Cindy Johnson - Twitter Math Camp

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Transcript Cindy Johnson - Twitter Math Camp

AKA The Conic Card Lady
 I was teaching mostly low level Algebra 2 students who didn’t plan to go to
 Conics seemed impossible!
 Formulas were SO complex!
 I struggled keeping everything straight in my mind. How are they ever going
to get it?
 In previous years my students did ok when the conics were separated but
when they were supposed to identify the conic then solve, chaos began.
 Students HATED conics!
Index Cards and Markers!
What if I told them the answers?
What if I never gave them the formula?
What if we started with all the conics being mixed together and
sorted them into the 4 types from the beginning?
What if I made the assignments very straight forward where they
reinforced what was being discussed, but didn’t overwhelm them at
Each deck of Conic Cards includes 4 types of cards
- Graphs (5 each of the 4 conics)
- Equations (5 each of the 4 conics)
- Information (5 each of the 4 conics)
- Formula/title cards
Each deck has a unique answer key.
Ultimately, they match all 20 equation cards to the correct information cards and graphs.
Strategies I use…
Small group activity
Identify similarities and differences
Make a conjecture.
Quick mini-lessons to individual groups
(1-2 minutes)
Whole class discussions
Email me: [email protected]
Message me @johnsonmath
You can retrieve it all at…
The unit relies on the teacher allowing the students to "discover" the formulas based on
In the Google Drive includes the following:
1 – The “Conic Section Cards NCTM handout – updated” is the explanation of how I use the
Conic Cards in my classroom to introduce Conic Sections to my students.
2 – The 9 decks of Conic Cards. I recommend you put each deck on a different color of card
stock and laminate them before you cut them all out.
3 – The daily assignments that I have used in my classroom, teaching lower level Algebra 2 and
AP Emphasis Algebra 2. (No, I don’t feel like I have ever really taught “regular” Algebra
2.) The assignments are designed to be easy to give students confidence instead of making them
feel defeated!
4 – The Conics Grouping is how I decide which group gets each deck of cards each day. This
ensures that no one has the same deck twice.
5 – The Conic Picture Project/Conic Picture Graphing Page is a short activity that I used one
year when I needed to have a substitute the day after we finished studying and testing conic
6 – The test that I used. I just asked the group to the cards and fill in the table. The individual
test is in addtition to matching all the cards. I use it to help my students prepare for the End of
Instruction test.
7 – Geometry Circles Activity was used in my Geometry class. I placed the circles ONLY from
the decks of Conic Cards around the room (I had 2 complete sets at the time.) and the students
had to go from set to set to match the cards.
I am always willing to share my Conic Card information with anyone who asks. But, I do ask a
few things in return. First, I ask that you never claim to be the creator of the Conic
Cards. Second, I ask that you share your successes/failures with me when you use the Conic
Cards. Third, I ask that you pick your favorite activity that you created and share it! If we work
together, ALL of our students benefit from our successes. Lastly, I like to keep track of where
the Conic Cards are being used. So, if you did not include it in your previous email, please let
me know where you are from.
Thanks for being willing to try something new and different! If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to email me.