LITERATURE CIRCLES - Pleasant Valley High School

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Transcript LITERATURE CIRCLES - Pleasant Valley High School

Presented by:
Valerie Eblin
Lisa Eastwood
Daniel Labram
Melissa Morales
What are
Literature Circles?
“Small temporary,
discussion groups, usually
made up of four or five
students” (Daniels 13).
Harvey Daniels
• Although he is regarded as the
primary researcher of
Literature Circles, numerous
other researchers have adapted
the literature circle concept.
• Each student within the
group has a particular role
that they perform. The
teacher may assign roles or
allow students to choose a
role that interests them. It
is recommended that
students rotate roles.
Roles created by
Harvey Daniels
Discussion Director
Word Wizard
Character Captain
Passage Maker
Artful Artist
The Researcher
Scene Setter
• This student makes sure that the
group members participate in the
discussion. He or she also takes
notes for the discussion and keeps
the group on task.
Word Wizard
• This student locates words
which need further
explanation to fully
understand the text.
Character Captain
• This student tracks the evolution
of characters and cites text
examples. He or she then shares
his or findings with the group.
Passage Maker
• This student takes down
interesting and important
quotations from the novel.
The Artful Artist
• This student draws scenes
from the novel.
The Researcher
• This student goes outside
the text and reports back
to the group on issues
such as historical context.
Scene Setter
• This student keeps track
of scene changes in the
text and the significance
of such changes.
Literature Circle
• “Literature Circle Roles Reframed:
Reading as a Film Crew” (IRA &
NCTE, 2005)
• Literature Circles for English
Language Learners (Lin, 2002)
• Inclusive Literature Circles for
Auditory Learners (Lopez)
Group Configuration
• Generally, all students within each
group read the same text.
• All literature circle groups may read
the same novel or each group may
read a different novel.
Grades K-3
• Highly structured
• Text is not as extensive
• Less frequent and shorter meeting
• Limited amount of roles
• Limited amount of text choices
– Teacher must guide students due to age
– At this stage they are learning the
basics of literature circles
Grades 4-6
More reader independence
Text is more extensive
More frequent and longer meeting time
More roles introduced
Students may read different text
from a pre-selected group of books
• Less teacher guidance needed
• At this stage, students should be
more comfortable with the process
Grade 7-12
• Students may determine how much they
will read and report on.
• Format is generally less structured for
older students.
• After students are very familiar with
literature circles, they may not need roles.
• Students may use sticky notes to mark
pages of personal significance.
Secondary Content Area
• Literature Circles can be used with nonfiction articles and trade texts.
• Students can read the same or jig-sawed
chapters from the textbook.
• Most content area literature circle models
emphasize vocabulary development.
When to implement
Literature Circles
Reading Aloud
Shared Reading (visible text)
Guided Reading (leveled text groups)
Independent Reading
Shared Writing (teacher scribe)
Interactive Writing (teacher/kids share pen)
Guided Writing or Writing Workshop
(teacher guided, conferences, mini-lessons)
• Independent Writing (own pieces)
Lit Circles & Technology
• Students are using
Podcasts to participate in
lit circles with other
• Technology allows global
lit circles!
• Podcasts also allow
students to tape and
review their discussion.
Points to consider
• Reading material selection should be
important entice lively and meaningful
• The teacher must establish a community
of learning environment.
• Students must be familiar with text &
prepared to fulfill roles in the discussion.
• Students should critically analyze text.
• Respectful listening and sharing are
Benefits of Literature
Circles on Student's
• Stronger reader-text relationships
• Improved classroom climates
• Enhanced degrees of gender equity and
understanding, and
• A learning environment more conducive
to the needs and abilities of English
language learners.
Teacher Reflections
• Teacher must take students ability,
maturity, and behavior into account when
choosing structure.
• Like other reading strategies, literature
circles should be used across the
• The benefits of literature
circles are numerous. They
include: student centered
learning; increased social
interactions; higher level
thinking; and possibly…
Candler, L. Teacher Resources. Retrieved
March 25, 2007, from
Daniels, H. (1994). Voice and choice in the
student centered classroom. Pembroke
Publishers Limited: Markham.
Lin, C.H. (2002). Literature circles. Eric
Digest, 1-7.
San Antonio Home Education. Retrieved
March 24, 2007 from
Schlick, K. Literature Circle Resource
College of Education Seattle University.
Retrieved March 24, 2007 from
Teacher Vision (2007). Nova Southeastern
University. Retrieved March 24, 2007