Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

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Transcript Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

Lesson Learned:
PVC Pipe Explosion
Presented at
Accelerator Safety Conference
August 12, 2008
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
• SLAC is a U.S. DOEfunded, National
Laboratory, operated
by Stanford University
• Est. in 1962
• Main Linear
Accelerator is 3 km in
• ~1,300 employees +
3,000 visiting
scientists and
students per year
• Particle Physics &
Astrophysics and
Photon Sciences
• Work here has
resulted in 4 Nobel
Prizes in Physics
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
What Happened?
• Safety & Operational Reliability Improvements (S&ORI) Project
– Upgrades of identified critical sections of failing systems for the
underground mechanical utilities throughout the site, and
seismic/structural upgrades of identified critical experimental and
laboratory buildings
• Cooling water piping replacement for the Linac
– Replacement of old transite piping with 8” dia., Sch. 80 PVC,
connected to 8” dia. carbon steel piping
• September 12, 2007:
– PVC pipe (~35’) installed, connected to flange on main at one end
and to steel pipe flange at other end
– Pressure testing was going to need to be performed next day, so
flange on main was blanked and the butterfly valve on steel pipe
was closed
• September 13, 2007:
– Contractor realized they forgot to pre-install a “threadlet” on the
steel pipe to attach the pressure gauge.
– Initiated cutting operation on steel pipe to cut a hole for threadlet
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Installation Configuration
Isolation valve to
exchanger (closed)
Water main
8” dia.,
carbon steel
Hot Tap point
for gauge
alcove wall
8” dia., Sch.
80 PVC
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Pipe Explosion
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Pipe Disintegration
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
• One nearby (~25’) worker was almost
knocked down by the force
• One suffered temporary hearing loss,
and due to elevated pulse and blood
pressure was taken to Stanford Medical
• Three others went back to work after
going to SLAC medical for hearing
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Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Force Calculation
Pipe Vol. = 17.4 ft3 (0.5 m3)
Assumption: THF only (~60% v/v)
Assumption: Stoichiometric mix:
C4H8O + 5.5 O2 + 20.68 N2  4 CO2 + 4 H2O + 20.68 N2
Volume of THF = 0.018 m3 (0.64 ft3)
Mass = 54 gm (0.119 lb)
Energy = 4,188 kJ vs. 4,500 kJ/kg TNT = 0.93 kg (2.05 lb) TNT equivalent
Estimated terminal Pressure in the Pipe = 175.4 atm = 2,579 psi
Pipe Rating = 250 psi; 4 x safety factor = 1,000 psi
2,579 psi > 1,000 psi  Failure
Overpressure Calculation:
2.05 lb TNTe yields:
• 0.5 psi (window breakage) at 38 feet
• 1.0 psi (knockdown) at 23 feet
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Incident Analysis Board
• Appointed by Lab Director
Chair: Steve Williams, Special Asst. to Director
Representatives from Accelerator, Facilities, ES&H
Facilitation by Bob Crowley, McCallum-Turner (former DOE)
Observation by DOE Stanford Site Office
• Scope:
– Development of a timeline of events
– Identification of relevant facts
– Analysis of the facts to determine causal factors including a
systemic root cause and contributing causes
– Identification of organizational weaknesses
– Recommendations to promote prevention of recurrence of a similar
Wall of Stickies in “War Room”
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Causal Factor 5:
Over-reliance on “Skill of Craft”
• Work was considered routine and low hazard;
line drawings only. Not enough detail.
• Contractor and sub did not provide sufficient
job steps/sequence in JSAs
• Details left to foreman to determine
• No pressure testing plan
• All previous experience with Sub contractor at
SLAC was good.
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Causal Factor 4:
Project Management
• LINAC downtime planning began June, 2007.
Bid package not introduced until August 15.
• University Technical Representative (UTR)
assigned August 31 (Labor Day Friday) with
project to start Tuesday September 4
– Forced UTR to work the holiday to try to do his
• Set up time pressure which was reflected in
rushing the UTR
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Causal Factor 3:
ISMS Req’ts not integrated into Proj. Mgmt.
• Incomplete flow down of ISMS to
subcontractor per DOE O 413.3
• UTR stated he “should have stopped
the job because he did not have time to
do a thorough analysis of the job.” He
understood his R2’s but not his A2’s. He
didn’t want to “get flak for slowing down
the project.”
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Causal Factor 2:
Expectations Poorly Communicated
• Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP)
– But approved by PM
• Safety related documents (IIPP, SSSP,
JSAs, MSDSs) not always thorough,
available or communicated to all
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Causal Factor 1 (Root Cause):
Inadequate Work Planning & Control Process
• Construction PM process buried in UTR Manual
• Inadequate JSA help section in the UTR training
materials for PMs/UTRs, purchasing and construction
safety people
• Hazard recognition.
• Walkdown of the job site inadequate
• Ineffective Lessons Learned integration with work
• Both SLAC and Sub Contractor using Google and trade
databases found numerous examples of this type of accident –
after the event.
• Hot work permit system deficiencies
• Training of staff on management expectations is not
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Corrective Actions
• Immediate
– Stopped work; subs re-worked their safety policies and
procedures; review by Facilities Dept. and ES&H
– Increased oversight of Hot Work Permit Process and JSAs
• Near-term
– Revisions to hot work permit program
– Project planning
– Revisions to program documentation (SSSP, JSA)
• Developed guidelines for project managers/UTRs and improved
– Implementation of Lessons Learned (DOE O 210.2)
• Note: was not in SLACs contract prior to this year
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
Corrective Actions
• Long-term
– ISEMS Communications and Training of Subcontractors and
• Implementation of a Construction Safety at SLAC course (webbased)
• Developing R2A2s for UTRs and personnel overseeing
subcontracted work
• Work Planning & Control
– Already a pre-existing CAP from a DOE OIO Review in 2006
• A WPC Program Manager was hired in May 2008
• WPC Manager has assumed responsibility for the OIO WPC
– Although the OIO findings and CAP specifically did not include
subcontractor work, SLAC has incorporated subcontractor work
into its draft WPC process.
• Beta testing of new WPC process to commence at the end of
August and run through October 2008. Full roll out of the
program will occur beginning February 2009.
Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science
OE Investigation Report
• Received July 23, 2008
• Enforcement conference TBD
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Creating a Safe and Sustainable Environment for Science