Glendowie College E Paucis Excelsa

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About Us
Glendowie College is a Decile 9 co-educational state
secondary school located in central eastern Auckland with
a school roll of 975 local students and 64 foreign fee paying
students. The current ethnic composition of the college is
NZ European 48.7%, Asian 24.4%, Other European 13.7%,
Maori 5.9% and Pasifika 3.5%
Our Mission
In partnership with its community, Glendowie College will
foster excellence and achievement in education to ensure
all students are encouraged and challenged to attain their
full potential. This education will prepare students to be
confident and competent learners, have pride in their
accomplishments, and show respect for others. It will
promote personal growth, enriching social relationships,
leadership qualities and cultural insights.
Our Vision
 Who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners
who will value and pursue excellence.
 Who will be creative, energetic, and enterprising.
 Who will seize the opportunities offered by new knowledge and
technologies to secure a sustainable social, cultural, economic and
environmental future for our country.
 Who will work to create an Aotearoa New Zealand in which all cultures,
particularly the indigenous Maori culture are valued for the contributions
they bring.
 Who, in their school years, will continue to develop the values,
knowledge, and competencies that will enable them to live full and
satisfying lives.
Our Principles
Principles are beliefs that guide practice. The New Zealand Curriculum is
based on the broad principles set out below. The same principles will guide
Glendowie College as it designs and implements its own curriculum.
All students are empowered to learn and achieve to the best of their abilities
and to seek personal excellence regardless of their individual
Learning to Learn
All students experience a curriculum that enables them to become active,
confident, creative, and innovative learners and thinkers.
Our Principles
Cultural Heritage
All students experience a curriculum that reflects New Zealand’s bicultural
heritage and its multicultural society. Students who identify as Maori have
the opportunity to experience a curriculum that reflects and values Te Reo
All students’ identities, cultures, languages, and talents are recognised and
affirmed. Their learning needs are identified and addressed.
All students experience a curriculum that makes connections with their lives
and engages the support of their families and communities.
All students experience a curriculum that provides a range of coherent
transitions and pathways to further learning.
Our Principles
Future Focus
All students will be encouraged to look to the future by
exploring significant future-focussed issues such as
sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and globalisation.
Our Core Values
Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They
will be expressed through the ways in which we think and act. The way
Glendowie College and the individuals within its community function will
be a reflection of these values.
Our students will be encouraged to value:
Excellence (Hiranga) by aiming high, being committed to doing their
best, persevering and being resilient.
Innovation, inquiry and curiosity (Pokirehau and Whakamatemate) by
thinking critically, creatively and reflectively.
Celebration of Diversity (Rereketanga) by showing respect for others
and their views, beliefs and cultures.
Integrity (Ngakou) which involves being honest, responsible,
accountable, acting ethically, being trustworthy and having the moral
courage to do the right thing.
Our Core Values
Respect for self, others, and human rights (Manaaki/Awhi) through
having self-esteem, self respect, self belief and self discipline and
showing compassion, empathy, tolerance, respect for individual’s rights
and freedom, property and people’s physical, spiritual, mental and
emotional well-being (hauora).
Community and participation (Porihanga) by working for the common
good through valuing harmony with nature, conservation and
guardianship of the environment for future generations.
Key Competencies
Capabilities for living and lifelong learning
Key competencies are the capabilities people need in order to live, learn,
work, and contribute as active members of their communities.
Competencies are more complex than skills. Capable people draw on
and combine all the resources available to them: knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values.
Glendowie College will embrace and promote the inclusion of the key
competencies identified in the New Zealand Curriculum document.
Key Competencies
Managing Self
Managing self involves self-motivation, a ‘can-do’ attitude, and the ability
to establish personal goals, make plans, and set high standards for
oneself. It is about students knowing who they are, where they come
from, and where they fit in.
Students who can manage themselves are enterprising, resourceful,
reliable and resilient. They act appropriately and are aware of the effects
that their words and actions may have on others. They have strategies
for meeting challenges and know when and how to follow someone’s lead
or to make their own well-informed choices.
Key Competencies
Relating to Others
Relating to other is about interacting effectively with a diverse range of
people in a variety of contexts. This competency includes the ability to
listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate and share
Students who relate well to others are likely to be open to new learning
and able to take different roles in different situations. They know when it
is appropriate to compete and when it is appropriate to co-operate.
Key Competencies
Participating and Contributing
Participating and contributing is about participating actively in local,
national and global communities. These communities may be based on
kinship, interest, or culture and may be drawn together for purposes such
as learning, work, or recreation. This competency includes a capacity to
respond appropriately as a group member, to make connections to
others, and to create opportunities for including people in group activities.
Students who have developed ways of belonging in a range of contexts
will have the confidence to participate and contribute actively in new
roles. They understand the importance of balancing rights, roles and
responsibilities and of contributing to the quality and sustainability of
social, physical and economic environments.
Key Competencies
Thinking is about using creative, critical, metacognitive, and reflective
processes to make sense of and question information, experiences and
ideas. These processes can be applied to research, organisation and
evaluation for all kinds of purposes – developing understanding, making
decisions, shaping actions, or constructing knowledge. Intellectual
curiosity is at the heart of this competency.
Students who have well-developed thinking and problem-solving skills are
active seekers, users and creators of knowledge. They reflect on their
own learning, draw on personal knowledge and intuitions, ask questions,
and challenge the basis of assumptions and perceptions.
Key Competencies
Using Language, Symbols and Texts
Using language, symbols and texts is about working with and making
meaning of the codes in which knowledge is expressed. Languages and
symbols are systems for representing and communicating information,
experiences, and ideas. People use languages and symbols to produce
texts of all kinds: written, spoken and visual; informative and imaginative;
informal and formal; mathematical, scientific and technological.
Students who are competent users of languages and symbols can
interpret and use words, number, images, movement, metaphor and
technologies in a range of contexts. They recognise how choices of
language and symbol affect people’s understanding and the ways in
which they respond to communications. They use ICT confidently to
overcome barriers to communication, access information, and interact
with others.
Key Competencies
Using Language, Symbols and Texts
Each learning area has its own language or languages. By learning to
use them, students become able to think in different ways, access new
areas of knowledge, and see their world from new perspectives.
Mathematics is one of these languages. By learning it, students are able
to discover, express, and explore the relationships to be found in
quantities, space and data. Numeracy is the ability to understand and
communicate information and ideas using this language.
For each learning area, students need specific help from their teachers as
they learn:
The specialist vocabulary associated with that area
How to read and understand its texts
How to communicate knowledge and ideas in appropriate ways
The English language is the medium for most learning in the New
Zealand Curriculum, which means that the importance of literacy in
English cannot be overstated.
Learning Areas
English empowers. It underpins all other academic courses, careers and personal pursuits. Language is
at the heart of communication and life.
Literacy in English gives students access to the enjoyment, understanding, knowledge and skills they
need to participate fully in the social, cultural, political and economic life of New Zealand and the wider
Studies are structured around two inter-connected strands:
• Making meaning of ideas or information received (listening, reading and
• Creating meaning for yourselves or others (speaking, writing and
Learning Areas
Mathematics and Statistics
Why study mathematics and statistics?
By studying mathematics and statistics, you will develop the ability to think creatively, critically, strategically
and logically. You will learn to create models and predict outcomes, to justify and verify and to seek patterns
and generalisations. You will be given opportunities to find solutions to real life and hypothetical situations
using appropriate mathematical methods. With a greater use of ICT included in the programme we provide
you with a hands on, investigative learning process to prepare you for a technology based world.
Students studying senior mathematics will enjoy academic rigour. Mathematics is an important requirement
for many tertiary based courses. Mathematics and statistics has a broad range of practical applications in
everyday life, in other learning areas, and leads on to many interesting and exciting career opportunities.
Accounting is the communication of financial information. Everybody will need an understanding of
Accounting at some stage in their life, but studying Accounting can also directly lead to a well-paid career
and an exciting job in the future. Accounting provides opportunities for young people to become business
leaders in the work place , creative, energetic and enterprising and being actively involved in helping firms to
build our New Zealand Economy. Accountants can be found working in all areas of life, both inside and
outside offices. They are needed as advisors to help businesses achieve their goals. Accounting focuses on
communicating financial and non-financial information in a written or visual form. It uses ICT e.g. Softwares
like MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) and spreadsheets. It involves Mathematical calculations, analysis of
data, forecasting and problem solving. Students will develop an understanding of financial and related social
considerations in the decision making process.
Learning Areas
Science is a way of looking at our natural physical world and the wider universe and investigating it in
order to make sense of the things and events around us.
In Planet Earth and Beyond (Geology and Astronomy) we look at the processes that shape and move the
world around us. We seek to understand the delicate balance of systems on Earth and beyond Earth in
our solar system, galaxy and the Universe.
In the Living World (Biology) we seek to understand New Zealand's flora and fauna and the
interdependence of living organisms and how they fit into the global context with an emphasis on
sustainability of biological systems.
In the study of the Material World (Chemistry) we explore the structure of atoms and molecules and use it
to make predictions and explain the way they behave by doing experiments in the laboratory.
In the study of the Physical World (Physics) we investigate how the things around us work including the
use of technology in harnessing the transformations of energy and knowledge of physical quantities
including light, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism, levers and other machines.
Most importantly, in all topics, you will be developing skills and learning techniques applicable to any
future path that you take in life.
Learning Areas
Physics is concerned with things which vary in size from atoms to galaxies. Atoms which are too small to
be seen directly by the human eye are the building blocks of all living and non-living things in the
universe. Galaxies are enormously large collections of stars which can be so far away from us that they
are only seen as tiny patterns of bright light.
A knowledge of physics is necessary:
In designing a computer, in designing an MRI body scanner, in thinking about black holes, in using a laser
to produce 3D images.
Physics is necessary to give the answers to questions such as:
•Why is the sky blue?
•What holds atoms together?
•How can we harness the wind to produce electricity?
•How much radiation is needed to eliminate a cancer without damaging the patient?
•How can cars be made safer?
A student of physics will develop skills in
Observation . Problem solving . Applying mathematics . Thinking . Practical abilities.
A knowledge of physics helps us to better understand the world around us and make more informed
decisions about developments in the world which affect our lives.
Qualifications in physics are useful in a wide range of careers from nursing to car mechanics, dentistry to
Learning Areas
A world without chemistry would be a world without:
Plastics .
Fabrics like nylon and polar fleece .
Painkillers like aspirin and paracetamol .
Life-saving drugs like penicillin and other antibiotics .
Fuels like petrol and natural gas .
Food preservatives like vinegar and non-fattening sweeteners.
Toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, cosmetics
Chemistry is important because it:
•Helps us to understand the composition of the world around us and the impact that our activities are
This is vital if we are to control pollution and come to grips with Global warming.
•Underpins many modern industries like petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, material science, food and
agriculture and horticulture.
•Provides an essential background knowledge for:
Doctors, engineers, pharmacists, nurses, food technologists, teachers, hair dressers
Chemistry is everything!
Learning Areas
Biology is the study of the mysteries of Life! From the smallest microbes to the largest mammals, you will
be developing an understanding of processes within living cells, animal structure and behaviour, plant
responses, genetics and cutting edge biotechnology tools. Ideas are reinforced with hands-on practical
investigations and field studies to show the biodiversity of New Zealand and how plants and animals
interact with their environment.
Biology is relevant to New Zealand as we are leaders in conservation and our flora and fauna evolution
are unique due to our geographical isolation.
The area of biotechnology is fast developing and strengthening our vital agricultural based industries.
A background in biology can set you up for an alphabet of careers from agriculture to zoology. Some
examples are biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, conservation, food science, forensics, genetics,
immunology, marine biology, medical science, microbiology, pharmacology, physiology, radiology, sports
science and veterinary science.
Learning Areas
Social Sciences
The Social Sciences are about how people participate in both the local and global communities, and how
we are shaped by the past and influenced by the present and future.
Through the study of the Social Sciences the knowledge and skills acquired enhance an understanding of
the world in which we live. Students are able to make meaningful connections with the world around
Social Studies is about how people and places function. It develops an understanding of culture, identity
and participation.
Classical Studies is the study of ancient cultures and society, the effects of individuals on the Ancient
world and how that shapes our present. world.
Economics is about the effective allocation of scarce resources in order to satisfy the needs and wants
of all of society's participants.
Geography is about the interactions that occur in the natural and cultural environments and the
relationships that exist as a result of these interactions.
History is an interpretation of the past, experiences and actions and the way that these interpretations
have changed over time. Students will understand the past and the way it has shaped the present and the
possible ways in which it could shape the future.
Learning Areas
The Arts
Creativity is the essence of The Arts.
The Arts enrich our lives and are a synthesis of a wide range of intellectual activities that inspire students
to respond passionately.
Students are challenged by the creative and academic rigour to be socially and culturally well educated.
The skills to think laterally, imaginatively and the ability to be innovative are nurtured.
The Arts open pathways for learners to develop the resilience, flexibility and creativity essential to face
the challenges of the 21st century.
Learning Areas
Visual Arts
Visual Art is a universal language which every student can access, participate in and experience success.
Visual Art enables students to appreciate and understand their cultural and social environment, as well as help
them to think creatively and respond to problems in an innovative manner.
The learning programme (which is individualised for Years 11, 12 and 13 students) enables students to have
personal input into their learning. This encourages independence, higher order thinking and develops an
inquisitive mind.
Visual Art students have the opportunity to develop their own voice and assert their individuality.
Learning Areas
Art History
Art is a universal language which every student can access and appreciate.
Art History enables students to appreciate and understand their world from multiple perspectives. By having an
understanding of the past students can rationalise the present.
The course encourages independence, higher order thinking and develops an inquisitive mind.
Art History students have the opportunity to explore cultural, social, political, historical, religious, philosophical
and geographical issues and develop, communicate and document their opinions.
Drama expresses human experience and in drama education students learn to structure elements and use
dramatic conventions, techniques and technologies to create imagined worlds. Both individually and
collaboratively they discover how to link imagination, thoughts and feelings.
As students work with drama techniques, they learn to use spoken and written language with increasing control
and confidence and to communicate effectively using body language, movement, and space. As they perform,
analyse and respond to different forms of drama and theatre, they gain a deeper appreciation of their rich
cultural heritage and language and new power to examine attitudes, behaviour and values.
Using the drama that they create and perform, students reflect and enrich the cultural life of their schools,
whanau and communities.
Learning Areas
Music is a fundamental form of expression, both personal and cultural, in which every student can experience
success.. In music education, students work individually and collaboratively to explore the potential of sounds
and technologies for creating, interpreting and exploring musical ideas, gaining rich opportunities to develop
their own creative potential.
Students' higher order thinking skills are greatly enhanced through music performance, as research shows that
music lessons can improve memory and learning ability by encouraging critical and creative thinking and
encouraging different ," patterns of brain development.
Competencies and values gained through a rich musical experience in the classroom and beyond, result in
innovative, resourceful and vitally engaged learners.
In performance and composition, Year 11, 12 and 13 students take responsibility for their individual portfolios
encouraging leadership and self expression whilst Year 9 and 10 students have the opportunity to express their
own feelings and develop their talents.
Learning Areas
Health and PE
Physical, Health and Outdoor Education lends itself extremely well to producing students, who display the
values and key competencies desired by our school, the wider community, whanau and the students
themselves. Our learning area provides the best opportunities of achieving a 'holistic' educational experience
with the unique combination of the physical and mental realms of education.
The main focus area of Physical Education at Year 9 and 10 is for students to enjoy movement and activity both
individually and in group contexts to understand all the positive ‘spin offs’ their involvement in activity will have
on their physical and emotional well being. We also want students to develop positive attitudes to their
interaction with others and the environment in which they live. Physical Education at junior levels has very close
links to the values inherent in the new Curriculum as this relates directly to both the experiential learning model
and Hellison's model of Social Responsibility. The movement context of Physical Education and the practical
nature of the subject at junior level relate to an appreciation of the joy students experience in putting in the effort
into the fun nature of the subject which contributes to students developing positive attitudes to activity.-based
Learning Areas
Health and PE
Through the Physical Education modules of learning at Glendowie, students learn about personal identity and
self worth. The social development of a pupil can occur in both a group/team environment and in individual
situations. In group situations, students are encouraged to take responsibility for peers, making informed
decisions and developing leadership skills. Working together and relying on others to help achieve goals is
promoted. Outdoor Education and various camps throughout the year provide fantastic opportunities for this
type of learning.
Studying Physical Education during the senior years is important because it is a subject which allows students
to be creative, positive and energetic learners. With a focus on critical thinking, physically educated students at
senior levels grow through experiencing a wide range of authentic learning opportunities in many different
settings. It also allows students to achieve both academically and socially, taking these experiences out into the
wider community, and enabling them to achieve full and satisfying lives.
Learning Areas
English as a Second Language
Studying ESL is important as it provides a means of communicating and accessing knowledge across the
curriculum in English and functioning effectively in society.
It gives students the means to become effective communicators by developing the skills of speaking, writing,
listening, reading, viewing and presenting in the English language.
Students learn about the structure of the English language, how to use language for different purposes and how
texts are organised.
Students develop a knowledge of the cultural practices in New Zealand and their own culture, through
comparing and contrasting different beliefs and ideas, which leads to a greater understanding and appreciation
of different cultures.
Learning Areas
Development Programmes
Careers Education and Guidance
The ultimate goal of career education and guidance is for students to “develop the understandings, skills and
attributes that they need to make positive careers decisions throughout their lives”.
Our students are actively engaged in creating their own unique plans for their lives, learning and work postschool, and actively developing their career self-management skills that they will need to make and re-make
their plans throughout life.
The Level 2 Retailing course is designed to develop a skilled, adaptable and highly-motivated retail
employee, by recognising and developing students’ existing competencies, and the opportunity to gain and
develop further experiences and new competencies.
Retailing provides students with the knowledge in customer care and selling techniques, workplace health
and safety, product research and presentation skills, plus an understanding of consumer legislation.
Learning Areas
Development Programmes
New Zealand Tourism
Level 2 and Level 3 New Zealand Tourism introduces students to the rapidly growing New Zealand Tourism
industry. It covers the different career opportunities in the tourism industry, New Zealand’s main tourism
destinations/attractions/activities and assists students in developing the essential skills and competencies
required in the industry.
Business Studies
Level 2 Business Studies (New Zealand Institute of Management Certificate in Management) provides
students with knowledge and skills in personal and workplace management, practical experience in using
their learning in analysing real workplace settings, and the ability and confidence to apply their learning into
their future lives.
Business Studies is versatile, practical and highly relevant for students setting out to join the work force.
Learning Areas
Learning a language will give you many skills that are important for lifelong learning.
Communication skills will help you make meaning of a new language. This will enable you to communicate
with speakers of another language and culture. This might be in person, or technologically. It will open doors
for you to study overseas, work overseas or communicate with people you meet while travelling. You will
also develop further your listening skills and public speaking skills.
Language Knowledge skills will not only enable you to make meaning of a new language, but will also help
develop your thinking skills. While learning how a new language works you will also be expanding your
analytical skills, your problem solving skills and your lateral thinking skills. In addition to this, you will be
learning more about your own language.
Cultural Knowledge skills will help you appreciate other cultures, and become more understanding and
tolerant. These skills will also help you understand more about yourself and the importance of diversity.
Learning Areas
Technology is intervention by design: the use of practical and intellectual resources to develop products
and systems (technological outcomes) that expand human possibilities by addressing needs and realising
opportunities. Adaptation and innovation are at the heart of technological practice. Quality outcomes result
from thinking and practices that are informed, critical, and creative.
Technology makes enterprising use of its own particular knowledge and skills, together with those of other
disciplines. Graphics and other forms of visual representation offer important tools for exploration and
Technology is never static. It is influenced by and in turn impacts on cultural, ethical, environmental,
political, and economic conditions of the day.
Learning Areas
The aim is for students to develop a broad technological literacy that will equip them to participate in society
as informed citizens and give them access to technology-related careers. They learn practical skills as they
develop models, products, and systems. They also learn about technology as a field of human activity,
experiencing and/or exploring historical and contemporary examples of technology from a variety of
Technology is associated with the transformation of energy, information, and materials. Technological areas
include structural, control, food, and information and communications technology, and biotechnology.
Relevant contexts can be as varied as computer software, food products, worm farming, security systems,
costumes and stage props, signage, and taonga.
Effective Pedagogy
Teacher actions promoting student learning
While there is no formula that will guarantee learning for every student in every context, there is extensive,
well-documented evidence about the kinds of teaching approaches that consistently have a positive impact
on student learning. These approaches will be encouraged in our teaching and learning practices.
Evidence tells us that students learn best when teachers:
•Create a supportive learning environment.
•Encourage reflective thought and action.
•Enhance the relevance of new learning.
•Facilitate shared learning.
•Make connections to prior learning and experience.
•Provide sufficient opportunities to learn.
•Inquire into the teaching-learning relationship.
Teaching As Inquiry
Different teaching strategies work differently in different contexts for different students. This requires our
teachers to inquire into the impact of their teaching on their students.
Inquiry into the teaching-learning relationship can be visualised as a cyclical process that goes on moment
by moment (as teaching takes place), day by day, and over the longer term.
In this process, our teachers ask:
Focusing inquiry
What is important (and therefore worth spending time on), given where my students are?
This focusing inquiry establishes a baseline and a direction. Our teachers use all available information to
determine what their students have already learned and what they need to learn next.
Teaching As Inquiry
Teaching Inquiry
What strategies (evidence-based) are most likely to help our students learn this?
In this teaching inquiry, our teachers use evidence from research and from their own past practice and that
of colleagues to plan teaching and learning opportunities aimed at achieving the outcomes prioritised in the
focusing inquiry.
What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the implications for future teaching?
In this learning inquiry, our teachers investigate the success of the teaching in terms of the prioritised
outcomes, using a range of assessment approaches. They do this both while learning activities are in
progress and also as longer-term sequences or units of work come to an end. They then analyse and
interpret the information to consider what they should do next.
Teaching as Inquiry
Shared learning
Opportunities to learn
Making connections
Enhancing relevance
Reflective thought and action
Supportive environment
E-learning and Pedagogy
Information and communication technology (ICT) has a major impact on the world in which young
people live. Similarly, e-learning (that is, learning facilitated or supported by ICT) has considerable
potential to support the teaching approaches in our schools.
•Assists the making of connections by enabling students to enter and explore new learning
environments, overcoming barriers of distance and time.
•Facilitates shared learning by enabling students to join or create communities of learners that extend
well beyond the classroom.
•Assists in the creation of supportive learning environments by offering resources that take account of
individual, cultural, or developmental differences.
•Enhances opportunities to learn by offering students virtual experiences and tools that save them time,
allowing them to take their learning further.