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Make sure all your groups are earned prior to graduation!

Make a plan to complete this year!

Important to consider:

Will you have your compulsory groups covered by the time you graduate?

Group 1

1 additional credit in English, or French as a second language, or a Native Language, or a classical or an International language, or Social sciences and the Humanities, or Canadian and World Studies or Guidance and Career education, or cooperative education**

Group 2

1 additional credit in Health and Physical Education, or the Arts, or Business students, or Cooperative Education** or French as a second language

Group 3

1 additional credit in Science (Grade 11 or 12), or Technological Education, or Computer Studies, or Cooperative Education**or French as a Second Language

Workplace ‘E’ College ‘C’ University/College ‘M’ University ‘U’ Courses designed for students to enter the workplace directly following high school Courses designed to prepare students for entrance to most college programs following high school Courses designed to prepare students for entrance to specific college and university programs following high school Courses designed to prepare students for entrance to university programs following high school Open ‘O’ These courses are not specific to any particular post secondary destination. They are designed to provide students with a broad educational base that will prepare them for their studies and for productive participation in society.

       Analyze your study skills Grade 9, 10 & 11 marks Discussion with subject area teacher Discussion with guidance counsellor/student services teacher Study various pathways Research post secondary programs of interest Involve parents in the decision making process

Course Selection for Grade 12

2 Compulsory Courses English (1) Religion (1)  4 to 6 Elective Courses  2 Alternate Courses

 

Select 2 alternate courses Alternate choices are frequently placed in schedules - so choose wisely!!!

Why are alternates used?

› Course may be cancelled due to low enrollment, conflict in schedule etc.

MINIMUM CREDITS REQUIRED The minimum number of credits permitted in grade 12 depends on the number of credits, earned

by the end of grade 11.

•A minimum of 3 credits per semester if 24 or more credits have been earned.

•A minimum of 7 credits in total if 23 credits have been earned.

•A full load of 8 credits if 22 or fewer credits have been earned.

•If any of the compulsory credits from grades 10 or 11 have not been successfully completed, the student is strongly encouraged to take them in summer school.

•If not, they must be included in the student’s course selection.

  Include any failed compulsory course to your course selection If a failed compulsory course is earned at summer school, Guidance will replace course will alternate in August Failed: English grade 11 Grade 12 Course Selection: Compulsory Choices ENG3C ENG4C


Taking a grade 12 compulsory course will not guarantee that your 1st or 2nd alternate will be in your schedule!!!!

Summer School

Grade 12 course


1st 2nd Grade 12 Biology Physical Education

Choice of subjects must be focused to meet post secondary and career requirements Some useful websites:

ENG4U = a must!

Select program specific required courses

 

6 U/M credits Choose subjects that will ensure you the highest possible average in your grade 12 year

Course Selection must include

 

Program specific required courses Most colleges will not differentiate between “U”, “M” or “C” level courses

 

If interested, please speak to your guidance counsellor Some apprenticeship programs may require a grade 12 college math Some useful websites:

Bachelor of Arts Programs:

•English •Criminology •Communication Studies •Creative writing •Public Administration (one “U” math) •Human Resource Management •Language Program

Some Careers

•Social Services •Human resources •Law school •Editors •Advertising

University Pathways Physical and Health Education/Kinesiology Careers:

•Nutrition and dietetics •Occupational therapy •Personal training •Sports injuries management •Physical Therapy •Athletic Administration

College Pathways Bachelor of Fine Arts Programs:

•Dance •Design •Digital Media •Film •Music •Visual Art


•Sound Recording Engineer •Choreographer •Music Therapist •Costume Designer •Entertainment Anchor •Architectural Technology •Construction Engineer •Broadcasting •Business Administration MAP 4C/MCT 4C; ENG 4C MAP 4C/MCT 4C; ENG 4C ENG 4C ENG 4C; MAP 4C

How to access Career Cruising? Select “Career Cruising”.


Student number (7 digits) If you have a 6-digit student number, add a zero to the beginning of student number

Forgot your password?

Click here!

Select “Course Planner” Enter Courses here!!!!

Choose “alternates” wisely!

CAREFUL: Red dots indicate a lack of prerequisite. You will not be able to take this course!!!

When you have finalized your course selection, click submit!

Very Important:

Your choices will be locked-in and submitted at this point. You will no longer be able to change your course selection once “submit” is clicked.


Print & sign “course request sign off sheet” 2. Attach – Voluntary Student Activity Fee of $100.00

WARNING: Draft copies will not be accepted!

Offered for Grade 11 and 12 Students to earn a red seal diploma


o *4 Major courses (2 in Gr. 11 and 2 in Gr. 12)     *Grade 11 Math, Grade 12 English & 1 Elective from a pre-selected bundle of courses-must complete an assignment connecting broadcast to each of these 3 courses (TGJ3M1 & EMS 3O1 are mandatory) *Earn 6 Industry Recognized Certifications *Complete a 2 Credit COOP in the area of Broadcast and Create Work Plan *Complete one Career Exploration and one Post secondary site visi t

Steps to Register…..

Sign the

SHSM Application Form

and submit to Guidance Counsellor with Course Selection form SHSM Liaison and Administration will interview to determine Program Suitability of student

           Mandatory component for SHSM program Explore tentative career choices Gain valuable work experience Strengthen employment skills through on the job training Use equipment not available in the school Make a smoother transition from school to work or postsecondary education Obtain employment references Discover personal interest and abilities Develop confidence and self-reliance Earn secondary school credits while gaining practical job experience Possibility of future employment with the company

Requirements of Co-op

  Be at least 16 years of age Earned at least 16 credits 

Complete a Co-op Education Application Form

(pick up in guidance or co-op office)

 Successfully complete an interview with a member of the Co-op Department

Two Credit Co-op

(typically scheduled periods 3 & 4, SHSM may be scheduled differently)

COOPHD Three Credit Co-op

(scheduled periods 2,3 & 4)

Four Credit Co-op

(scheduled all day)


Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program  an opportunity for a student to meet diploma requirements while participating in an apprenticeship program


    16 years of age and have 16 credits may involve the student’s registration in an apprenticeship program requires documentation by the student and training organization regarding trade specific competencies acquired involves the earning of Cooperative Education credits

  Course selections sheets are DUE: FEBRUARY 26

th , 2013

Attach a $100 voluntary student activity fee made payable to St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS

NOTE Students who do not meet the deadline dates cannot be guaranteed their courses for next year!


Please make an appointment with your guidance counsellor.

Student Surname

A to C, XYZ D to F, R G to L M to Q S – W


B. Knuff L. Joseph T. Hayhoe E. Wong T. Emmanuel