Landcare Research Use of SharePoint

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Use of Microsoft SharePoint at
Landcare Research
Mike Cochrane
March 2009
About Landcare Research
Crown Research Institute (CRI)
• Government owned, independent
science company
• One of nine CRIs in New Zealand
• Approx. $52m annual turnover
• 450+ staff over nine locations
• Extensive national and international
InfoFile is Landcare’s implementation of SharePoint
Not currently used for the Intranet
Collaboration and Document Management
Public Records Act
Projects and Team sites
Environment - Servers
• MOSS Standard Edition
Mainly Microsoft development tools
Some other tools for GIS, science projects
Microsoft Office 2003 (moving to 2007 this year)
Outlook 2007
Internet Explorer 6 (moving to 7 shortly)
Looking at Colligo for offline access and easier email handling
• Information Support Specialist
• Developer/Technical Support
• Technical Group
• Computer Support
• Governance Group
• IT Manager
• CSS Manager
• Library/Information Services Manager
• Users
Business Taxonomy
Site Collections
InfoFile – Home
InfoFile – Site Directory
InfoFile - Teams
InfoFile - Projects
InfoFile - Projects
InfoFile – Contracts
InfoFile – Contracts
InfoFile – Contracts
InfoFile – Contracts
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile – Employee Kiosk
InfoFile – Employee Kiosk
InfoFile – Employee Kiosk
InfoFile – Employee Kiosk
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile – Staff Locator
InfoFile - Help
InfoFile - InfoCentre Integration
InfoCentre - Workspaces
InfoCentre – Web Services
InfoCentre - Timesheets
• Telerik RAD Editor
Visual Studio 2008 WSS 3.0 Extensions
Sharepoint Designer
STSDEV – Simple Tools for Sharepoint Development
Sharepoint User Group
Still To Do
• Search
• Faceted search
• Repaying some technical debt
• Public Records Act
• More following up on site users
• Training
• Looking at the Intranet
• Moving to Office 2007
• Automating some tasks (Powershell)
• InfoPath
Developing on Sharepoint