What do principals need to know about the DRA2 for K-3?

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Transcript What do principals need to know about the DRA2 for K-3?

Administering the DRA2 and EDL2
Denver Public Schools
Spring 2008
Grades 4–8
Agenda Topics
What good readers do
CBLA Expectations for grade level targets
Administration of the DRA2 with different
levels of readers
Word Analysis tasks and instruction
Instructional information gained from the
What is the purpose of
DRA2/EDL2 testing?
For Teachers: To get instructional information
For the State: To meet CBLA requirements (Spring)
Inform the state of students’ reading levels (K–3).
After third grade: Inform the state as to the progress
of those students identified at the end of third grade
(Grades 4–11).
Foundation for the DRA2/EDL2:
What do good readers do?
Brainstorm at tables:
What do good readers do?
How has “What Good Readers Do”
been incorporated into
DRA2/EDL2 Text Reading?
Determines student’s Independent level and
provides focus areas for instruction.
Look in the handout at the Good Readers Chart. Put
a checkmark next to every strategy on which you
have provided mini-lessons. Note Rationale.
Reading Engagement
Oral Reading Accuracy and Fluency
Comprehension (Predictions, Retellings and Summaries,
Connections, Inferences, Reflections)
How has “What Good Readers Do”
been incorporated into
DRA2/EDL2 Text Reading?
Activity: Read through the sample Continuum
for Oral Reading (Level 38, Amelia Earhart,
How might teachers use this information to guide
DRA2 4–8
DRA2 4–8 has slightly different processes
for administration at each of the
following levels of reading:
– Bridge (L. 20–38)
– Intermediate (L. 40–50)
– Middle School (L. 60–80)
DRA 4–8: Bridge Pack
For students in grades 4–8 who are reading
Texts at Levels 20, 24, 28, 38
– If students need a lower text, coordinate
with your facilitator or a primary teacher to
use the DRA2 K–3.
Teacher provides more scaffolding at lower
In grades 4–8, which students
should take the DRA2/EDL2?
Administration of the DRA2/EDL2 in the Spring is
For students who are in the third grade cohort group
(identified in third grade as being below grade level) and
For students who did not score Proficient on Benchmark
Assessments for Reading or are not reading at grade level,
according to other indicators, including CSAP.
Administration of the DRA2/EDL2 is OPTIONAL:
For students who are NOT in the cohort group AND scored
Proficient on Benchmark Tests for Reading and are reading at
or above grade level, according to other classroom indicators.
CDE Guidelines:
CBLA Benchmark Levels
End of Year
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Benchmark Level on
L. 38 Independent
L. 40 Independent
L. 50 Independent
L. 60 Independent
L. 70 Independent
L. 80 Independent
Adapted from the CDE PowerPoint at:
What is Independent Level on the
DRA 4–8?
• Use the Continuum descriptors to evaluate the
student’s reading behaviors.
• Find highest level at which the student scores
Independent or Advanced in BOTH the total of
the ORF and the total of the Comprehension
Highest Independent Level
Consider going to a
higher text level
Go to a lower text level
Why is it important to find
students’ Independent level?
• 85% of everything children read should be
easy for them
• 15% should be a bit of a challenge
• 0% should be at the difficult level because
it provides no purpose for learning
Richard Allington
Administering the DRA2/EDL2
with Consistency
• Read only the bold directions in the
Teacher Observation Guide.
– Paraphrasing or giving more information can
compromise the reliability of the test.
• Use a stopwatch to time the reading.
– If a student is stuck on a word, give 5 seconds
of wait time, then supply the word and mark it
as a miscue.
Administering the DRA2 Bridge Pack
L. 38: Hayato
Read through Hayato’s Reading Survey. What
would you give him for Reading Engagement on
the Continuum?
Read through the Observation Guide and
Continuum for Amelia Earhart, L. 38.
Watch DVD of Hayato, following along with the
transcript and taking notes.
Underline the words and phrases to show how Hayato
phrases words as he reads them.
Score his ORF immediately. Is he Independent?
Should you go on?
Administering the DRA2 Bridge Pack
L. 38: Hayato
Look through Hayato’s “Student Booklet.”
Look at Focus for Instruction sheet and check
three to five areas to focus on with Hayato.
Note: Student examples are included in Teacher Guide
to support scoring.
Score the Continuum. At what level is Hayato reading?
What would you work with him on in guided reading?
What would you do with him in your reading
Watch the conference between the facilitator
and the teacher.
Word Analysis Assessment
• For DRA2 4–8:
– If students are significantly below grade level,
teachers might choose to do some of the Word
Analysis tasks to determine the extent to which
word analysis problems are interfering with the
students’ reading progress.
– Teachers collaborate with their facilitator or
primary teachers about the administration of
the Word Analysis tasks.
Activity: Administering the
DRA2 4–8 Level 40
• Watch DVD of the student reading L. 40,
All the Way Under and the conference
between the facilitator and the teacher.
• How is this process different from the
Bridge Pack format?
Using the DRA2/EDL2
for Instructional Purposes
Look at the following DRA2 Summary Sheet for
students at the Bridge level.
• What do you notice?
• What questions does this raise for you?
• How can this information be used for
instructional purposes?
DRA2 Summary Sheet:
Bridge Pack
Using the DRA2/EDL2
for Instructional Purposes
Use information to support appropriate book bags
for students.
Use Summary Sheets to group students and plan
whole group and small group instruction.
Use Continuum rubrics and Focus for Instruction
sheets to identify areas for instruction.
Using the DRA2/EDL2
for Instructional Purposes
Use Continuum rubrics to assess student progress,
e.g., in SMART goals. For example: If students
score low on Reflection,
Make a student-friendly chart of the Reflection rubric,
Model and teach students how to reflect during Guided
Reading, and
Teach students the rubric for Reflection and have them
write their own reflections and score them.
Using the DRA2/EDL2
for Instructional Purposes
Keep Continuum on clipboard during conferences or
guided reading as a reference.
As students improve in the areas of instruction
identified initially, use the Focus for Instruction
sheets to identify new areas for instruction and to
set goals with students in Reading Assessment
What else?
Preparing for the Assessment:
Gather materials—Teacher Guides, stopwatch, clipboard,
Make copies of necessary forms.
Teacher Observation Guide and Continuum for each book
Student Booklet for writing responses (L.28–40)
Focus for Instruction form
Word Analysis record forms (if necessary)
Read the books and Teacher Guides ahead of time.
Use information from instruction to guide choice of levels
and tasks.
If new to running records, ask facilitator for training and
tape students’ reading.
In closing…
The DRA2 and EDL2
– Provide a clear and shared vision of what
student proficiency looks like
– Offer specific guidance for instruction
– Support ongoing discussions of student work
and implications for instruction
ALL are critical for enhancing
student achievement.