Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs

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Transcript Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs

Department of Public Works
Land Management Division
Engineering and Construction
Road and Bridge Maintenance
Fleet Services
Waste Management
Administrative Services
Land Management Division
Building and Electrical
Subsurface Sanitation
Land Use Planning and Zoning
County Surveyor
Compliance / Enforcement
LMD Administrative Services
Land Management Division
Our Mission:
The purpose of the Land Management Division is
to work with property owners, builders,
consultants, surveyors and others to facilitate
and manage the land development process in a
manner that encourages economic activity while
protecting the public’s natural resource interests.
Division Resources
09-10 (Budget)
Reduced Staff by 28 Positions
From 59 FTE to 31 FTE
Division Manager
Contact Information:
Matt Laird
Department of Public Works
Land Management Division
125 E. 8th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
[email protected]
Compliance Program
Our Mission:
The purpose of the Compliance Program is to
investigate and respond to public inquiries of
complaints regarding violations of Lane County’s
land use, building, and nuisance codes, to
promote voluntary compliance with the codes,
and when necessary, to take enforcement action
to obtain correction of code violations.
Lane County Building and
Subsurface Sanitation
How these LMD programs ensure
the safety and health of Lane
County residents.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Our Mission:
To protect public safety, health and welfare
wherever hazards associated with the design,
erection, repair, removal, demolition or
occupancy of structures have the potential to
exist within the county's jurisdiction. We
endeavor to fulfill this mission through the
efficient, professional, and equitable
administration of nationally recognized code
standards and local regulations.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
How do we accomplish this mission?
Providing informational resources to owners and
Reviewing proposed construction plans and providing
input with regard to applicable code standards and
engineering requirements
Inspecting projects in the field to ensure they are built in
accordance with approved plans and applicable code
Generally, through “The Permit Process”
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Why do I need a permit? What can I
do without one?
The permit process was developed with several objectives in mind,
first and foremost is occupant safety (homeowners, the public, etc.).
Rather than simply acting as the authority granting permission to
build, the building and sanitation programs aim to act as a consultant
on your project, adding value and piece of mind by ensuring current
standards in construction are achieved.
Not just “Can” or “Can’t”, but advising on best practices.
There are several exemptions from permits for small projects,
repairs, finish work, etc.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
What are “The Rules”? Who administers them?
“The Rules” can be found in state statute, state administrative rule, and
county code.
These laws and ordinances reference a collection of standards commonly
referred to as “The Code” or “The Building Code”.
“The Building Code” is a collections of standards organized by discipline
(structural, plumbing, electrical, etc.)
The code contains prescriptive standards and performance based standards.
These standards are administered by LMD through its staff of plans
examiners, inspectors, engineers and environmental health specialists. These
technical professionals are educated and certified through the state in the
many different building disciplines they are charged with administering.
Continuing education of staff is critical to staying informed and accurate in
an evolving industry.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Permit Volume at Lane County
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Permit Volume “Per Capita” at Lane County
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
General Customer
Both the Sanitation and Building
Programs have technical staff
available at LMD’s front counter.
Staff responds to a wide range of
requests and questions. This service
is regularly utilized by property
owners, contractors, realtors, etc.
This service is free and available to
the public regardless of whether they
have an active permit.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Plan Review and
When applying for a permit,
construction documents are
often required.
LMD staff will review these
documents for conformance to
code standards
Issues identified through this
process are addressed prior to
permit issuance.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Inspection Services
An issued permit will list a number
of specific inspections that must be
approved during the course of
Depending on the complexity of
the project, there may be anywhere
from a single inspection to dozens
that must be approved.
Approval of all inspections results
in final approval of the permit. This
approval allows the owner to operate
the system(s) and/or occupy the
structure(s) permitted.
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Coordinating Agencies:
Oregon Building Codes Division (BCD)
Oregon Department of Environmental
Quality (DEQ)
Construction Contractors Board (CCB)
International Code Council (ICC)
Oregon Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OR-OSHA)
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Recent Trends &
Code Emphasis
Water intrusion, mold
 “Green” Building and
Energy Efficiency
 Seismic Considerations
 Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA)
 Advanced Treatment
Technology (ATT)
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Reduced revenue and downsized staff due to current state of
construction industry.
Vast geographical area to service
with field inspections.
Implement technological
improvements that allow for more
services over the internet, more
efficiency in the office.
Limited number of qualified
technical professionals to perform
mandated duties.
Additional “unfunded mandates”
that local Building and Sanitation
departments are tasked with
through State legislation
(surcharge collection, energy
efficiency enforcement, etc.)
Continue to ensure fees collected
address the cost of providing
associated service(s), minimize the
cost of these services.
Continue to achieve goals and
raise marks in terms of established
performance measures
Lane County Building and Subsurface Sanitation Programs
Contact Information
Brian Craner, PE
Building Official
(541) 682-4466
[email protected]
Building Program
(541) 682-4651
Sanitation Program
(541) 682-3754
Visit us online! Helpful
information, forms, permit
status check, inspection
scheduling, and more...
County Surveyor’s Program
Our Mission:
The purpose of the County Surveyor’s Program is
to maintain records of land surveys, partitions,
subdivision and roads so that the survey
information is available for public use, and to
locate and preserve Public Land Survey System
corners so they remain available to provide a
reliable basis for property surveys and
Surveys Filed - 1900 to Present
Surveys Filed
1900 1903 1906 1909 1912 1915 1918 1921 1924 1927 1930 1933 1936 1939 1942 1945 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008
Land Use Planning & Zoning
Our Mission:
The purpose of the Planning Program is to
conduct long-range planning so that land
development can occur in a logical pattern
and to review proposed land development
activity to be sure that it complies with
federal, state and local requirements.
Planning Program
Land Use Permit Volume
Planning Actions Applied:
(1st quarter)
(Estimated 1328)
GIS Zoning Map
Plan and Zone Map Viewer
Planning Program
Contact Information:
Kent Howe
Planning Director
[email protected]
Planning Info Message Line: 682-3577
Lane County
Planning Commission
Thank You