Promotion and Tenure Presentation, 2012

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Transcript Promotion and Tenure Presentation, 2012


Oct. 2, 2012 Thanks to the Past Chairs: Dr. John Filler Dr. Ceci Maldonado Dr. Nasser Daneshvary Dr. Bryan Spangelo

Concept of Tenure

What it IS: What it is NOT:

Guarantee of Academic Freedom

Academic Hazing (Fear Factor)

Reward for Faculty Excellence & An Expression of Confidence in Continued Excellence

License to Do Whatever You Please

Increased Responsibilities for Mentoring & Shared Governance

Protection for Non Productive Faculty

Guarantee of Financial Security

An Entitlement

General Points Related to Tenure

Begins with Hiring Process; With Excellent Hires, Everybody is Potentially ‘Tenurable’ & ‘Promotable’

At UNLV - No Quotas/Barriers

One of Most Important Faculty Governance Responsibilities

Process of Increasing Quality

Linked Decisions Tenure & Promotion

Role of Provost

Fiduciary Responsibility – Is Investment Justified?

Ensures That Comparable Rigor Been Maintained throughout the Has Process (Shared Responsibility with the Faculty Senate Tenure & Promotion Committee)

Policies and Procedures

General Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion AAUP “RED BOOK”

While Providing a Sense of T&P Process as Practiced at UNLV, it Has NO Legal Status in Nevada

Important Documents:

NSHE Code for Tenure (Title 2, Chapters 3 & 5)

UNLV Bylaws for Tenure & Promotion

College Bylaws for Tenure & Promotion

Department for Bylaws for Tenure & Promotion

Timing of Tenure

NSHE Code – No More than 7 Years, BUT 1 Year Terminal Contract if Denied, so Year 6 is Generally Decision Year

A Minimum of 3-4 Years Probation; Generally, No more than 1-2 Years (Max. 3) Towards Tenure Upon Hire

NSHE Code Says May Apply Any Year; Early Tenure VERY RARE

Timing of Promotion (Full Professor)

UNLV By-Laws: An associate professor is normally expected to be in rank for five years prior to applying for promotion to full professor

In exceptional circumstances, an application may be considered earlier (Chapter 3. Sect. 16 UNLV Bylaws)

Evaluation for Tenure

Categories: Teaching, Research & Service

Evaluation System: “Excellent”, “Commendable”, “Satisfactory” and “Unsatisfactory”

Need “Excellent” in Teaching and/or Research , AND at Least “Satisfactory” in the other ; AS WELL AS in Service

Evaluation for Promotion

Essential Criteria for Associate Professors and Full Professors

Possess Terminal Degree

Demonstrated Effectiveness as Teacher

Continuing Satisfactory Productivity in Creative or Research Activity

Evaluation for Promotion

Additional Criteria Associate Professor

Demonstrated Success as a Counselor of Students Full Professor

Demonstrated Success as a WISE Counselor of Students

Continued Evidence of Participation in Professional or Academic Organizations

Evidence of Leadership Academic in Professional or Organizations

Evaluation for Promotion

Additional Criteria (Continued) Associate Professor

Record of Contributions to University Community


Other Accomplishments of Relevance Full Professor

Significant Contributions to University Record of Community

Continued Collegiality

Other Significant Accomplishments of Relevance

Concept of Collegiality

“the demonstrated ability to work productively with colleagues, staff and students”

(UNLV Bylaws)

“ability to work with the faculty and students of the member institution in the best interests of the University of Nevada and the people that it serves, and to the extent that the job performance of the academic faculty member’s administrative unit may not be otherwise affected” (NSHE Code)

Concept of Collegiality


IS NOT Congeniality

IS NOT Incompatible with Academic Freedom

Non-collegial Behavior is Hostile, Destructive, Abusive, Disruptive, and Unproductive for Others

Non-collegial Behavior Generally Must be Repeated* (and Warned Against) to be Considered in T&P Decisions

Tenure & Promotion Process


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Candidate Prepares T&P Package after 5 th Academic Year; Pre tenure Review ½-way through (generally, 3 rd year)

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Departmental and College By-laws Outline Guidelines for the Process, BUT Not Binding on Subsequent Administrative Levels Faculty Input is Key at Each Level that Reviews T&P Records, but Administrators Make Recommendations UNLV By-Laws state that letters by external referees be solicited for T& P. No less than 4 are required.

Letters are solicited by the department chair or immediate supervisor

At least two letters shall come from a list of names suggested by the candidate; and at least two shall be from persons not suggested by the candidate.

Tenure & Promotion Process

( Continued)

T&P Package to Department Personnel Committee, Faculty, then Chair

(Recommendation & Letter to Candidate)

College Personnel Committee, then Dean

(Recommendation & Letter to Candidate)

Faculty Senate Tenure & Promotion Committee, then Provost

(Recommendation & Letter to Candidate)

President Makes Decision

Process If Tenure Denied

After Provost’s Letter – 15 days to Request Reasons; Administrator has 15 days to Respond

May Ask for Reconsideration (New Evidence Responding to Reasons)

Reconsideration Goes through Administrative Chain

President has Final Decision

Process If Tenure Denied

( Continued)

UNLV By-Laws Allows Appeal to Grievance Committee

Faculty Senate By-Laws Detail Process – Elected Committee Conducts Hearings

Recommendation to Provost, Who Makes Recommendation to President

President Makes Final Decision

Documentation of Productivity

Discipline-Specific Weight of Evidence

Teaching – Classroom, Mentoring, Advising; Measures/Documentation

Research/Creative Activity – Also Needs Documentation; Discipline Specific Criteria; Focused Scholarship with Impact on Discipline.

Summary – Qualifications for Tenure/Promotion

Terminal Degree

Pay Attention to All Aspects of Teaching; Serve/Advise Students

Continuously Involved in Scholarship

Excel in Teaching or Research; Provide Satisfactory Service; Document All

Demonstrate Ability to Work with Colleagues, Staff and Students