UF & UBIT: Unrelated Business Income Tax

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Unrelated Business Income Tax
Presented by:
Andrea Newman, CPA
September 4, 2013
Background & Basics of UBI
UBI Exclusions
Potential UBI-Generating Activities
Applicable “Real Life” Examples
What is Unrelated Business Income Tax?
• Under Internal Revenue Code Section 115, the
University of Florida is tax-exempt as an
instrumentality of the State of Florida
– Exempt purposes of state colleges and universities
include all of the purposes and functions
described in Code Section 501(c)(3)
– Federal income tax purposes the University may
engage in certain activities
UBIT Defined
“Income from a trade or business, regularly carried on,
that is not substantially related to the charitable,
educational or other purpose that is the basis of the
organization’s exemption.”
The following three criteria must be
1. A trade or business
2. Regularly carried on
3. Not substantially related
If your activity a trade or business?
“Trade or business” – Any activity carried on for the production
of income from selling goods or performing services.
– If the University/department is selling goods or services to generate
income, even if it is conducting the activity within the larger group of
activities related to its exempt purpose, the activity is a trade or
– While the University/department is carrying on its daily exempt
function, it could also be carrying on activities that are taxable.
- Important Factor To Consider Whether A Profit Motive Exists
Is your activity carried on?
• Regularly carried on – If activities show a frequency and
continuity, and are pursued in a manner similar to comparable
commercial activities of nonexempt organizations.
Key: The frequency in which for-profit operates.
• If an activity is a type that a for-profit entity would conduct on
a year-round basis, the same activity by an exempt entity will
not be “regularly carried on” if it is for a few weeks.
Is your activity not substantially related?
• Related to University Exempt Purpose
– To be related to the University’s educational or research exempt purpose,
there must a substantial causal relationship.
– The activity must contribute importantly to the accomplishment of the
exempt purpose (other than the University’s need to produce income).
• Size & Extent
– Particular emphasis is placed on the size and extent of the activity.
– If an activity is conducted on a scale larger than reasonable necessary to
carry out the exempt purpose, it is more likely to be treated as unrelated.
• Dual Use of Assets & Facilities
– Use for both exempt and commercial purposes will not necessarily
exempt the income derived from commercial use unless the business
activity “contributes importantly” to the accomplishment of exempt
Substantially Related Income
• Factual Question: Is there a relationship between activity and
accomplishment of UF’s exempt purpose?
– Direct relation to the University’s exempt purpose.
• IRS compares incorporation documents and operations
• New activities should be reviewed to ensure consistency with
exempt purpose
• Just because an activity raises needed funds
for the University/department does not
mean that the activity is exempt
Background & Basics of UBI
UBI Exclusions
Potential UBI-Generating Activities
Applicable “Real Life” Examples
Exclusions From UBIT
• Volunteer Labor
– Activities in which substantially all (85% or
more) work is performed by volunteers
• Convenience of University
– Activities operated for the convenience of
members, students, patients, or employees
• Donated Merchandise
– Sales of merchandise that is substantially all
(85% or more) donated to the University
Excluded From Taxable Income
Rental income from real
• Income from certain forms
of research
Tax, duty or compensation paid to
owners of a patent, copyright, mineral
interest, or other property right for the
use of it or the right to exploit it
• Royalty exclusion includes:
– Overriding royalties
– Net profits royalties
– Royalty income received from licenses by the University as the legal and
beneficial owner of patents assigned to it
• Exception: Royalty income derived in part from the
performance of services – payment will not constitute royalty
• Rules vary depending on whether
they are derived from real or
personal property or from a mixed lease of both real
and personal property
• Real Property – Generally, rents from real property
are excluded:
– Property is not debt financed
– Additional services are not rendered
– Are not dependent on percentage of profits
• Rental of real estate is generally not
• The following may be taxable:
– Rental based on income or profits of
lessee is taxable
– Services other than customary rental
may taint rental
– Portion for personal property rental is
generally taxable
– Parking rental is generally taxable
– Hotel income is generally taxable
– Debt-financed rental is generally taxable
• Special rules that apply to Universities, i.e.
“qualified organizations”
• Personal Property – Generally, rents from personal property
are excluded only if there is a mixed lease and the rents
attributable to the personal property are an “incidental” part
of the total rents received under the lease
• Rental of personal property is generally
– Ignored as incidental if value is 10% or less
– Separated, if between 10% and 49%
– If 50% or more – then it’s all taxable
• Services provided with the rental
– Other than customary landlord/tenant maintenance
– For benefit of the tenant
– May render entire rental as taxable
• Examples:
– Supplying of maid or linen services
– Furnishing of heat and light
not services
– Cleaning of public entrances, exits, stairways, or lobbies
– Collection of trash
not services
– Renting of parking spaces where attendant is on duty
– Providing security services to a parking garage
Background & Basics of UBI
UBI Exclusions
Potential UBI-Generating Activities
Applicable “Real Life” Examples
Potential UBI-Generating Activities
Corporate sponsorships
Contract research
Sales of Merchandise
Licensing Agreements / Affinity Income
• Any language which is an inducement to
purchase a product or service
• Qualitative or comparative language
• Price information
• Indication of savings
• Endorsements
• Call to action
Examples of Activities Which May
Generate Advertising Income
• Sports programs
• Scoreboards
• Sponsorships of a
departmental newsletter
• Student newspaper
• Periodical advertising
• Web-site advertising
• TV & radio broadcasting rights
Exclusivity Arrangements
• Generally not UBI:
Exclusive sponsorship as an arrangement that
acknowledges the payor as the exclusive sponsor of an
exempt organization’s activity, or the exclusive sponsor
representing a particular trade, business, or industry.
• Generally is UBI:
Exclusive provider arrangement is defined as one that
limits the sale, distributions, availability, or use of
competing products, services or facilities in connection
with an exempt organization’s activity.
Exclusivity Arrangements:
Potential UBI Example
Contracts entered into by colleges and universities
which grant a company exclusive rights to provide a
product or service.
For example –
“Pouring” rights contracts or
athletic apparel contracts.
Treatment of Corporate Sponsorship Income
• If deemed to be a Qualified Sponsorship Payment, the
contributions are not considered UBI.
• A Qualified Sponsorship Payment is one in which the sponsor
does not receive any arrangement or expectation of a
substantial benefit.
• An organization can acknowledge the
sponsor’s payment as long as it is not
considered “advertising” income, which
would be considered UBI.
Corporate Sponsorships
• “Substantial return benefit”
includes message:
– Qualitative or comparative
– Price information or indications
of savings or value
– Endorsement for any of
sponsor’s services or products
Corporate Sponsorships
• Permissible Activities:
– Acknowledge the corporation’s name, logo and general
contact information.
– Value-neutral displays of the sponsor’s products/services.
• Likely to be Deemed Advertising:
Providing prices or qualitative information.
Providing more than token facilities, services, privileges.
Accepting contingent sponsorship payments.
Providing ads or acknowledgement in regularly published
– Link to sponsor’s internet site
Contract research may constitute unrelated
business income
Related to exempt purposes – How to tell
• Is the project scientific? – Must be yes
• Is the project research? – Must be yes
• Is the project in the public interest? – Must be yes
Excluded from unrelated business income
• Conducted for federal or state governments
• Conducted for colleges and hospitals
• Fundamental research available to the public
The regulations are complex and require a
contract by contract analysis.
Sales of Merchandise
• In general, sales of merchandise is separated into three
major categories:
Directly educational materials – nontaxable
Non-educational, convenience exception – nontaxable
Other merchandise sales – taxable
• Exempt Sales:
– IRS College and University Audit Examination Guidelines
• Items that are “required or otherwise necessary” for participation in a
course of instruction and other educational materials that “further the
unstructured intellectual life of the campus community”
• Non-educational items that are low in cost and in recurrent demand
may fall under the convenience exception
Sales of Merchandise
• Taxable Sales
– IRS holds that the
“convenience exception” does
not apply to items with a
useful life of more than one
• Exception: Logo novelty item or
logo clothing
– Sales to the general public do
not fall within the
“convenience exception”
Sale of Merchandise
Unrelated, excluded or related revenue?
Unrelated Examples:
• University book store items
to Alumni
• University cafeteria providing
catering services to other
• Hospital’s pharmacy sales to nonpatients, non-employees
Excluded Examples:
Related Examples:
• Non-Education items from a
University’s book store sold to
students at a university
• Educational materials from a
University’s book store sold to
students at a university
• University catering to university
departmental meetings
• University catering to students,
faculty, and staff (similar to
excluded since for convenience)
• Hospital’s pharmacy sales to
employees (convenience)
• Hospital pharmacy sale to
• Sales where volunteer labor is a
material factor (volunteer)
• Sale of merchandise that was
Licensing Agreements /Affinity Income
• Royalty exclusion is commonly used by exempt organizations
to exclude licensing fees from UBIT.
• IRS generally agrees so long as the exempt organization plays
a passive role in the licensing agreement.
– Active Involvement – The IRS views the royalty payment as
consideration for services performed and not a royalty.
Licensing Agreements /Affinity Income
Will agreements pass the IRC 512(b)(2) test?
• Are they licensing rights to intangible property?
• Are payments based on gross revenue?
• Are they providing any taxable services?
• Are payments for services priced separately?
• Are payments allocated between royalty & service?
Licensing Agreements /Affinity Income:
Rough Set of Guidelines
• Avoid providing specific services (i.e. advertising,
promotion, endorsements, etc.)
– Ok to review materials for quality control
– Agreement should expressly state that the organization will not
provide specific services
• Only services should be “de minimis” or “courtesy” services
• Arrangements necessitating substantial services
– Create a separate agreement for the service component and
allocate a portion of the income to services
• Specifically terming the arrangement a “licensing
agreement” and referring to the payments as “royalties”
– Avoids certain amount of discrepancy
Background & Basics of UBI
UBI Exclusions
Potential UBI-Generating Activities
Applicable “Real Life” Examples
Advertising v. Bookstore
Sale of commercial advertising
and underwriting time on a
campus radio station. Students
assist in subscription drives
and underwriting and
advertising sales programs.
Sale of commercial advertising
space in campus newspapers,
journals, magazines, or other
Sale of advertising space in
souvenir programs for sports
events (or music or drama
Sale of commercial advertising
in sports media guides. Sales
are made by a full-time person
throughout the year.
Sale of books, athletic
clothing, general school
supplies, computer hardware
and software, and items that
are low in cost and in
recurrent demand to
University members and the
general public.
Sale of books, athletic
clothing, general school
supplies, computer hardware
and software, and items that
are low in cost and in
recurrent demand to
University members and the
general public.
Sales of computers to
students or faculty members.
Sales of computers at a
discount to other educational
Career Services v. Debt-financed Property
Career Services
Debt-financed Property
Career services, such as
resume critiquing, interview
coordination, and other job
placement assistance provided
to alumni for a fee.
Rental of apartments to
students and non-University
members. The apartment
building is subject to a
mortgage (**special rule
pertaining to University’s)
Equipment Rentals v. Equipment Sales
Equipment Rentals
Equipment Sales
Rental of equipment (e.g.,
outdoor recreation equipment,
scientific instruments, etc.) to
non-University members.
Sale of obsolete equipment
to the general public.
Sale of electronic equipment
to non-University members.
Facilities Usage v. Hotel & Restaurant Operations
Facilities Usage (No Lease)
Hotel & Restaurant Operations
Rental of facilities to nonUniversity members for
conferences and symposiums.
Use of University-owned golf
course by alumni, spouse and
guests of students, faculty and
Sales to students’ , student’s
families and friends,
prospective students and
their families, participants in
school functions and
activities, and persons having
business with the school.
Sales to tourists, spectators
at sporting events (including
alumni), and the general
Use of recreational facilities
for classes offered to the
general public and alumni.
Entertainment Events v. Rents
Entertainment Events
Rents (Lease Basis)
Events conducted in which the
school’s own students put on
the event (i.e., a play, concert
recital, or ballet).
Events involving professional
entertainers (i.e. a professional
performance involving paid
Rental of campus building or
space within a building.
Includes leasing for a fixed
periodic fee or a fee that is a
percentage of gross income.
Leasing of property for a fee
that is based on a percent of
net income or profit.
Rental of athletic facilities
and equipment to nonUniversity members.
Revenue is derived from
rental of real property (95%)
and personal property (5%).
Parking Facilities v. Sales
Parking Facilities
Sale of clothing and other
items to the University
community that are
embossed with the
University seal.
Sale of emblematic items (Tshirts, mugs, caps, pennants,
etc.) to alumni and the
general public. The sales are
made by mail order on a
regular basis.
Income from University owned Operation of a parking facility
parking facilities used by
that is used by members of the
faculty, staff, and employees.
general public.
University enters into a lease
with a third party who
operates the University’s
parking facility and pays fixed
rent to the University.
Sale of excess crops used in
research. The crops are sold
in an “as is” condition when
Andrea Newman, CPA
James Moore, CPAs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (352) 378-1331