Updates in IDEA 2004

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Updates in IDEA 2004

NCLB is the symbol of the paradigm shift to a new mission of universal high achievement 

From: All children will have

  universal access to education - 1837-1987 equal educational opportunity – 1954 

To: All children will have

  

universal access to education equal educational opportunity, AND universal high achievement (proficiency)

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Private Schools (parentally placed students)

AEAs are required to:

 Provide direct services (to extent practicable)     Provide data on # of students evaluated, found eligible, and served Conduct timely child-find process as in public schools Not consider costs of child find process Consult with private schools on child find process and determination of proportional funds

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Highly Qualified Teachers  All special education teachers must be highly qualified no later than the end of this school year (May 2006)  In Iowa:   Elementary sped teachers – OK Secondary  Level 1 – endorsement in content area or co-teach  Level 2 & 3 – OK, pending approval Iowa’s proposal to federal government

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 IEP – Team Meetings   Allows a member of the IEP team to be excused from a meeting if no changes are being made to that member’s area of curriculum or service OR if the member provides input prior to the meeting  Parent and LEA must agree to member being excused Allows parents and LEAs to agree to participate in meetings via video conferences and conference calls

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Short term objectives or major milestones are no longer required.

 The IEP must now include a statement of measurable goals, including academic and functional goals.

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Evaluations     Parent, SEA, LEA can request an initial evaluation LEA must gather academic information (PLAAFP: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) Tests administered in “language and form most likely to yield accurate information” 60 day timeline

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Exclusionary factors    Lack of scientifically based instruction in reading  Phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency Lack of instruction in math Limited English proficiency

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Exit evaluations not required when…   Graduation from secondary school with a regular diploma Exceeding age eligibility for FAPE (age 21 in Iowa)

Changes in IDEA ‘04

 Disciplinary Actions   Authorizes schools to order changes of placement (up to 10 days) to an appropriate interim educational setting, another setting, or suspension without a manifestation determination Authorizes schools to apply, beyond that 10 day period, the same disciplinary procedures for a child without a disability – upon determining that the violation in question was not a manifestation of the child’s disability


State Performance Plan

  Iowa’s plan to address/support the success of the 4 priority areas and 34 indicators which provide information on the health of special education throughout the state Due December 2, 2005  Annual state updates to USDE (Annual Performance Report)  First report due 2/1/2007  Subsequent reports in February of a year

Monitoring Priorities for Part B and C

 Free/Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment  Disproportionality  Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments  Effective General Supervision

State Performance Plan

 20 new requirements for every school district – Part B   14 requirements – Part C Retreat held from July 19-21 st in Des Moines with AEA Sped Directors and Coordinators

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators


        Graduation Drop-out Achievement (under NCLB) Suspension/Expulsion LRE ages 6-21 LRE ages 3-5 Early Childhood Outcomes (ages 0-5) Parent Involvement survey

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators


     Disproportionality (district-by-district basis) a. System in place to serve all children b. Settings c. Suspension/expulsion Disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators


 60 day timeline for evaluation after parental consent is received

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators


   Identify non-compliance within one year Percent of complaints handled within 60 days.

Fully adjudicated due process hearing requests within 45-days    Percent of hearing requests resolved Percent of mediations resulted in agreements State reported data are timely and accurate

MR Targets and Strategies

  Measurable/Rigorous Targets  Where we want to be as a state in 6 years. The target should be measurable and linked to the Measurement of the Indicator  Some are set for us – some we must set Improvement Strategies  The plan or method of “getting to” or obtaining the 6 year Target. Strategies should be broad in scope, rather than discrete activities

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators

 Districts will be held in non-compliance where the AMO has not been met  State can be held non-compliant for two years then 20% funding will be withheld.
