Chronic Kidney Disease

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Chronic Kidney Disease
Jennifer Peebles
16th Feb 2010
Chronic Kidney Disease
Long term condition caused by damage to the kidneys.
Describes abnormal kidney function or structure.
Usually asymptomatic and so often unrecognised.
Often occurs in the context of other chronic diseases such as
cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Average prevalence of 6-11% in Europe and USA, rises with age.
Large UK primary care study (NEOERICA project) suggested prevalance
of CKD stages 3-5 of 8.5% (5.8% men and 10.6% women).
Prevalence likely to increase with aging population and increase
in conditions such as diabetes.
Why is it important?
Major UK health burden due to its prevalence
Can progress to End stage renal disease
Where no longer any sufficient function and so dialysis/transplant
necessary to maintain life.
Renal replacement therapy accounts for over 2% of total NHS budget.
When advanced – there is higher risk of mortality, particularly
from cardiovascular disease
2003 UK retrospective study on incidence and outcomes of new CKD
cases showed only 4% developed ESRD by 5.5 yr follow up, but 69% had
died (about 50% from cardiovascular cause)
Why is it important?
Because it is asymptomatic, it is often diagnosed late
currently 30% of people with advanced kidney disease are referred late
causing increased morbidity and mortality
However, tests for detection are simple and easily available.
Treatment can slow the progression of CKD, and reduce
cardiovascular mortality.
(QOF – total of 38 points for CKD indicators)
Detecting kidney damage
Direct evidence:
Imaging can show structural abnormalities - (Polycystic kidneys,
pyelonephritis, reflux nephropathy, renovascular disease)
Isotope scanning
Renal Biopsy Histopathology – to show underlying glomerular disease
(IgA nephropathy, focal glomerulosclerosis)
Indirect evidence:
Urinalysis – showing leakage of blood cells or protein into the urine.
Detecting kidney damage
Albumin is the principal component in proteinuria in glomerular disease
Albumin Creatinine Ratio has greater sensitivity than Protein Creatinine
Ratio for detection of low levels of proteinuria.
PCR is cheaper to analyse.
NICE suggest ACR be used in preference to PCR for initial
detection/identification in CKD, while PCR can be used later for
quantification and monitoring except in diabetics.
SIGN suggest measurement method depends on context.
Urine dipstick – widely available and low cost but not reliable for detection.
ACR – for detecting/monitoring diabetic nephropathy.
PCR – can be used in non-diabetics in populations with high prevalence
proteinuria to exclude CKD,
- and in non-diabetics with CKD to predict risk of progression.
Indicates higher cardiovascular risk and risk of progression in CVD
No evidence that asymptomatic UTI causes proteinuria.
Detecting kidney damage - proteinuria
Range for ACR/PCR
Urinary albumin
Normal albumin excertion
≥ 2.5 (men)
≥ 3.5 (women)
≥ 30
≥ 50
≥ 70
≥ 100
Higher levels of proteinuria
24-hr urinary
protein excretion
Detecting kidney damage
Frank – exclude infection/malignancy
Microscopic – single reading a common (2%) finding so rpt.
Risk of CKD low with isolated microscopic haematuia, however renal
or urinary pathology often present.
Exclude infection
>50yrs urgent referral to urology
<50yrs renal evaluation (especially if proteinuria/reduced eGFR)
Measuring renal function
GFR is the best measure of overall renal function
Defined as the volume of plasma filtered by the glomeruli per unit time.
Accurate measurement difficult, and methods such as gold standard inulin
clearance too difficult and unsuitable for primary care.
Urea and Creatinine concentrations
Convenient but insensitive
Creatinine affected by various factors including age, sex, ethnicity, body
habitus (muscle mass), and also diet.
GFR has to fall by half before significant increase in creatinine becomes
Consumption of cooked meat in particular has a rapid but transient effect
Also significant increase in creatinine if clotted sample not separated for
amalysis within 16hrs.
Prediction equations for estimating GFR
Prediction equations
Equations improve correlation between creatinine and
GFR by taking into account other variables.
Cockcroft and Gault:
age, sex, weight and creatinine
MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal disease):
age, sex, ethnicity and creatinine
Prediction equations
Not completely accurate.
Not valid in children, pregnant women or ARF.
Perform better at lower eGFR
At >60ml/min/1.73m2, tends to underestimate GFR so higher
risk of false positive.
MDRD - validated only in Caucasian and African- American
MDRD – tendency to overestimate renal function in
malnourished or amputees.
Measuring renal function
Studies have shown that prediction equations are better than
creatinine for urinary creatinine clearance.
Studies comparing MDRD and Cockcroft-Gault equations
suggest they are either comparable or that MDRD is superior.
NICE have concluded that the MDRD equation performs best.
MDRD is used by most labs in their automatic reporting.
Report only eGFR <60ml/min/1.73m2.
Patients should be advised to avoid eating meat for at least 12 hrs before
eGFR is tested.
Most calculate results assuming Caucasian race, so correction needed for
Classification of CKD
Current system based of eGFR.
US National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes
Quality Initiative – stratified CKD into 5 stages.
Cut off between stages arbitrary but do have clinical correlates
Classification of CKD
For CKD - evidence of persisting damage at 90days.
Stages 1 & 2 only diagnosed with proteinuria/albuminuria,
haematuria or renal structural abnormalities.
UK Consensus Conference - divided stage 3 into two parts.
Studies had shown stage 3 encompassed a large number of
asymptomatic patients. In those with eGFR <45, complications of
CKD were far more common so this was set as lower threshold.
Stage 3A - eGFR 45-59ml/min/1.73m2.
Stage 3B - eGFR 30-44ml/min/1.73m2.
With proteinuria, the suffix p should be used e.g Stage 3Ap.
Patients on dialysis should be have suffix D i.e Stage 5D.
Suffix T indicates functioning transplant (can be any stage).
Decline in eGFR with age.
Classification takes no account of patient age.
Unclear whether decline is ‘normal ageing’ phenomenon, a
true increase in prevelance in CKD with age or both.
NICE advise for those >70yrs, with eGFR >45 if stable and
no other evidence of kidney damage is unlikely to be
associated with complications of CKD.
SIGN advise that age associated decline in eGFR should be
afforded the same significance as decline in other situations.
Identification of patients with CKD
Routine surveillance of high risk patients:
Increased awareness of other risk factors
Diabetes Mellitus
Cardiovascular disease
Structural Renal tract disease, calculi & outflow obstuction incl prostatic
Multisystem disease with potential renal involvement e.g. SLE
Family history of CKD stage 5 or hereditary kidney disease
Low socioeconomic status.
Obese patients
Chronic NSAID use?
Incidental finding
Urine Dipstick, renal function or structural abnormality on imaging.
New eGFR < 60 – what now?
Repeat the test
If unwell/oliguric – repeat urgently ?AKI
Otherwise within 2 weeks to exclude rapid deterioration
NICE suggest at least 3 measurements over no less than 90 days for
Clinical assessment of the patient.
Repeat bloods
Urine examination
? Imaging
Clinical assessment – History taking
Present History
e.g. ?DM, ?CVD, HTN, ?renal stones, BPH
Urinary symptoms? (e.g. outflow obstrution/haematuria)
Symptoms of systemic disease?
Symptoms of CKD? (tiredness, reduced appetite, itch, oedema, muscle
Any nephrotoxic? E.g Lithium, NSAIDs, diuretics/ACEi
 Any meds needing dose adjustment?
NB - recommendations in most publications including BNF are based on
creatinine clearance estimation by Cockcroft-Gault. No evidence that this
can be used interchangeably with MDRD.
Clinical assessment – Examination/Investigation
Signs of hypovolaemia/heart failure/sepsis
Palpable bladder/Polycystic kidneys
Prostate examination in men
Urine examination
Urinalysis – proteinuria/haematuria
ACR/PCR on early morning sample
Non-diabetics ACR >30mg/mmol or PCR >50
Diabetics – microalbuminauria = ACR≥2.5mg/mmol for males (2.5-30)
= ACR≥3.5mg/mmol for females (3.5-30)
Clinical assessment – ? Imaging
Ultrasound is 1st line test for imaging in CKD
- “if relevant symptoms”
- obstuctive symptoms
- progressive CKD (eGFR decline >5 in 1yr, >10 in 5yr),
- macroscopic / persistant microscopic haematuria
- stage 4 or 5 CKD
- being considered for renal biopsy
Management of CKD - Aims
to minimise progression of CKD
to minimise development of CVD
to identify those who with progressive decline in renal function
will develop ESRD in their lifetime.
Identify those needing referral to nephrology:
Significant proteinuria (ACR>70mg/mmol, PCR>100mg/mmol)
Microscopic Haematuria <50yrs (>50yrs to urology)
Advanced CKD – stage 4 or 5
Functional consequences – e.g anaemia, bone disease, refractory HTN
Immediate referral for ARF, malignant HTN, K >7mmol/L, nephritic
Lifestyle advice in CKD
Smoking cessation
Weight reduction if high BMI/ abdominal circumference
Alcohol consumption
Low salt diet – but beware salt substitutes with high potassium
Low protein diet only in advanced CKD (stage 4-5) and after
dietician assessment.
Blood pressure and proteinuria reduction
BP should be measured at least once a year.
BP should be controlled to slow CKD progression and reduce
Usual HTN targets of <140/90 mm/Hg for most patients
Target maximum of 130mm/Hg systolic (& 80mm/Hg diastolic)
for patients with ACR >70/PCR>100mg/mmol, or for diabetics
with microalbuminuria.
Any reduction in proteinuria in CKD reduces the relative risk of
disease progression
there should be no lower target as the greater the reduction from baseline,
the greater the effect on slowing reduction in GFR.
Blood pressure and proteinuria reduction
ACEi and ARBs offer both cardio- and renoprotective effects
Dilatation of the efferent renal arteriole reducing intraglomerular
pressure and reducing proteinuria independent of systemic blood
pressure effects.
ACEi can prevent the development of diabetic nephropathy.
Both reduce albuminuria and progression from microalbuminuria to
macroalbuminuria in diabetics.
Both reduce proteinuria in non-diabetics.
Diabetics with microalbuminuria should be treated with an ACEi
or ARB irrespective of BP.
In non-diabetics with CKD and protienuria, ACEi or ARB are
the agents of choice to reduce proteinuria & progression of
Blood pressure and proteinuria reduction
Some evidence that the beneficial effect of ACEi and ARBs may
also apply to people with CKD without diabetes or proteinuria,
but NICE conclude not strong enough to recommend these over
other antihypertensives.
Commencing ACEi/ARBs:
Before starting check creatinine, eGFR and K.
Check again 1-2 weeks after starting and after each dose change.
A fall in eGFR of ≤25% is acceptable/good – suggests they are working.
A fall in eGFR of >25% from pre-treatment level may indicate renal
artery stenosis, also stop if K>6mmol/l.
Some evidence that non-dihydropyridine calcium channel
blockers may also reduce proteinuria
Should be considered for those intolerant of ACEi/ARBs
Cardiovascular prophylaxis
Risk assessment as for patients without CKD.
Statin for 10yr CVD risk >20%.
Antiplatelet therapy
NICE: no mention for primary prevention
SIGN: should be considered for stage 1-3 for 10yr CVD risk>20%
Other considerations
Complications to be aware of:
Anaemia – monitor Hb in Stages 3(B) – Stage 5, consideration for EPO.
Renal bone disease - stage 4-5, tends to be evaluated in 2dry care.
Patient education
Particularly ‘predialysis psychoeducation’ for those with progressive CKD
who may eventually need RRT.
Practice can produce a register of patients >18yrs with CKD stage 3-5
% of patients on register with record of BP in last 15months
% of patients on register with BP in last 15months of 140/85 or less
% of patients on register with HTN and proteinuria on ACEi or ARB
(unless contraindicated or adverse reaction)
% of patients on register with record of urinary ACR/PCR in last
CKD is Common, under recognised and under diagnosed
Early identification and treatment can slow progression of CKD
and also reduce associated increased risk of CVD.