Forensics Science - Belle Vernon Area School District

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Transcript Forensics Science - Belle Vernon Area School District

Define forensics science.
When did fingerprinting identification
come about?
When was the first polygraph used?
When was the FBI created?
When did the fingerprinting become
 1.What
were the names of the victims in
the OJ Simpson case?
 What pieces of evidence was there to link
OJ to the crime scene.
 What two pieces of evidence finally
convicted Ted Bundy?
 What
are the two layers of the skin?
 Which layer is alive?
 Which layer do fingerprints come from?
 What are the three most common
 Name and describe any three points on a
 What
percent of finger prints are whorled?
 Name
and describe the four types of
whorled fingerprints.
 What
is the most common type of finger
 Name
and describe the two types of
looped fingerprints.
 Name
the type of surfaces that dusting,
iodine & super glue fuming is best used
 How
many points are needed for a positive
Sherlock Holmes, Perry Masons, Law and Order
and CSI. (Jobs like those depicted in C.S.I. don't
exist. Make sure you have realistic
expectations before diving in).
Forensic science may generally be defined as
the application of scientific, technical, or other
specialized knowledge to assist courts in
resolving questions of fact in civil and criminal
forensic biology (DNA, blood, body fluids, etc.)
 fingerprints
 hair
History Of Forensics
Begins in BC with fingerprints in early painting of
prehistoric humans.
1784 John Toms was convicted of murder on the basis
of the torn edge of wad of newspaper in a pistol matched
the remaining piece in his pocket.
1813 Mathiew Orfila father of modern toxicology –
developed tests for the presence chemicals in the blood
and is also credits with the first attempt to use a
microscope in the assessment of blood and semen
1835 Henry Goddard first to use a bullet comparison to
catch murder
1879 Virchow first to use hair and recognize its
1884 Alfred Dreyfus was convicted of treason in France
based on hand writing.
1901 Sir Edwards Richard Henry Fingerprint
8. 1901 Henry Deforrest pioneered the first systematic use
of fingerprints in the US.
9. 1904 Oskar and Rudolf Adler developed a presumptive
test for blood.
10. 1921 John Larson and Leonard Keeler designed the
first portable polygraph.
11. 1924 August Vollmer first police crime lab in LA.
12. 1932 FBI was created.
13. 1984 Sir Alec Jefferys developed the first DNA profiling
14. 1986 First case to use DNA to solve a crime
15. 1996 FBI computerize Searches for Fingerprint
“The Trial of the Century”
Besides his Hall of Fame career, Simpson is
infamous for having been tried for the murder of
ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend
Ronald Goldman in 1994. He was acquitted in
criminal court in 1995 after a lengthy, highly
publicized trial.
In 1997, Simpson was found liable for their deaths
in civil court, but to date has paid little of the
$33.5 million judgment
He gained further notoriety in late 2006 when he
wrote a book titled If I Did It. The book, which
purports to be a first-person fictional account of
the murder had he actually committed it, was
withdrawn by the publisher just before its
The book was later released by the Goldman family
and the title of the book was expanded to If I Did
It: Confessions of the Killer).
Evidence linking him to the
DNA of Nicole Brown, Ronald Goldman, & OJ
Simpson was found at the scene.
Shoe prints found at the crime scene were from
a size 12 Bruno Magli shoe, and bloody shoe
impressions on the Ford Bronco carpet was
consistent with a Bruno Magli shoe.
Simpson wore a size 12 shoe.
Ted Bundy
Theodore Robert 'Ted' Bundy (November 24,
1946 – January 24, 1989) was an American
serial killer.
Bundy raped and murdered scores of young
women across the United States between 1974
and 1978.
After more than a decade of vigorous denials,
Bundy eventually confessed to 29 murders,
he actual total of victims remains unknown.
Typically, Bundy would rape his victims, and
then murder them by bludgeoning, and
sometimes by strangulation. He also engaged in
In stark contrast to the brutality of his crimes,
Bundy was frequently described as educated
and charming. His friends and acquaintances
would remember him as a handsome and
articulate young man.
Ted Bundy Time Line
January 4 - July 14,1974– Washington State
October 2, 74 – May 6,1975 –Utah State
Arrested August 16, 1975 Escaped from Aspen Jail by jumping from
the library, found 8 days latter driving a car weaving in and out of
Escaped again in December 30, 1977
Bundy crawled over to a spot directly above the jailer's linen closet
— the jailer and his wife were out for the evening — dropped down
into the jailer's apartment, and walked out the door.
January 15 – February 9 1978 Florida State (Chi Omega) - Bundy
traveled to Lake City, Florida. While there, he abducted, raped, and
murdered 12-year-old Kimberly Leach, throwing her body under a
small pig shed.
Two pieces of evidence proved crucial.
First, Chi-Omega member Nita Neary, getting back
to the house very late after a date, saw Bundy
as he left, and identified him in court.
Second, during his homicidal frenzy, Bundy bit
Lisa Levy in her left buttock, leaving obvious bite
marks. Police took plaster casts of Bundy's teeth
and a forensics expert matched them to the
photographs of Levy's wound. Bundy was
convicted on all counts and sentenced to death.
Oklahoma City Bombing
April 19, 1995 aimed at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, a U.S.
government office complex in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
The attack claimed 168 lives and left over 800 injured.
Timothy McVeigh arrest 90 minutes later from a vin number from a
bomb car.
Teeth from victims helped identified 25% of the bodies.
Madrid Bombings
Three of the trains set off from Alcala de Henares, about
12km to the east of Madrid. The fourth originated from
Guadalajara, but passed through the station en route for
the city.
On the morning of 11 March 2004 (three days before
Spain's general elections), killing 191 people and
wounding 2,050.
That afternoon, detectives looked more carefully at the
white van. They collected fingerprints, and under the
passenger seat they found a plastic bag with seven
detonators matching the type used in the bombings
The Verdict
History of Fingerprints
The oldest known documents showing fingerprints date
from third century B.C. China.
In ancient Babylon (dating back to 1792-1750 B.C.),
_______________________ tablets marked contracts.
The earliest written study (1684) is Dr. Nehemiah’s
paper describing the patterns he saw on human hands
under a microscope, __________________________.
In 1788, Johann Mayer noted that the arrangement of
skin ridges is _____________________________. He
was probably the first scientist to recognize this fact.
History of Fingerprints
Nine fingerprint patterns were described in
1823 by Jan Evangelist Purkyn.
6. Sir William Herschel (shown at the right), in
1856, began the collection of fingerprints and
noted they were ________________________.
7. Alphonse Bertillon created a way to identify
criminals that was used in 1883 to identify a
repeat offender.
8. In 1888, Sir Francis Galton (shown at the
right), and Sir Edmund Richard Henry,
developed the fingerprint classification system
that is still in use in the United States.
In 1686, Marcello Malpighi, a professor of anatomy at the University of Bologna,
noted in his treatise; ridges, spirals and loops in fingerprints.
In 1823, John Evangelist Purkinje, a professor of anatomy at the University of
Breslau, published his thesis discussing 9 fingerprint patterns.
In 1882, Gilbert Thompson of the U.S. Geological Survey in New Mexico, used his
own thumb print on a document to prevent forgery.
In Mark Twain's book, "Life on the Mississippi", a murderer was identified by the use
of fingerprint identification.
Sir Francis Galton, a British anthropologist and a cousin of Charles Darwin, began
his observations of fingerprints as a means of identification in the 1880's.
Juan Vucetich, an Argentine Police Official, began the first fingerprint files based on
Galton pattern types.
Juan Vucetich made the first criminal fingerprint identification in 1892. He was able
to identify Francis Rojas, a woman who murdered her two sons and cut her own
throat in an attempt to place blame on another.
The Fingerprint Branch at New Scotland Yard (London Metropolitan Police) was
created in July 1901 using the Henry System of Classification.
First systematic use of fingerprints in the U.S. by the New York Civil Service
Commission for testing. Dr. Henry P. DeForrest pioneers U.S. fingerprinting.
The New York State Prison system began the first systematic use of fingerprints in
U.S. for criminals.
1905, _____________________________begins using fingerprints.
1907, _____________________________Navy begins using fingerprints.
1908, _____________________________ begins using fingerprints.
By 1946, the FBI had processed ______million fingerprint cards in manually
maintained files; and by 1971, _______ million cards.
2007, The largest __________ repository in America is operated by the Department of
Homeland Security's US Visit Program, containing over _______ million persons'
fingerprints, primarily in the form of two-finger records.
History of Fingerprints
Fingerprints offer an_______________means of personal
identification. That is the essential explanation for their having
supplanted other methods of establishing the identities of
criminals reluctant to admit previous arrests.
The science of fingerprint Identification stands out among all
other forensic sciences for many reasons, including the
Has served ________________worldwide during the past
______ years to provide accurate identification of criminals. No
two fingerprints have ever been found alike in many billions of
human and automated computer comparisons. Fingerprints are
the very basis for criminal history foundation at every police
Established the first forensic professional organization, the
International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915.
Established the first professional certification program for
forensic scientists, the IAI's Certified Latent Print Examiner
program (in 1977), issuing certification to those meeting
stringent criteria and revoking certification for serious errors such as
erroneous identifications.
Remains the most commonly used forensic evidence worldwide - in
most jurisdictions fingerprint examination cases match or outnumber
all other forensic examination casework combined.
Continues to expand as the premier method for identifying persons,
with tens of thousands of persons added to fingerprint repositories
daily in America alone - far outdistancing similar databases in growth.
_______________ DNA and all other human identification systems to
identify more murderers, rapists and other serious offenders
(fingerprints solve ______________unknown suspect cases than DNA
in most jurisdictions).
Other visible human characteristics change - ________________.In
earlier civilizations, branding and even maiming were used to mark
the criminal for what he was. The thief was deprived of the hand
which committed the thievery. The Romans employed the tattoo
needle to identify and prevent desertion of mercenary soldiers.
Before the mid-1800s, law enforcement officers with extraordinary
visual memories, so-called “_______________," identified
previously arrested offenders by sight. Photography lessened the
burden on memory but was not the answer to the criminal
identification problem. Personal appearances change.
Around 1870, a French anthropologist devised a system to measure
and record the dimensions of certain bony parts of the body. These
measurements were reduced to a formula which, theoretically,
would apply only to one person and would not change during his/her
adult life.
The_________________, named after its inventor, Alphonse
Bertillon, was generally accepted for thirty years. But it never
recovered from the events of 1903, when a man named Will West
was sentenced to the U.S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas. It
was discovered that there was already a prisoner at the penitentiary
at the time, whose Bertillon measurements were nearly the same,
and his name was William West.
Upon investigation, there were indeed two men who looked exactly
alike. Their names were Will and William West respectively. Their
Bertillon measurements were close enough to identify them as the
same person. However, a fingerprint comparison quickly and
correctly identified them as two different people. (Per prison records
discovered later, the West men were apparently identical twin
brothers and each had a record of correspondence with the same
immediate family relatives.)
What Are Fingerprints?
 All fingers, toes, feet, and palms are covered in small
 These ridges are arranged in connected units called
dermal, or _______________.
 These ridges help us get or keep our _________ on
 Natural _______________ plus ___________on these
surfaces leave behind an ________________ (a print)
on those objects with which we come in contact.
What makes a fingerprint?
1) Ridge patterns and the details in small areas of
friction ridges are __________ and ________repeated.
2) Friction ridges develop on the fetus in their definitive
form ___________________________.
3) Ridges are ______________ throughout life except
for permanent _________.
4) Friction ridge patterns ______________limits which
allow for classification.
Identical twins have the ______DNA configuration but
they ________have identical friction ridge configuration.
The skin
There are approximately
_______ridge "units" per square
inch of friction skin.
______________ (E) is stratified
(layered), squamous (flat)
epithelial tissue 5 layers thick
________________ is much
thicker than the epidermis and
consists of two layers - the
____________ (DPL) an area of
loose connective tissue extending
up into the epidermis as dermal
pegs (DP) and the deeper reticular
layer (DRL).
Formation of Fingerprints
 An animal’s external tissue (skin) consists of (a) an inner
dermis and (b) an outer epidermis.
 The creation of fingerprints occurs in a special layer (the
___________) in the epidermis where new skin cells are
 Fingerprints probably begin forming at the start of the
______th week of pregnancy.
 Because the ________ grows faster than the others, it
____________, forming intricate shapes.
There are three main types of fingerprints:
visible prints, latent prints and impressed
_______________are also called patent prints and are left in some
medium, like blood, that reveals them to the naked eye. They can be
when blood, dirt, ink or grease on the finger come into contact with a
smooth surface and leave a friction ridge impression that is visible
without development.
________________are not apparent to the naked eye. They are
formed from the sweat from sebaceous glands on the body or water,
salt, amino acids and oils contained in sweat. The sweat and fluids
create prints must be developed before they can be seen or
photographed. They can be made sufficiently visible by dusting,
fuming or chemical reagents.
______________prints are also called _____________ and are
indentations left in soft pliable surfaces, such as clay, wax, paint or
another surface that will take the impression. They are visible and
can be viewed or photographed without development.
Characteristics of
 Forensic examiners look for the presence of a
______(the center of a whorl or loop) and
_____________(triangular regions near a loop).
 A _____________is another characteristic that
distinguishes one fingerprint from another. The count is
made from the center of the core to the edge of the
Key points to fingerprints
_______, the points at which a ridge
_________, the point at which one
ridge divides into two
_________, very small ridges
__________, ridges slightly longer than
dots, occupying a middle space
between two temporarily divergent
________ or ________, empty spaces
between two temporarily divergent
______, a notch protruding from a ridge
________, small ridges joining two longer
adjacent ridges
___________, two ridges which cross each
The _________ is the inner point, normally
in the middle of the print, around which
swirls, loops, or arches center. It is
frequently characterized by a ridge ending
and several acutely curved ridges.
_________ are the points, normally at the
lower left and right hand of the fingerprint,
around which a triangular series of ridges
Fingerprint Forensic FAQs
 Can fingerprints be erased?
______, if, for example, they are removed with
chemicals, ___________________________.
 Is fingerprint identification reliable?
_______, but analysts can make _________.
 Is fingerprint matching carried out by computers
in a matter of seconds?
____, but the FBI’s Integrated
IAFIS or AFIS) can provide a match in ____
hours for the prints in its Master File.
Types of prints
__ % of Pop
__% of Pop
__% of Pop
Characteristics of
 Basic patterns can be further divided:
 Arch patterns can be _____ (4%) or ____ (1%).
 Whorl patterns can be _______ (2%), _______
(4%), or _________ (0.01%).
 Even twins have _______ fingerprints due
to small differences (called _______) in
the ridge patterns.
Whorled Finger prints
30% of fingerprints are
4 types of whorled
1. __________
 2. __________
 3. ________________
 4. _____________
Looped finger prints
 1. _________ Loop
 2. _________Loop
Problems or disease with finger
Techniques For Lifting a
Used on _______, ________
The area is lightly and carefully
_______with either a _____ or
_____ powder, depending on the
contrasting surface.
The dust is lifted with ________
and set against a _________
The print is preserved via
Fingerprint dusting in a lab
Iodine Fuming
Suspect material is
placed in an enclosed
cabinate along with
iodine _________
The crystals are
________, and will
sublimate (turn into a
gas vapor).
The vapors cause the
prints to __________.
Fingerprint visualized with
iodine fuming.
Chemical Treatment
___________ (triketohydrindene
hydrate)- this chemical is sprayed onto
a porous surface via an aerosol can.
Prints begin to visualize an hour or two
after application, although the process
can be accelerated through heating the
__________- is sprayed onto the
porous surface and left to dry. Then it
is exposed to ultraviolet light to
visualize the prints.
Silver Nitrate spray
Superglue Fuming
Used mainly on __________
Superglue is placed on
cotton and treated with
sodium hydroxide.
Fumes can also be created
by ________ the glue.
The fumes and the object are
__________ in a ________
chamber for up to six hours.
The fumes _______ to the
print, visualizing it.
Fuming tank
Analysis of Prints
Prints are analyzed by looking for points of interest or
If_________ match points are made, the fingerprints
Nowadays a computer can be used to assist this process
of matching points.
Known criminals are fingerprinted, and the prints are
filed away in a database known as the Integrated
Automated Fingerprint Identification System. If a print
is found at a crime scene, investigators look for a match
in the database.
Fingerprint Forensic FAQs
 How
are latent fingerprints collected?
The Future of Fingerprinting
 New ________________and digitally identifying
patterns may ___________ analytical mistakes.
 Trace elements of objects that have been
touched are being studied to help with the
identification of individuals.
 To help with identification, other physical
features such as eyes and facial patterns are
also being studied.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary
 Fingerprints have long been used for identification, and in the mid-
1800s were recognized as unique to each person.
 Three main groups include arches, whorls, and loops.
 Basic analysis includes looking for cores, deltas, and making a ridge
 Investigators search for patent, plastic, and latent prints.
 Dusting with powders or using special chemicals can make latent
fingerprints visible.
 New developments may eliminate errors by analysts.