Border issue/Naval question/ Election of 1911

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The Alaskan Boundary Dispute,
The Naval Question, The Election
of 1911
Who is the Prime Minister of Canada in 1900?
What is his major issue?
What war is Canada currently involved in?
What issues arose from Canada’s involvement in the War?
What was the Prime Ministers compromise?
How did the Canadian citizens react to the decision to enter the war?
The Border Issue
 -the most Northern State but was not
recognized as a State until 1959
 -Bought from Russia in 1867 ( The
Alaskan Purchase: $7.2 million)
 -Russia had used the land for mostly fur
trading and sold it without any knowledge
of the gold that would later be found.
The Alaskan Border Issue
 Movie :Alaskan Klondike Gold Rush Clip
The Border Issue
-The boundary between Canada and Alaska was never clearly marked.
-This presented an issue when large quantities of gold were found in the rivers of Alaska and the
The Solution:
-Britain had to come and mediate the situation and in the end it was decided that the USA were
entitled to the land.
The Reaction at home:
English Canadians: In complete disbelief that Britain would side with the USA
French Canadians: Were not shocked at all by the decision.
The Alaskan
Border Issue
Varying claims in
Southeast Alaska before
arbitration in 1903. In
blue is the border
claimed by the United
States, in red is the
border claimed by
Canada and the United
Kingdom. Green is the
boundary asserted by
British Columbia. Yellow
indicates the modern
The Naval
• Since the British Empire was
1st established it has had the
world’s strongest Navy.
 Why would this be important
to Britain?
• By 1910 the Germans have
started to build their Navy
and are now competing for
the strongest navy.
• The Germans and British are
now in an Arms Race.
The Naval
• The British are not ready to back
down to the Germans so they call
Canada for help.
• Prime Minister Laurier is asked to
contribute what he can to help
strengthen the British Navy.
• In response Prime Minister Laurier
passes the Canadian Naval Service
bill, which built ships that were at the
disposal of Britain but also protected
Canada’s coast.
 Feelings in Quebec
Naval Question
The people of Quebec cannot see
any positives from creating a Navy
for Britain.
This decision causes Laurier to
lose support in Quebec and he has
now created an opening for his
opponents, the Conservatives, to
challenge him for the seat as
Prime Minister.
 Feelings in English Canada
The coastal provinces are for the
Those in the Prairies and out west
are upset that Laurier is selling
Canada back to Britain.
• With the growing discontent
with Laurier the nation is unsure
what to do.
1911 Election
• An election is called in 1911
which has Laurier and the
Liberals against Robert Borden
and the Conservative Party.
• The main issues in this election
are: Canadian Nationalism and
 Reciprocity: used to describe the
concept of free trade with the
The 1911
Laurier (Liberal)
-For free trade
-wants to help Canada grow
by lowering taxes (tariffs) on
the US goods to increase sales and
-has lost the support of Quebec
Borden (Conservatives)
-Against free trade
-wants to help Canada grow
by not trading with the USA.
-Has gained the support of Quebec
-Those in the Central Canada were against
Reciprocity because it lowered the cost of
American goods
A shift in
Canadian Politics
• Who wins the election?
• Why is this a significant shift in Canadian
• Do you believe Canada has become more
unified after the 1911 election?
• Can you predict any major issues that might be
brewing around the world during this time?