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NC-SIS PowerSchool
EOY Expectations
Terra Dominguez
May 5, 2014
• LEA / Charter NC-SIS PowerSchool
• Tech Directors
• Describe End of Year (EOY)
• Define LEA, DPI and Pearson responsibilities
• Discuss resources and support
• Identify next steps
• Answer questions
What is End of Year (EOY)?
• Function similar to NC WISE that promotes
students to the next year school and next year
grade at the end of a school year
• Run at each LEA for all schools
• Shut-down window similar to NC WISE YET
– All PowerSchool instances will be shut-down
prior to running EOY in late June and remain
unavailable through first week in July
More About EOY
• Three processes that occur at the LEA level
– Validation: most reports and clean up can be executed by school staff
– EOY: performed on all schools in the LEA at the same time
– Post-EOY: most tasks may be completed by school staff
• Current year (SY 13/14) data must be corrected prior to
– EOY will not complete if validation fails
• If using PowerScheduler, SY 14/15 schedules must be
committed prior to EOY (HS, MS)
• EOY must be run during shut-down window
Who Does What? - Responsibility
LEA – Validate data
LEA – Communicate completion
DPI – Verify validation is complete for all LEAs
DPI / Pearson – Shut-down (Pearson back-up systems in place)
LEA or DPI – Run EOY (this part’s easy) during shut-down
DPI / Pearson – Re-connect and initiate PowerSchool Instances (ODS)
DPI – Complete year end processes for state’s integrated/dependent
DPI – Communicate systems up
LEA – Begin Post-EOY (SIS review, updates and local system integration)
LEA - Validate
• Begin now
• Use PowerTools reports (School level, can run for SY 13/14)
– Section Enrollment Audit
– School Enrollment Audit
Also located: Start > Reports (System)
• Run validations on End-of-Year Process screen
– LEA User: DO NOT RUN EOY process until DPI shut-down has been communicated
• Correct at LEA and school level
Read Everything First –
End-of-year process Screen Path
Validate Only
• DPI will provide the appropriate entry
and exit codes
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
• Begin validation and correction now
• Continue to run validation and correct data
until DPI shut-down window
• EOY validation tools can be used all year
Validation Support
• Weekly technical webinars
• Home Base Support Center (HBSC) available to
answer validation questions
– Does your technical staff need more help? Log that too
• Documentation on NC-SIS site
• Articles on PowerSource
– Some articles only accessible to LEA Technical contact
LEA - Communicate
• Respond to DPI survey by Friday, May 9th
• Provide contact in survey
– EOY requires 24/7 LEA contact
• Be prepared to run EOY by XXXX
Integration and Dependency
• Integrated systems* are dependent on the
completion of EOY for all LEAs, however; no LEA may
begin EOY function before DPI shut-down
– ODS (Repository)
– SchoolNet
– Open Class
– Test Nav
DPI – Verify Validation
• Check-points will be established to
assist LEAs/Charters
• EOY will not be run until all LEAs/Charters
have completed validations
• LEAs/Charters are encouraged to run
– a.k.a. ‘Push the button’
Wait…You want me to ‘Push the Button’?
• EOY is run after DPI shut-down is communicated
• LEA encouraged to run EOY
– ‘Pushing the button’ starts with a drop-down and ends with Submit
– In some cases, this may provide LEAs more time for data clean-up
• If data is correct EOY function will run
• If process does halt, DPI 24/7 resource available
• Complete the survey by Friday, May 9th
DPI - Shut-down Window
• Back-ups taken by Pearson Hosting
• 24/7 support for DPI from Pearson
• 24/7 support for LEAs/Charters from DPI
• More detail pending on when to ‘push the
– Large LEAs will begin EOY first
Isn’t There More?
• Yes but we are learning with you so we
will update the EOY webpages
• Tips and Tricks document specific to NC
• Tuesday Tech webinars
• DPI can establish meetings for technical
staff for in-depth questions
DPI – Connect, Complete,
• Pearson to re-connect ODS
• DPI / vendors complete end of year
processes for integrated systems
• Post-EOY validation tasks
– Individual contact with LEAs/Charters as
• Communicate completion to state
LEA – Begin Post-EOY
• Post EOY- tasks
– System and data review
– Integrate local systems if needed
• First day of SY 14/15 is 6/27/2014
Next Steps
1. Review NC-SIS EOY pages for validation procedures
and support documents
2. Determine participation – will you ‘push the button’
3. Begin validation
4. Respond to survey by Friday May 9, 2014
5. Register for weekly Tuesday state-wide Tech
Webinars https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/340351513
Burning Questions
• EOY required activities
– Optional, Recommended and Required tasks are defined in the
support documents
• Next grade, next school
– Students transferring out
– Charter Schools
– Program Schools
• Scheduling
Thank you
Home Base Support Center
Available: Monday - Friday
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Phone: 919-807-4357
Email: [email protected]
(Please do not send an email to this address unless
you are a designated school official authorized to
submit service desk tickets to Home Base Support