Transcript Document

“Оқу мен жазу арқылы сын тұрғысынан
ойлауды дамыту”
Қызығушылықты ояту.
Мағынаны түсіну.
Ой толғаныс.
Байырғы білімді
аңықтау, сүйену.
Жаңа ақапаратпен
бұрынғы білімді
Тақырып бойынша
сын тұрғысынан қарап,
қорытынды жасау.
1)To teach
historical outlook
of Kazakhstan
and The UK
2)To develop
thinking, speaking,
reading and
oral speech
3)To get some
information about
two countries
1.What does the word
"monarchy" mean?
2.What is the role of
3.Who rules the UK?
4.Who is the Queen of
the UK?
5.When did the Queen
became the Queen of
the UK?
1.What does the world
"Government" mean?
2.Who rules Kazakhstan?
3.Who is the President of
4.When did the President
become the President of
5.What is the role of
The Queen is Head of State of the UK and 15
other Commonwealth realms. The elder
daughter of King George VI and Queen
Elizabeth, she was born in 1926 and became
Queen at the age of 25, and has reigned
through more than five decades of enormous
social change and development. The Queen
is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
and has four children and eight
The Monarchy
Britain is a parliamentary
democracy, in which the country is
governed by elected representatives
of people. The powers of the monarch
are not defined precisely. The British
people look to the Queen as head of
the nation and the living symbol of its
unity. She is the head of the system
of justice and of the armed forces.
The Queen does not take part in
politics but the country is governed
in her name. Every letter sent out by a
government department is marked
"On Her Majesty’s Service". The
Queen appoints all the Ministers,
including the Prime Minister. In
reality, everything is done on the
advice of the elected Government,
and the monarch takes no part in the
decision-making process.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a sovereign independent state
in the centre of the Eurasian continent. It is commonwealth
independent state. In December 1991 a new independent
country- the Republic of Kazakhstan- joined the World
community. The 16th of December is new celebrated as an
Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan
is a unitary country with a presidential form of the government .
The first President of Kazakhstan is N.A.Nazarbaev. He
became first president of the Country in April 1990.
Political system of sovereign Kazakhstan
The main law of the state- the Constitution of the Republic
of Kazakhstan was adopted in 1995. According to the
Constitution the Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a
presidential form of government, which proclaims itself as a
democratic, secular, legal and social state. The President of
the state is elected for a five-year term by universal, equal and
direct voting. The first president of the Republic Nursultan
Nazarbaev was elected in 1991. In 1995 his tern was extended
by national referendum until the year 2000.
The highest representative body, that reforms legislative
functions is the Parliament of the Republic. The Parliament
consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis acting
on a permanent basis. The Senate is formed by 47 deputies
(40 of which are two persons, elected from each region; seven
deputies are appointed by the President of the Republic).
Mazhilis consists of 67 deputies, elected by one-mandate
territorial districts. The elections is four years.
The Government implements the executive power in the
country. It is headed by the Prime-Minister, who is appointed by
the President with the approval of the Parliament. The
Government is responsible for its work to the President and is
accountable to the Parliament.
Mini test
Choose the correct answer.
1. When did Elizabeth ІІ become
a) 1945
b) 1952
c) 1964
2. How often must General
Elections be held in the UK?
a) every three years
b) every four years
c) every five years
3. At what age may citizens vote in
the UK?
a) 16
b) 18
c) 21
Mini test
Choose the correct answer.
1. When did N. Nazarbaev become
a) 1985
b) 1993
c) 1991
2. How often must General
Elections be held in Kazakhstan?
a) every seven years
b) every four years
c) every five years
3. At what age may citizens vote in
a) 16
b) 18
c) 21
Оқушылардың пәнге қызығушылығы,
өз ісіне деген
жауапкершілігі қалыптасты.
Оқушы жеке өз бетімен ,
жұптық , топтық , ұжымдық
әдістермен жұмыс жасауға үйренді.
Оқушылардың ойлау,
есте сақтау қабілеті, біліктілігі
артты, жан- жақты
дамыған жеке тұлға қалыптасып,