Human Resources Business Process and Policy Training

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Transcript Human Resources Business Process and Policy Training

HRMS Users Group
1:30 – 3:00 pm 6/23/09
Clark Center Auditorium
July 15
Trovix Upgrade – Ingrid Hartmann (15)
Owning Your Career at Stanford – Nancy Duncan &
Jeanette Lindsay (10)
Additional Compensation – Colleen Foglesong &
Kelly Wright (20)
Processing Layoffs – Kelly Wright (15)
PeopleSoft Reminders/Updates – Vicky Tran (10)
July 15
Trovix Upgrade
Trovix Recruitment Manager System
(Minor) Upgrade Friday, June 26th
July 15
Trovix Upgrade
Why are we upgrading Trovix?
“Documents” Tab
“Routing” Tab
 Posting & Un-Posting of a Requisition
Updated EEO Veteran Categories (For the
Upcoming OFCCP Mandatory Collection of
July 15
Trovix Upgrade
Why are we upgrading?
 Continue to receive Trovix Recruitment Manager System
 Upgrading from version 3.0.1 to 3.0.3
 Upgrade happens on Friday, June 26th at 5pm
July 15
Trovix – “Documents” Tab
 This optional feature is located in the candidate’s record.
The following documents can be uploaded (“discoverable”
during an audit):
 Reference Checks
 Interview questions
 Writing Samples
July 15
Trovix – “Routing” Tab
 Stanford will not use this feature located in the requisition
July 15
Trovix – Posting & Un-Posting a
 View posted and un-posted dates via the “Activity” tab
 Click on “Type” from the dropdown menu and select
 Don’t forget to add a business reason “Note” for why the
posting was removed
July 15
Trovix – Updated EEO Veteran
 Trovix Recruitment Manager System supports the new
EEO/OFCCP standards with four new categories:
Special Disabled Veteran
Recently Separated Veteran
Other Protected Veteran
Armed Forces Veteran
 Candidates provide this information at the beginning of the
on-line application process
July 15
Trovix – OFCCP
Upcoming OFCCP Mandatory
Collection of Information
 A notification called “Coming Soon! Applicant Disposition
Data – Mandatory Collection of Information” was sent the
second week of June to Hiring Managers & HR via the Trovix
 To view a copy, please visit the OSE website at
 In the coming weeks, OSE will send out information
regarding how to enter disposition data into a candidates
record. Stay Tuned!!!
July 15
Trovix - Reminders
 Right now, before the upgrade and as an optional backup
plan, if you have “Personal” reports created in Trovix, please
“SnagIt” save and/or print screenshots of all your checked
boxes in your report
 Please feel free to contact Ingrid Hartmann, Applicant
Tracking System Specialist at extension 1-1946 or
[email protected] regarding any questions
pertaining to the upgrade or OFCCP
July 15
Owning Your Career @ Stanford:
A Roadmap to Your Success!
A Comprehensive Career Management Program
Offered by the Office of Staff Employment
July 15
Owning your Career @ Stanford
 3 ½ hour Seminar
 Understanding You @ Stanford
 Growing You @ Stanford
 Branding You @ Stanford
 2 – 30 minute One–on–One Sessions with an OSE
Staffing Consultant on career topics of your choice
 Semi-Monthly Brown Bag Lunch Meetings
July 15
Owning your Career @ Stanford
Overall Program Theme
You are the Driver of Your Career
July 15
Owning Your Career @ Stanford
3 ½ hour Seminar in which we explore answers to
the following questions:
 What energizes me and how can I best use my skills &
 What is Stanford’s Career Lattice?
 How do I navigate my career at Stanford?
 What tips/techniques are a must for resumes and
 What are the latest technologies for networking?
July 15
Owning Your Career @ Stanford
 Dates: Thursday, June 25th, July 9th, July 30th
 Time: 8:30 – Noon
 Location: 427 Arguello Classrooms and Computer Labs,
Room 105
 Additional Dates in STARS (Course # OSE-1140)
 STAP Eligible: $245
 Includes those being laid off but are still on payroll
July 15
Owning Your Career @ Stanford
For more information contact:
 Jeanette Lindsay, 723-4075, [email protected]
 Nancy Duncan, 721-2289, [email protected]
July 15
Administering Additional Compensation
Regular Staff Employees
HUG Meeting
June 23, 2009
July 15
University Compensation
Stanford University Confidential – Do Not Reproduce
Additional Comp - Background
Full-time exempt and academic staff as well as full-time non-exempt nonbargaining unit staff have received pay for additional work:
 Within and outside of the boundaries of their regular responsibilities
 Within and outside of their department
A range of earn codes and practices have been used to process pay.
Presenting issues:
Current policy guidelines:
 Not aligned with the range of issues that have surfaced to date
 Do not fully provide guidance as to when it is appropriate to consider
additional compensation
Current administration of additional compensation:
 Inconsistent across the University
 Inconsistent with wage and hour regulations and the retirement plan
July 15
Additional Comp – Principles in
Current Policy Guidelines
 Administrative Guide Memo 22.4 – Compensation of Staff
Employees (applicable to regular staff – exempt and nonexempt non-bargaining unit employees, and Academic StaffLibrarian employees)
 Staff employees are expected to share their skills and
experience with the University community and, in the spirit of
collegiality, to serve as a resource for departments outside
their own.
 Administrative Guide Memo 15.2 – Staff Policy on Conflict
of Commitment and Interest
 Staff should recognize the potential conflict of commitment created
when opportunities for compensation occur within the University,
but outside their home department.
July 15
Additional Comp – Policy
Revisions & Payment Guidance
Additional Work Performed by Full-Time Exempt Employees*:
 Requests to perform additional work by another department,
whether related or unrelated to the employee’s current
responsibilities, require prior approval by the employee’s current
supervisor and that department’s human resources manager.
(Guide Memo 22.4, Section 5a)
Payment Arrangements:
 Exempt staff are not eligible for additional compensation for work
within boundaries of regular responsibilities.
* These policies apply to full-time staff employees. Employees with part-time assignments
continue to be able to apply for additional jobs and be compensated as appropriate for each
assignment up to 100% FTE.
July 15
Additional Compensation Guidelines for Work
Within Boundaries of Regular Responsibilities
Compensation Resources Guide, Section 5: Additional Compensation
(previously Supplemental Compensation)
Eligibility/Approval: Work within the boundaries of the employee’s
regular responsibilities, as determined by the employee’s supervisor,
is not eligible for additional compensation whether the work is
performed within or outside the employee’s School/VP area. Prior
approval by employee’s current supervisor and HRM is required.
Duration: Typically infrequent, may or may not occur during core
business hours and/or normal work schedule.
Pay Arrangements:
 Exempt Staff: Other department pays portion of the salary
 Non-Exempt Staff: Record all work hours, including those for work by a
second department, in Axess Timecard.
 A form of non-monetary recognition may also be considered.
July 15
Additional Compensation Guidelines for Work
Outside Boundaries of Regular Responsibilities
Compensation Resources Guide, Section 5: Additional
Compensation (previously Supplemental Compensation)
Eligibility/Approval: Work outside the boundaries of the
employee’s regular responsibilities, as determined by the
employee’s supervisor, which the university would need to
otherwise hire other resources, is eligible for additional pay
if ALL of the following criteria are met:
 Occurs on a one-time or infrequent basis, and
 Requires a significant amount of time in excess of the normal work
schedule, and
 Employee receives prior written approval from supervisor in advance of
the work being performed, and
 Employee has completed the trial period and/or the employee’s
performance in the current job is satisfactory.
July 15
Additional Compensation Guidelines for Work
Within Boundaries of Regular Responsibilities
Pay Arrangements:
 Exempt Staff: Amount to be set by the supervisor of the unit
where the work is performed, taking into consideration
internal pay relationships and market. Use earn code HNR
 Compensation may not exceed 5% of full-time base salary or
$5,000, whichever is greater, during one fiscal year.
 Non-Exempt Staff: Amount based on current rate of pay.
Record all work hours, including those for work by a second
department, in Axess Timecard.
July 15
Additional Comp – Policy
Revisions & Payment Guidance
Temporary Compensation for Work in a Higher Classification:
 Temporary additional compensation may be appropriate when an
employee temporarily fills a position at a job level with a higher pay
range maximum than his/her own for two or more months, but
typically no longer than 6 consecutive months. The employee
retains his/her classification during the temporary assignment. In
addition, non-exempt employees remain non-exempt during the
temporary assignment and receive overtime premiums for hours
worked in excess of the overtime threshold. (Guide Memo 22.4,
Section 8)
Payment Arrangements:
 Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff: Additional compensation is
appropriate, typically 5-10%. (Staff Compensation Resource Guide,
Section 5). Use new earn code TAR (Temporary Acting Role). Do
not use SUP or BON.
July 15
Additional Comp – Earn Code
Prescribed Usage
Consistent usage of earn codes is required to:
 Comply with Federal and State wage laws
 Comply with benefit program requirements
 Create an equitable pay environment for all of our employees
Upcoming Changes:
 Prescribed Earn Code usage document will be introduced in August
 Draft of this document distributed today
 Supplemental Pay Webform will be modified to support changes
discussed today
 Supplemental Pay entries will be audited for compliance with prescribed
usage beginning in September
Next Steps:
 Begin moving additional pay to correct earn codes immediately
 Work with your HRM if you are aware of pay situations that are not
covered by the draft Prescribed Earn Code usage document
July 15
Additional Comp – Supplemental
Pay Webform Updates
The earn code selection list on the Supplemental Pay Webform
will be updated in July.
Earn Codes Added:
 TAR – Temporary Acting Role
 OTH – Other Compensation
 QSP – Quarterly Intern Payment
Earn Codes Removed:
 1TP – One Time Payment
 STP – One Time Salary Payment
Refer to the draft Prescribed Usage document for details of use of
each earn code. If you have a situation that is not listed, please
consult with your HRM and obtain guidance from E&LR before
proceeding with payment.
July 15
Additional Comp – Supplemental
Pay Webform Updates
Commonly used Earn Codes on Supplemental Pay Webform
Earn Codes for Staff:
HNR – Honorarium (for Faculty and Exempt Staff ONLY)
RTH – Retroactive Hours
RTS – Retroactive Salary
RTO – Retroactive Overtime
TAR – Temporary Acting Role
OTH – Other Compensation
QSP – Quarterly Intern Payment
Earn Codes for Faculty Only:
 SUP – Supplemental Pay
July 15
Processing Layoffs –
Revoking Authority
Revoking Axess Timecard Authority
 Time & Leave Administrator
 Revoke authority in Authority Manager
 Time & Leave Supervisor
 Update Reports To/STF Reports To information in PeopleSoft for the
employee’s former direct reports
Revoking Other Authority
 View active authority in Authority Manager
 Click Revoke to revoke authority
 If you do not have sufficient authority to revoke a privilege, please send
an email to the person who granted the authority
 Auto-Revoke of Authority
 Terminal Vacation action will automatically revoke authority
 Revoke authority as soon as possible – do not wait for auto-revoke
July 15
Processing Layoffs –
Axess Timecard
Axess Timecard Entries
 Notice Period
 PeopleSoft Employment Update: Leave the job record active
 Timecard Entries: Leave the timecard blank
 Accruals: Normal vacation and sick grants
 Terminal Vacation
 PeopleSoft Leave Of Absence: Paid Leave/Terminal Vacation
 Timecard Entries: Use Terminal Leave codes, Remove Holidays
 Accruals: Accruals stop
 Note: DLS does not load terminal vacation web forms or process
timecards for employees using Terminal vacation
 Mid-Pay Period Status Change
 Select ‘Range of Dates’ on the Timecard
 Terminal Leave codes are only available for dates after the Terminal
Vacation action is entered in PeopleSoft
July 15
Processing Layoffs –
Requesting a Final Paycheck
Termination Webform
 30 Day Lump Sum Payment
 Use Earn Code ‘STP’ or ‘1TP’
Tax Deductions
 Severance, 30 day lump sum payment and final paycheck are taxed
 The supplemental tax rate (25% for federal, 6% for state) is used for all
payments in excess of $5,000
Benefit Deductions
 Continuation of Healthcare Spending Account Election Form must be
submitted to Payroll prior to requesting the final paycheck
 Normal retirement deductions and employer matching are applied to
regular salary, leave, leave payouts, and 30 day lump sum payment.
Severance is not eligible for retirement deductions.
 Normal benefit deductions for coverage through the end of the month
of termination are taken
July 15
Processing Layoffs –
Requesting a Final Paycheck
 Layoff to Retirement
 Confirm with the Benefits department if laid off employees are retiree
 If they are retiree eligible, use Reason Code-Layoff to Retirement (LRT)
 If they are not retiree eligible, use Reason Code-Layoff (LAY)
 Position Management
 Once the final check has been cut, the position number for laid off
employees should be inactivated in Add/Update Position Info
July 15
Authority Manager –
Automatic Authority Updates
Changes were made to Authority Manager that automatically
revoke an individual's authority when there is a change to their
University or department affiliation.
 Authority is automatically revoked when:
 Someone has two or more jobs in PeopleSoft and their status changes for
one of their jobs
 Individuals are placed on a leave in PeopleSoft and again when they
return from leave (e.g., maternity or medical leave)
 To restore previous authority:
 Select ‘Recently Revoked Authority’ when viewing the employee’s record
in Authority Manager
 Click ‘Refresh’ then ‘Restore All’ to restore authority
For more information please see the Authority Manager FAQs at:
July 15
Payroll Updates – I-9 Reminders
Verify completeness of the I-9 Form
 Check Signatures and Dates
 Employee must sign and date Section 1
 Administrator must sign and date Section 2
 Check Hire Date
 Enter the employee’s hire date in the Certification Section
 Record Documents Submitted
 Complete Section 2 for each document submitted by the employee
Use the 2/2/09 Version of the I-9 Form
 Always use the most current version of the I-9 Form
 The current version of the form lists an expiration date of 6/30/09.
this will likely be extended
Complete the I-9 Form within 3 Business Days of Hire
 Forms completed after 3 days are a form violation
July 15
Payroll Updates –
I-9 Compliance Specialist
New I-9 Compliance Specialist –
Amanda Hoffmann
[email protected]
 Contact for any type of assistance with obtaining correct I-9
 Periodic visits to the Campus Customer Service Counter at the Cashier’s
Office will be scheduled for in-person help with I-9 questions
 Email announcement in advance of scheduled visits
July 15
Payroll Updates –
Open Lab Reminder
Axess Timecard Open Lab –
Every Friday
9am – Noon
Arguello Labs (427 Arguello Way)
Staff expert in PeopleSoft HRMS, GFS, and Oracle are also
generally available at the Open Lab
July 15
PeopleSoft v9 Reminders/Updates
 Reports To vs. STF Reports To
 Reports To = Faculty/Staff (benefits eligible positions)
July 15
Update directly in Position Management via new row insertion
If Update Incumbents check box is selected, a new row will feed over to the
employee’s Job Data record
Reports To information is located under the Job Information tab (not STF Remarks
DO NOT use shared position numbers (i.e., 00009150, 00008945)
PeopleSoft v9 Reminders/Updates
 STF Reports To = Contingent Employees (Temporary, Casual, Students -shared positions)
 Update directly in Job Data via new row insertion
 DO NOT use shared position numbers (i.e. 00009150, 00008945)
 DO NOT use this field for Faculty and Staff
July 15
PeopleSoft v9 Reminders/Updates
 Expected Job End Date
July 15
Located in Job Data > Work Location tab
DO NOT use this field
Stanford is not using it, does not support it, and it is not a reportable field
Incorrectly updating this field will cause unwanted results and will delay the
turn-around time for transactions
PeopleSoft v9 Reminders/Updates
 Standard Hours in Position Management vs. Job Data
 Employee’s Job Data Standard Hours have been approved and should be
different than Position Management
If a new Position Management row has fed over to the employee’s Job Data record
and Standard Hours was not intended to change, you must process an Employment
Update web form to update the employee’s Standard Hours
 Job Data > Salary Plan tab
 DO NOT change or update the Salary Administration Plan and/or Grade field
Doing so will result in unwanted changes, cause sever data integrity issues, and affect
reporting validity
 Authority Manager – Access Unexpectedly Revoked?
 DO NOT process a Leave of Absence (LOA) or Release a Job Record until the
employee’s actual last day at work or in the former department
July 15
Processing a LOA and/or Release a Job Record transaction in advance will cause an
employee’s access to be revoked on the day of the transaction creation date
PeopleSoft Authority is currently not looking at Effective Date on Department Changes
or LOA
Thank you and have a great summer!!
July 15