Transcript Document

Science and Production Enterprise “IZUMRUD”
Russia, St-Petersburg, Pushkin, Sh.Podbelskogo,9 of.452. Tel/fax: 7-812 4666629;Tel:7 812 4518092
E-mail:[email protected]; URL:
Scientific and Production Enterprise ‘Izumrud’ was founded in 1998. The objective
of its creation was to organize production and sale of equipment, which works on
electro-chemical activation (ECA) principle. SPE ‘Izumrud’ is a creator and a
producer of:
• ‘Izumrud’ devices assigned for water purifying for domestic and industrial
• ‘Aquaeca’ machines assigned for production of disinfection and washing
• Environmentally-friendly disinfection solution ‘Aquaeca’ assigned for a wide
range of purposes
• Aerosol generators ‘TUMAN’.
The most of the collective of SPE‘Izumrud’ are qualified scientific and technical
Forty people work in SPE‘Izumrud’, and more than 100 are charged with
production of component parts for ‘Izumrud’.
During the years of working SPE‘Izumrud’ was awarded with several diplomas,
and was rewarded with the silver medal on the exhibition ‘Golden Autumn –
2005’, where ‘Izumrud’ was given a diploma, signed by the minister of Agriculture
and the Moscow mayor.
Trade marks ‘Izumrud’ and ‘Aquaeca’ belong to SPE ‘Izumrud’.
SPE ‘Izumrud’ regularly conducts scientific researches in order to investigate
properties of ‘Aquaeca’ solutions; the company has its patents on effective
models and patents for its inventions.
During the time of working (from 1998 to 2007) there has been produced and
installed tens of thousands of devices in Russia and in other countries. SPE
‘Izumrud’ ltd. deliver its devices to Mexico, the USA, Italy, France and Slovakia
and other countries on a contract basis.
Productions of SPE ‘Izumrud’ are developing continually, undergo strict
production control and have all the necessary certificates. The company keeps to
its warranty obligations undeviatingly.
SPE ‘Izumrud’ ltd. aims on a long successful working in disinfection and water
purifying markets. The company values its business reputation.
Developing ECA technologies SPE ‘Izumrud’ contributes to a matter of the
protection of the environment.
Electro–chemical activation (ECA) is a new area of the electrochemistry. It
allows to solve important ecological problems of technological processes that
are interconnected with the utilization of the water. It allows the use of purified
biologically valuable drinking water, the manufacture of ecologically
completely harmless, environment amicable and highly effective wash,
disinfection, and sterilization solution.
The electro-chemical treatment of low mineralized watery solutions of the
sodium-chloride NaCl (cook-salt) convert them into ecologically friendly and
highly effective washing, disinfecting and sterilizing solution, Aquaeca(anolyte)
solution, that eliminate all kinds of damaging microorganisms (bacteria,
viruses, fungi) without their adaptation to solution . Aquaeca(anolyte) solution
is used for medicine, food-industry, agriculture, cooling towers, swimming
pools, social and sport-facilities, household, local water-providers, disinfection
of drinking water, disinfection in epidemically dangerous regions, track - and
air-traffic and for wide areas of the political economy and society.
The ECA technology allows: to refuse application of chemical substances in
many directions and at the same time to receive unique multi-purpose solution
that gives an opportunity to fulfill disinfection effectively without harm for
human health, animals, plants and environment, to solve especially acute
problems of transportation and storage, to cut expenses in comparison with
use of other chemical substances.
The patented technology of the electro-chemical activation is based on a
particular electrolysis-procedure, the so called diaphragmalyse.
Beside this disinfecting-process, also a positive, healthy effect on the inner
organism of people takes place through the change of the redox potentials of
the water. Thus the ECA technology allows to receive biologically valuable
drinking water with antioxidant, immunostimulating, antimutagenic properties.
The technology is proved by reports of leading scientific institutions and in the
practice by long-time tests.
Some fields of application of electrochemical
Municipal servises
Decontamination of water in swimming pools; disinfection
and washing in hotels, airports, railway stations, nursery
schools, kindergartens, supermarkets, children's summer
recreation centers, health farms, sanatoriums, restaurants,
cafes, hairdressing saloons, baths, lavatories and rooms,
epidemically dangerous regions, elimination of any kinds of
mustiness, elimination of unpleasant smells.
Decontamination of water supply systems and water pipes,
cooling towers. Eliminating of Legionelle pnevmophilla.
Disinfection of water in tanks, including yachts and sports
boats. Disinfection of ballast water on courts of the big
displacement, etc.
Application of the aerosol complex 'AQUAECA-TUMAN' for
disinfection of closed spaces of rooms, containers,
transport, and sanative treatment of air milieu.
Disinfection, pre-sterilizing cleaning and sterilizing of metal
products of simple configuration (scalpels, pincers, etc.),
metal products of complicated configuration (needles,
wound dilators, forceps for teeth extraction, etc.), different
tooth steel drills, glass products (test-tubes, capillaries,
etc.), rubber products (catheters, probes, etc.),
endotracheal drains, capillary and laminar dialyzers and
oxygenerators, endoscopes.
Disinfection and washing of dishes, toys and surfaces covered with plastic, oil paint,
linoleum, sanitary and cleaning stock, rooms, clothes, elimination of unpleasant
smells. Washing of surgeon's hands and arms without negative influence for skin.
Curing of burns, trophic ulcers, dermatosis, festering and inertly granulated
wounds, post-operational, post-traumatic, post-injectional and other purulent aftereffects, mastitis, bursitis, panaris, non-specific ulcerative colitis, stomach and
duodenal ulcers, hypertension, kidney diseases, gout, allergic diseases (including
asthma), stomach eczema, leucosis as well as irregulations of metabolism and
fermentative function of stomach, salmonella of gastro-intestinal form, colpitis,
diseases of immunogenesis dysfunction, gingivitis, acute bacterial dysentery,
stomatitis, hemolytic anemia, parodontitis, viral hepatitis A and B, liver and bile duct
diseases, angina pectoris, hypertonic desease, diabetes age irregulations of
metabolism (obesity, cartilage ossification, keratosis), urate diathesis; reduction and
exclusion of antibiotics when curing chronic haematogenic and post-traumatic
osteomyelitis, sub-diaphragm, interloop and pelvic abscess of abdomen; curing of
fungous diseases, hemorrhoids.
Some fields of application of electrochemical
Disinfection of rooms and equipment, increase in periods
of storage of products, vegetables, fruit, elimination of
unpleasant smells.
Disinfection of closed spaces of
rooms, containers, transport,
and sanative treatment of air
milieu using the aerosol complex
Rural economy, farming, gardening
Disinfection of rooms of cattle-breeding complexes, the dairy
equipment and milk pipes, improvement of conditions of the
maintenance of animals, reduction in diseases of animals,
increase in periods of storage of vegetables, fruit, flowers,
elimination of unpleasant smells.
Stimulation of plant growth and development, increasing the
yield of plant crop by way of presowing seed treatment, grain
disinfection; pest control, combating viral and fungal plant
diseases; composted dung preparation.
Washing and disinfection of milk lines, milking
apparatuses and other equipment; watering animals for
treating and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
Bee diseases control, raising immunity and productivity
of bees.
Household application
Decontamination and purification of drinking water.
Treating foods with the purpose of improving their preservation
(fruits, vegetables, berries, meat, fish).
Sterilizing items of household use, items of medical care,
washing and bleaching of linen.
Cosmetic care of skin and hair; preparation of cosmetic creams,
lotions, masks, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
Treatment and prevention of diseases of pets, tank fishes;
indoor plant pest control.
Elimination of unpleasant smells.
Food industry, fish cannery
The devices for synthesis of an ecologically friendly electrochemically activated multipurpose solution – the Aquaeca anolyte for sterilization of medical instruments,
disinfection and washing in medicine and food industry, for antiseptic treatment in
surgery, dentistry and for the treatment of infectious diseases
automat 40,80,120,
Maximum capacity, l/h……………….80
Power, Wt……………………………360
Voltage, V……………………..….220 22
Frequency, Hz…………………....50 0.5
of the device, mm…………...300x250x100
Weight of the device, kg…................4.5
Guaranteed service life
of the device, thousand hours……….17
Maximum capacity, l/h……………….120
Power, Wt, no higher than………...…950
Voltage, V……………………..….220 22
Frequency, Hz…………………...50 0.5
electrochemical unit, mm….580x535x325
current source, mm…………250x180x120
Weight of
the device, kg……………………..………25
Guaranteed service life
of the device, thousand hours………….17
Maximum capacity, l/h……………….250
Power, Wt, no higher than.…….…..1400
Voltage, V………………………..220 22
Frequency, Hz…………………...50 0.5
electrochemical unit, mm......830x600x300
current source, mm……….…250x180x120
Weight of
the device, kg..........................................38
Guaranteed service life
of the device, thousand hours……… .. .17
Maximum capacity, l/h……………….240
Power, Wt, no higher than.………...1400
Voltage, V……………………..…220 22
Frequency, Hz…………………...50 0.5
of the device, mm….......2000x2200x500
Weight of the
device, kg.............................................120
Guaranteed service life
of the device, thousand hours……… 30
Maximum capacity, l/h……………….40
Power, Wt……………………………360
Voltage, V……………………….220 22
Frequency, Hz…………………....50 0.5
of the device, mm…………...300x250x80
Weight of the device, kg…................3.5
Guaranteed service life
of the device, thousand hours……….17
Principle of operation
 Health centers
 Epidemically dangerous regions
 Disinfection stations
 Schools, kindergartens
 Swimming pools, etc. – to prepare  Water supply stations
ecologically friendly and highly  Disinfection of drinking water
efficient washing, disinfectant and  Treatment and prophylactic institutions
 Public catering and municipal economy
sterilizing solutions
 Cooling towers
The total disinfection of rooms including air
 Rural economy
ANK anolyte advantages
Unlike routinely used disinfectant and sterilizing solutions, such as glutaric
aldehyde, formaldehyde, chloramine, sodium hypochlorite, dichlorizocyanurates,
peracetic acid, quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), heavy metal
compounds and other synthetic biocidal substances, the active ingredients of
ANK anolyte do not belong to xenobiotic substances and produce no harmful
effect on man and warm-blooded animals.
Anti-microbial substances of Aqueca anolyte are represented by a biocatalytically active low-concentrated mixture of active chlorine components and
inorganic metastable peroxide compounds, which are normally synthesized in a
human body and that of warm-blooded animals by special electrochemically
active cell enzymes, and participate in the processes of neutralization of harmful
and alien substances in the body (phagocytosis).
A metastable peroxide mixture, formed in the course of bio-electrochemical
reactions in the human body and that of warm-blooded animals, is the most
efficient of all known means of eradicating microorganisms, since it possesses a
variety of spontaneously realized abilities to irreversibly disturb vitally important
functions of microorganism bio-polymers at the level of electron transfer
The mechanism of biocidal effect of electrochemically activated solution (Aquaeca anolyte) is
similar to that of gas plasma; and its degradation products are source substances, i.e. lowmineralized water.
Authorization documents
Goskomsanepidnadzor (State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemic Control) of the Russian
Resolution No dated 27.04.2007 for Aquaeca devices
Resolution No dated 27.04.2007 for Aquaeca devices
State registration of disinfecting Aquaeca solution No dated
State Certificate for Aquaeca devices No RU.AI50.B04587 dated 08.05.2007
State Certificate for Izumrud devices No RU.A56.B26973 dated 03.05.2007
State Certificate for disinfecting Aquaeca solution No RU.AU64.B13358 dated 26.10.2006
Methodical Recommendations on the Application of Anolyte No. MU-17-12 dated February 12,
Manufacturer’s address
Science and Production Enterprise “IZUMRUD”
Russia, St-Petersburg, Pushkin, Sh.Podbelskogo,9 of.452.
Tel/fax: 7-812 4666629;Tel:7-812 4518092
E-mail: [email protected]; URL:
The principle of the device’s operation is electrochemical transformation of a lowmineralized sodium chloride solution into a metastable solution of low ingredient
concentration, Aqueca anolyte, with high antimicrobial properties.
A mobile installation for disinfecting objects, with remote control, consists of "Тuman"
an aerosol generator installation and Aquaeca device
Principal operational characteristics of the
"Тuman" generator:
Productivity, L/min
not over 3.0
Power supply, three-phase current 380 V,
frequency 50 Hz
Nominal power, kW
Speed of rotation of spray disc, r.p.m 24000
External dimensions, mm:
140 х 300
390 х 300 х 120
800 х 600 х 700
Life time, hours 3000
Permissive documents:
“TUMAN" (the hygienic certificate No. of 05.07.99 of the St.
Petersburg Centre of Sanitary-Epidemiological Inspection).
The benefits of using the new way of disinfecting as compared with
traditional ways of disinfecting (wiping, immersion):
dramatic reduction (7-10-fold) of labour-intensiveness for disinfecting of an object;
high epidemiological efficacy of the aerosol enabling to reduce 3-5-fold the disinfecting agent
increase in the degree of useful utilization of the active substances which enables to
considerably reduce pollution of the environment;
no contact of the personnel with the disinfecting solution (the aerosol treatment will be
performed at a distance);
all the object's surfaces will be treated, including areas difficult of access;
no "wet walls" effect;
sanative treatment of air will be performed;
chlorine and ozone contents in the air of the rooms under treatment within an hour after
disinfecting (without aeration) will be 10-fold lower than the maximum concentration limit (the
Protocol No. 243-290 of 04.02.98 of testing at the State Sanitary-Epidemiological Inspection's
Main Laboratory Centre).
Spheres of application of the aerosol disinfecting:
medicine (primarily for prophylactics and active counteraction to infectious diseases,
manufacture (food and processing industries, pharmaceutical industry, perfumery, cosmetic
industry, etc.);
farm industry (cattle breeding, poultry keeping, fur farming, beekeeping, forage manufacture,
vegetable-growing, etc.);
veterinary (prophylactics and fighting against epidemics);
communal hygiene;
city economy (maintenance of buildings and constructions, prophylactics of their biological
water supply objects (containers, collectors);
transport objects (wagons, cars, holds);
and many other spheres of human vital activity.
TUMAN complex
devices for drinking water purification
In the “IZUMRUD” devices, water purification is founded on oxidation and
reduction processes which help destroy and neutralize all toxic substances in nature.
In the “IZUMRUD” devices, the natural processes of normal oxidation-reduction
destruction and neutralization of toxic substances are many times accelerated due to
direct electrochemical reactions, as well as to the participation in the purification
processes of the salts of highly-reactive reagents, such as ozone, atomic oxygen,
peroxide compounds, chlorine dioxide and short-living free radicals, which have been
electrochemically synthesized from purified water and dissolved in it. Water
purification processes in the “IZUMRUD” devices consist of several stages divided in
space and time, which differ in their action on water and the admixtures it contains. It
makes the process of water purification in the “IZUMRUD” devices highly efficient and
ecologically safe as compared to other methods employed.
Production capacity of different modifications of the “IZUMRUD” devices:
40-60 l/h,120, 200 l/h, 500 l/h, 1000 l/h
Structural alteration
of water in the process of purification in the "IZUMRUD" devices
Under the influence of the electric field of a double electric layer (DEL), the structural net
of hydrogen bonds becomes loose, water molecules receive an extra degree of freedom,
making the assimilation of such water, activated in the electric field, easier for living
organism cells and stimulating biological residue removal. The process of structural water
modification in the DEL electric field is analogous with that occurring in ice melting (icemelt water), with structural transformation of water in the electric discharge of storm
showers, and physico-chemical exposure of water deep inside mountain rocks, under
high temperatures, at the initial stage of mineral spring formation. However, in the
process of water treatment in the DEL electric field, its structure undergoes a much
deeper transformation and a more marked exposure: electron-donor at the cathode and
electron-acceptor at the anode.
Developing ECA technologies allowed to reach of more deep structural transformation of
water and receive water with special properties, that can be use in curing of different
diseases (“Live” and Dead” water). Synthesis of such water is realized in KFTO and STO
To sum up, electrochemical treatment of water by the "Izumrud" devices provides:
water decontamination;
efficient removal and inactivation of toxic elements and compounds;
removal of excessive salt concentration and solid residue components;
direct alteration of oxidation-reduction potential and increasing biological value of water
while preserving its neutral acid-alkaline parameters;
preserving normal quantity of biologically useful micro- and ultramicroelements.
Max capacity, l/h……………….. ........…60
Power consumption, Wt..............….......30
AC power-line supply:
voltage, V……………………………..220±22
Frequency, Hz.............…......................50±0,5
Dimension, mm………………......300´250´80
Weight, kg…………………...................1,7
Guaranteed service life of the
device………...……………………..…2 years