Jin Kui Yao Lui - American Institute of Acupuncture

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Transcript Jin Kui Yao Lui - American Institute of Acupuncture

Golden Chamber (Jin
Kui Yao Lue)
Dr. Kenneth Wang OMD, Ph.D., L.Ac.
E-mail: [email protected]
1. On Pulse syndrome Complex and Transmission of
the Disease of Viscera, Bowels, Channels and
(1) The disciples asked: “Why does a superior physician
treat disease before its onset?” The master replied:
“Because to treat a disease before its onset means
that the liver disease eventually transmits to the
spleen; therefore he takes care to maintain the
strength of spleen. However, in the last month of a
season when the spleen is vigorous and will not
contract any ailment, it is unnecessary to supplement
the spleen. A mediocre physician, not understanding
transmission, treats only the liver without
strengthening the spleen.”
In treating liver disorders sour herbs supplement the liver;
charred and bitter herbs assist the heart; and sweet herbs
harmonize the spleen. ……
(2) Climate greatly influences the five organs with which the
human being is endowed. Nature nourishes and destroys all
creatures just as water both floats and overturn a ship. When
the Yuan Qi of the five organs circulates smoothly, the body
maintains healthy and well; but when the noxious Qi and evil
winds attach, death ensues. Even though there are hundreds
of thousands of diseases, the causes are three: 1)Internal evils
spreading along the meridians to the viscera. 2)external evils
breaking through the surface of the skin and invading the
interior (eventually the evils cause blockage of the blood and
qi in the four limbs and nine cavities). 3)sexual abuse, knife
wounds, and animal or insect bites. All diseases fall into one
of these categories. Disease can’t invade the Cou
Li(interstices) if one lives circumspectly.
Disease should be treated immediately before the
meridians are involved and the viscera harmed. The
immediate practice of Qi guidance exercises, Tui-Na,
acupuncture and moxibustion, or unguent massage
prevents obstruction of the nine cavities and thus
relieve feelings of heaviness and torpidity. One
should behave so as not to violate the law or to incur
injuries from animals. One should not exhaust
oneself in sexual indulgence, and one should always
wear proper clothing, so as not to be become too hot
or too cold. Finally, one should cultivate proper
eating habits and balance the eating of sweet, bitter,
and sour foods.
(15) The master admonished: “When a patient who has
been suffering from a chronic disease suddenly
incurs an acute disease, it is mandatory to begin
treating the acute disease before addressing the
chronic condition.”
3. On pulse Syndrome Complex and treatment of Bai
He, Hu Huo, and Yin Yang Du Disease
(1) The Classic states: Bai He is a disease characterized
by general malaisea desire but inability to eat, talk,
lie down, or walk. The often appears quiescent.
Sometimes he has an appetite, sometimes not.
He feels cold but has no chill or else feels hot but has no
fever. A bitter taste invades his mouth and his urine
flows red. No drug can cure him because severe
vomiting and dysentery occur upon ingestion of
drugs. It seems as though a certain spirit has
possessed him although he appears to be normal
except for a minute and quick pulse. If his head
aches when he urinates, it means he will recover in
sixty days. If instead he feels chilled on urination, he
will recover in forty days…..
(2) A patient with Bai He who has erroneously received
treatment by the sweating method should be treated
principally with Bai He Zhi Mu Tang.
Bai He
Zhi Mu
Yin Deficiency
Thirsty+: Tian Hua Fen
+: Sheng Di Huang, Ji Zi Huang
(10) Hu Huo resembles Shang Han diseases in that the
patient looks moribund and is somnolent and unable
to close his eyes and so restless that he continually
lies down and gets up. An ulcer in the larynx is Huo
disease while an ulcer on the pudendum or the anus
is Hu disease. The patient, repelled by the odor of
food, will be anorexic, and his facial color will vary
from red to dark to pale. If ulceration develops in
the upper part of the body, hoarseness occurs. The
condition should principally be treated with Gan
Cao Xie Xin Tang. (Definitions of Behçet's disease on the Web:
A condition characterized by sores in the mouth and on the genitals and by
inflammation in parts of the eye. ...
(11) Ulceration on the pudendum is preceded by
pharyngeal dryness. The pudendum should be
washed with Ku Shen Tang. Ulceration on the anus
should be treated with Xiong Huang fumigation.
Ku Shen:
(12) Yang Du manifests silky red macules on the face, a
sore throat, and expectoration of purulent blood; it is
curable if treated within five days, but incurable
beyond seven days of onset. Treatment calls Sheng
Ma Bie Jia Tang. ……
5 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and treatment of
Zhong Feng (Apoplexy) and Li Jie
(1) Disease brought on by pathogenic Wind will cause
hemiplegia. When a patient can’t move one or both
arms freely, it is a case of Bi syndrome with feeblespeedy pulse caused by pathogenic wind, know in
Chinese as Zhong feng (Windstroke or apoplexy).
(2) A floating and tense pulse at cun site, “floating”
signifying weakness and tense “tense” chills, means
that chills and weakness are in interaction with each
other and the evil has lodged in the skin. A floating
pulse portends blood weakness and meridian
emptiness attributable to accumulated wind evil and
its subsequent stagnation in either the left or the
right side of the body. Thus unbalanced qi slows and
normal qi accelerates drawing the unbalanced qi.
Skewing of the mouth and paralysis result.
Evils lodged in the superficial meridians (luo) causes
skin numbness; evil in the inner meridians (jing)
causes heaviness and impaired movement of the
extremities. evil in the hollow viscera causes
insanity while evil in the solid viscera makes the
tongue unable to articulate and causes
slobbering. ……
(4) Pulse at Cunkou is deep-weak. Deep pulse indicates
the diseases affecting the bone, and is also
manifestation of a kidney disease. Weak pulse
indicates disease in tendons, and is also a
manifestation of a liver disease. When the patient is
immersed in water when sweating all over, the
pathogenic water will affect his heart. Li Jie will
occur with yellowish sweat. The condition is know
as Li Jie.
(5) Joint pain in the extremeties, emaciation, foot edema
that is so severe the feet feel detached, vertigo,
gasping, and nausea require the principal treatment
of Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang.
(9) …… A condition in which blood and qi are not
circulating and Wei fails. With blood and Wei
weakened, Primordial qi fails to reach the three
warmers, the circulation of qi and blood in the arms
and legs is interrupted, the body becomes emaciated,
the feet swell, and yellow sweat and tibial chills
occur. In the presence of fever, the condition is
called Li Jie.
(10) If a patient suffers from Li Jie, his joints are so
painful that he couldn’t flex or extend his joints.
Using Wu Tou Tang.
Wu Tou Tang:
Ma Huang
Bai Shao
Huang Qi
Chuan Wu
Gan Cao
6 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Blood
Paralysis and Xu Lao (Vacuity-taxation)
(1) The disciples asked: “What is the cause of blood paralysis?”
the Master said: “persons who live lives of leisure generally have
weak bones and rich flesh and muscle. After working for a short
period of time, they will feel tired and begin to sweat. When
they lie in bed, they will toss and turn frequently. If they are
exposed to a breeze at this time, they will suffer from arthralgia
due to stagnation of blood. The pulse will be feeble and hesitant
and slender-tense at Cun and Guan site. Acupuncture can be
adopted to stimulate yang. When the tense pulse disappears and
the pulse returns to normal, the patient is recovering.”
(2) The patient suffering from “blood paralysis” with a minute pulse
palpable both superficially and deeply on the Cun and Guan
sites, a thin and tense pulse on the Chi site, and an external
conformation exhibiting generalized numbness like that of wind
paralysis should be principally treated with Huang qi gui zhi wu
wu tang.
Huang Qi
Gui Zhi
Bai Shao
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
(8) A man who loses semen without orgasm will have a tense and
urgent sensation in the lower abdomen, chills in the glans of the
penis, dizziness, loss of hair, and an extremely weak, hollow,
and slow pulse. These symptoms accompany lientery, loss of
blood, or spermatorrhea. In such cases the pulse is hollow,
fluttering, minute, and tense. The man who has spermatorrhea
and the women who dreams of sexual intercourse need Gui zhi
long gu mu li tang.
(14) Weakness fatigue, internal cramps, and deficiencies of various
types should be treated primarily with Huang qi jian zhong tang.
(15) A patient with weakness fatigue disease, lower back abdominal
cramping, and oliguria should primarily take Ba wei shen qi
(17) Weakness fatigue, and annoyance due to weakness which
causes insomnia. Suan zao ren tang.
7 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Fei Wei
(pulmonary asthenia), Fei Yong (pulmonary abscess) and
Cough with Qi Adversity
(1) The disciples asked: “When pathogenic heat is in upper Jiao, Fei
Wei is caused by coughing. What is the cause of pulmonary
The master said: “it occurs as a consequence of excessive sweating,
excessive vomiting, diabetes with polyuria, or constipation that
has been treated with strong purgatives which have exhausted
the body fluids.”
The disciples further queried: “Pulse is speedly at Cun. The patient
coughs with sputum and saliva in his mouth. Why is this?”
The master answered: “This is a case of pulmonary asthenia. If the
patient’s mouth is parched and dry, if he experiences pain in his
chest when coughing, and if pulse is slippery-speedy, it is a case
of pulmonary abscess. Pulmonary asthenia always has
symptoms of coughing with bloody pus and speedy-deficiency
pulse; whereas pulse of a patient suffering pulmonary abscess is
always speedly-excessive.”
(2) Coughing with flushing of Qi and a croaking sound in the throat
should be treated principally with She gan ma huang tang.
(11) A patient with a pulmonary abscess who coughs so severely that
he can’t lie down should be treated with Ting li da zao xie fei
(12) Symptoms such as cough with chest distention, shivering, a
quick pulse, dry throat, absence of thirst, and frequent
experctoration of thick and fishy sputum, eventually
experctoration of pus like rice congee, are evidences of
pulmonary abscess. A pulmonary abscess requires Jie geng tang.
(14) …… Wei jing tang helps a cough with mild fever, annoying
distention, and coarse and scaly skin on the chest-symptoms of
pulmonary abscess.
VIII On pulse Syndrome Complex and
Treatment of the Qi Disease Ben Tun
2. The master Said: “Ben Tun (Running Pig) syndrome originates in
the lower abdomen and rushes upward to the throat. An attack
of the syndrome causes the patient unbearable suffering, which
gradually reduces and subsides. The cause of the disease is
fright and terror.”
3. Ben Tun Qi rushing toward the chest, abdomen aching, and
alternating chills and fever essentially treatment with Ben Tun
Ben Tun Tang: Ban Xia,
Chuan Xiong
Huang Qin,
Dang Gui
Ge Gen
Bai Shao
Shen Jiang
Da Zao
Li Gen Pi
IX On pulse Syndrome Complex and
Treatment of Chest Bi & Shortness of Breath
3. Chest Bi has the symptoms and signs of panting, coughing, spitting, shortness of
breath and pain in the chest and back. The pulse is deep and slow in the Cun
and slight tight in the Guan. Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang.
4. Chest Bi so painful that the patient can not lie flat principle because of dragging
pain that penetrates the back should be treated with Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban
Xia Tang.
+Gui Zhi
Ren Shen
Yi Yi Ren
Wu Tou
XII On pulse Syndrome Complex and
Treatment of Phlegm Rheum And Cough
1. The disciple asked: “Are there four types of phlegm rheum?”
The master said: “phlegm rheum, suspended rheum, spillage rheum,and
propping rheum.”
15. Warm drugs treat phlegm rheum.
Thank you !