Preventing Storm Water Pollution

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Arkansas Storm Water Program
Arkansas Update
Construction, Industrial &
Small MS4
Construction Storm Water
General Permit ARR150000
Combined general permit issued
September 30, 2003, effective November
1, 2003
• Permit covers all regulated construction sites
Permit is currently being modified
Modified permit should go draft in July
Who’s affected?
All sites ≥1 acre
• (But small sites have
fewer requirements)
Activities part of a
larger common plan
of development
Are you small, medium or large?
Small, <5 Acres
• Automatic Permit Coverage
Medium, 5-10 or 5-20 Acres
• NOI, Fee (2 weeks prior)
Large, >10 or >20 Acres
Shaded area – Large site ≥10 acres
Non-shaded – Large site ≥ 20 acres
What all regulated sites must do
Develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention
(SWPP) Plan before starting
Use Best Management Practices (BMPs) to
reduce runoff
Inspect, maintain and document storm
water controls
• Every two weeks
• 24 hours after ½-inch rainfall
Post Notice on site
Keep SWPPP on site
Industrial Storm Water
General Permit ARR000000
Most recent permit was effective n
February 1, 2005
Permit covers 10 of the 11 regulated
industrial categories (Excludes
Industrial Storm Water
Permit Requirements
NOI, Fee
Develop & Implement SWPPP
Effluent Limits for Coal Pile Runoff
Annual Sampling for 12 Monitoring Categories
Annual DMR Submittal
Toxicity Testing for Certain Permittees
“No Exposure” Exclusions
Must meet 40 CFR 122.26(g)
Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer System (MS4)
Storm Water Phase I – MS4
Medium/Large MS4 = Little Rock
• Renewed ARS000002, Effective September 1,
• Permit requires
• Sampling of representative outfalls
• Storm water management program that meets that meets the
6 minimum measures
• Permit requires emphasis on Education/Outreach and
Construction site control
Storm Water Phase II UAs Listing
Fort Smith
Hot Springs
Little Rock
Pine Bluff
Storm Water Phase II – MS4
Designation Criteria for >10,000 & 1,000
• Direct Discharge to 303d
• Direct Discharge to ERW
• >50% Population Growth
Conway and Maumelle
Storm Water Phase II – MS4
Required to be Permitted/Waiver
49 Cities/Counties
• 39 Permitted
7 Universities
• 5 Permitted
4 Military Bases
• 1 Permitted
Storm Water Phase II – MS4
Waivers available based on:
• <1,000 or < 10,000
Pollutant contribution
• TMDL or equivalent analysis
ADEQ evaluation and determination.
General Permit ARR040000
Permit Requirements
Implement & Develop SWMP
• SWMP must cover 6 minimum measures
Annual update reports required
• 15 months after effective date
• Every year thereafter
Reports still not submitted for 8
permittees due in 2005