Transcript Lab7

Sean Eddy’s Lab
• HMMER2 is an implementation in UNIX (Linux, MacOS)
platform of profile hidden Markov model, whose
source code, executables, and user guide can be
downloaded from
• The experiment of HMMER is to look for known
domains in a query sequence by searching a single
sequence again a library of HMMs.
• One such library is PFAM, and you can also create your
own library using HMMER
HMMER executables
hmmalign ‐ Align sequences to an existing model.
hmmbuild ‐ Build a model from a multiple sequence alignment.
hmmcalibrate ‐ Takes an HMM and empirically determines parameters that are used to make
searches more sensitive, by calculating more accurate expectation value scores (E‐values).
hmmconvert ‐ Convert a model file into different formats, including a compact HMMER 2 binary
format, and “best effort” emulation of GCG profiles.
hmmemit ‐ Emit sequences probabilistically from a profile HMM.
hmmfetch ‐ Get a single model from an HMM database.
hmmindex ‐ Index an HMM database.
hmmpfam ‐ Search an HMM database for matches to a query sequence.
hmmsearch ‐ Search a sequence database for matches to an HMM.
Simple installation
Download the current version of HMMER “hmmer‐‐linux.tar.gz” from;
Unpack the software by typing “tar –xvf hmmer‐‐linux.tar.gz” in the command line. You will see
a new directory “hmmer‐‐linux”.
Enter the directory of hmmer‐‐linux. You will see NINE executables ready in the subdirectory
“/binaries”, and also nine files in the subdirectory “/tutorial”;
Installation from source code
Download the current HMMER source code version “hmmer‐2.3.2.tar.gz” from;
Create a new directory in your Linux account and upload or move the software package to the directory;
Unpack the software by typing “tar –xvf hmmer‐2.3.2.tar.gz” in the command line;
Type “cd hmmer‐2.3.2” to enter the software directory;
Type “./configure” to configure for your system and build the programs;
Type “make” to generate the executables;
Type “make check” to run the automated test suite; (This is optional but recommended, and all these tests
should pass);
Please note that by default programs are in “/usr/local/bin/” and man pages are in “/usr/local/man/man1”;
Type “make install” to install all executables;
Hmmbuild : build a profile HMM from
an aignment
hmmbuild [options] hmmfile alignfile
hmmbuild test.hmm test.aln
hmmbuild -h
hmmbuild reads a multiple sequence alignment file alignfile , builds a new profile HMM, and saves
the HMM in hmmfile.
alignfile may be in ClustalW, GCG MSF, or SELEX alignment format.
By default, the model is configured to find one or more non-overlapping alignments to the
complete model.
To configure the model for a single global alignment, use the -g option;
To configure the model for multiple local alignments, use the -f option;
To configure the model for a single local alignment (standard Smith/Waterman), use the -s option.
Hmmcalibrate: calibrate HMM
search statistics
hmmcalibrate [options] hmmfile
hmmcalibrate test.hmm
Hmmcalibrate -h
hmmcalibrate reads an HMM file from hmmfile, scores a large number of
synthesized random sequences with it, fits an extreme value distribution (EVD) to
the histogram of those scores, and re-saves hmmfile now including the EVD
This step is optional, but it will increase the sensitivity of your database search
hmmcalibrate may take several minutes (or longer) to run. While it is running, a
temporary file called is generated in your working directory.
If you abort hmmcalibrate prematurely (ctrl-C, for instance), your original hmmfile
will be untouched, and you should delete the temporary file.
Hmmsearch: - search a sequence
database with a profile HMM
hmmsearch [options] hmmfile seqfile
hmmsearch test.hmm query.faa > query.faa.domain
hmmsearch -h
hmmsearch reads an HMM from hmmfile and searches seqfile for significantly similar sequence
hmmsearch may take minutes or even hours to run, depending on the size of the sequence
database. It is a good idea to redirect the output to a file.
The output consists of four sections:
a ranked list of the best scoring sequences,
a ranked list of the best scoring domains,
alignments for all the best scoring domains, and
a histogram of the scores.
A sequence score may be higher than a domain score for the same sequence if there is more than
one domain in the sequence; the sequence score takes into account all the domains. All sequences
scoring above the -E and -T cutoffs are shown in the first list, then every domain found in this list is
shown in the second list of domain hits. If desired, E-value and bit score thresholds may also be
applied to the domain list using the -domE and -domT options.
Pfam 23.0 (July 2008, 10340 families)
The Pfam database is a large collection of protein families, each represented by multiple sequence
alignments and hidden Markov models (HMMs).
Proteins are generally composed of one or more functional regions, commonly termed domains.
Different combinations of domains give rise to the diverse range of proteins found in nature.
The identification of domains that occur within proteins can therefore provide insights into their
There are two components to Pfam: Pfam-A and Pfam-B.
Pfam-A entries are high quality, manually curated families.
Although these Pfam-A entries cover a large proportion of the sequences in the underlying sequence
database, in order to give a more comprehensive coverage of known proteins we also generate a
supplement using the ADDA database. These automatically generated entries are called Pfam-B.
Although of lower quality, Pfam-B families can be useful for identifying functionally conserved regions when no Pfam-A
entries are found.
Pfam also generates higher-level groupings of related families, known as clans. A clan is a collection
of Pfam-A entries which are related by similarity of sequence, structure or profile-HMM. (see PfamC)
Sequence analysis with HMM
• to
download files “Pfam_fs.gz” and “Pfam_ls.gz”
– Pfam_ls - All global (ls mode) Pfam-A HMMs in an HMM library searchable
with the hmmpfam program.
– Pfam_fs - All local (fs mode) Pfam-A HMMs in an HMM library searchable with
the hmmpfam program.
• Data location
– Copy to your working directory or make symbolic link
• To search for domains in “test.faa” in the global sequence database, type
hmmpfam Pfam_fs test.faa > test.faa.pfam”
• The results is logged into an output file “test.faa.pfam”;
• QRNA is a prototype structural noncoding RNA genefinder tools for
detecting novel structural RNA genes.
• It uses three probabilistic "pair-grammars":
• a pair stochastic context free grammar modeling alignments
constrained by structural RNA evolution,
• a pair hidden Markov model modeling alignments constrained by
coding sequence evolution, and
• a pair hidden Markov model modeling a null hypothesis of positionindependent evolution.
• Given an input pairwise sequence alignment (e.g. from a BLASTN
comparison of two related genomes), it classify the alignment into
the coding, RNA, or null class according to the posterior probability
of each class.
Local Installation
• The latest version of QRNA (qrna-2.0.3c.tar.gz ) can be download from
• Configure QRNA and install
tar -xvf qrna-2.0.3c.tar
cd qrna-2.0.3c
cd squid
cd ../squid02
cd ../src
• QRNA is installed in
• /home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna-2.0.3c/
• Data location:
– /home/kwchoi/public_html/I529-09lab/Lab7/Data/QRNA_data/
– /home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna2.0.3c/src/scripts/ -g human
• HG_13_RNAs_gene.fa.MGSCv3.fragchrom.blast.E0.01.D1.q
• HG_13_RNAs_gene.fa.MGSCv3.fragchrom.blast.E0.01.D1.q.gff
• HG_13_RNAs_gene.fa.MGSCv3.fragchrom.blast.E0.01.D1.q.rep
• Simple test
– Set the running enveriment and run a simple example:
• export QRNADB=/home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna-2.0.3c/lib
• /home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna-2.0.3c/src/eqrna -a 5s_rRNA.q >
QRNA demo
Option -C shuffles the columns of the pairwise alignment while maintaining the gap and conserved
structure of the original alignment. Compare the two results of using -C and without using -C:
Example using the scanning version with a window. Consider file “Scerevisiae orf v other yeasts.q”
which contains an alignment of a S. cerevisiae ORF The alignment has 514 nucleotides, and we
would like to score it with eqrna using a window of 150 nucleotides, and moving the window 50
nucleotides each time:
/home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna-2.0.3c/src/eqrna -w 150 -x 50
Scerevisiae_orf_v_other_yeasts.q >
example start with a blastn output:
/home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna-2.0.3c/src/eqrna -a -C 5s_rRNA.q >
/home/kwchoi/Installed/qrna-2.0.3c/src/eqrn -w 50 -x 50
The results files are shown as following: