P. Turci, F. Zambonelli - A Study of some Multiagent Meta-Models - Fifth
International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE-2004) at the Third International Joint Conference
on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2004), New York City, New York - July 19, 2004
[Picard, 2004a]
G. Picard and M-P. Gleizes; The ADELFE Methodology - Designing Adaptive Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems (Chapter 8)
- Pages 157-176, In F. Bergenti, M-P. Gleizes, and F. Zambonelli, editors, Methodologies and Software Engineering for
Agent Systems. The Agent-Oriented Software Engineering handbook. Kluwer Publishing, 1-4020-8057-3, 2004.
[Picard, 2004b]
G. Picard , D. Capera, M-P. Gleizes, P. Glize - A Sample Application of ADELFE Focusing on Analysis and Design - The
Mechanical Synthesis Problem - Fifth International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agents World (ESAW'04),
Toulouse, France, October 20-22, 200.
[Picard, 2003a]
PICARD Gauthier - UML Stereotypes Definition and AUML Notations for ADELFE Methodology with OpenTool - First
European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS’03), Oxford, UK, 2003.
[Bernon, 2003a] C. Bernon, V. Camps, M-P. Gleizes, G. Picard - Designing Agents’ Behaviours within the Framework of ADELFE
Methodology - in the Fourth International Workshop "Engineering Societies in the Agents World" (ESAW-2003), 29-31
October, 2003, Imperial College London.
[Bernon, 2003b] C. Bernon, V. Camps, M-P. Gleizes and G. Picard - Tools for Self-Organizing Applications Engineering - The First
International Workshop on Engineering Self-Organising Applications (ESOA'03) Melbourne, Australia, July 2003.
[Bernon, 2002a] C. Bernon, M-P. Gleizes, S. Peyruqueou, G. Picard – ADELFE, a Methodology for Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
Engineering – In Third International Workshop on Engineering Societies in the Agents World (ESAW-2002), 16-17
September 2002, Madrid.
[Bernon, 2002b] C. Bernon, M-P. Gleizes, G. Picard and P. Glize - The Adelfe Methodology For an Intranet System Design - Fourth
International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2002), 27-28 May 2002, Toronto
(Ontario, Canada) at CAiSE'02.