Transcript Document

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Technical Committee (TC) on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Technical Committee Meeting
during the 2009 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
Venue: Room Chanakya B, The Lalit Ashok Bangalore, India
Time: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm, Monday, August 24, 2009
Prior to the Invited Session on Automation for Yield
Symptom Identification in Semiconductor Manufacturing
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Meeting Overview
• Review of TC facts
– Face-to-face meetings
– TC data on membership, etc.
• TC activities
– Publication involvement
– Conference involvement
• Discussion topics
– Conferences ISSM & ASMC
– Extend scope to “Semiconductor and Cleantech
Manufacturing Automation”
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Technical Committee (TC) Brief Data
• URL:
• Founding Date: August 1, 2001
• Scope:
– To promote basic and applied research in semiconductor
manufacturing and automation
– To provide a forum for exchanging ideas among
semiconductor manufacturing researchers and engineers
– To facilitate related scientific publications and events (such as
special conference sessions, workshops, symposia, and special
journal issues)
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Face-to-Face TC Meetings
Sept. 25, 2006, Tokyo (during IEEE/SEMI Int’l Symposium on Semiconductor
Oct. 9, 2006, Shanghai (during IEEE/SEMI Int’l Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering)
April 2007, Roma (during IEEE Int’l Conference on Robotics and Automation)
Sept. 2007, Scottsdale (during IEEE Conference on Automation Science and
August 2008, Washington DC (during IEEE Conference on Automation Science
and Engineering)
October 2008, Tokyo (during International Symposium on Semiconductor
August 2009, Bangalore, India (during IEEE Conference on Automation Science
and Engineering)
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Most Recent TC Meeting
(during IEEE CASE 2009)
First Row (from left):
Gentleman #1, Prof.Jingshan Li (U Kentucky) , Prof. Fan-Tien Cheng (NCKU, Taiwan), Prof. James R. Morrison
(KAIST), Prof. Min-Hsiung Hung (National Defense U, Taiwan), Prof. Shi-Chung Chang (National Taiwan U),
Prof. Argon Chen (National Taiwan U), Prof. Chih-Min Fan
Please send e-mail to [email protected] to identify yourself (we’ll update the photo caption).
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Last TC Meeting
(during ISSM 2008)
First Row (from left):
Gentleman #1, Gentleman #2, Prof. James R. Morrison (KAIST), Mike Zhang (Sr. Manager, Spansion), Peter van
der Meulen (Chairman and Founder, Blue Shift Technologies), Gentleman #3, Prof. Shi-Chung Chang (National
Taiwan University)
Please send e-mail to [email protected] to identify yourself (we’ll update the photo caption).
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
TC Meeting
(during IEEE CASE 2008)
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
TC Meeting
(during IEEE CASE 2007)
Second Row (from left):
Prof. Jiangshan Li (U Kentucky), a gentleman coming late, Prof. Oliver Rose (Dresden U Tech., Germany), Prof. Leon
McGinnis (Georgia Tech), Kan Wu (Georgia Tech), President van der Meulen (Blueshift), General Manager David Aires
(Intel), Vice President John Behnke (Spansion), Lance Rist (ISMI/SEMATECH), Naiping Keng (Intel)
First Row (from left):
Deputy Director Chen-Fu Chien (TSMC, Taiwan), Mike Zhang (Spansion), Sr. Director Eric Englhardt (Applied Materials),
Prof. Fan-Tien Cheng (NCKU, Taiwan)
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
• 258 TC members
• All the major institutes and companies across Americas, Europe, and
• New member recruiting:
– August 2008, GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) lunch
– April 2007, GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) lunch
• Nominations and Awards:
Dev Pillai (Intel Fellow), T-ASE Advisory Board, 2007
Adar Kalir (Intel), T-ASE Associate Editor, 2007
Chen-Fu Chien (TSMC & Tsinghua U), T-ASE Associate Editor, 2007
Mike Tao Zhang, IEEE RAS Early Career Award in Robotics and
Automation, 2008
– Meng-Chu Zhou, nominated for IEEE RAS Distinguished Lecturer, 2009
– Meng-Chu Zhou, selected as Sr. Editor of IEEE T-ASE, 2009
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Committee Board
Honorary Chairs
Dr. Simon Yang, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.
Dr. Douglas Chen-Hua Yu, Senior Director, Advanced Module Technology Development Division, TSMC
MuDer JENG , IEEE Fellow, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University
MengChu ZHOU, IEEE Fellow, Professor, Dept of Electrical and Computer Eng, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Thomas Wen-Yao CHEN, Director, Technology System Integration Division, TSMC
Mike Tao ZHANG, COO Sensor Analytics, Inc & Executive Vice President, US-China Green Energy Council
James R. Morrison, Assistant Professor, Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, South Korea
Academy Chair: Prof. Stanley B. Gershwin, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Industry Chair: Dave Gross, Director, Global Manufacturing Systems Technology, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Membership Chair: Dr. Chen-Fu Chien, Deputy Director, Industrial Eng., TSMC
Conference Chair: Prof. Shi-Chuang Chang, Dept of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Publication Chair: Prof. Ruey-Shan Andy Guo, Chair, Dept of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Regional Chair, China: Prof. Han Ding, Cheung Kong Chair Professor and Director, Advanced Electronic Mfg Center,
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Regional Chair, Europe: Dr. Arieh Greenberg, Senior Principal, Qimonda
Regional Chair, Israel: Dr. Adar Kalir, Staff Engineer, Intel Corporation
Regional Chair, Japan: Kenji Miyake, Chief Technology Officer, GEN Inc.
Regional Chair, Korea: Prof. Tae-Eog Lee, Dept of Industrial Eng, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Regional Chair, Taiwan: Prof. Shi-Chung Chang, Dept of Electrical Eng, National Taiwan University
Regional Chair, U.S.A.: Prof. John W. Fowler, Dept of Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Publication Involvement
• Special Issue on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Robotics and
Automation Magazine
– Mike Tao Zhang (Guest Editor); Published in Dec 2006; 3 articles on
semiconductor manufacturing
• Special Issue on eManufacturing in the Semiconductor Industry, IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)
– Thomas Chen, Mike Tao Zhang, Chen-Fu Chien, John Fowler, and George
Shanthikumar (Guest Editors); 37 papers submitted; published in Oct 2007
• Special Issue on Equipment and Operations Automation in the
Semiconductor Industry, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering (T-ASE)
– Chen-Fu Chien, Stephane Dauzere-Peres, Milind Dawande, Han Ding, James
Morrison, Jeff Pettinato, Jingang Yi (Guest Editors)
– 32 papers submitted and in review; Target publication Oct 2010
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Conference Involvement
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Shanghai, 2006
18th IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), Stresa,
Italy, June 11-12, 2007
Dave Gross (Conference Co-Chair).
IEEE/SEMI eManufacturing Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 2007
Invited Session on Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fan-Tien Cheng, CC Huang, Naiqi Wu, and
Mike Tao Zhang (Session Co-Chairs); 14 papers accepted
Tech tours to Intel and Semiconductor Manufacturing Int'l Company (SMIC): Mike Tao Zhang
(Organizer); 30 people joined
Tutorial/Workshop on eManufacturing for the Semiconductor Industry: Fan-Tien Cheng, MinHsiung Hung, Jonathan Chang, and Mike Tao Zhang (Organizers)
Thomas Chen and MuDer Jeng (Steering Committee members)
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2007), Phoenix,
USA, Sept 2007
Mike Tao Zhang (Program Chair); Intel Fellow Dev Pillai (Keynote Speaker)
John Fowler, Chen-Fu Chien, Oliver Rose, and James Wuerfel (Co-Chairs): The 2007 Int’l
Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM 2007) – as a
part of IEEE CASE 2007
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Conference Involvement
4th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Washington DC, USA,
August 2008.
2008 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.2008.
Thomas Chen (Steering Committee member)
4th Int’l Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing, Miami,
Florida, USA, Dec. 2008.
Shi-Chung Chang (Program Committee)
Joint symposium of "AEC/APC-Asia 2008" and "e-Manufacturing & DFM Symposium 2008",
HsinChu, Taiwan, Nov. 2008.
Mengchu Zhou (General Chair). Mike Tao Zhang (Steering Committee member)
John Fowler and Chen-Fu Chien (Conference Chairs). Mike Tao Zhang (Int’l Advisory Committee
Joint 20th Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and 2009 International
Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Berlin, Germany, May 2009.
Shi-Chung Chang (Program committee)
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Conference Involvement
10th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2009), Tainan
(Taiwan), June 2009.
5th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bangalore, India, Aug 2009
Mike Tao Zhang, MengChu Zhou (Steering Committee). Tae-Eog Lee (Track Co-Chair), James
Morrison (Track Co-Chair).
Shi-Chung Chang, MuDer Jeng, Wai Kin Victor Chan, Shengwei Ding, Fei Qiao, Naiqi Wu, Jingang
Yi (Program Committee).
Shi-Chung Chang and Argon Chen, organize special session on Yield Symptom Identification
2009 International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing
(MASM), Austin, Texas, Dec 2009
Meng-Chu Zhou and Mike Tao Zhang (Int’l Advisory Committee members)
Shekar Krishnaswamy, Scott Mason (Conference Organizers)
Lars Mönch, Stephane Dauzere-Peres, Oliver Rose (Track Chairs)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2010
James Morrison (Program Committee)
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Discussion Topic 1
• Professor Shi-Chung Chang, Regional Chair from Taiwan, raised the
following comments/questions
• Industry focused conferences
– In 2009, International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing
(ISSM) merged with Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference
– In 2008, we held TC meeting at ISSM
– ASMC 2009 was cancelled this year
– In 2010, ASMC will be offered prior to Semicon West in hopes of
increasing attendance
– Consequences of downturn in industry
• How can our TC enrich these industry focused events?
• How do such events help academics?
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Discussion Topic 1
• For the ASMC/ISSM conferences in 2010+, look to increase the
involvement of the TC & academic community
– Organize a special academic session(s)
– Consider this approach for other such conferences
– One issue here is whether the conference proceedings are archived
(we will check)
• For IEEE CASE 2010, we will look to increase the involvement
of the industry
– Organize a special industry session
– Extended abstracts (2 pages) instead of full papers
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Discussion Topic 2
• Is now the time to expand the scope of TC to “Semiconductor
and Cleantech Manufacturing Automation”
• Cleantech: Technologies for clean energy
• Examples include solar PV cells, some rechargeable batteries
• Manufacturing process is often a simplified version of
semiconductor manufacturing
• Relationship with Semiconductor Mfg Automation
• Many semi professionals have moved to cleantech industries (semi
provides a knowledge base)
• Semi mfg is complicated! Urgent need to transfer knowledge from
semi to cleantech via applied research  Productivity increases
• Large and growing industry, small presence in RAS
• Great growth opportunity for both our TC & cleantech
• Likely to be significant source of funding in the future
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
Discussion Topic 2
• TC co-chair Mike Zhang has strong connections:
Executive VP of the China-US Green Energy Council
• Suggested next steps:
• Organize a special session at IEEE CASE 2010 on
Cleantech mfg automation
• Organize a special issue of IEEE TASE on Cleantech
mfg automation
• TC name and mandate will not officially expand at this
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation