Transcript Document

Contingent Liability
Understanding the
implications of signing surety
Contingent liability
Understanding the client need and the implications of their actions
gives you insight
into the business owner’s decision
to sign surety and the implications thereof especially if no surety cover
is in place.
A contingent liability podcast as well as an intermediary and client
article that summarises the essence of this presentation is available in
English and Afrikaans and can be downloaded from the Business
Insurance Briefcase.
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
The 1-2-3 of Business
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Structuring your business
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Getting the business going
⧁ Overdraft facility
⧁ Lease premises and equipment
⧁ Bond premises
⧁ Long term loans
⧁ Financing of vehicles / machinery / equipment
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Please sign surety!
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
So what have you actually done?
Renounce the benefit of excussion
• Allows you to compel the bank or the credit provider to take legal steps
against the borrower first and recover all it can from the borrower before
pursuing you.
Renounced the benefit of division
• Suretyship is shared with more than one person allowing you as cosurety to demand that the debt is divided between all sureties and
that you be held liable only for your share of the debt
You are now a co-principle debtor
• The same level as your business
Broken the corporate veil
• You are now exposed
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
The other intricacies of signing surety
Signing Surety
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
The Prinsloo Case
GHPM Boerdery 100 BPK vs Standard Bank
North Gauteng High Court
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Induced by fraud or misrepresentation
Slip Knot Investments v Du Toit 2011
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Famous last words
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
I did not know I signed surety
Langeveldt v Union Finance Holdings
The caveat subscriptor principle – “general contract law principles dictate
that it is presumed that anyone who signs a document has the intention of
entering into the agreement contained within that document”
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Is your business partner a stranger?
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
The Ombudsman for Banking Services
Personal Finance: Saturday, 5 May 2012
⧁ “His office sees the devastating consequences of
⧁ “Universal (unlimited) suretyship agreements are
often signed by a consumer as a matter of course”
⧁ “Entitles the bank to hold him/her liable for any debts
of the person for whom they stand surety”
⧁ “Banks have not accepted our recommendation that
the use of universal (unlimited) surety contracts be
scrapped from the Code of banking Practice”
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
What are the implications if the surety is not
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Contingent Liability
Article - Danger of signing surety without surety
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
Contingent Liability
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
In summary
⧁ Avoid signing surety if all possible
⧁ Do not sign surety without surety
⧁ The implications are severe if the surety is called up
⧁ There is no escaping the surety contract
⧁ Know your business partner
⧁ Review the surety position of your client on a
regular basis
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
The 1-2-3 of Business
Financial Solutions for Business Owners
thank you