Transcript Slide 1

A Survey of Wyoming King Air and Cloud Radar Observations in the Cumulus Photogrammetric In-Situ and Doppler Observations (CuPIDO) experiment
J. Cory Demko ([email protected]
Rick Damiani
([email protected])
Bart Geerts
Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming
Cumulus convection is of fundamental importance as it serves as the primary
mechanism for the vertical transfer of heat, moisture and momentum. Details of
the evolution of cumulus convection at multiple scales, particularly the transition
from shallow to deep convection, are important, since these processes must be
parameterized in numerical weather prediction and general circulation models.
CuPIDO examines fundamental cumulus dynamics and the two-way interaction
between cumuli and the environment. The detrainment of momentum, heat and
moisture by isolated cumuli is directly relevant to cumulus parameterization in
NWP models
An isolated mountain serves as a natural laboratory for the study of cumulus
evolution, allowing continuous measurements by ground-based instruments,
cameras, radiosondes, and aircraft. CuPIDO also aims to study how surface fluxes
around an isolated mountain drives anabatic flow, moisture and heat convergence,
and the initiation of shallow, mediocre, and deep convection.
Scientific Objectives
Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Site Location
Joseph Zehnder ([email protected])
([email protected])
Characterize the onset and transition from shallow to deep convection
using surface and upper air measurements, various ground-based
profiling systems, in-situ and Doppler aircraft observations and stereo
digital photogrammetric techniques.
Santa Catalina Mountains, north of
Tucson, AZ. This range has a
maximum elevation of about 2800 m
(9000 feet) and referred to as a “sky
island” .
Successive shallow Cu developed
between 1740 – 1840 UTC
(~800m deep) evolving rapidly
into congestus by 1935 UTC
ISFF site
Camera site
16 flights were conducted between 18
July and 17 August 2006.
Flight summary
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
flight hours: 60
flights sampling transition from cloud-free to Cu congestus: ~8
flights sampling transition to deep convection: ~7
flight loops around the mountain, in the convective BL:
Cumulus Dynamics using the Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR)
Orographic forcing of boundary layer flow: mass and moisture convergence
Equivalent Potential Temperature (°K)
Potential Temperature (°K)
CuPIDO will advance scientific knowledge on several fronts:
 fundamental cumulus dynamics
 orographic forcing of cumulus clouds
 cumulus-environment interaction
Who/What Was Involved?
Mixing Ratio (g/kg)
Mixing Ratio (g/kg)
Equivalent Potential Temperature (°K)
Arizona State University
Digital Visible Spectrum Cameras
(2 stereopairs)
10 ISFF/PAM Stations
2 M-GAUS mobile
University of Arizona:
WRF modeling Support
GPS water vapor
Mixing Ratio (g/kg)
Potential Temperature (°K)
University of Wyoming
King Air
Wyoming Cloud Radar
Equivalent Potential Temperature (°K)
25 July 2006 case illustrating orographic boundary layer forcing over the
Santa Catalinas. Panels 1 – 3 illustrates circumnavigation loops at 1,000ft
agl, 7,000ft msl, and 10,000ft msl conducted 1600 – 1647 UTC. Tracks
show equivalent potential temperature and wind barbs are colored via
mixing ratio. Panels 1 and 2 view the mountain top-down whereas panel 3
shows the southern periphery. Panel 4 illustrates an aircraft sounding from
1946 – 1953 UTC (23,000ft msl – 1,000ft agl). Track show equivalent
potential temperature and wind barbs colored via potential temperature.
Graphics produced using IDV.
Weak low - level upslope flow exists with very little if any wind shear. A
relatively moist and cool boundary layer exists during the morning hours
(MST) due to a Gulf of Mexico surge which arrived several hours prior.
boundary layer contained more moisture than any other day up to this
Rather high CAPE, but also significant CIN existed during this
18 July 2006 16:44:30 – 16:46:30 UTC (left) and 16:48:15 –
16:50:15 UTC (right) The figures show plumes detaching from
the ground and connecting to clouds above.
18 July 2006 vertical
plane dual Doppler image
which shows a section of a
turret tilting against the
main wind direction. It is
forming to the north of
Mt. Lemmon.
18:03:30 – 18:04:20 UTC