NC FAST Implementation Updates

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North Carolina
Department of
Health & Human
Implementation Update
March, 2014
Current Implementation Status
 NC FAST Project Timeline
 Implementation Facts
 Project Rollout Updates
 P2&6
 P7
 P3
Project Improvement Efforts
County Readiness
County Takeaways
North Carolina
Department of
Health & Human
Current Implementation
NC FAST Project Timeline
Schedule Subject to Change
Operations and Maintenance
Pilot County Hard Launch
Hard Launch (non-Pilots)
Oct 1 ACA Milestone
Jan 1 ACA Milestone
Continued Functionality Releases
Implementation Facts
All 100 counties have been processing all FNS applications and
recertifications in NC FAST for over a year
Approximately $200 million worth of FNS benefits continue to be issued out
of NC FAST each month
4 Pilots have been converted out of EIS for the majority of case types
Functionality to meet Medicaid requirements brought forth by the Affordable
Care Act was implemented on October 1st, 2013. Additional required
functionality was implemented on January 1st, 2014
Ability to accept MA applications via ePASS was enabled
The Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) was turned on, resulting in
nearly 70,000 applications for 100,000 individuals being sent to North
Carolina for processing
Over 150 OSS staff members were hired, trained and deployed to the
counties to assist with troubleshooting, case processing and other activities
as needed
Counties processed over 18,000 FNS applications and recertifications over
a 3-4 week period in January/February
Project Rollout Updates
 The rollout of P2&6 is significantly influenced by ongoing work on P7
 Non-MAGI based MA applications and recertifications should be
completed in EIS for non-Pilot counties
 All new WF applications are processed in NC FAST to avoid the
automatic creation of an associated MA case in EIS given that the
automatically created case in EIS may actually need to be MAGI based
and thus entered in NC FAST
 SA and RA transactions are still completed in EIS
 Further Hard Launch conversions from EIS have been postponed until
July 2014, at which point groups of counties will have active cases and
their history converted out of EIS into NC FAST
 The current plan is to complete a statewide Hard Launch conversion
from EIS into NC FAST over a 4 month period beginning in July and
concluding in October
 Counties will be heavily involved in planning for this Hard Launch
Project Rollout Updates
 All F&C Medicaid Applications should be entered into NC FAST using
the Streamlined (aka MAGI) Application
 F&C reviews should be conducted by following the Administrative
Recertification process
 A waiver of the requirement to process F&C Medicaid reviews using
MAGI rules is being sought from CMS; if approved, this will allow
counties to complete these review in EIS under traditional rules. Pilot
counties will complete the reviews in P2&6.
 Functionality to support MAGI-based Medicaid applications for
newborn, emergency and retroactive cases is under development
 Additional functionality, such as, MAGI replacement card issuance,
MAGI recertifications, MAGI change in circumstance are all under
development and will be released soon
Project Rollout Updates
 Initial planning & assessment began during the fall of 2013
 Tentatively planned for Pilot by end of December 2015
 Replacing legacy systems of Child Placement and Payment System
(CPPS), Central Registry Child Abuse and Neglect (CRCAN), Central
Registry Fatalities (FAT), Multiple Response System (MRS), Adoption
Index Management System (AIMS), Foster Care Facility Licensing
System (FCFLS), Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children
North Carolina
Department of
Health & Human
Project Improvement
Leveraging Pilot Counties & User Groups
User Groups Inform a Variety of Parties
DHHS Leadership
Conference Calls
County Champion/OSS
Enhance communications, sponsorship
and change activities as needed based
on feedback
 NC FAST will be working with
the Pilot Counties to form a
Pilot User group including
experienced NC FAST users to
help inform business and
system decisions moving
 Two urban counties will also be
asked to participate in this
initiative to ensure a global
perspective regarding county
size and complexity is taken
into account
 Formation of this group will
provide new ways of
incorporating county feedback
into decisions and ensuring that
feedback is shared among
DHHS, NC FAST and the 100
Improving Communications
 Regularly scheduled County
conference calls
 Color coded email messages
related to the urgency of the
 Weekly communication
summary emails contain the
pertinent information
distributed throughout the week
as well as logistics for
upcoming County Champion
and County Director Calls
 NC FAST is continually working
to improve communications –
feedback, ideas or suggestions
are always welcome
Daily Application and Recert Reports
 New Pending Application and Recertification Reports are being produced each
day and provided to counties via FAST Help and email.
Help Desk Ticket Backlog Reduction
Actions to Address Backlog:
 Co-locating all resources working
on Help Desk tickets
 Implementing IVR updates on 3/21
 Enhancing ticket software Remedy
 Integrating Pilot triage resources
with the Help Desk team
 Deploying select FFM OSS
resources to Help Desk
 Implemented new agent
performance measurement
 Delivered MAGI training to Help
Desk Medicaid team resources
 Making Cúram Design Specialists
available to agents to assist with
ticket resolution
FFM Application Screening and OSS
 As of 3/20, OSS personnel have screened 44,804 FFM applications
 OSS personnel are being redeployed to the Help Desk as well as to
counties to assist with troubleshooting and case processing as the work
screening FFM applications winds down
Initiation of Trainer Virtual Office Hours
 NC FAST has begun offering Trainer Virtual Office Hours from 8:30 – 4:30, M-F
 Trainers can assist with answering questions and providing resources for county
personnel to reference in order to complete their work
 The link to access the Trainer Virtual Office Hours can be found in FAST Help
using the navigation as shown below: P2 and 6 Training  Trainer Virtual Office
Training Troubleshooting Videos
 The NC FAST Training Team has begun producing short videos on
troubleshooting within NC FAST in FAST Help. These can be accessed using
the following path: P2 and 6 Training  Weekly Troubleshooting Tip
Help Desk Troubleshooting Tips
 The NC FAST Help Desk has begun publishing additional troubleshooting tips
in FAST Help. These can be accessed using the following path: Help Desk 
Troubleshooting Tips
North Carolina
Department of
Health & Human
County Readiness
County Readiness Liaisons
Leslie Jones
Crystal Dula
Leslie Jones and Crystal Dula have been members of the County Readiness Team
since the fall of 2013. They have assisted with OSS onboarding/training, OSS
troubleshooting, FNS processing and FFM application screening. Beginning in April
2014, Leslie and Crystal will transition to become the Readiness Liaisons for the
counties previously supported by Laura Lewis and Bonnie Bell.
North Carolina
Department of
Health & Human
County Takeaways
County Takeaways
Share the information you have learned during the Leadership Summit with
your colleagues in your county
Ensure all F&C applications are entered using the Streamlined (MAGI)
Application in NC FAST
Ensure that all NC FAST communications are distributed throughout your
agency, hold staff meetings if necessary
Confirm that your designated point(s) of contact are including all
troubleshooting steps taken on cases when submitting Help Desk tickets
Prepare for Hard Launch – July will be here before we know it
Continue working the Daily Application and Recertification Reports
Thank You
Thank You
Thank you for participating today.
[email protected]