Network Team Training Opening Session

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Transcript Network Team Training Opening Session

Community Eligibility Provision
Federal Program Updates
 Community Eligibility Program
 Overview
 CEP Participation and Eligibility Requirements
 Calculations
 Reporting & Funding Implications
 Federal Program Updates
 Act 853/SB 61 – School Choice
 District Planning & Budgeting – Panel Discussion
Louisiana Believes
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a new option under the
National School Lunch Program (NSLP), allowing schools to offer
breakfast and lunch at no charge to all students while eliminating
the traditional school meal application process.
Louisiana Believes
Overview: Who benefits from CEP?
Students. More students receiving
free meals. Eliminates stigmas and
facilitates happier/healthier student
Schools. Eliminates administrative
burden of processing applications &
costs associated with the process.
Reduced or eliminated collection of
student-level meal charges and follow
up on unpaid amounts.
Families. Parents will no longer
complete confusing applications.
Assures children within family are
receiving two nutritious meals per day.
Louisiana Believes
CEP Participation and Eligibility Requirements
CEP Participation and Eligibility Requirements
Who is eligible?
LEAs, a group of schools within an LEA, and individual schools with 40% or greater directly certified identified
student percentage.
What does directly certified identified student percentage mean?
The percentage of identified students approved as eligible for free meals who are not subject to verification.
Identified students include: children directly certified by SNAP or TANF; homeless youth on liaison list; migrant
and runaway youth; certified foster children; Head Start and pre-K Even Start participants.
Where can I find out my directly certified
identified student percentage?
Every school and district can access its
directly certified identified student
percentage in a CEP School Site Information
Form via their FTP site.
Louisiana Believes
How to Calculate Free Claiming Percentage?
• Locate identified student percentage in CEP School Site Information Form
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
• Multiply identified student percentage by 1.6 to determine free claiming
• Note: There is a 100% maximum
• Subtract free claiming percentage from 100% of students to arrive at paid
claiming percentage
• Apply percentages to total number of meals provided to determine
number of meals eligible for reimbursement at the USDA free rate and
number of meals eligible for reimbursement at the USDA paid rate
Louisiana Believes
How to Calculate Free Claiming Percentage?
Example 1: LEA “A”
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
• Identified Student Percentage
from CEP School Site Information
form = 40%
• Free claiming percentage = 40%
* 1.6 = 64%
• Paid claiming Percentage = 100%
- 64% = 36%
• If the school serves 1000
total meals, then 640 meals
would be reimbursed at the
USDA free rate, while 360
meals would be reimbursed
at the USDA paid rate
Louisiana Believes
Example 2: School “B”
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
• Identified Student Percentage
from CEP School Site Information
Form = 62.5%
• Free claiming percentage =
62.5% * 1.6 = 100%
• Paid claiming Percentage = 100%
- 100% = 0%
• If the school serves 1000
total meals, then 1000 meals
would be reimbursed at the
USDA free rate, while 0 meals
would be reimbursed at the
USDA paid rate
Reporting & Funding Implications
Reporting & Funding Implications
Lunch forms are currently used for a variety of processes:
1. Allocations: Title I, Title II, IDEA, eRate, Perkins and MFP
If one school opts to participate, then the allocation methodology for all
parties will be adjusted, as these are formula grants and the same formula
must be used for all.
2. Accountability: Economically disadvantaged subgroup
The subgroup will no longer use FRL forms to determine eligible students so
as to treat all schools equitably. Instead, comparable data will be utilized.
3. Eligibility Determinations: LA 4 and AP Reimbursements*
The process for LA 4 eligibility determinations and AP reimbursements will
only change for those who elect to participate in CEP.
Louisiana Believes
Reporting & Funding Implications
Formula Funds: Changes for All Schools Regardless of Participation
Data Point Currently
Accountability Students eligible for
free (SNAP) or reduced
price lunch
MFP funding
Students eligible for
free (SNAP) or reduced
price lunch
New Data Point
Students eligible for Medicaid, Size of students included in
free lunches (SNAP) or TANF
subgroups may differ
Prior year percentage of free
(SNAP) and reduced price
lunch students applied to the
base membership count
Year of
No impact; proxy measures
will replicate current measures
Perkins Grant
Percentage of free
(SNAP) and reduced
lunch eligible students
Percentage of students eligible Potential shifts in allocation
for Medicaid, free lunches
depending on the increase or
decrease in the poverty count
based on the new data point
Title I, Title II,
and IDEA
Percentage of free
(SNAP) and reduced
lunch eligible students
Percentage of students eligible Potential shifts in allocation
for Medicaid, free lunches
depending on the increase or
decrease in the poverty count
based on the new data point
Louisiana Believes
Reporting & Funding Implications
Decision Points: Changes for Participating Schools Only
Data Point Currently Used
New Data Point
Students eligible for free
(SNAP) or reduced price
Percentage of free (SNAP) Prior year percentage of
and reduced lunch eligible free (SNAP) and reduced
price lunch eligible
Second year implementation
measure is unknown at this
time. Additional guidance is
forthcoming from the FCC.
Students eligible for free
(SNAP) or reduced price
Administer survey rather
than utilizing the Food
Service Free Reduced Lunch
Students meeting the
same level of income
Number of eligible students
for reimbursement may differ
Year of
Louisiana Believes
Students eligible for
Medicaid, free lunches
Possible Impact
CEP Title I Implications
Poverty Data Requirements
Title I Allowable Poverty Measures
• Free/Reduced Lunch
• US Census (ages 5-17)
• Composite
CEP Participating Data
• Direct Certification Data (MEDICAID, SNAP/Free Lunch, TANF)
• Free/Reduced Lunch
• Combination
Review CEP School Site Information Form and corresponding eligibility
information (see slide 6) to determine whether your district, schools, or
group of schools is eligible. Available on FTP.
Louisiana Believes
CEP School Allocation Protocols
Data Needed – Targeting Step 1 Page
• Direct Certification- October 1, 2014
• Free/Reduced Lunch (if applicable)
• Common Poverty Metric (Non-CEP)
Applying Mulitplier
• Direct Certification – subset of F/R count
• Apply Multiplier (1.6) – account for difference
• Multiplier Applied to Direct Certification Only
Louisiana Believes
CEP School Allocation Protocols
Option 1- All Schools Participating
• Direct Certification Poverty
• Apply Multiplier Only if Needed (Schools may fall below threshold)
• Proceed to Rank Order Schools
Option 2 – Combination CEP/Non-CEP
• Direct Certification – CEP and Non-CEP Schools
• Apply Multiplier Only if Needed (Schools may fall below threshold)
• Proceed to Rank Order Schools
Option 3 – Combination CEP/Non-CEP
• Direct Certification – CEP Schools
• F/R Lunch or Survey Non-CEP
• Apply Multiplier to CEP Schools
• Proceed To Rank Order
Louisiana Believes
CEP School Allocation Protocols
Which School To Serve
• Serve Above 75%?
• Viable Instructional Program Required
• Only Adequate Funding Required
• Multiple Schools @ 100% - Consider Direct Certification Data for Serving
• Prior Title I Schools Eliminated
• Prior Non-Title I Schools Qualify (High & Middle Schools)
• New Cut Off
• Title I Comparability decisions
• No impact
Rationale of Decisions
• Data Driven Decisions
• School’s Needs
High Poverty
D & F Schools
Low Graduation Rates
Consistent AYP Deficiencies
Point of Contact s Available to Assist
Louisiana Believes
CEP – Title I Next Steps
October 2014 Direct Certification Numbers
Rankings and Allocations for Title I schools
SY 15-16
Title I Comparability Preparations
Know CEP’s Impact on District
District Total Federal Allocations
Impact of Ranking and Serving Title I Schools
Burden Reduction on Economically Disadvantage Data Collections
Sign Up timeframe February/March 2015 Newsletter release
Louisiana Believes
School Choice and Act 853
School Choice and Act 853
Act 853
• Requires School Choice for “D” and “F” Schools
• No preliminary "F" list will be released for 2014-15.
• Finalized 2012-13 letter grades should be used to determine "F"
schools and qualifying students.
• Transportation within a district is required for all students electing
to take advantage of School Choice.
• Students can request schools outside of district boundaries.
Louisiana Believes
District Planning & Budgeting
Purpose of Discussion
To know the LDOE tools and data available to
support district and school level planning
To ensure alignment of school and district level
plans and resources
Louisiana Believes
Network Structure
Louisiana Believes
Network Structure
Each Network is composed of :
Network Leader
Deputy Network Leader supporting Early Childhood
Deputy Network Leader supporting supporting Jumpstart
Data and Technology Specialist
Point of Contact
Workflow Specialist
6 – 8 District Support Coaches
Louisiana Believes
Network Structure
NCLB & IDEA Point of Contact
Network 1: Vacant
Network 2: Georgette Sterling
Contact: [email protected]
Network 3: Phyllis Butler
Contact: [email protected]
Network 4: Melanie Mayeux
Contact: [email protected]
Network 5: Edeltress Brown
Contact: [email protected]
Louisiana Believes
Phone: 225-342-5992
Phone: 225-219-0422
Phone: 225-219-4447
Phone: 225-219-7845
Tools for Planning
•District Planning Guide
•District Dashboards
•Principal Report Cards
•Performance Profiles (IDEA Data)
•High School Student Planning
Louisiana Believes
District Planning Guide - Focus Areas
Focus Area
 Ensure all assessments used to establish student learning targets are aligned to standards
School Leader & Teacher Learning Targets
 Ensure all teachers establish goals that are ambitious yet attainable for their students
 Ensure all school leaders establish goals that are ambitious yet attainable for their schools
 Choose high quality curricula and train teachers to use these curricula
Assessment & Curriculum
School & Teacher Collaboration
 Use benchmark assessments at scheduled points in the year to assess student progress
 Plan for state assessments
 Ensure schools are technologically equipped to support curriculum, academics, and assessments
 Ensure each school’s collaboration time is focused on improving student learning and teacher practice
 Build a plan for principal collaboration focused on improving student learning and teacher practice
 Identify specific responsibilities for Louisiana Teacher Leaders
 Determine appropriate placement for leaders and teachers using available data
Compass Observation & Feedback
 Identify and support struggling teachers and leaders
 Establish expectations for teachers and school leaders based on individual educator needs
 Determine when to participate in an early childhood network to serve all at-risk 4 year olds
Pathway to College and Career
 Plan for 4th and 8th grade promotion policies and transitional 9th grade
 Expand HS course options to include AP and relevant career pathways
 Determine needs and associated costs across focus areas
Align Resources
 Determine what funds are available across the district and their associated flexibilities
 Align available funds to needs
Louisiana Believes
Schoolwide Model Visual
-Ssellf revet
Activities Drive the District/School Budgets
Title I
Title II
Title III
Title VI (REAP)
IDEA 611
IDEA 619
Title I Schoolwide Provisions
Schoolwide Service Delivery Model
• Strategic Planning Upgrading Entire Instructional
• Address Factors Causing Low Performance
• Provides Enriched Instruction
• Utilizing Multiple Funding Streams
• Serves all Students with Major Focus on Students
Most at risk.
Louisiana Believes
Schoolwide Model Planning
Three Major Components:
• Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Student Performance
School Climate
Professional Development
Effective Instruction
• Schoolwide Plan
• Instructional/Behavioral Strategies/Goals
• Professional Development
• Coordination of Funding
• Annual Evaluation
Louisiana Believes
Key Dates/Deadlines to Remember
Title III AMAO I and AMAO II Determinations
• Required Actions Due – December 5th
Title III AYP Determinations Release November 14th
• Required Actions Due – December 12th
CSPR Title I Part A Data (LEADS Portal) due October 31st.
CSPR Title I Part D Data (LEADS Portal)
• Open Date – November 5th
• Close Date - November 12th
Title I Comparability Newsletter Release date – November 3rd.
Title I Part D Annual Counts (LEADS Portal)
• Open Date – November 5th
• Close Date - December 5th
Louisiana Believes