Introduction to Industrial Hygiene

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Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
Industrial Hygiene
Part science, part art
Industrial Hygiene is the application of
scientific principles in the workplace to
prevent the development of occupational
disease or injury
Requires knowledge of chemistry, physics,
anatomy, physiology, mathematics
IH Topics
Occupational Health
Airborne Hazards
Indoor Air Quality
Skin Disorders
Noise Exposure
Thermal Stress
Personal Protective
History of IH
Disease resulting from exposure to
chemicals or physical agents have existed
ever since people chose to use or handle
materials with toxic potential
In the far past, causes were not always
Earliest Recordings
Lead poisoning among miners by
Hippocrates, 4th century BC
Zinc and sulfur hazards by Pliny the Elder,
3rd century BC
The Original Metallica
Georgius Agricola published a 12 volume
set in 1556, De Re Metallica
Town physician in Saxony
Silver mining
Described diseases of lungs, joints, eyes
Woodcuts (see next slides)
Metallica Quotes
“If the dust has corrosive qualities, it eats
away at the lungs, and implants
consumption in the body”
Later determined to be silicosis,
tuberculosis, and lung cancer
Metallica Quotes
“there is found in the mines black pompholyz,
which eats wounds and ulcers to the bone; this
also corrodes iron . . . There is a certain kind of
cadmia which eats away at the feet of workmen
when they have become wet, and similarly their
hands, and injures their lungs and eyes.”
Later recognized as manifestations of toxicity of
arsenic and cadmium
Metallica cont.
A young American
named Herbert C. Hoover
and his wife, L.H. Hoover,
translated Agricola’s work
into English.
The translation was
published in 1912
Hoover graduated from
Stanford in 1891 as a
Mining Engineer
Hoover served as the 31st
president of the US (1929
– 1933)
Published work describing mercury
poisoning of miners in 1567
His famous quote, “All substances are
poisons; there is none which is not a
poison. The right dose differentiates a
poison and a remedy.”
This provided the basis for the concept of
the dose-response relationship.
Dose-Response Relationship
The toxicity of a substance depends not
only on its toxic properties, but also on the
amount of exposure, or the dose
Paracelsus differentiated between
Chronic (low-level, long-term) poisoning
Acute (high-level, short-term) poisoning
Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714)
Wrote a book, “De Morbis Artificum”
(Diseases of Workers), starting the field of
occupational medicine
Urged physicians to ask the question, “Of
what trade are you?”
He described diseases associated with
various lower-class trades, such as corpse
carriers and laundresses.
Other Pioneers around 1770
Sir George Baker
Linked “Devonshire colic” to lead in cider
Percival Pott
Linked soot exposure and scrotal cancer in
chimney sweeps
The Mad Hatter
Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” (1865)
Mad Hatter exhibited symptoms of mercury
poisoning, such as mental and personality
changes marked by depression and tendency to
Mercury was used in processing hides made
into hats
Bars were installed on windows at hat factories
presumably to prevent afflicted workers from
leaping during bouts of depression
Protection Starts to Arrive
English Factory Act, 1833, allows injured
workers to receive compensation
English Factory Inspectorate, 1878
US Workers Compensation started in 19081915 in several states (state programs, not
Occupational Safety & Health Act enacted in
1970 creating OSH Administration
Created regulations, inspections, recordkeeping,
enforcement, etc.
Birth of Industrial Hygiene
A few industrial hygienists were practicing in
early 1900s
Physicians sometimes saw the industrial
hygienist as a threat to their realm of expertise
Dr. Alice Hamilton was a pioneer Occupational
Physician and female pioneer. She helped
foster the field of IH in the US
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
formed in 1939
Industrial Hygiene
Other terms
Occupational Hygiene
Environmental Hygiene
Environmental Health
Professional Organizations
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA),, member organization
American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH),,
member organization for government employees
American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH),, independent organization that
administers certification programs for industrial
hygiene professionals
IHIT, Industrial Hygienist in Training
CIH, Certified Industrial Hygienist
Requires maintenance of certification
Definition of Industrial Hygiene
An Industrial Hygienist is a person having a college
degree in engineering, chemistry, physics, medicine, or
related physical and biological sciences, who has also
received specialized training in recognition, evaluation,
and control of workplace stressors and therefore
achieved competence in industrial hygiene. The
specialized studies and training must be sufficient so
that the individual is able to: 1) anticipate and recognize
the environmental factors and understand their effects
on people and their well-being; 2) evaluate, on the basis
of experience and with the aid of quantitative
measurement techniques, the magnitude of these
stresses in terms of the stressor’s ability to impair human
health and well-being; and 3) prescribe methods to
eliminate, control, or reduce such stresses when
necessary to diminish their effects.
Scope of IH
Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of hazards
or agents
Chemical Agents
Physical Agents
Ionizing and nonionizing radiation, noise, vibration,
and temperature extremes
Biological Agents
Dusts, mists, fumes, vapors, gases
Insects, molds, yeasts, fungi, bacteria, viruses
Ergonomic Agents
Monotony, fatigue, repetitive motion
2nd Aspect: Evaluation of Agents
Quantitative measurement of the agents of
Experience and knowledge of Industrial
3rd Aspect: Control of Agents
Controls in this order of preference
Engineering Controls
Administrative Controls
Engineering changes in design, equipment, processes
Substituting a non-hazardous material
Reduce the human exposure by changes in procedures,
work-area access restrictions, worker rotation
Personal Protective Equipment / Clothing
Ear plugs / muffs, safety glasses / goggles, respirators,
gloves, clothing, hard-hats
Knowledge Basis for IH
Applications in IH
Physics, math, anatomy, Hazard evaluations of noise, illumination, lasers,
radiation, and ergonomics
Chemistry, anatomy,
physiology, toxicology
Toxic chemical exposure evaluations of carcinogen
hazard assessment and reproductive hazard
Physics, chemistry,
Measuring exposures to chemical and physical
agents, interpreting lab analytical reports. Use of
direct reading instruments.
Statistics, epidemiology,
physics, chemistry,
anatomy, physiology,
toxicology, language
Interpreting study and lab results, critical review of
research, performing research
Language skills
Interactions with workers, management, and clients;
writing reports and papers; design of programs
IH as Part of an Overall Safety Program
General Safety
Industrial Hygiene
Wellness / Fitness
IH Program: Minimum Elements
Recognition of health hazards
Evaluation of health hazards
Control of health hazards
Employee training
Periodic program review
1. Recognition of health hazards
Walk-through survey with someone
knowledgeable of the processes
Regular intervals, keep records
Planning stage reviews
Modification reviews
MSDS reviews
2. Evaluation of hazards
Calculation of dose
Air sampling, noise meters, light meters,
thermal stress meters, accelerometers
Level and duration of exposure
Keep records
3. Control of Hazards (Prioritized)
1 Engineering
2 Administrative
Substitute a less hazardous material, local
exhaust ventilation
Worker rotation, training
3 Personal Protective Equipment
Respirators, gloves, eye protection, ear
protection, etc.
4. Recordkeeping
Important in all phases of the program
Often required by regulation
29 CFR 1904
Increase program effectiveness
Useful in legal challenges
5. Employee training
Effective component if total program is
implemented and engineering controls are first
Often required by regulation
Right to Know or Hazard Communication Standard:
29 CFR 1910.1200
Regular intervals
Keep it interesting and effective, use a variety of
Keep records of dates, individuals, topics,
6. Program review
Regular intervals (~yearly, semi-annual)
Review the written program as well as the
Updates for new regulations, new chemicals,
new processes, or any changes
Audit components of the program
Internal “OSHA” inspection
Involve employees, consultants, management