DIVIDERS - Instructional Media & Magic

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10gen Inc. (US)
“10gen develops MongoDB, and offers production
support, training, and consulting for the open
source database.
“10gen was founded by former DoubleClick
Founder and CTO Dwight Merriman and former
DoubleClick engineer and ShopWiki Founder and
CTO Eliot Horowitz. Dwight and Eliot began
development on MongoDB in 2007, drawing upon
their experiences building large scale, high
availability, robust systems.”
From w.10gen.com/about, 26 September 2012
1105 Media Inc. (US)
“1105 MEDIA, INC. provides integrated businessto-business information and media. 1105's offerings
focus on technology, products, policy, regulation,
and news delivered through an assortment of media
including print and online magazines, journals, and
newsletters; seminars, conferences, executive
summits, and trade shows; training and
courseware; and web-based services. The markets
served by these offerings include Government,
Education, [and many others].”
See also GENPRESS for earlier print publications.
From www.1105media.com, 12 September 2009
463 Communications (US)
“463 Communications is a purposely small, focused
and senior-level communications consultancy. We
help organizations clear through the clutter of
competing internal interests and external forces to
develop communications campaigns that establish
business, technology and public policy leadership.
Working with corporate communications,
government affairs and other agency teams, 463
drives the development of messaging, issues-based
campaigns and a disciplined, measurable process
that helps organizations be on the offense where
they may have once been driven by a reactive event
to event, announcement to announcement mindset.”
From www.463.com, 5 November 2007
AACSB International (US)
“The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Business is a not-for-profit corporation of
educational institutions, corporations and other
organizations devoted to the promotion and
improvement of higher education in business
administration and management.
Organized in 1916, AACSB International is the
premier accrediting agency for bachelor’s, master’s
and doctoral degree programs in business
administration and accounting.
From www.aacsb.edu/aboutus.asp, 7 January 2006
Academic Partners (US)
“AP partners with universities to convert their
traditional degree programs into an online format,
recruit qualified students and support enrolled
students through graduation. AP’s unique
international marketing network expands the reach
of its partner institutions and gives them access to
outstanding international talent. … AP wants to
help ensure that rising tuition rates and a slash in
government subsidies do not jeopardize the
realization of the Morrill Act just when technology
makes its full attainment possible.”
From www.academicpartnerships.com/home, 6 July 2013
AcademicEdge (US)
Believed to be Siba Mohanty dba
AcademicEdgeOnline. The software product
appears to have originated with SMX Technologies,
This summary will be updated as information
becomes available.
AcademicWorks Inc. (US)
“AcademicWorks was founded in 2010 and spent
the majority of its first year researching the
scholarship management process at over 300
colleges, universities, and foundations.”
“In 2011, AcademicWorks released the first
comprehensive, integrated scholarship
management solution for campuses and
foundations. Our solution allows students to apply
for all awards using one intuitive and streamlined
application process, [and[ by offering a common
platform for improved reporting, compliance, and
From www.academicworks.com/company/about-us/, 7 December 2014
Academy of Management (US)
“The Academy of Management (the Academy;
AOM) is a leading professional association for
scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating
knowledge about management and organizations.
“Founded in 1936 by two professors, the Academy
of Management is the oldest and largest scholarly
management association in the world. Today, the
Academy is the professional home for 17750
members from 105 nations.”
From www.aomonline.org/aom.asp?page_ID=36, 19 January 2008
AcademyOne Inc. (US)
“AcademyOne's vision is to develop the finest
curriculum, course and advising management
systems - to enable institutions to partner regionally
or around the world to address student mobility.
Students crossing institutional structures reveal
inefficiencies and barriers impeding their success.
Our idea is simple - create a better way for
institutions to coordinate their efforts, which in the
end, will help students succeed.”
From www.academyone.com/AboutUs/tabid/196/Default.aspx, 18 July 2009
Accenture Ltd (BM)
“Accenture is a global management consulting,
technology services and outsourcing company.
Committed to delivering innovation, Accenture
collaborates with its clients to help them become
high-performance businesses and governments.
With deep industry and business process expertise,
broad global resources and a proven track record,
Accenture can mobilize the right people, skills, and
technologies to help clients improve their
From www.accenture.com/global/about_accenture/default.htm,
28 May 2007
Access Intelligence LLC (US)
“Access Intelligence delivers trusted, timely and
deep information that empowers our customers and
advances their business. Access Intelligence is a
leading worldwide information and marketing
company that provides unparalleled business
intelligence and integrated marketing solutions in
nearly a dozen global market sectors. With a
customer-centric culture dedicated to editorial
excellence and marketing integrity, Access
Intelligence serves business professionals
worldwide with a portfolio of products, including
magazines, newsletters, conferences, data products
and e-media solutions.”
From www.accessintel.com/aboutus/factsheet.html, 26 May 2008
Achieve, Inc. (US)
“Created by the nation's governors and business
leaders, Achieve helps states prepare all young
people for postsecondary education, work and
citizenship by raising academic standards and
achievement in America's schools.
“Achieve serves as a significant national voice for
quality in standards-based education reform and
regularly convenes governors, CEOs and other
influential leaders to sustain support for higher
standards and achievement for all of America's
From /www.achieve.org/achieve.nsf/AboutAchieve?OpenForm,
16 February 2006
ACT, Inc. (US)
“ACT is an independent, not-for-profit organization
that provides more than a hundred assessment,
research, information, and program management
services in the broad areas of education and
workforce development.”
“Each year, we serve millions of people in
elementary and secondary schools, colleges,
professional associations, businesses, and
government agencies, nationally and
From www.act.org/aboutact/index.html, 19 November 2004
adaptive path LLC (US)
“We help businesses maximize the value of their
investment in product development by crafting
effective user experiences with an emphasis on
measurable results.”
Putting user experience ideas into practice.
Strategic guidance and proven solutions.
In-House Training
Helping build successful teams.
From adaptivepath.com, 28 February 2005
Adobe Systems Incorporated (US)
“Founded in 1982, Adobe Systems Incorporated has
spent over two decades revolutionizing the ways
people communicate. Today, enterprises use
powerful Adobe solutions to connect people,
systems, and processes. Creative professionals use
Adobe industry- standard graphics, layout, and
video software to produce visually rich
communications. And home and office customers
share memories and information with Adobe
software that is both accessible and affordable. One
of the world's largest PC software companies, Adobe
generates annual revenues exceeding US$1 billion.”
From www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/main.html, 18 July 2003
Adrian College (US)
“A private, co-educational college of liberal arts and
sciences related to the United Methodist Church,
Adrian College is a traditional four-year residential
institution offering a focused undergraduate
education with an advanced 4+1 Master's program.
The College offers 40 majors and pre-professional
programs, 22 varsity sports and seven institutes
dedicated to a diverse and personalized approach to
education. Adrian College features state-of-the-art
facilities, small class sizes and an innovative
approach to the academic and personal growth of
its students.”
From adrian.edu/about-us/our-story/, 21 September 2013
Advanced Access Content System
Licensing Administrator (US)
“Advanced Access Content System Licensing
Administrator (AACS LA) is developing the
Advanced Access Content System, a specification
for managing content stored on the next generation
of prerecorded and recorded optical media for
consumer use with PCs and CE devices. Advanced
Access Content System will complement new
innovations in the next-generation of optical discs,
and enable consumers to enjoy next-generation
content, including high-definition content.”
From www.aacsla.com/what/overview, 11 April 2007
African Virtual University
“The African Virtual University (AVU) is an innovative
educational organization established to serve the
countries of Africa. The objective of the AVU is to build
capacity and support economic development by
leveraging the power of modern telecommunications
technology to provide world-class quality education and
training programs to students and professionals in
Africa. After a successful pilot phase, AVU has been
transformed from being a project of the World Bank to
an independent reputable Inter-governmental
organization based in Nairobi, Kenya with over 34
Learning Centers in 19 African countries.”
From www.avu.org/about.asp, 5 September 2004
Agora Education (UK)
“Agora is a new independent think tank whose
mission is to promote serious and searching
discussion about higher education and its role in
our society.
“Agora started life as an informal academic
discussion group, set up by Professor Hugo de
Burgh, director of the China Media Centre at
Westminster University … and Professor Jeremy
Black, Professor of History at Exeter University …
At the end of 2006 Agora secured funding to allow
it to formalise and become a think tank.”
From www.agora-education.org/aboutus/whoweare.php, 7 December 2007
Alexa Internet (US)
“Founded in April 1996, Alexa Internet grew out of
a vision of Web navigation that is intelligent and
constantly improving with the participation of its
users. Along the way Alexa has developed an
installed based of millions of toolbars, one of the
largest Web crawls and an infrastructure to process
and serve massive amounts of data. For users of
Alexa's Toolbar and web site this has resulted in
products that have revolutionized Web navigation
and intelligence. For developers this has resulted in
a set of tools unprecedented in scope allowing
whole new services to be created on the Alexa data
and platform.”
From pages.alexa.com/company/index.html, 3 February 2006
Alfresco Software Ltd. (UK)
“Alfresco helps teams share, manage and retain
content across the extended enterprise with
simplicity that end users love and smarts that IT
can endorse. Alfresco enables organizations in more
than 180 countries to collaborate more effectively,
improve business process efficiency and ensure
information governance. Across cloud, mobile,
hybrid and on-premise environments, Alfresco is
smart enterprise content made easy. Founded in
2005, Alfresco is headquartered in Maidenhead,
outside of London with U.S. headquarters in San
From www.alfresco.com/company/investors, 3 June 2014
Allen Interactions Inc. (US)
“Custom design e-learning, blended learning and
other technology-enabled solutions customized for
specific performance improvement — that’s what
we do.
“With more than 18 years of experience, Allen
Interactions has an unrivaled track record in
delivering interactive enterprise custom learning
solutions that execute business change — custom,
challenging and fun learning events powered by the
best instructional design to drive and improve
organizational performance and people
From www.alleninteractions.com/custom-design-e-learning, 4 March 2012
Alliance for Equity in Higher Education
“The Alliance for Equity in Higher Education is a
policy-based coalition comprised of the American
Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), the
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
(HACU), and the National Association for Equal
Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO).”
“Collectively, these institutions are also known as
Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), which serve
high proportions of low-income, educationally
disadvantaged students.”
From www.msi-alliance.org/main.asp, 24 March 2004
Alliance for Higher Education Competitiveness
“Collaborative Action Research in Innovation,
Transformation and Effectiveness in Higher
“The core focus of A-HEC is on communicating how
higher education leaders are creating positive
change by crystallizing their mission, offering more
effective academic programs, defining their role in
society, and putting in place balanced accountability
measures .”
From www.a-hec.org/about.html, 3 May 2005
Alliance Technologies Solutions
Ltd. (KE)
“Alliance Technologies is one of the few Kenyan
software engineering and development enterprises
that offers locally produced and developed
enterprise business solutions and applications.
Formed 10 years ago by two young Kenyans, and
using open source technology and high-quality
industry standards, our emphasis is on improving
the quality of decisions made by businesses and to
create functional, maintainable, dependable, and
efficient software through applications for
Windows, Java, and Linux platforms.”
From academia.a1.io/about/, 21 May 2013
Altius Education Inc. (US)
“Altius Education helps academic institutions
unlock the potential of their existing curricula by
leveraging partnerships, capital, online learning
capacity and marketing experience to create focused
college programs serving unmet market needs. Our
team has extensive experience in the formation,
management and operation of for-profit,
postsecondary education companies, educational
technology and services businesses as well as the
recruitment and retention of degree-seeking
students. We also have deep postsecondary
institution relationships and broad expertise in
evaluating, negotiating, executing and integrating
strategic transactions.”
From www.altiused.com/about, 4 January 2011
Altova GmbH (AT)
“At Altova, our mission is to deliver standardsbased, platform-independent software development
tools that empower our customers to create, access,
edit and transform information resources. We are
dedicated to ensuring that our products are
powerful, affordable, and easy-to-use by our
customers in real-world scenarios.”
Altova is “The creator of XMLSpy® and other
award-winning XML, SQL, and UML tools, Altova
is a key player in the software tools industry and the
leader in XML solution development tools.”
From www.altova.com/company.html, 14 February 2014
Amazon.com Inc. (US)
“Amazon.com, Inc. was incorporated in 1994 in the
state of Washington and reincorporated in 1996 in
the state of Delaware. Our principal corporate
offices are located in Seattle, Washington.”
“We seek to be Earth’s most customer-centric
company for three primary customer sets:
consumers, sellers, and developers. In addition, we
generate revenue through co-branded credit card
agreements and other marketing and promotional
services, such as online advertising.”
From United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-K,
Amazon.com Inc., January 28, 2010.
America’s Student Loan Providers
“America's Student Loan Providers (ASLP)
represents leading providers of higher education
funding. These companies and organizations
provide federally guaranteed student loans through
the Federal Family Education Loan Program
(FFELP), a public-private partnership of schools,
students, loan providers and the government that
has financed the dreams of millions of Americans
since 1965.”
“By leveraging private financial markets and
competing for the right to lend to students, we bring
value to students, schools and taxpayers.”
From www.studentloanfacts.org/whoweare/, 4 Jun 2007
American Association for Higher
Education (US)
American Association for Higher Education
“The American Association for Higher Education
(AAHE) aspires to be the organization that best
enables all individuals, institutions, and
stakeholders in higher education to learn, organize
for learning, and contribute to the common good.”
AAHE “envisions a higher education enterprise that
helps all Americans achieve the deep, lifelong
learning they need to grow as individuals,
participate in the democratic process, and succeed
in a global economy.”
From www.aahe.org/about.htm, 26 July 2003
American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Counselors
“AACRAO is a nonprofit, voluntary, professional
association of more than 10,000 higher education
admissions and registration professionals who
represent approximately 2,500 institutions in more
than 30 countries.
“The mission of the American Association of
Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers is to
provide professional development, guidelines and
voluntary standards to be used by higher education
officials regarding the best practices in records
management, admissions, enrollment management,
administrative information technology and student
From www.aacrao.org/about/, 7 December 2008
American Association of
Community Colleges (US)
“AACC is the primary advocacy organization for
community colleges at the national level and works
closely with directors of state offices to inform and
affect state policy.”
“AACC supports and promotes its member colleges
through policy initiatives, innovative programs,
research and information and strategic outreach to
business and industry and the national news media.
Its efforts are focused in six strategic actions areas:
National and international advocacy for community
colleges, Learning and accountability, Leadership
development, Economic and workforce development,
Connectedness across the AACC membership, and
International and intercultural education.”
From www.aacc.nche.edu/Template.cfm?section=AboutAACC, 25 November 2005
American Association
of State Colleges and Universities (US)
“The association has a four-fold purpose. To
promote appreciation and support for public higher
education and the distinctive contributions of our
member colleges and universities; To analyze public
policy, and to advocate for member institutions and
the students they serve; To provide policy
leadership and program support to strengthen
academic quality, promote access and inclusion,
and facilitate educational innovation; and To create
professional development opportunities for
institutional leaders, especially presidents,
chancellors and their spouses.”
From www.aascu.org/leadership/about.htm, 16 January 2004
American Association of University
Professors (US)
“The AAUP's purpose is to advance academic
freedom and shared governance, to define
fundamental professional values and standards for
higher education, and to ensure higher education's
contribution to the common good.”
From www.aaup.org/AAUP/About/, 12 April 2007
American Bar Foundation (US)
“Established in 1952, the American Bar Foundation
is an independent, nonprofit national research
institute committed to objective empirical research
on law and legal institutions. This program of
sociolegal research is conducted by an
interdisciplinary staff of Research Fellows trained
in such diverse fields as law, sociology, psychology,
political science, economics, history, and
From www.abf-sociolegal.org/, 4 Jun 2007
American College Counseling
Association (US)
“The American College Counseling Association is
made up of diverse mental health professionals
from the fields of counseling, psychology, and social
work. Our common theme is working within higher
education settings.”
“Members hold primarily a master’s or doctoral
degree with the largest group being master’s level
professionals. Counselor educators and Supervisors
are also part of ACCA membership.”
From www.collegecounseling.org/who-we-are, 19 November 2012
American Council of Learned
Societies (US)
“The American Council of Learned Societies is a
private non-profit federation of sixty-eight national
scholarly organizations. The mission of the ACLS,
as set forth in its Constitution, is ‘the advancement
of humanistic studies in all fields of learning in the
humanities and the social sciences and the
maintenance and strengthening of relations among
the national societies devoted to such studies.’”
From www.acls.org/mor-intr.htm, 30 March 2007
American Council of Trustees and
Alumni (US)
“The American Council of Trustees and Alumni
(ACTA) is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt, nonprofit,
educational organization committed to academic
freedom, excellence and accountability at America's
colleges and universities.”
“… ACTA is the only national organization that is
dedicated to working with alumni, donors, trustees
and education leaders across the country to support
liberal arts education, uphold high academic
standards, safeguard the free exchange of ideas on
campus, and ensure that the next generation
receives a philosophically-balanced, open-minded,
high-quality education at an affordable price.”
From www.goacta.org/about_acta/mission.html, 21 July 2007
American Council on Education (US)
“ACE, the major coordinating body for all the
nation's higher education institutions, seeks to
provide leadership and a unifying voice on key
higher education issues and to influence public
policy through advocacy, research, and program
initiatives. … Founded in 1918, ACE fosters greater
collaboration and new partnerships within and
outside the higher education community to help
colleges and universities anticipate and address the
challenges of the 21st century and contribute to a
stronger nation and a better world.”
From www.acenet.edu/about/mission.cfm, 17 March 2004
American Enterprise Institute (US)
“The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
Research is a private, nonpartisan, not-for-profit
institution dedicated to research and education on
issues of government, politics, economics, and
social welfare. Founded in 1943, AEI is home to
some of America's most accomplished public policy
experts--from economics, law, political science,
defense and foreign policy studies, ethics, theology,
medicine, and other fields. The Institute sponsors
research and conferences and publishes books,
monographs, and periodicals.”
From www. aei.org/about/, 19 April 2008
American Federation of Teachers (US)
“The American Federation of Teachers was founded
in 1916 to represent the economic, social and
professional interests of classroom teachers. It is an
affiliated international union of the AFL-CIO.”
“The AFT advocates sound, commonsense public
education policies, including high academic and
conduct standards for students and greater
professionalism for teachers and school staff;
excellence in public service through cooperative
problem-solving and workplace innovations; and
high-quality healthcare provided by qualified
From www.aft.org/about/index.htm, 8 September 2007
American Institutes for Research (US)
“The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is one
of the largest behavioral and social science research
organizations in the world.”
“Our work spans a wide range of substantive areas:
education, student assessment, international
education, individual and organizational
performance, health research and communication,
human development, usability design and testing,
employment equity, and statistical and research
From www.air.org/overview/default.aspx, 31 July 2007
American Intellectual Property Law
Association (US)
“The American Intellectual Property Law
Association (AIPLA) is a national bar association
constituted primarily of lawyers in private and
corporate practice, in government service, and in
the academic community.” “The AIPLA represents a
wide and diverse spectrum of individuals,
companies and institutions involved directly or
indirectly in the practice of patent, trademark,
copyright, and unfair competition law, as well as
other fields of law affecting intellectual property.
Our members represent both owners and users of
intellectual property.”
From www.aipla.org/Content/NavigationMenu/About_AIPLA/History/History.htm,
5 August 2006
American Library Association (US)
“The American Library Association (ALA) was
founded in 1876 in Philadelphia and
subsequently chartered in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. Its mission is ‘to provide leadership
for the development, promotion, and improvement
of library and information services and the
profession of librarianship in order to enhance
learning and ensure access to information for all.’”
From www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=Our_Association, 21 July 2003
American Marketing Association (US)
“Today, the AMA has grown to be one of the largest
marketing associations in the world, with over
30,000 members who work, teach and study in the
field of marketing across the globe.”
“As the leading organization for marketers, AMA is
the trusted go-to resource for marketers and
academics. We are counted on as the most credible
marketing resource where our members can stay
relevant with knowledge, training and tools to
enhance lifelong learning and obtain valuable
information and connections.”
From www.marketingpower.com/AboutAMA/Pages/default.aspx,
21 November 2012
American Physical Society (US)
“In the firm belief that an understanding of the
nature of the physical universe will be of benefit to
all humanity, the Society shall have as its objective
the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of
“Units aid the Society in fulfilling its mission to
“advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics.” As
part of a Society committed to member
participation, the units provide opportunities for
members to interact with colleagues with similar
interests and to keep abreast of new developments
in their specialized fields.”
From www.aps.org/about/index.cfm, 19 July 2008
American Political Science
Association (US)
“The American Political Science Association
[APSA], founded in 1903, is the leading professional
organization for the study of political science and
serves more than 15,000 members in over 80
countries. With a range of programs and services
for individuals, departments and institutions, APSA
brings together political scientists from all fields of
inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within
and outside academe in order to expand awareness
and understanding of politics.”
From www.apsanet.org/section_21.cfm, 21 July 2007
American Psychological Association
“Based in Washington, DC, the American
Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and
professional organization that represents
psychology in the United States. With 148,000
members, APA is the largest association of
psychologists worldwide.”
“The mission of the APA is to advance the creation,
communication and application of psychological
knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s
From www.apa.org/about/, 14 February 2009
American University (US)
“AU's more than 5,000 undergraduates are a
microcosm of the world's diversity. From across the
United States and from more than 150 countries,
they share a desire to shape tomorrow's world. AU
actively promotes international understanding, and
this is reflected in its curricula offerings, faculty
research, and the regular presence of world leaders
on campus.”
“The paradigm for American University—its
distinctive feature, unique in higher education, is its
capacity as a national and international university
to turn ideas into action and action into service.”
From ww.american.edu/about/, 23 February 2006
American Youth Policy Forum (US)
“The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a
nonprofit, nonpartisan professional development
organization based in Washington, DC, provides
learning opportunities for policymakers,
practitioners, and researchers working on youth
and education issues at the national, state, and local
levels. AYPF’s goal is to enable participants to
become more effective in the development,
enactment, and implementation of sound policies
affecting the nation’s young people by providing
information, insights, and networks to better
understand the development of healthy and
successful young people, productive workers, and
participating citizens in a democratic society.”
From www.aypf.org/about/index.htm, 31 October 2006
AMQP Organization (US)
“AMQP is an Open Standard for Messaging
“Middleware: software that connects other software
together. Middleware connects islands of
automation, both within an enterprise and out to
external systems.
“By complying to the AMQP standard, middleware
products written for different platforms and in
different languages can send messages to one
another. AMQP addresses the problem of
transporting value-bearing messages across and
between organisations in a timely manner.”
From jira.amqp.org/confluence/display/AMQP/About+AMQP,
15 March 2009
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The
“The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation makes grants in
higher education, museums and art conservation,
performing arts, population, conservation and the
environment, and public affairs.”
“Within each of its programs the Foundation directs
most of its grantmaking to a few areas of emphasis, in
order to focus on a limited number of important
objectives. Institutions and programs receiving support
are often leaders in fields of Foundation activity, but
may also be promising newcomers, or in a position to
demonstrate new ways of overcoming obstacles to
achieving program and grantee goals.”
From www.mellon.org/MellonGeneral.htm, 24 June 2003
Documents that could not be validated but came
from a usually reliable source, but published
Comments on validity are included in the document
if known. The source media is identified in the
These documents are typically those that, if public,
would cause some harm or embarrassment to the
author or the source.
The Apache Software Foundation
“The Apache Software Foundation provides support
for the Apache community of open-source software
projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a
collaborative, consensus based development
process, an open and pragmatic software license,
and a desire to create high quality software that
leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not
simply a group of projects sharing a server, but
rather a community of developers and users.”
http://www.apache.org/, 14 October 2002
The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache
Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must
include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software
developed by the * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and
wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written
permission. For written permission, please contact [email protected].
5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may
"Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache
Software Foundation.
Apereo Foundation Inc (US)
“Apereo is a network of institutions like yours. We
support software used in thousands of educational
institutions worldwide, ranging from the CAS
single-sign on solution, through uPortal, to the
Sakai collaboration and learning environment, and
the Apereo Open Academic Environment - a next
generation cloud-based platform for academic
collaboration. We're also the place new projects
supporting higher education can find support and
sustenance. Our incubation process supports new
projects as they find the path from innovation to
From www.apereo.org, 19 December 2014
Apollo Group Inc. (US)
“Apollo Group, Inc. was founded in 1973 in
response to a gradual shift in higher education
demographics from a student population
dominated by youth to one in which approximately
half the students are adults and over 80 percent of
whom work full-time. Apollo's founder, John
Sperling, believed -- and events proved him right -that lifelong employment with a single employer
would be replaced by lifelong learning and
employment with a variety of employers.
The University of Phoenix, Apollo Global, College
for Financial Planning, and Institute for
Professional Development are subsidiaries.
From www.apollogrp.edu/About.aspx, 3 August 2011
Apple Inc. (US)
“Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in
the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the
personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh.
Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in
innovation with its award-winning desktop and
notebook computers, OS X operating system, and
iLife and professional applications. Apple is also
spearheading the digital music revolution with its
iPod portable music players and iTunes online
From www.apple.com/pr/library/2007/01/17results.html, 24 March 2007
Ariah Group
An initiative sponsored by Moderas Inc. to create an
open source software community for supporting
Kuali Foundation software.
Sharon Thelen is organizing the effort.
Arizona State University (US)
“Arizona State University is one of the premier
metropolitan public research universities in the
nation. Enrolling more than 57,000 undergraduate,
graduate, and professional students on three
campuses in metropolitan Phoenix, ASU maintains
a tradition of academic excellence in core
disciplines, and has become an important global
center for innovative interdisciplinary teaching and
research. ASU offers outstanding resources for
study and research, including libraries and
museums with important collections, studios and
performing arts spaces for creative endeavor, and
unsurpassed state-of-the-art scientific and
technological laboratories and research facilities.”
From http://www.asu.edu/about/, 14 September 2005
Arjuna Technologies Ltd.
“Arjuna Technologies is a leading independent
supplier of standards-based middleware technology
for reliable distributed systems. Arjuna offers
industry-proven transaction processing and reliable
messaging products for Web services and J2EE.”
“Arjuna Technologies was formed from the former
Hewlett-Packard Arjuna Lab, HP's centre of
excellence for transactioning and related
technologies. … Today, Arjuna is working with other
industry partners to develop the next generation of
Web Services coordination, transaction and process
management technology.”
From www.arjuna.com, 28 October 2003
Artima Software Inc. (US)
“Artima Developer provides in-depth technical
articles, interviews with shakers and movers in the
software world, targeted news, interest groups,
weblog communities, book chapters, discussion
forums, and more. Through high-quality content
and community features, Artima Developer aims to
facilitate the sharing of software best practices that
enable our audience to improve their craft of
“Artima Developer is owned and operated by
Artima Software, Inc.”
From www.artima.com/aboutartima.html, 19 February 2006
ARTstor Inc. (US)
“ARTstor is a non-profit initiative, founded by The
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with a mission to
use digital technology to enhance scholarship,
teaching and learning in the arts and associated
fields. The ARTstor Digital Library Charter
Collection is:
* A repository of hundreds of thousands of digital
images and related data;
* The tools to actively use those images; and
* A restricted usage environment that seeks to
balance the rights of content providers with the
needs and interests of content users.”
From ww.artstor.org/info/about/history_mission.jsp, 5 January 2006
Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme
“The Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme
(APDIP) is an initiative of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) that aims to promote
the development and application of new Information
and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for poverty
alleviation and sustainable human development in the
Asia-Pacific region. It does so through three core
programme areas, namely: Policy Development and
Dialogue, Access , and Content Development and
Knowledge Management.”
From www.apdip.net/, August 19, 2004
Apereo Foundation (US)
“The Apereo Foundation was formed by the merger
of Jasig and the Sakai Foundation in late December
2012. Sakai and Jasig had been pioneers in the
production and adoption of open source software
for higher education for over ten years. Apereo
takes this work further, providing a more rational
and improved organisational framework for a range
of projects and software communities serving
higher education.
The core mission is to "assist and facilitate
educational organizations which collaborate to
foster, develop, and sustain open technologies and
innovation to support learning, teaching, and
From apereo.org, 19 March 2014
Asahi Net, Inc. (JP)
Company Name
Principal Businesses
ASAHI Net,Inc.
Kimiya Yamamoto
2nd April,1990
JPY 630,480,000
USD 7,938,313
Internet access service and
cloud application service
1st overseas subsidiary Asahi Net International, Inc.
established in the United States April 2011.
From asahi-net.co.jp/en/highlight/, 20 August 2012
Ascend Learning LLC (US)
“Ascend Learning has grown to become a leading
provider of technology-based educational,
curriculum and assessment solutions for healthcare
and other vocational industries. We specialize in
delivering higher performance results for students.
Our company’s heritage is rooted in assessment and
remediation technology and publishing. Our
industry-leading products serve secondary, postsecondary and professional education markets in
nursing, allied health, emergency services,
insurance and finance industries, fitness and many
other health science professions.”
From www.ascendlearning.com/about/company/, 22 July 2012
Associated Press (US)
“The Associated Press (“AP”) is the essential global
news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from
every corner of the world to all media platforms and
formats. On any given day, more than half the
world’s population sees news from the AP. Founded
in 1846, the AP today is one of the largest and most
trusted sources of independent newsgathering. The
AP considers itself to be the backbone of the world’s
information system, serving thousands of daily
newspaper, radio, television, and online customers
with coverage in text, photos, graphics, audio and
From www.ap.org/pages/about/about.html, 21 July 2010
Association for Computing
Machinery ACM (US)
“ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific
computing society, delivers resources that advance
computing as a science and a profession. ACM
provides the computing field's premier Digital
Library and serves its members and the computing
profession with leading-edge publications,
conferences, and career resources.”
From www.acm.org/, 11 April 2009
Association for Digital Document
Standards (ADDS) e.V. (DE)
The PDF Association is an initiative of the
Association. It was founded in September 2006.
The PDF Association is located in Berlin, Germany.
Olaf Drümmer is Chairman.
From www.pdfa.org/pdf-association/, 15 December 2014
Association for Information and Image
Management International (US)
“… the center of an effective business infrastructure
in the digital age is the ability to capture, manage,
store, preserve and deliver enterprise content to
support business processes. The requisite
technologies to establish this infrastructure are an
extension of AIIM's core document and content
“AIIM is a neutral and unbiased source of
information. We … are ANSI/ISO-accredited for
standards development.”
From www.aiim.org/article_aiim.asp?ID=18274, 28 July 2003
Association for Information
and Image Management (US)
“For over 60 years, AIIM has been the leading nonprofit organization focused on helping users to
understand the challenges associated with
managing documents, content, records, and
business processes. Today, AIIM is international in
scope, independent, implementation-focused, and,
as the representative of the entire ECM industry including users, suppliers, and the channel - acts as
the industry's intermediary.”
From www.aiim.org/article-aiim.asp?ID=18274, 19 December 2006
Association for Learning
Technology (UK)
“ALT is the leading UK body bringing together
practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in
learning technology.
ALT was formed in 1993, and is a registered charity.
Our work is supported by 6.5 permanent FTE staff,
6 of whom are based in the ALT Office in Oxford,
and one of whom is home-based.
ALT aims to: promote good practice in the use of
learning technologies in education and industry;
represent our membership in areas of policy; and
facilitate collaboration between practitioners,
researchers, and policy-makers.”
From www.alt.ac.uk/aboutalt.html, 31 August 2006
Association for Institutional
Research (US)
“The mission of the Association for Institutional
Research (AIR) is to support members in their
efforts to continuously improve the practice of
institutional research for postsecondary planning,
management and operations, and to further develop
and promote the institutional research profession.”
“Incorporated in Michigan in 1966 and doing
business in Florida since 1974 as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization.”
From www.airweb.org/?page=16, 16 July 2008
Association of American Colleges
and Universities (US)
“AAC&U is the leading national association
concerned with the quality, vitality, and public
standing of undergraduate liberal education. Its
members are committed to extending the
advantages of a liberal education to all students,
regardless of academic specialization or intended
career. Founded in 1915, AAC&U now comprises
nearly 1,300 member institutions—including
accredited public and private colleges, community
colleges, research universities, and comprehensive
universities of every type and size.”
From www.aacu.org/about/index.cfm, 18 April 2013
Association of American Publishers
“The Association of American Publishers is the
national trade association of the U.S. book
publishing industry. AAP’s more than 300
members include most of the major commercial
publishers in the United States, as well as smaller
and non-profit publishers, university presses and
scholarly societies - small and large. AAP
members publish hardcover and paperback books
in every field, educational materials for the
elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and
professional markets, scholarly journals, computer
software, and electronic products and services.”
From www.publishers.org/press/releases.cfm?PressReleaseArticleID=350,
20 September 2006
Association of American Law
Schools (US)
“The AALS is a non-profit association of 168 law
schools. The purpose of the association is "the
improvement of the legal profession through legal
education." It serves as the learned society for law
teachers and is legal education's principal
representative to the federal government and to
other national higher education organizations and
learned societies.”
From www.aals.org/about.php, 11 April 2007
Association of Universities and
Colleges of Canada (CA)
“The Association of Universities and Colleges of
Canada is the voice of Canada's universities. We
represent 92 Canadian public and private not-forprofit universities and university-degree level
“Our mandate is to facilitate the development of
public policy on higher education and to encourage
cooperation among universities and governments,
industry, communities, and institutions in other
From www.aucc.ca/about_us/index_e.html, 5 August 2007
Association of Governing Boards
of Universities and Colleges (US)
“The Association of Governing Boards of
Universities and Colleges (AGB) is the only national
association that serves the interests and needs of
academic governing boards, boards of
institutionally related foundations, and campus
CEOs and other senior-level campus administrators
on issues related to higher education governance
and leadership.”
From www.agb.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=3, 23 March 2007
Association of Public and Landgrant Universities (US)
“The Association of Public and Land-grant
Universities (A۰P۰L۰U) is a voluntary, non-profit
association of public research universities, landgrant institutions, and many state university
systems and has member campuses in all 50 states
and the U.S. territories. The association is governed
by a Chair and Board of Directors elected from the
member universities and university systems. “
“With roots going back to 1887, A۰P۰L۰U is the
nation’s oldest higher education association.”
From www.aplu.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=203, 7 September 2009
Association of Research Libraries (US)
“ARL is a nonprofit organization of 123 research
libraries at comprehensive, research-extensive
institutions in the US and Canada that share similar
research missions, aspirations, and achievements.
“The Association's importance and distinction is
born from its membership and the nature of the
institutions represented.
“ARL member libraries make up a large portion of
the academic and research library marketplace,
spending more than one billion dollars every year
on library materials.”
From www.arl.org/arl/, 22 January 2007
Association of University
Technology Managers (US)
The Mission of AUTM is “To promote, support and
improve academic technology transfer worldwide
and demonstrate its benefits globally through
education, advocacy, networking and
communication.” The associations strategic
priorities are: Understanding, Best Practices, Value
of Membership, Communications, International,
Governance, Networking and Metrics.
From www.autm.net/about/aboutAUTM_mission.cfm, 19 August 2006
Astute Business Solutions PVT
“Astute Business Solutions PVT LTD. specializes in
high-value solutions for ERP, Business Intelligence,
Middleware and Security. Our consulting services
range from Strategy and Assessment to
Implementation and Support. We are an Oracle
Partner focused on PeopleSoft Enterprise, Fusion,
Openbravo Open source ERP and Oracle Business
Intelligence solutions. Headquartered in Hyderabad
(India), we operate internationally in the USA, UK,
Asia Pacific and the Middle East.”
From openecampus.com/aboutus.html, 28 January 2013
Athabasca University (CA)
“Athabasca University (AU) is Canada's leading
distance-education and online university: Canada's
Open University. We currently serve about 30,000
students per year, following a period of rapid
growth which has seen student numbers double
over a six-year period. Some 200,000 students have
registered in AU's individualized courses and
programs since the University was created by the
Government of Alberta in 1970.”
www.athabascau.ca/aboutAU, 2 June 2005
Atlantic Council, The (US)
“Since its founding in 1961-1962, the Council has
been a preeminent, non partisan institution devoted
to promoting transatlantic cooperation and
international security. … Now in its 50th year, the
Atlantic Council is harnessing that history of
transatlantic leadership and applying its founders’
vision to a broad spectrum of modern global
challenges from violent extremism to financial
instability and from NATO’s future to energy
security. As we face an inflection point in history,
the Atlantic Council provides an essential forum for
navigating dramatic shifts in economic and political
From www.acus.org/about, 4 July 2013
“Atlassian provides innovative enterprise software
solutions that allow dynamic teams in knowledge
industries to work more effectively together.
“Just like our software, our company mission is to be an
innovative, driven company with all encompassing goals
and values.”
Our goals as a business are broad and go beyond the
physical products we provide: To talk frequently with our
customers. to be at the forefront of the change we believe is
coming in the way enterprise software is developed and
sold, to value our Australian heritage, to be innovative in
everything that we do, but always be realistic, and to solve a
few problems brilliantly, rather than aiming to solve every
From www.atlassian.com/about/mission.jsp, 3 May 2005
Atypon Systems Inc. (US)
“Since 1996, Atypon has been providing software,
hosting, and systems development to the
information industry, allowing content providers to
grow their businesses by providing superior
technology and service that supports the electronic
exchange of information. We are a private company
that has grown consistently and profitably.”
“Georgios Papadopoulos understood that the future
of publishing lay in what the Web would make
possible. “
From www.atypon.com/company/, 25 April 2010
Austin Peay State University (US)
“Austin Peay State University is a comprehensive
university committed to raising the educational
attainment of the citizenry, developing programs
and services that address regional needs, and
providing collaborative opportunities that connect
university expertise with private and public
resources. Collectively, these endeavors contribute
significantly to the intellectual, economic, social,
physical, and cultural development of the region.
APSU prepares students to be engaged and
productive citizens, while recognizing that society
and the marketplace require global awareness and
continuous learning.”
From www.apsu.edu/about-apsu/mission, 8 February 2014
Australian Capital Territory
Since 1913 Canberra has developed its role as
National Capital. Parliament moved from
Melbourne to Canberra in 1927. From the 1950s
Canberra grew quickly. The Menzies Government
accelerated the transfer of the public service
departments from Melbourne to Canberra. …
Canberra's physical growth took shape, especially in
the 1960s. In 1980, the High Court moved to
Canberra and, in 1988, the permanent new
Parliament House was officially opened.”
“Canberra is not only the National Capital but, as
the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), it is a selfgoverning city-state of more than 300,000
From www.act.gov.au/accesspoint?uniqueSessionToken=6ofv3r41w11018896544475151149&action=browse&id=351&breadcrumbs=345^346^351, 19 March
Australian Government
Attorney-General’s Department (AU)
“The Australian Government Attorney-General's
Department serves the people of Australia by
providing essential expert support to the
Government in the maintenance and improvement
of Australia's system of law and justice and its
national security and emergency management
“The Department is the central policy and
coordinating element of the Attorney-General's
portfolio for which the Attorney-General and
Minister for Justice and Customs are responsible.”
From www.ag.gov.au/www/agd/agd.nsf/Page/About_the_Department,
27 May 2007
Australian Government – Department of
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (AU)
“The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science
and Research strives as a key priority to encourage
the sustainable growth of Australian industries by
developing a national innovation system that drives
knowledge creation, cutting edge science and
research, international competitiveness and greater
productivity. The Department is committed to
developing policies and delivering programs, in
partnership with stakeholders, to provide lasting
economic benefits ensuring Australia's competitive
future. “
From www.innovation.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx, 22 July 2009
Documents published by their authors.
Generally documents published without either an
author affiliation or a publisher. This includes both
formal documents and personal writings published
by the author on the author’s Website, sent as
email, or Weblogs.
Organized by author name.
AuthorIT Software Corporation
Ltd. (NZ)
“AuthorIT Software Corporation (ASC) was founded
in 1996. Our head office is based in Auckland, New
“AuthorIT, our flagship product, was initially
released in 1997 and we commenced promotion in
the US and Europe in 2000. Now the US and
Europe account for 80% of world sales. Since its
release, AuthorIT has produced five major versions
and is now a mature robust product built on proven
From www.author-it.com/?page=company, 23 January 2007
Aviation Industry CBT Committee
“The Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based
Training) Committee (AICC) is an international
association of technology-based training
professionals. The AICC develops guidelines for
aviation industry in the development, delivery, and
evaluation of CBT and related training technologies.
The objectives of the AICC are as follows:
1. Assist airplane operators in development of guidelines
which promote the economic and effective
implementation of computer-based training (CBT).
2. Develop guidelines to enable interoperability.
3. Provide an open forum for the discussion of CBT (and
other) training technologies.”
www.aicc.org/pages/aicc_faq.htm, 30 December 2003
Axel Springer AG (DE)
“Established by the publisher of the same name in
1946, Axel Springer is today Germany’s biggest
newspaper publishing house and third-largest
magazine publisher. With over 170 newspapers and
magazines in 33 countries, 9,733 employees, … Axel
Springer is Germany’s most creative and profitable
publishing house and also one of the leading
international media enterprises. Its strategic
objectives are market leadership in the Germanlanguage core business, internationalization, and
digitization of the core business.”
From www.axelspringer.de/englisch/unterneh/frame.htm, 5 August 2007
Axiomatics AB (SE)
Axiomatics is the leading supplier of entitlement
management solutions. As a research spin-off from
the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS)
with many years of research and development, the
Axiomatics team has developed cutting-edge
software products to help enterprises gain secure
access to their digital assets.
Axiomatics is a major contributor to the XACML
standard. We are driving the technology forward
and fully supporting it with our products and
From www.axiomatics.com/about-us/about-us.html, 24 November 2010
Balzano Informatik AG (CH)
“Evento wurde 1997 durch die Balzano Informatik
AG in der Schweiz konzipiert und entwickelt. Ein
Team hochqualifizierter Software-Ingenieure der
ETH und Uni Zürich pflegt die Weiterentwicklung
der Evento-Produktpalette in enger
Zusammenarbeit mit dem stetig wachsenden
“Die Crealogix Gruppe hält 100% der Aktien der
Balzano Informatik AG. Damit kann Evento
bezüglich Kapitalisierung, Marktpräsenz,
personellen Ressourcen sowie technologischem
Knowhow auf einer sehr breiten Basis operieren.”
From www.evento.ch/?page=anbieter, 15 November 2007
Bankrate Inc. (US)
“We at Bankrate, Inc. have over three decades'
experience in financial publishing.”
“Today, Bankrate, Inc. is the Web's leading
aggregator of financial rate information, offering an
unparalleled depth and breadth of rate data and
financial content. Bankrate continually surveys
approximately 4,800 financial institutions in all 50
states in order to provide clear, objective, and
unbiased rates to consumers. Our flagship Web site,
Bankrate.com, provides free rate information to
consumers on more than 300 financial products.”
From www.bankrate.com/coinfo/default.asp, 23 June 2015
Barnes & Noble Inc. (US)
“Our mission is to operate the best specialty retail
business in America, regardless of the product we
sell. Because the product we sell is books, our
aspirations must be consistent with the promise and
the ideals of the volumes which line our shelves. To
say that our mission exists independent of the
product we sell is to demean the importance and
the distinction of being booksellers.
“As booksellers we are determined to be the very
best in our business, regardless of the size, pedigree
or inclinations of our competitors. “
From www.barnesandnobleinc.com/our_company/mission/our_mission.html.
20 July 2010
“BayCHI is the local San Francisco Bay Area
chapter of ACM SIGCHI.
“ACM is the Association for Computing Machinery, a
society for information technology professionals with
over 75,000 members worldwide.
“SIGCHI is an ACM Special Interest Group on HumanComputer Interaction, with over 6,000 members
“BayCHI officially reports to ACM and maintains a close
relationship to SIGCHI. BayCHI is the largest local ACM
SIGCHI chapter in the world, with 1,200 members.
“BayCHI is organized and operated exclusively for
educational and scientific purposes in the area of
Computer-Human Interaction”
From www.baychi.org/about, 7 March 2004
Baylor University (US)
“ Baylor University, a private Christian university
and a nationally ranked research institution,
provides a vibrant campus community for more
than 15,000 students by blending interdisciplinary
research with an international reputation for
educational excellence and a faculty commitment to
teaching and scholarship.”
“Baylor is founded on the belief that God's nature is
made known through both revealed and discovered
From www.baylor.edu/about/, September 1, 2014
BEA Systems Inc. (US)
“BEA Systems, Inc. is the world's leading
application infrastructure software company,
providing the enterprise software foundation that
allows thousands of companies to benefit from
service-oriented architectures. … Companies turn to
BEA to help them evolve their existing enterprise
software applications from inflexible, redundant,
legacy architectures to highly responsive, mature
Web infrastructures.”
27 January 2006
Becta (UK)
British Educational Communications
and Technology Agency
“Becta is the [United Kingdom’s] Government's key
partner in the strategic development and delivery of
its information and communications technology
(ICT) and e-learning strategy for the schools and
the learning and skills sectors.”
From www.becta.org.uk, 29 July 2004
Beloit College (US)
“Beloit College was founded in 1846, when
Wisconsin was still a territory. The early curriculum
was built on the classical tradition, but students
were given an unusual amount of freedom to choose
their own courses. Today, Beloit is recognized for its
longstanding commitment to curricular innovation,
and its first-year initiatives and international
education programs.”
From /www.beloit.edu/about/, 23 August 2006
Berkery, Noyes & Co., LLC (US)
“If a single phrase can define our business
[investment banker] , it is this: Unity of Purpose.”
“Since 1988, we’ve brought this Unity of Purpose to
bear in service to hundreds of publicly traded,
privately held and investor-backed information and
technology companies. These established and
emerging leaders turn to Berkery Noyes for
strategic transaction advisory and corporate finance
services that help them accelerate growth, increase
efficiency and create shareholder wealth.”
From http://www.berkerynoyes.com/pages/vision.aspx, 25 July 2009
Bersin & Associates (US)
“We are the #1 Provider of independent research
and advisory services on e-learning technology and
“Bersin & Associates is a team of experts in
corporate learning technology. Through our
experience and research we help corporations and
public sector organizations understand bestpractices, strategies, tools, and techniques to
develop and implement e-learning solutions that
drive measurable business impact.”
From www.bersin.com/aboutus/index.htm, 2 October 2003
BIAN e.V., Banking Industry
Architecture Network (DE)
“Banks need a flexible architectural model for the
growth of banking services – one that enhances
interoperability and reduces integration costs. The
BIAN model is a Service Oriented Architecture with
consistent service definitions, level of detail and
“BIAN and its members believe that SOA is the best
technology for internal and external interfaces to
produce consistent definitions, levels of detail and
boundaries through collaboration.”
From bian.org/about-bian/, 13 September 2014
BioMed Central Ltd. (UK)
“BioMed Central is an independent publishing
house committed to providing immediate open
access to peer-reviewed biomedical research
“BioMed Central is committed to maintaining high
standards through full and stringent peer review.
“BioMed Central's portfolio of 182 journals includes
general titles such as Journal of Biology alongside
specialist journals focus on particular disciplines .
All the research published by BioMed Central's
journals is open access, but BioMed Central also
provides access to various additional products and
services that require a subscription.”
From www.biomedcentral.com/info/, 28 October 2007
Black Duck Software Inc. (US)
“At Black Duck, we believe the future of software
development relies on the effective and informed
use of open source technologies and methods. We
are dedicated to helping our customers increase
their strategic use of open source, while
simultaneously strengthening and collaborating
with the greater community.”
“Black Duck connects developers to comprehensive
OSS resources … and to the latest commentary from
industry experts.”
From www.blackducksoftware.com/about, 30 March 2014
Blackboard Inc. (US)
“Transforming the Internet into a powerful
environment for the education experience
Formed with this vision in 1997, Washington D.C.based Blackboard Inc. is the leading enterprise
software company for e-Education.
Blackboard offers a complete suite of enterprise
software products and services that power eEducation programs in our primary markets –
Higher Education, K-12, Corporate/Government
and International. Blackboard solutions deliver the
promise of the Internet for online teaching and
learning, campus communities, campus commerce
services, and integration of Web-enabled student
services and back office systems.”
From http://www.blackboard.com/about/index.htm, 20 August 2003
An online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts
published on a Web page; also called Weblog or Web log.
Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the
personality of the author.
From www.dictionary.com, 1 February 2005
"A blog is a web page that contains brief, discrete
hunks of information called posts. These posts are
arranged in reverse-chronological order (the most
recent posts come first). Each post is uniquely
identified by an anchor tag, and it is marked with a
permanent link that can be referred to by others
who wish to link to it."
Doctorow et al., “Essential Blogging,” O’Reilly, 2002, p. ix
Blue Nile Research (US)
“The Principal Analyst [and likely sole proprietor]
at Blue Nile Research is Nathan Safran, a former
Forrester Research Analyst with more than 15 years
of experience in the high tech and research
“Nathan has been widely quoted in the tech media,
cited as an industry expert in the Wall Street
Journal, USA Today and Fortune Magazine. Nathan
has published dozens of research studies and white
papers in his career. and has been published in
Mashable, ReadWriteWeb and Venture Beat among
From bluenileresearch.com/about-blue-nile-research/, 29 June 2015
Bolton Institute
“At Bolton Institute we are dedicated to excelling in
our chosen fields of education, training, consultancy
and research in a location that offers students a
wealth of diverse opportunities.
As a degree-awarding Institute - from first degrees
to research MPhils and PhDs - our staff are
dedicated to providing high quality learning and
teaching and developing research activities on an
international scale.”
From www.bolton.ac.uk/about/, 11 May 2004
Bolton Institute is to become the North West’s newest university. The
Privy Council has written to say that university title for Bolton
Institute should be approved.
Book Industry Study Group (US)
“BISG is the leading book trade association for
standardized best practices, research and education.
“For over 35 years, BISG has been working on behalf
of its diverse membership of publishers, retailers,
manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, librarians
and others involved in both print and digital
publishing to forward its mission of creating a more
informed, empowered and efficient book industry.”
“BISG further believes that success in business is
often easier to achieve through joint effort and that
common problems are best solved together.”
From www.bisg.org/about/book-association.php, 28 February 2013
Booz and Company Inc.(US)
“Booz & Company is a leading global management
consulting firm, helping the world's top businesses,
governments, and other institutions.”
“We bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional
expertise, and a practical approach to build
capabilities and deliver real impact.”
“We developed the concept of human capital in the
1940s, product life cycle in the 1950s, supply chain
management in the 1980s, smart customization in
the 1990s, and organizational DNA in the current
From http://www.booz.com/global/home/who_we_are, 25 October 2011
Boston College (US)
“Strengthened by more than a century and a quarter
of dedication to academic excellence, Boston College
commits itself to the highest standards of teaching
and research in undergraduate, graduate, and
professional programs and to the pursuit of a just
society through its own accomplishments, the work
of its faculty and staff, and the achievements of its
graduates. It seeks both to advance its place among
the nation's finest universities and to bring to the
company of its distinguished peers and to
contemporary society the richness of the Catholic
intellectual ideal of a mutually illuminating
relationship between religious faith and free
intellectual inquiry.”
From http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/enmgt/stserv/acd/, 30 May 2003
Boston University (US)
“Boston University is one of the leading private
research and teaching institutions in the world
today, with two primary campuses in the heart of
Boston and programs around the world.”
“More than any other institution in our society, the
modern university exists to serve the future. Boston
University does this by educating individuals for
fulfilling, productive lives and by creating solutions
to pressing or anticipated problems through
research. … Taught by inspired, committed, and
creative faculty, our programs combine the
enduring value of a liberal arts education with the
skills and experience offered by professional
From www.bu.edu/info/about/, 2 October 2006
Brandon Hall Research
“Since 1993, we have provided independent,
objective information about using technology for
learning to help you make the right decisions for
your organization. We keep you well-informed on
trends, best practices, tools and vendors, without
“You are probably already convinced of the merits
of e-learning, and you probably already know how
e-learning can deliver more training, more
effectively, throughout an organization. Now, it’s
time to get everyone else on board.”
From www.brandon-hall.com, 11 March 2005
Brazilian Internet Steering
Committee (BR)
The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br)
was created by Interministerial Ordinance 147, of
May 31st, 1995, which was amended by Presidential
Decree 4,829 of September 3rd, 2003, with the
purpose of coordinating and integrating all Internet
service initiatives in Brazil, as well as promoting
technical quality, innovation and the dissemination
of the services available.
The CGI.br is comprised of members from the
government, the corporate sector, the third sector
and the academic community.
From www.cgi.br/pagina/about-the-cgi-br/148, 1 May 2014
Brigham Young University (US)
“The mission of Brigham Young University is "to
assist individuals in their quest for perfection and
eternal life" To this end, BYU seeks to develop
students of faith, intellect, and character who have
the skills and the desire to continue learning and to
serve others throughout their lives. These are the
common aims of all education at BYU. Both those
who teach in the classroom and those who direct
activities outside the classroom are responsible for
contributing to this complete educational vision.”
From unicomm.byu.edu/about/aims/, 11 December 2006
British Broadcasting Corporation (UK)
Our purpose is to enrich people’s lives with programmes
and services that inform, educate and entertain.
Our vision is to be the most creative organisation in the
Trust is the foundation of he BC:we are independent,
impartial and honest, Audiences are at the heart of
everything we do, We take pride in delivering quality
and value for money, Creativity is the lifeblood of our
organisation, We respect each other and celebrate our
diversity so that everyone can give their best, We are one
BBC: great things happen when we work to together.”
From BBC Annual Report and Accounts 2004, 23 May 2006
British Educational Suppliers
Association (UK)
“BESA is a trade association. Trade associations are
organisations which represent a particular industry,
but do not supply products themselves. They
promote and provide information about their
member companies and are a good source of
information and advice about their respective
“BESA has over 300 members which include
manufacturers and distributors of equipment,
materials, books, consumables, furniture,
technology, ICT hardware and digital content – all
to the education market.”
From www.besa.org.uk/besa/about/membership/whatisbesa.jsp.
5 September 2010
British Library (UK)
“In 2020, the British Library will be a leading hub
in the global information network, advancing
knowledge through our collections, expertise and
partnerships, for the benefit of the economy and
society and the enrichment of cultural life.”
The British Library will guarantee access for future
generations, enable access to everyone who wants
to do research, support research communities in
key areas for social and economic benefit, enrich
the cultural life of the nation and lead and
collaborate in growing the world’s knowledge base.
From www.bl.uk/aboutus/stratpolprog/2020vision/themes/index.html,
13 November 2011
British Standards Institution (UK)
“British Standards is the National Standards Body
of the UK, responsible for facilitating, drafting,
publishing and marketing British Standards and
other guidelines.
With collaborative ventures and a strong national
and international profile, British Standards is at the
heart of the world of standardization.
British Standards provides UK industry and other
stakeholders with their major access to and
influence on standardization, both in the European
arena (with CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and
internationally (with ISO and IEC).”
www.bsi-global.com/Corporate/BritishStandards.xalter, 26 October 2003
The Brookings Institution (US)
“The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public
policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our
mission is to conduct high-quality, independent
research and, based on that research, to provide
innovative, practical recommendations that
advance three broad goals:
* Strengthen American democracy;
* Foster the economic and social welfare, security
and opportunity of all Americans and
* Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and
cooperative international system.
From www.brookings.edu/about.aspx, 20 May 2009
Brown University
“Brown University is a leading Ivy League
institution with a distinctive undergraduate
academic program, a world-class faculty,
outstanding graduate and medical students, and a
tradition of innovative and rigorous
multidisciplinary study. A commitment to diversity
and intellectual freedom has remained a hallmark
of the University since its establishment. Brown
students are distinguished by their academic
excellence, self-direction, and collaborative style of
learning. Brown faculty are deeply committed to
teaching, preeminent in their fields, and leaders in
advancing knowledge that has broad scholarly,
theoretical, and practical applications.”
From www.brown.edu/web/facts.shtml, 3 March 2005
Bruegel organization (BE)
“Bruegel is a European think tank devoted to
international economics. It was created in Brussels
in early 2005 with the intention of bringing a new
voice into Europe’s economic policy discussions.
“Its governance and funding model makes Bruegel
unique, being the only think tank partly funded by
EU member states. It is supported by 16 European
governments, as well as a number of leading private
“Bruegel does not represent any particular policy
doctrine. “
From www.bruegel.org/Public/Section.php?ID=1154, 25 April 2009
Bunnyfoot Universality (UK)
“Bunnyfoot was conceived in 1999 by a businessman and
a behavioural scientist. Bunnyfoot was the UK's first
Usability & Accessibility consultancy.”
“Our services combine business acumen with a rigorous
scientific approach. These provide our clients with the
key intelligence necessary to make their online strategy a
We understand the needs of businesses and the needs of
Internet users. We deliver those needs through usability
engineering, by innovative thinking using a pragmatic,
flexible approach.
We are not web designers but work with designers to
enhance their offerings. By focusing on our core
competency we maintain the highest of standards and
From www.bunnyfoot.com/aboutbunnyfoot/index.html, 14 Mar 2004
Burton Group (US)
“Burton Group's research and advisory services
enable you to make smarter IT architecture and
infrastructure decisions - decisions that yield
actionable results. With Burton Group, you can
leverage existing and emerging technologies more
effectively and reduce risk in the most complex IT
environments. Burton Group focuses exclusively on
network infrastructure technologies relating to
security, identity management, telecom transport
technologies such as Voice over IP, and application
platforms including EAI architecture.”
From www.burtongroup.com/about/network_infrastructure.asp,
14 March 2006
Business-Higher Education Forum (US)
“The Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) is
a non-profit membership organization of leaders
from American businesses, colleges and
universities, museums, and foundations. The
purpose of the group is to join together to examine
issues of national importance and, when
appropriate, to speak with one voice by issuing
reports, white papers, and policy positions, and by
sponsoring roundtable discussions with elected
public officials, representatives from both the
corporate and the academic communities, and with
the general public.
“Founded in 1978, the Forum was hosted by the
American Council on Education until it became an
independent organization in September 2004.”
From www.bhef.com, 26 February 2005
Business Software Alliance
The Business Software Alliance is the foremost
organization dedicated to promoting a safe and
legal digital world. BSA is the voice of the world's
commercial software industry and its hardware
partners before governments and in the
international marketplace. Its members represent
the fastest growing industry in the world. BSA
educates consumers on software management and
copyright protection, cyber security, trade, ecommerce and other Internet-related issues.
From www.bsa.org/, 12 January 2005
Butte-Glenn Community College
District and Butte College (US)
The District includes Butte College in Oroville CA
and the College’s Glenn Center at Orland CA. Butte
College is one of the 112 public 2-year colleges and
Butte-Glenn Community College District is one of
the 72 community college districts in California.
The college had 12,163 (Fall 2012) students—52%
part-time, and 33% 25 and over. The 3,263 degrees
and certificates for 2013-2014 included 641 in
social sciences, 499 in heald professions, 237 in
business, and 232 in precision production. The
student-to-faculty ratio is 25 to 1.
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California _Community_Colleges_System and
“C-SPAN is a private, non-profit company, created
in 1979 by the cable television industry as a public
service. Our mission is to provide public access to
the political process. C-SPAN receives no
government funding; operations are funded by fees
paid by cable and satellite affiliates who carry CSPAN programming.”
From www.c-span.org/about/index.asp?code=About, 29 June 2007
Cal-PASS Project (US)
California Partnership for Achieving Student Success
“Cal-PASS is an initiative that collects, analyzes and
shares student data in order to track performance
and improve success from elementary school
through university. Utilization of the Cal-PASS Core
Values represents a new approach to improving
Through the Cal-PASS project, elementary, middle,
high schools, colleges and universities can learn the
answers to [their] questions.”
“Over 6,800 elementary schools, high schools,
community colleges, colleges and universities… are
already participating in this partnership.”
From www.calpass.org/HowDoes/Default.aspx, 4 January 2011
CALI The Center for ComputerAssisted Legal Instruction (US)
“CALI is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit consortium of
law schools that researches and develops computermediated legal instruction and supports institutions
and individuals using technology and distance
learning in legal education. CALI was incorporated
in 1982 and welcomes membership from law
schools, paralegal programs, law firms and
individuals wishing to learn more about the law.”
From www2.cali.org, 15 October 2006
California Community Colleges (CA)
“The Chancellor’s Office is the administrative
branch of the California Community College system.
Located in Sacramento, this state agency provides
leadership and technical assistance to the 109
community colleges and 72 community college
districts in California. It is also responsible for
allocating state funding to the colleges and districts.
“The Chancellor's Office operates under the
guidance of the Board of Governors, which sets
policy and provides long-range planning and
guidance to the Chancellor and his staff.”
From www.cccco.edu/about/about.htm, 30 June 2006
California State University (US)
“The CSU is a leader in high-quality, accessible,
student-focused higher education. With 23
campuses, almost 450,000 students, and 46,000
faculty and staff, we are the largest, the most
diverse, and one of the most affordable university
systems in the country. We offer unlimited
opportunities to help students achieve their goals.
We prepare graduates who go on to make a
difference in the workforce. We engage in research
and creative activities leading to scientific,
technical, artistic and social advances. And we play
a vital role in the growth and development of
California's communities and economy.”
From www.calstate.edu, 6 April 2008
California State University
Sacramento (US)
“Sacramento State is a vibrant metropolitan
university that is among the largest campuses in the
California State University system. We enroll a
multicultural student body of 28,000, and graduate
about 6,000 students each year. Despite our size,
quality teaching in small classes remains a top
priority. Students enjoy personalized attention from
their professors, as well as extensive research and
internship opportunities in Sacramento, the heart
of California government.”
From www.csus.edu/webpages/about.stm, 2 February 2007
Campbell Collaboration (NO)
“The Campbell Collaboration is an international
research network that produces systematic reviews
of the effects of social interventions. Campbell is
based on voluntary cooperation among researchers
of a variety of backgrounds. Campbell's strategic
and policy making body is the Steering Group.
“Campbell's International Secretariat is located in
Oslo and hosted by the Norwegian Knowledge
Centre for the Health Services. Head Office
supports all aspects of Campbell's work.”
From www.campbellcollaboration.org/about_us/index.php, 31 December 2013
The Campus Computing Project (US)
“Begun in 1990, The Campus Computing ProjectTM
is the largest continuing study of the role of
information technology in American higher
education. The project's national studies draw on
qualitative and quantitative data to help inform
faculty, campus administrators, and others
interested in the use of information technology in
American colleges and universities. The US Campus
Computing Project also provides the foundation for
affiliated research projects in other nations,
including Brazil Canada, China, and Hong Kong.
From www.campuscomputing.net/, 19 July 2008
Campus Pride (US)
“Campus Pride represents the only national
nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization for student leaders
and campus groups working to create a safer college
environment for LGBT students. The organization
is a volunteer-driven network "for" and "by" student
leaders. The primary objective of Campus Pride is to
develop necessary resources, programs and services
to support LGBT and ally students on college
campuses across the United States.”
From www.campuspride.org/aboutus.asp, 3 October 2010
Campus Technology (US)
Formerly Syllabus Magazine
“Campus Technology is the only monthly
publication focusing exclusively on the use of
technology across all areas of higher education.
Campus Technology provides in-depth, aggressive
coverage of specific technologies, their uses and
implementations, including enterprise resource
planning; eLearning and course management
systems; presentation technologies;
communication, portal, and security solutions - all
the important issues and trends for campus IT
decision makers.”
From www.campus-technology.com/about.asp, 24 June 2005
CampusEAI Consortium (US)
“CampusEAI Consortium is a non-profit
organization that was founded by leading
educational institutions to address the unique
integration needs of the educational community. It
is the mission of CampusEAI Consortium to
facilitate collaboration amongst member
institutions of higher education for the purpose of
sharing, developing and distributing communitysource software.”
www.campuseai.org/aboutmain.asp, July 26, 2004
CampusIT Ltd (IE)
“CampusIT was born in 2001 when a group of
teachers, administrators, software engineers,
psychologists, entrepreneurs and marketing experts
saw the need for a better way to handle interactions
between students and college administrators.
“We realised that the smart application of
technology could make life easier for everyone
involved in that interaction, no matter the size of
the college or where it is.
“The key was to create software that people would
enjoy using, with an elegant online and mobile
experience with great customer service.”
From campusit.net/about-campusit/, 13 November 2011
Canada Department of Justice (CA)
“The people of the Department of Justice work to
ensure that Canadians enjoy a justice system that is
fair, accessible and efficient. We help the federal
government to develop policy and to make and
reform laws as needed.
“At the same time, we serve Canadians by acting as
the Government's law firm. Our responsibilities
reflect the double role of the Minister of Justice,
who is also the Attorney General of Canada: while
the Minister is concerned with questions of policy
and their relation to the justice system, the Attorney
General is the chief law officer of the Crown.”
From www.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/index.html, 19 August 2006
Canada: Statistics Canada (CA)
“Statistics Canada produces statistics that help
Canadians better understand their country—its
population, resources, economy, society and
“In Canada, providing statistics is a federal
responsibility. As Canada’s central statistical
agency, Statistics Canada is legislated to serve this
function for the whole of Canada and each of the
“In addition to conducting a Census every five
years, there are about 350 active surveys on
virtually all aspects of Canadian life.”
From www.statcan.ca/english/about/overview.htm, 22 August 2006
Canadian Intellectual Property
Office (CA)
“The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a
Special Operating Agency (SOA) associated with
Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration
and processing of the greater part of intellectual
property in Canada. CIPO's areas of activity include:”
Patents, Trade-marks, Copyrights, Industrial designs,
and Integrated circuit topographies.
“The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) manages
another type of intellectual property: Plant breeders'
rights apply to certain new plant varieties.
“All sorts of people have a stake in intellectual property
— business people, inventors, artists, designers,
electronic microchip manufacturers, plant breeders and
From strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mrksv/cipo/help/faq_cipo-e.html, 6 August 2006
Canadian Internet Registration
Authority (CA)
“CIRA was incorporated in December 1998 and
became the official .CA registry [for the ccTLD—top
level domain— Canadian Internet domain names]
December 1, 2000. We have a 12-person Board of
Directors and three Board Advisors. The 12 Board
of Directors are elected by .CA Members and three
are Board Advisors with non-voting positions. The
Board Advisors include CIRA’s President and CEO,
a representative of the Government of Canada, and
John Demco, who helped establish the .CA domain
and CIRA.”
From www.cira.ca/about-cira/history/, 29 December 2013
Canadian Policy Research Networks (CA)
“CPRN's mission is to create knowledge and lead
public debate on social and economic issues
important to the well-being of Canadians. Our goal
is to help make Canada a more just, prosperous,
and caring society.
“We bring together governments, unions,
corporations, ngos, voluntary organizations,
academics, and other think tanks to form networks
of users and researchers for each of our research
programs. Our neutral space frees all of these
players to engage directly in the research process
and benefit from "real time" knowledge transfer.”
From www.cprn.org/en/about.cfm, 30 December 2005
Career College Association (US)
“The Career College Association is a voluntary
membership organization of accredited, private,
postsecondary schools, institutes, colleges and
universities that provide career-specific educational
programs. CCA has over 1,400 members that
educate and support almost two million students
each year for employment in over 200 occupational
fields. These schools and colleges graduate
approximately one-half of the technically trained
workers who enter the U.S. workforce each year and
also provide retraining for displaced workers and
skills-upgrading for a wide variety of public and
private employers.”
From www.career.org/iMISPublic/AM/Template.cfm?Section=About_CCA. 8
February 2009
Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching (US)
“Chartered in 1906 by an act of Congress, The
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching is an independent policy and research
center with a primary mission "to do and perform
all things necessary to encourage, uphold, and
dignify the profession of the teacher and the cause
of higher education.“
“Carnegie is an institution whose thinking and
actions are organized around teaching and those
who teach, from preschool to graduate school.
Drawing on its historical mission, Carnegie is
dedicated to the dignity of the profession of
teaching and the cause of higher education.”
From www.carnegiefoundation.org/about/index.asp, 30 April 2006
Carnegie Mellon University (US)
“Since its founding in 1900 by industrialist and
philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie Mellon
University has been a pragmatic institution focused
on finding real solutions to the problems facing
society. … students who walked the Pittsburgh
campus became the innovators and doers of their
generation who made a difference in the world
around them.
“Throughout its evolution from trade school to
internationally prominent research university,
Carnegie Mellon has remained true to three primary
objectives: to deliver distinctive, first-quality
education; to foster research, creativity and
discovery; and to use the new knowledge created on
campus to serve society.”
From www.cmu.edu/home/about/about_history.html, 3 August 2005
The Cato Institute (US)
“The Cato Institute was founded in 1977 by Edward
H. Crane. It is a non-profit public policy research
foundation … The Institute is named for Cato's
Letters, a series of libertarian pamphlets that
helped lay the philosophical foundation for the
American Revolution.
“The Cato Institute seeks to broaden the parameters
of public policy debate to allow consideration of the
traditional American principles of limited
government, individual liberty, free markets and
peace. Toward that goal, the Institute strives to
achieve greater involvement of the intelligent,
concerned lay public in questions of policy and the
proper role of government.”
From www.cato.org/about/about.html, 28 January 2005
CDM-fr (FR)
Vous êtes sur le site collaboratif CDMFR des groupe
de travail de SG/STSI/C3 et AFNOR créé pour
accompagner la réflexion et la mise en place de
Le projet CDM-fr vise à fournir aux établissements
un dispositif technologique permettant d’afficher
une offre de façon structurée et adaptable, de la
partager à l'échelon régional (dans les UNR) ou à
l'échelon national (dans les UNT) et de la proposer
dans des dispositifs externes comme le portail
étudiant ou vers des organismes d'orientation.
From cdm-fr.fr, 6 April 2008
CDW Corporation (US)
“CDW is a leading provider of technology solutions
for business, government and education.”
“The company’s technology specialists offer
expertise in designing customized solutions, while
its advanced technology engineers assist customers
with the implementation and long-term
management of those solutions. Areas of focus
include notebooks, desktops, printers, servers and
storage, unified communications, security, wireless,
power and cooling, networking, software licensing
and mobility solutions.”
From www.cdw.com/content/about/who-we-are.asp, 21 July 2010
Cengage Learning Holdings II L.P.
“Cengage Learning is a leading provider of
innovative teaching, learning and research solutions
for the academic, professional and library markets
worldwide. The company's products and services
are designed to foster academic excellence and
professional development, increase student
engagement and improve learning outcomes.
Cengage Learning's brands include Heinle, Gale,
Wadsworth, Delmar, Brooks/Cole and SouthWestern, among others..”
From www.cengage.com/about/, 15 May 2010
Center for a New American
Security (US)
“The mission of the Center for a New American
Security (CNAS) is to develop strong, pragmatic and
principled national security and defense policies.
Building on the expertise and experience of its staff
and advisors, CNAS engages policymakers, experts
and the public with innovative, fact-based research,
ideas and analysis to shape and elevate the national
security debate. A key part of our mission is to
inform and prepare the national security leaders of
today and tomorrow.”
“CNAS is located in Washington, and was
established in February 2007”
From www.cnas.org/about, 2 December 2013
Center for American Progress (US)
“The Center for American Progress is a think tank
dedicated to improving the lives of Americans
through ideas and action. We combine bold policy
ideas with a modern communications platform to
help shape the national debate, expose the
hollowness of conservative governing philosophy,
and challenge the media to cover the issues that
truly matter.”
“We translate those values into new ideas and
action firmly rooted in the economic and political
realities of the 21st century.”
From www.americanprogress.org/aboutus, 15 August 2008
Center for Applied Special Technology
“Founded in 1984 as the Center for Applied Special
Technology, CAST is a not-for-profit, education
research and development organization that works
to create opportunities for all students, especially
those with disabilities, by using technology to make
education more flexible and accessible.
The impact of CAST's work is evident at every level
of education, including in classroom teaching and
learning; federal, state, and local policymaking;
scholarly research; and commercial products used
in classrooms nationwide.”
From www.cast.org/about/, 26 August 2004
Center for College Affordability
and Productivity (US)
“The Center for College Affordability and
Productivity (CCAP) is dedicated to research on the
issues of rising costs and stagnant efficiency in
higher education, with special emphasis on the
United States.”
“We are an independent, not-for-profit center based
in Washington, DC. The CCAP staff comes from a
broad background focused on the education
industry. The CCAP exists to help facilitate a
broader dialogue on the issues and problems facing
our institutes of higher education.”
From www.collegeaffordability.net, 22 November 2007
The Center for Computer-Assisted
Legal Instruction (US)
“The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal
Instruction (CALI®) is a not-for-profit consortium
of law schools dedicated to research and
development in computer and web-based legal
“CALI … researches and develops computermediated legal instruction and supports institutions
and individuals using technology and distance
learning in legal education. CALI was incorporated
in 1982 and welcomes membership from law
schools, paralegal programs, law firms and
individuals wishing to learn more about the law.”
From www2.cali.org/index.php?, 8 April 2007
Center for Democracy and
Technology (US)
“The Center for Democracy and Technology works
to promote democratic values and constitutional
liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law,
technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical
solutions to enhance free expression and privacy in
global communications technologies. CDT is
dedicated to building consensus among all parties
interested in the future of the Internet and other
new communications media.”
From www.cdt.org/about/, 11 August 2007
Center for Digital Education
The Center for Digital Education is a premier
resource on K-12 and Higher Education technology.
From its market intelligence programs, advisory
services and custom research, to its annual events,
publishing and publications, the Center provides
the most dynamic and diverse opportunities for
private- and public-sector leaders to remain at the
forefront of the education technology revolution.
A membership organization, the Center [has] more
than two decades of experience in the public-sector
IT market.
From www.centerdigitaled.com/centeroverview.php, 12 January 2005
A division of e.Republic, Inc.
Center for Economic and Policy
Research (US)
“The Center for Economic and Policy Research
(CEPR) was established to promote democratic
debate on the most important economic and social
issues that affect people's lives. In order for citizens
to effectively exercise their voices in a democracy, it
is necessary that they be informed about the
problems and choices that they face. CEPR is
committed to presenting issues in an accurate and
understandable manner, so that the public is better
prepared to choose among the various policy
From www.cepr.net/pages/cepr_info_page.htm, 8 January 2005
Center for Responsive Politics (US)
“The Center for Responsive Politics is the nation's
premier research group tracking money in U.S.
politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the
organization aims to create a more educated voter,
an involved citizenry and a more responsive
government. In short, CRP's mission is to:
● Inform citizens about how money in politics
affects their lives
● Empower voters and activists by providing
unbiased information
● Advocate for a transparent and responsive
From www.opensecrets.org/about/index.php, 31 August 2009
Center for Strategic and
International Studies (US)
“For four decades, the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS) has been dedicated to
providing world leaders with strategic insights on —
and policy solutions to — current and emerging
global issues.
“CSIS is led by John J. Hamre, formerly deputy
secretary of defense, who has been president and
CEO since April 2000. It is guided by a board of
trustees chaired by former Senator Sam Nunn and
consisting of prominent individuals from both the
public and private sectors.”
From csis.org/about/index.htm, 26 March 2004
Centre for Economic Policy
Research (UK)
“The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of
economic policy-making within Europe and beyond,
by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic
research, and disseminating it widely to decisionmakers in the public and private sectors. Drawing
together the expertise of its Research Fellows and
Affiliates, CEPR initiates, funds and coordinates
research activities and communicates the results
quickly and effectively to decision makers around
the world. The Centre is an independent, non-profit
organization and takes no institutional policy
From www.cepr.org/about-cepr, 19 August 2014
Centre for international
Governance Innovation (CA)
Centre Pour L’Innovation Dans La Gouvernance
THE Centre for International Governance
Innovation (CIGI) is an independent, non-partisan
think tank on international governance.
CIGI was founded in 2001 by Jim Balsillie, then coCEO of Research In Motion (BlackBerry) and
collaborates with and gratefully acknowledges
support from a number of strategic partners, in
particular the Government of Canada and the
Government of Ontario.
From Annual Report 2013, 7 December 2014
Centre for Recording Achievement
“For the past 15 years, there has been increasing
use of a range of ways of encouraging individual
learners to identify, articulate and evidence their
learning and experience to add to and enrich
examination qualifications.
“A key benefit is for learners to reflect on this and to
plan the next step in learning or employment on the
basis of clearer information.
“The Centre and this website seeks to inform staff
involved in developing these processes in schools,
colleges, universities, companies and professional
bodies about examples of good practice, staff
development materials, and information on lifelong
learning perspectives.”
From www.recordingachievement.org/about_us/Default.asp, 26 July 2005
Centre for Research on
Globalization (CA)
“The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is
an independent research and media organization
based in Montreal. The CRG is a registered nonprofit organization in the province of Quebec,
“Global Research … publishes news articles,
commentary, background research and analysis on
a broad range of issues, focussing on social,
economic, strategic and environmental processes.”
“The Centre also acts as a think tank on crucial
economic and geopolitical issues.”
From www.globalresearch.ca/about, 25 September 2013
The Century Foundation Inc. (US)
“The Century Foundation, founded in 1919 by the
progressive businessman Edward A. Filene, is a
nonprofit public policy research institution
committed to the belief that a mix of effective
government, open democracy, and free markets is
the most effective solution to the major challenges
facing the United States. Our staff, fellows, and
contract authors produce publications and
participate in events that (1) explain and analyze
public issues in plain language, (2) provide facts
and opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of
different policy strategies, and (3) develop and call
attention to distinctive ideas that can work.”
From www.tcf.org/about.asp, 30 Jun 2007
Chalmers University of Technology
“Chalmers is a Swedish university of technology in
which research and teaching are conducted on a
broad front within technology, natural science and
architecture. Our inspiration lies in the joy of
discovery and the desire to learn. Underlying
everything we do is a wish to contribute to
sustainable development both in Sweden and
From www.chalmers.se/en/, 14 August 2010
Chamber of Commerce of the USA
“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's
largest business organization representing the
interests of more than 3 million businesses of all
sizes, sectors, and regions. Our members range
from mom-and-pop shops and local chambers to
leading industry associations and large
corporations. They all share one thing in common-they count on the Chamber to be their voice in
Washington, D.C.”
From www.uschamber.com/about-us/about-us-chamber, 20 April 3015
Chatham House (UK)
Royal Institute of International Affairs
“Chatham House has been the home of the Royal
Institute of International Affairs for ninety years.
Our mission is to be a worldleading source of
independent analysis, informed debate and
influential ideas on how to build a prosperous and
secure world for all.”
“We undertake independent and rigorous analysis
with the aim of setting the agenda and shaping
policy by encouraging new ideas and forward
thinking in international affairs.”
11 October 2013
The Chronicle of Higher Education (US)
“The Chronicle of Higher Education is the academic
world's No. 1 source of news and information.”
“The Chronicle is published weekly and read by more than
450,000 college and university administrators and faculty
members. Each issue includes: News from campuses in
the United States and around the world, updates on the
latest developments in scholarly research, articles about
tenure, retirement, and other personal and professional
concerns of people in academe, updates on how the latest
developments in information technology are affecting
higher education, reports on the latest government
actions, both state and federal, that affect colleges and
their students, statistics on salaries, endowments,
enrollment, tuition, and more.”
From chronicle.com/help/aboutweb.htm, 9 September 2003
CIFER Project (US)
“CIFER was founded by representatives from a
group of higher education institutions participating
in the Internet2, Jasig, and Kuali initiatives, who
shared a common interest in improving the identity
and access management foundations upon which
their projects depend. Those participants worked to
launch the project and invite-in other, representing
all types of higher education institutions, as project
participants and investors.”
From ciferproject.org/?q=about, 11 July 2012
Cisco Systems, Inc. (US)
“Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in
networking for the Internet. … Cisco hardware,
software, and service offerings are used to create
Internet solutions that allow individuals,
companies, and countries to increase productivity,
improve customer satisfaction and strengthen
competitive advantage. The Cisco name has become
synonymous with the Internet, as well as with the
productivity improvements that Internet business
solutions provide. At Cisco, our vision is to change
the way people work, live, play and learn.”
From newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/corpfact.html, 5 November 2006
City University London (UK)
“City University was founded in 1894 as the
Northampton Institute and awarded full university
status in 1966. It is based in the heart of London, close to
the City of London, where it contributes significantly to
the capital's academic, cultural and business life. It has
almost 10,000 students from 153 countries who benefit
from the University's internationally renowned
experience of more than one hundred years' of teaching
and learning. City's graduate employment record
continues to be one of the best in the country and
friendly staff help to make it a pleasant place to work
and study. Dynamic research activity across all schools
and institutes, including substantial interdisciplinary
work, underpins City's distinctive position as the
University for business and the professions.”
From www.city.ac.uk/aboutcity/, 7 October 2003
Civic Enterprises LLC (US)
“Civic Enterprises is a public policy firm that helps
corporations, nonprofits, foundations, universities
and governments develop and spearhead innovative
public policies to strengthen our communities and
“Created to enlist the private, public and nonprofit
sectors to help address our Nation's toughest
problems, Civic Enterprises draws on some of the
best minds in the country to fashion new initiatives
and strategies that achieve measurable results.”
From www.civicenterprises.net/aboutus.php, 14 April 2007
Clemson University (US)
“Clemson University offers countless opportunities
for students, faculty and community members to
participate in decades of tradition, improve quality
of life for their surrounding communities and
pursue academic challenges. … Clemson is a vibrant
student-centered community that thrives on
leadership, collaboration and a winning spirit — in
academics, athletics and life.”
“Clemson University has combined the scientific
and technological horsepower of a major research
university with the academic and social
environment of a small college.”
From www.clemson.edu/about/index.html, 16 May 2013
Clever Inc. (US)
“We believe that data should empower learning, not
hold it back. With unique experiences in education
and technology, the Clever team understands the
data challenges that schools and developers face.
Our mission is to make powerful educational
software easy to build and easy to deploy.”
From getclever.com/about/, 3 September 2012
“Build educational applications that just work.
School integration doesn’t have to be painful. Use
Clever to get real-time student data.”
From www.crunchbase.com/search?query=clever, 5 September 2012
Cloud Security Alliance (US)
“The Cloud Security Alliance is a non-profit
organization formed to promote the use of best
practices for providing security assurance within
Cloud Computing, and provide education on the
uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other
forms of computing.
“The Cloud Security Alliance is comprised of many
subject matter experts from a wide variety
disciplines, united in our objectives:”
From www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/About.html, 16 May 2009
“CNBC is the recognized world leader in business
news, providing real-time financial market coverage
and business information to more than 340 million
homes worldwide, including more than 95 million
households in the United States and Canada.”
“Launched on April 17, 1989, CNBC offers viewers
live programming on the markets every weekday,
with programs such as "Squawk Box," "Power
Lunch," "Closing Bell" and "Mad Money w/Jim
Cramer." CNBC Primetime programming includes
"On the Money" and "Fast Money.””
From www.cnbc.com/id/15907487/site/14081545/, 31 May 2007
Coalition for A Digital Economy
“Coadec works with a wide range of the UK
innovation community including entrepreneurs,
leaders of tech-driving startups and SMEs,
inventors and developers, and other to provide a
voice for them on political and regulatory issues and
foster a vibrant, innovative and sustainable digital
economy for Britain.
“We support legislation and other government
policies that foster a lasting, sustainable and
innovative digital economy for Britain. You can view
some of the policy areas we work in on the Policy
section of this site.”
From www.coadec.com/about/what-we-do/, 30 December 2012
Coalition for Networked Information
“CNI is an organization dedicated to supporting the
transformative promise of networked information
technology for the advancement of scholarly
communication and the enrichment of intellectual
productivity. Some 200 institutions representing
higher education, publishing, network and
telecommunications, information technology, and
libraries and library organizations make up CNI's
From www.cni.org, 7 April 2005
CodeX (SE)
De svenska universiteten och högskolorna inbjuds
att delta i ett nätverk för utbyte av erfarenheter,
kod, design med mera. Det som just nu står högt i
fokus är arbetet kring portaler. Det finns en publik
maillista: [email protected].
Medlemmar i styrgruppen:
Joakim Björklund, Linköpings universitet
Magnus Lindqvist, Lunds universitet
Per Wising, Stockholms universitet
Magnus Andersson, Umeå universitet
Dario Lopez-Kästen, Chalmers
Collaborative Consulting LLC (US)
“Collaborative Consulting is an information
technology and management consulting firm
dedicated to helping our clients achieve business
advantage through the use of strategy and
technology. We have a set of focused services
targeted at the life sciences and financial services
industries. We deliver these services leveraging
both our consulting team typically working onsite
with our clients, and our domestic solution center
team, working in our remote solution center. Our
approach to solving business problems for clients is
biased towards action and pragmatism.”
From www.linkedin.com/company/collaborative-consulting, 19 June 2014
College and University Professional
Association for Human Resources (US)
“CUPA-HR provides dynamic leadership to the
higher education human resources profession and
the higher education community by delivering
essential knowledge, resources and connections
that enhance individual and institutional capacity
and effectiveness.”
“CUPA-HR members are higher ed HR. Our
membership is institution-based … We also serve
other organizations that are affiliated with higher
From www.cupahr.org/aboutus/aboutcupahr.asp, 21 March 2011.
The College Board (US)
The College Board is a not-for-profit membership
association whose mission is to connect students to
college success and opportunity. The association is
composed of more than 4,700 schools, colleges,
universities, and other educational organizations.
Each year, the College Board serves students and
their parents, high schools, and colleges through
major programs and services in college admissions,
guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment,
and teaching and learning. The College Board is
committed to the principles of excellence and
equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of
its programs, services, activities, and concerns.
From www.collegeboard.com/about/, 22 October 2005
College Summit Inc. (US)
"College Summit excels in each of the three R's of
high school reform: Relationships, Relevance and
Rigor. But there is a fourth 'R' that College Summit
delivers as well: Results."
-Charlotte Ciancio, Superintendent of Mapleton Public Schools, CO
“College Summit's number one metric is improving
the college enrollment rate of our partner high
schools. “
“College Summit works with students that are
diverse both socio-economically and economically.”
From www.collegesummit.org/aboutus/results_and_metrics, 5 October 2011
Cology Inc. (US)
“Cology is the leading provider of end-to-end loan
private student loan origination and repayment
servicing solutions for lenders. Our flagship loan
processing and servicing system, VoltaTM is the
engine behind more than 200 of the nation’s fastest
growing lenders in the market today. With its
robust borrower profile features, complete branding
capabilities, unmatched reporting and application
management tools – it is the preferred choice for
credit unions and community banks, colleges, and
other member-based organizations.”
From www2.cology.com/company/company/, 8 March 2011
Columbia University
“From its beginnings in a schoolhouse in lower
Manhattan, Columbia University has grown to
encompass two principal campuses: the historic,
neoclassical campus in the Morningside Heights
neighborhood and the modern Medical Center
further uptown, in Washington Heights. Today,
Columbia is one of the top academic and research
institutions in the world, conducting pathbreaking
research in medicine, science, the arts, and the
humanities. It includes three undergraduate
schools, thirteen graduate and professional schools,
and a school of continuing education.”
www.columbia.edu/about_columbia/index.html, 1 August 2004
Comité Européen de Normalisation (EU)
“CEN, the European Committee for
Standardization, was founded in 1961 by the
national standards bodies in the European
Economic Community and EFTA countries.
“Now CEN is contributing to the objectives of the
European Union and European Economic Area with
voluntary technical standards which promote free
trade, the safety of workers and consumers,
interoperability of networks, environmental
protection, exploitation of research and
development programmes, and public procurement.
“CEN is a non-profit making technical organization
set up under Belgian law.”
From www.cen.eu/cenorm/aboutus/index.asp, 26 November 2007
Committee for Economic Development
“The Committee for Economic Development (CED) is an
independent, nonpartisan organization of business and
education leaders dedicated to policy research on the
major economic and social issues of our time and the
implementation of its recommendations by the public
and private sectors. CED is:
§ Common ground for some of the best minds in business and
academia -- from the United States and throughout the world.
§ An organization to which government, policy, and media
leaders turn for reliable, nonpartisan policy guidance.
§ A catalyst for community action.
§ A respected business voice on national and international
§ A resource for the business community's own policyoriented activities.”
From www.ced.org/about/mission.shtml, 20 March 2004
Committee on Institutional
Cooperation (US)
“The Committee on Institutional Cooperation is an
academic consortium of top-tier research
universities, including the members of the Big Ten
Conference and the University of Chicago.For over
half a century, CIC members have collaborated to
advance their academic missions, generate unique
opportunities for students and faculty, and serve the
common good by sharing expertise, leveraging
campus resources, and creating innovative
From www.cic.net/docs/default-source/reports/annual-reportcollaboration.pdf, 20 June 2013
Common Core Inc. (US)
“We believe that a child who graduates from high
school without an understanding of culture, the
arts, history, literature, civics, and language has in
fact been left behind. So to improve education in
America, we’re promoting programs, policies, and
initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels that
provide students with challenging, rigorous
instruction in the full range of liberal arts and
From www.commoncore.org/wwd.php, 16 March 2008
Common Data Standards Initiative
“The Common Data Standards (CDS) Initiative is a
[U.S.] national, collaborative effort to develop
voluntary, common data standards for a key subset
of K-12 (e.g., demographics, program participation,
course information) and K12-to-postsecondary
education transition variables. Participants in the
Initiative include representatives from states,
districts, higher education organizations, and key
non-profit organizations. The CDS Initiative's goal
is to … agree upon standard definitions, code sets,
business rules, and technical specifications for those
From www.commondatastandards.org/aboutcds.html, 5 December 2010
Common Solutions Group (US)
Role and Mission
To identify and understand strategic information technology;
to adopt common solutions to common problems; to develop a
map for the future of IT in higher education.
Guiding Principles
Promote detailed, interactive discussions of strategic technical
issues across time; corollary: keep the group small and
Strive to recruit individuals/institutions with strategic technical
skills and vision and the ability to adopt common solutions on
their campuses.
Identify pressing IT issues and address them.
Seek to promote common IT solutions through influencing
vendor products, standards and campus practice.
Disseminate conclusions broadly
From www.StoneSoup.org, 20 January 2003
Commonfund (US)
“Commonfund’s mission is to enhance the financial
resources of nonprofit institutions and to help them
improve investment management practices. As the
largest nonprofit investment manager, we place the
fulfillment of this mission ahead of profit,
unfettered growth and asset gathering. This allows
Commonfund to offer thoughtfully constructed,
high quality programs and services at competitive
From www.commonfund.org/Commonfund/About+Us/
commonfund_mission_2004.htm, 23 August 2006
Computer & Communications
Industry Association (US)
“CCIA is a nonprofit membership organization for a
wide range of companies in the computer, Internet,
information technology, and telecommunications
industries, represented by their senior executives.
Created over three decades ago, CCIA promotes
open markets, open systems, open networks, and
full, fair, and open competition. CCIA serves as an
additional, and sometimes the only, eyes, ears, and
voice, in Washington for our members. Our goal is
to proactively protect and promote their legitimate
interests, and to advance the broad common
interests of our industries. ”
From www.ccianet.org/
modules.php?op=modload&name=about&file=index, 30 November 2006
Computing Research Association
“The Computing Research Association (CRA) is an
association of more than 200 North American
academic departments of computer science,
computer engineering, and related fields;
laboratories and centers in industry, government,
and academia engaging in basic computing
research; and affiliated professional societies.
“CRA's mission is to strengthen research and
advanced education in the computing fields, expand
opportunities for women and minorities, and
improve public and policymaker understanding of
the importance of computing and computing
research in our society.”
From http://cra.org/about/about-cra/, 13 August 2012
ComSpec International Inc. (US)
“ComSpec is a quality provider of business
applications to Fortune 1000 companies and the
higher education market. Founded in 1983,
ComSpec specializes in utilizing relational
databases and 4GL tools to create business
application software.”
“Specifically in the higher education market,
ComSpec started the development of EMPOWER,
the on-line relational student administrative
system, in 1994. ComSpec combined its years as a
proven technology leader with universities and
educational consultants.”
From www.comspec-intnl.com/company_overview.htm , 16 October 2012
Confederation of British Industry
(CBI) (UK)
“The CBI's mission is to help create and sustain the
conditions in which businesses in the United
Kingdom can compete and prosper for the benefit
of all.
“We are the premier lobbying organisation for UK
business on national and international issues. We
work with the UK government, international
legislators and policy-makers to help UK businesses
compete effectively.”
From www.cbi.org.uk/ndbs/staticpages.nsf/staticpages/
Aboutcbi/index.html?OpenDocument, 7 March 2010
ConnectEDU Inc. (US)
“ConnectEDU is the nation’s leading technology
firm dedicated to providing students, educators and
employers with comprehensive solutions to
successfully navigate education and employment
Our mission
“ConnectEDU's mission is to democratize access to
higher education and career opportunities for all
students by empowering them and their advisors
with the information, resources and collective
bargaining power required to realize successful lifetransitions.”
From www.connectedu.net/corp/index.php/company/, 7 December 2008
Connecticut, State of (US)
“Within its compact borders, Connecticut has
forested hills, new urban skylines, shoreline
beaches, white-steeple colonial churches, and
historic village greens. There are classic Ivy League
schools, modern expressways, great corporate
offices, and small farms. Connecticut is a thriving
center of business, as well as a vacation land. It is
both a New England state, and suburban to New
York City.”
Capitol: Hartford, Population 3,409,549, Area:
5,018 Square Miles, Cities: 9, Towns: 69, Economy:
“the Insurance State,” diversified manufacturing.”
From www.ct.gov/ctportal/cwp/view.asp, 30 August 2014
Consumer Bankers Association (US)
“The Consumer Bankers Association (CBA) is the
trade association for today's leaders in retail
banking - banking services geared toward
consumers and small businesses.
“Our corporate members (the nation's largest
financial institutions, as well as many regional
banks) collectively hold two-thirds of the industry's
total assets. Our associate members represent the
premier providers of goods and services to banks.”
From www.cbanet.org/About/About.aspx, 10 September 2014
Consumers Union (US)
“Consumers Union (CU) is an expert, independent,
nonprofit organization, whose mission is to work
for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all
consumers. CU publishes Consumer Reports and
The organization generates more than $160 million
in revenue and a staff of more than 500 work at
either CU's 50 state-of-the-art labs in Yonkers, NY;
its 327-acre auto test facility in East Haddam, CT.;
or the three advocacy offices in Washington DC,
Austin, TX, and San Francisco, CA.
From www.consumersunion.org/about/, 21 Jul 2007
Copyright Clearance Center (US)
“Copyright Clearance Center is the world's premier
provider of copyright licensing and compliance
solutions for the information content industry. We
are a trusted intermediary between copyright
holders and content users, facilitating the exchange
of reuse rights and royalties through a wide range of
licensing services.”
“CCC is a member of the International Federation of
Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) and
has bilateral agreements with Reproduction Rights
Organizations (RRO) in 13 countries worldwide,
under which it repatriates fees for overseas use of
U.S. works.”
From www.copyright.com/ccc/do/viewPage?pageCode=au1, 12 October 2005
Cornell University (US)
“Once called "the first American university" by
educational historian Frederick Rudolph, Cornell
University represents a distinctive mix of eminent
scholarship and democratic ideals.
“Today's Cornell reflects this heritage of egalitarian
excellence. It is home to the nation's first colleges
devoted to hotel administration, industrial and
labor relations, and veterinary medicine. Both a
private university and the land-grant institution of
New York State, Cornell University is the most
educationally diverse member of the Ivy League.”
From www.cornell.edu/about/, 16 January 2006
Corporate University Enterprise, Inc. (US)
“Corporate University Enterprise, Inc. (CUE) is an
educational consulting firm designed to bring a
strategic approach to workforce education in both
private and public organizations. The company was
incorporated in 1998 and has since served clients
throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.
“CUE was founded by John Wells, Ed.D, and
current president, Karen Barley. Throughout CUE's
maturation, the company has stayed close to its core
values and principles, namely hard work,
partnership, and lifelong learning.”
From www.cuenterprise.com/about.php?menu=8&page_id=1,
10 August 2004
Corporation for Education
Initiatives in California (US)
“CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network
Initiatives in California, … designs, implements, and
operates CalREN, the California Research and
Education Network, a high-bandwidth, highcapacity Internet network specially designed to
meet the unique requirements of these
communities, and to which the vast majority of the
state's K-20 educational institutions are connected.
In order to facilitate collaboration in education and
research, CENIC also provides connectivity to nonCalifornia institutions and industry research
organizations with which CENIC's Associate
researchers and educators are engaged.”
From www.cenic.org/about/index.html, 28 October 2007
Corporation for National and
Community Service (US)
“The Corporation for National and Community
Service plays a vital role in supporting the American
culture of citizenship, service and responsibility. We
are a catalyst for change and champion for the ideal
that every American has skills and talents to give.
“The Corporation is the nation’s largest grantmaker
supporting service and volunteering. Through our
Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve
America programs, we provide opportunities for
Americans of all ages and backgrounds to express
their patriotism while addressing critical
community needs.”
From www.nationalservice.gov/about/role_impact/index.asp,
17 October 2006
Council of Editors of Learned
Journals (US)
“The Council of Editors of Learned Journals, an
Allied Organization of the Modern Language
Association, is an organization of editors of
scholarly journals devoted to study in the
humanistic disciplines. As the major national
organization dedicated to supporting academic
journal publishing in the humanities, our
membership of over 450 editors represents an
invaluable collective wellhead of editorial wisdom
and experience. Making this fund of expertise
available to new and veteran editors alike for
discussing common editorial concerns and sharing
considered advice is one of our major purposes.”
From www.celj.org/about.php, 30 March 2007
Council for Aid to Education (US)
“The Council for Aid to Education (CAE) is a national
nonprofit organization based in New York City. Initially
established in 1952 to advance corporate support of
education and to conduct policy research on higher
education, today CAE is also focused on improving
quality and access in higher education. The Collegiate
Learning Assessment (CLA) is central to that focus, a
national effort to assess the quality of undergraduate
education by directly measuring student learning
outcomes. CAE also undertakes strategic planning for
public university systems, states, and foreign nations. In
addition, CAE conducts research on and promotes policy
reforms in higher education.”
From www.cae.org/content/about.htm, 9 July 2006
Council for British Archaeology (UK)
“The CBA is the principal UK-wide nongovernmental organisation that promotes
knowledge, appreciation and care of the historic
environment for the benefit of present and future
From www.britarch.ac.uk/, 2 August 2004
“The scope of the CBA’s work is large, but decisively
channeled through the five core functional areas
described above: research, conservation, education,
information, and publication. The small, dedicated
permanent staff at the York headquarters keep
abreast of the CBA's responsibilities with the
voluntary support of the Council's Officers and
Board, members of committees, and the active
enthusiasm of the Regions.”
From www.britarch.ac.uk/cba/history.html, 2 August 2004
Council for Economic Education
“The Council for Economic Education offers many
programs promoting economic literacy in the United
States and across the globe. All of the Council for
Economic Education's programs fall into three core
EconomicsAmerica® is a comprehensive program which
impacts and improves the quality of economic education
in America's schools. EconomicsInternational® , which
is supported primarily by the U.S. Department of
Education, provides educational assistance to teachers
in societies in transition to market economies.
EconomicsExchange® is an "economics for life" program
which reaches employees in the workplace, parents, and other
From www.councilforeconed.org/programs/, 2 January 2011
Council for Higher Education
Accreditation (US)
The Council for Higher Education Accreditation
(CHEA) is a private, nonprofit national organization
that coordinates accreditation activity in the United
CHEA is a “primary national voice for voluntary
accreditation and quality assurance to U.S.
Congress and U.S. Department of Education and a
primary national voice for voluntary accreditation
to the general public, opinion leaders, students, and
families.” It is also “A representative of U.S.
accreditation community to international
From www.chea.org/default.asp?link=7, 23 September 2005
Council for the Central Laboratory
of the Research Councils (UK)
“The Council for the Central Laboratory of the
Research Councils (CCLRC) works with the other
research councils to set future priorities that meet
UK science needs. The CCLRC has two distinct arms
- the Chief Executive's Office … and other Research
Councils for delivering high quality science and
facilities for the academic and industrial research
“The council also operates three world class
research laboratories: the Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory in Oxfordshire, the Daresbury
Laboratory in Cheshire and the Chilbolton
Observatory in Hampshire.”
From www.cclrc.ac.uk/Activity/WhoWeAre;Section=940;
16 September 2006
Council of Chief State School
Officers (US)
“The Council of Chief State School Officers is a
nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of
public officials who head departments of
elementary and secondary education in the states,
the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense
Education Activity, and five U.S. extra-state
jurisdictions. CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy,
and technical assistance on major educational
issues. The Council seeks member consensus on
major educational issues and expresses their views
to civic and professional organizations, federal
agencies, Congress, and the public.”
From www.ccsso.org/Who_We_Are.html, 13 November 2010
Council of Graduate Schools (US)
“The Council of Graduate Schools is an organization
of institutions of higher education in the United
States, Canada, and across the globe engaged in
graduate education, research scholarship, and the
preparation of candidates for advanced degrees. For
over four decades, the Council of Graduate Schools
has been the only national association dedicated
solely to representing the interests of graduate
education. Our mission is to improve and advance
graduate education. CGS accomplishes its mission
through advocacy in the federal policy arena,
innovative research, and the development and
dissemination of best practices.”
From www.cgsnet.org/aboutcgs/index.htm, 11 January 2005
Council of Writing Program
Administrators (US)
“The Council of Writing Program Administrators is
a national association of college and university
faculty with professional responsibilities for (or
interests in) directing writing programs. Members
include directors of freshman composition,
undergraduate writing, WAC/WID/CAC, and
writing centers, as well as department chairs,
division heads, deans, and so on. “
“Faculty and graduate students with professional
interests in writing program administration are
cordially invited to join WPA.”
From www.wpacouncil.org/about, 9 September 2007
Council on Competitiveness
“In 1986 the United States was facing one of its
most dire economic challenges since the end of
World War II: the country slid from being the
world's largest creditor to its largest debtor; its
position as a global leader in technology and
innovation was declining; and American industries
were losing market share to international
competitors. To meet this mounting challenge, twodozen industrial, university, and labor leaders
joined together to found the Council on
Competitiveness, a forum for elevating national
competitiveness to the forefront of national
From www.compete.org/about_us/, 3 February 2005
Council on Government Relations (US)
“The Council on Governmental Relations is an
association of research universities.”
“Today, COGR's primary function is to provide
advice and information to its membership and to
make certain that federal agencies understand
academic operations and the impact of proposed
regulations on colleges and universities. COGR
helps to develop policies and practices that fairly
reflect the mutual interests and separate obligations
of federal agencies and universities in research and
graduate education.”
From www.cogr.edu/index.cfm, 10 September 2007
Council on Law in Higher
Education (US)
“Founded in 1998, the Council on Law in Higher
Education (CLHE) is an independent nonprofit
organization designed for higher education leaders
that want to stay informed of public policy and legal
“CLHE members receive comprehensive tracking of
policy and legal developments, insight and analysis
on a wide range of emerging issues, and other
invaluable benefits. The organization also prides
itself on being a unique voice on current issues.
CLHE’s work reflects a belief that the regulatory
and legal burden on colleges and universities has
become excessive and sensible reforms are needed.”
From www.clhe.org/clhe/about/, 21 August 2010
coursera Inc. (US)
“We are a social entrepreneurship company that
partners with the top universities in the world to
offer courses online for anyone to take, for free.”
From www.coursera.org/about, 31 July 2012
“Coursera Inc. offers online courses from various
universities. It provides programs in humanities,
medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics,
business, and computer science. Additionally, the
company provides peer grading, automated
assessment, intuitive instructor interface, mobile
platform, and learning analytics solutions. Coursera
Inc. was founded in 2011”
From investing.businessweek.com, 31 July 2012
CPA Australia LTD (AU)
“A CPA [Certified Practising Accounts] is a finance,
accounting and business professional with a specific
qualification. The CPA designation is a mark of high
professional competence. It indicates a soundness
in depth, breadth and quality of accountancy
“Our core services to members include education,
training, technical support and advocacy.”
“INTHEBLACK is a monthly business magazine
with an audited circulation of 144,530.”
“itbdigital.com is a leading source of information on
business, finance and accounting.”
From www.itbdigital.com/about-us, 29 September 2014
Corporation for Research and EducationNetworking
“CREN's strategic mission is to support low- cost
access to worldwide electronic networking and its
use for the benefit of education and research
communities. Specific responsibilities of the
organization include: Developing seminars,
workshops, and educational and training materials
that train faculty, students, and staff in strategic
technology areas using distance education modules.
And creating software tools that enable information
technology professionals to understand and exploit
advances in technology.”
From www. cren. net/ cren/ mission. html, 17 Nov 2003
Creative Commons (US)
“Creative Commons is working to revive [balance,
compromise, and moderation in the copyright
system]. We use private rights to create public
goods: creative works set free for certain uses. Like
the free software and open-source movements, our
ends are cooperative and community-minded, but
our means are voluntary and libertarian. We work
to offer creators a best-of-both-worlds way to
protect their works while encouraging certain uses
of them — to declare "some rights reserved.“
From creativecommons.org/about/history, 8 September 2007
Creativyst, Inc. (US)
“Creativyst (pronounced "kree.ATE.tiv.vist") is
dedicated to providing the best and most reliable
software products and services to help automate
your business, improve your web site, and develop
your applications.”
From www.creativyst.com, 19 March 2006
Cutter Consortium
“Cutter Consortium is a truly unique IT advisory
firm, comprising a group of more than 125
internationally recognized experts who have come
together to offer content, consulting and training to
our clients. These experts are committed to
delivering top-level, critical, and objective advice.
They have done, and are doing, groundbreaking
work in organizations worldwide, helping
companies deal with issues in the core areas of
software development and agile project
management, enterprise architecture, business
technology trends and strategies, risk management,
metrics, and sourcing.”
From www.cutter.com/aboutcc.html, 4 May 2005
Danish Research Unit for
Industrial Dynamics (DK)
“The mission of DRUID is to establish itself as a
leading European centre for research and doctoral
education in industrial dynamics, based on theories
of innovation, economic organization, competitive
advantage, organizational competencies, economic
evolution and growth.
“The objective is to contribute to a better
understanding of the dynamics of technical,
structural and institutional change at the level of
the single firm as well as at the inter-firm level and
the level of the economy as a whole.”
From ww.druid.dk/index.php?id=38, 13 June 2009
Data Quality Campaign (US)
“The Data Quality Campaign is a national,
collaborative effort to encourage and support state
policymakers to improve the collection, availability,
and use of high-quality education data, and
implement state longitudinal data systems to
improve student achievement.”
“The DQC was created in 2005, with support from
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as a way for
many organizations who were working on separate
but similar campaigns regarding educational data
systems to come together to ensure coordinated and
unduplicated efforts towards reaching their
common goals.”
From www.dataqualitycampaign.org/about_us/, 17 June 2007
Datatel, Inc.
“Datatel, Inc. is a leading provider of information
management solutions for higher education. … the
company has nearly 600 Client Institutions
throughout North America. Datatel’s sole focus is
higher education, ideally positioning the company
to deliver robust integrated information
management solutions that help colleges and
universities operate more smoothly and efficiently,
and better leverage resources enterprise-wide.”
From www.datatel.com/datatel/index_datatel.cfm/4, 13 July 2003
Datenlotsen Informationssysteme
GmbH (DE)
“Die Datenlotsen Informationssysteme GmbH
wurde 1993 mit Hauptsitz in Hamburg gegründet.
1999 begannen die Datenlotsen mit dem Aufbau
ihres Geschäftsbereiches "Campus Management". ”
“Heute arbeitet ein kontinuierlich wachsendes
Team von mehr als 50 Spezialisten an dem Auf- und
Ausbau von Campus Systemen auf Basis
modernster Informationstechnologie.”
“Die Campus Management Lösungen sorgen für die
gezielte digitale Unterstützung von Lernen und
Forschen - personalisiert, interdisziplinär und im
internationalen Kontext.”
From www.datenlotsen.de/index.php?se=403, 22 November 2007
DBRS Ltd (CA) and DBRS Inc. (US)
Formerly Dominion Bond Rating Service
“Formed in 1976, DBRS is a globally recognized
provider of timely credit rating opinions that offer
insight and transparency across a broad range of
financial institutions, corporate entities,
government bodies and various structured finance
product groups in North America, Europe,
Australasia and South America. Based in Toronto,
with offices in New York and Chicago, DBRS is
independently owned and operated, is not affiliated
with any institution or organization and does not
partake in any trading or underwriting activities.”
From www.dbrs.com/about,. 24 January 2010
Decision Analyst Inc. (US)
“The "Decision Analyst" name reflects our
philosophy. We are a decision-oriented, analytical
marketing research company that believes the
analysis of research data must lead to marketing
decisions and to marketing actions.”
“Decision Analyst obtained its corporate charter
from the State of Texas in late summer of 1978. The
firm was founded by Jerry W. Thomas and officially
opened for business in September 1978.”
From www.decisionanalyst.com/Aboutus.dai, 22 November 2007
Debenu Pty Ltd (AU)
“Already major innovators of the PDF industry, Karl
De Abrew and Rowan Hanna founded Debenu in
2007 with a vision – to develop PDF software to
help the world work faster, smarter and easier. Or
more productively in other words.
“With a number of PDF industry firsts under their
belt, Debenu will continue to strive to be at the
forefront of PDF innovation. With the main office in
Melbourne Australia, Debenu have a team of highly
skilled professionals working in Europe and South
Africa developing exciting new PDF software.” The
company published Planet PDF.
From www.debenu.com/about/, 28 April 2014
Delta Project on Higher Education (US)
Delta Project on Postsecondary Education
Costs, Productivity, and Accountability
“Unlike other organizations in higher education, the
Delta Project is focused on the spending part of the
college cost problem – how spending relates to
access and success, and ways that costs can be
controlled without compromising quality. This
requires a change in traditional approaches to
higher education finance – from a focus on inputs
(enrollments) and efficiency measures (funding per
student) -- to an integrated view of productivity,
and how funds are used to ensure access, equity,
and successful learning results.”
From www.deltacostproject.org/about/index.asp, 25 April 2010
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT),
a Swiss Verein (CH)
““Deloitte” is the brand under which tens of
thousands of dedicated professionals in
independent firms throughout the world collaborate
to provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk
management, and tax services to selected clients.
These firms are members of Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu (DTT), a Swiss Verein. Each member
firm provides services in a particular geographic
area and is subject to the laws and professional
regulations of the particular country or countries in
which it operates. DTT helps coordinate the
activities of the member firms.”
From www.deloitte.com/view/en_GX/global/about/index.htm,
24 January 2010
Democracy Now! (US)
“Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent,
award-winning news program hosted by journalists
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the
largest public media collaboration in the U.S.,
Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR,
community, and college radio stations; on public
access, PBS, satellite television (DISH network:
Free Speech TV ch. 9415 and Link TV ch. 9410;
DIRECTV: Free Speech TV ch. 348 and Link TV ch.
375); and on the internet. DN!’s podcast is one of
the most popular on the web.”
From www.democracynow.org/about, 1 January 2014
Demos (UK)
“Demos is a greenhouse for new ideas which can
improve the quality of our lives. As an independent
think-tank, our aim is to create an open resource of
knowledge and learning that operates beyond
traditional parties, identities and disciplines.
“Demos connects researchers, thinkers and
practitioners to an international network of people
changing politics. Our ideas regularly influence
government policy, but we also work with
companies, NGOs, schools and professional bodies
– any organisation that can make change happen.
Our partners share a desire to understand a
complex, globalising world, and to play an active
role in shaping its future.”
From www.demos.co.uk/aboutus/default.aspx, 25 April 2005
Demos (US)
“Demos is a non-partisan public policy research and
advocacy organization founded in 2000.
Headquartered in New York City, Demos works
with advocates and policymakers around the
country in pursuit of four overarching goals: a
more equitable economy with widely shared
prosperity and opportunity; a vibrant and inclusive
democracy with high levels of voting and civic
engagement; an empowered public sector that
works for the common good; and responsible U.S.
engagement in an interdependent world.”
From www.demos.org/about.cfm, 10 February 2010
DePaul University (US)
“We are nationally recognized for our commitment
to service learning and hands-on experiences. We
serve more than 23,000 students who reflect a
broad range of ethnic, religious, geographic and
economic backgrounds. We were founded by the
Vincentians in 1898 and have grown to become the
country’s largest Catholic university. Our mission
offers a strong foundation for exceptional and
award-winning academic programs.”
From www.depaul.edu/about_DP/index.asp, 25 December 2006
Desire2Learn Inc. (CA)
“Founded in 1999, Desire2Learn Inc. is a leader in
providing innovative eLearning solutions to
academic and other leading organizations around
the world. Our offerings include our web-based
Learning Environment, Learning Repository,
LiveRoom and other innovative technology. Our
focus is on research and development and service
and support for our clients, and our products lead
the market in innovation and client satisfaction.”
From www.desire2learn.com/about/index.asp, 2 August 2006
U.K. Department for Education
and Skills
Our objectives are to:
Give children an excellent start in education so
that they have a better foundation for future
Enable all young people to develop and equip
themselves with the skills, knowledge and
personal qualities needed for life and work.
Encourage and enable adults to learn, improve
their skills and enrich their lives.
From www.dfes.gov.uk/findoutmore/index.shtml, 3 Jun 2003
Deutsche Bank AG (DE)
“Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank
with a strong and profitable private clients
“We compete to be the leading global provider of
financial solutions for demanding clients creating
exceptional value for our shareholders and people.”
“We embrace social responsibility as a part of our
corporate culture.”
From www.db.com/en/content/company/our_company.htm?
Development Dimensions
International (US)
“Since 1970, Development Dimensions
International (DDI) has been helping hundreds of
corporations around the world close the gap—
between where their business needs to go and the
talent they must have to take them there—in good
times and tough times.
DDI’s experience and expertise in talent
management is unparalleled: Using our world-class
learning systems, organizations are developing
more than 250,000 better leaders each year.
From www.ddiworld.com/about-ddi, 25 October 2012
The Diffusion Group (US)
“TDG helps your company deliver better products
and services. We collaborate with our consultants,
our market researchers, and you to answer the
questions that are key to your business. We call it
Intelligence in Action®.
“We find answers.Our team has years of direct
industry experience in the media, entertainment,
and technology markets. We work with you to
identify the market challenges and opportunities
and make recommendations.”
From www.tdgresearch.com/aboutUs.htm, 29 November 2006
Digital Library Federation
“The Digital Library Federation (DLF) is a
consortium of libraries and related agencies that are
pioneering in the use of electronic-information
technologies to extend their collections and
services. Through its members, the DLF provides
leadership for libraries broadly by identifying
standards and "best practices" for digital collections
and network access, coordinating leading-edge
research-and-development in libraries' use of
electronic-information technology, [and] helping
start projects and services that libraries need but
cannot develop individually.”
From www.diglib.org/, 25 November 2004
Digital Media Wire (US)
“Digital Media Wire, Inc. launched in early 2000
with a simple yet compelling proposition to provide
busy executives with a daily briefing of the most
important news stories about the business of digital
media. On July 20, 2000, we published the first
issue of Digital Media Wire Daily — our daily email
newsletter dedicated to objective coverage of news
stories about the convergence of media,
entertainment and technology. Today, we are a full
scale media company that owns and produces 8
major conferences, publishes daily newsletters and
directories, and operates the popular
www.dmwmedia.com news and community portal.”
From www.dmwmedia.com/about, 8 March 2009
Digital Promise Project (US)
“The Digital Promise Project, [is] a nonprofit group
funded by the Century Fund and the Carnegie
Endowment.” “An organization called Digital
Promise Coalition was formed to promote the
concept [of Digital Opportunity Investment Trust],
headed by Newton Minow, a former U.S. Federal
Communications Commissioner and former
chairman of the U.S. Public Broadcasting Service,
and Larry Grossman, a former president of NBC
News and former president of the U.S. Public
Broadcasting Service.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Opportunity_Investment_Trust,
10 July 2006
Digital South Yorkshire (UK)
“Digital South Yorkshire (d-SY) is the network and
specialist support organisation for creative and digital
businesses in the South Yorkshire region. What do we
mean by ‘creative and digital’ industries? This is a
rapidly changing sector and hard to define, but the
common factor is products and markets underpinned by
use of digital technology.
“Businesses that fall into this category include:
Animation and 3D development, Computer systems
supply, e-Business solutions, e-Learning solutions, Film
and video production, Internet solutions, IT Services,
Marketing and design agencies, Mobile communications,
Networking, Photography, Post-production services for
film and video, Printing and publishing, Software
engineering and development, Systems integration, Web
design, and Web marketing”
From www.digitalsy.org.uk/about.html, 23 August 2006
Digitalsmiths Corporation (US)
A TiVo Inc. company acquired February 2014.
Guided by the belief that consumers should not
have to work to find relevant content—the content
should find them—Digitalsmiths provides an
industry leading video discovery platform, offering
personalized search, recommendations, social
discovery, mood discovery, sports discovery and a
business console for all connected devices. …
Digitalsmiths Seamless Discovery® enables
personalized discovery experiences that instantly
connect consumers to the most relevant movies, TV
shows and live events available.
From www.digitalsmiths.com/about/, 20 June 2015
Digitary (IE)
“Digitary was established as Framework Solutions
in 1999 and provided security software design and
development services for large corporate and thirdparty systems for clients such as Intel, Siemens and
Baltimore Technologies. The company worked over
a number of years with the Higher Education Sector
on the development of the Digitary system for the
secure online issuing and authentication of tamperevident official graduation documents, which was
first implemented in 2005.”
“Digitary is a trading name of Framework Computer
Consultants Limited, registered in the Republic of
From www.framework.ie/aboutus.htm, 15 November 2007
Distributed Management Task
Force Inc. (US)
“DMTF enables more effective management of
millions of IT systems worldwide by bringing the IT
industry together to collaborate on the
development, validation and promotion of systems
management standards. The group spans the
industry with 160 member companies and
organizations, and more than 4,000 active
participants crossing 43 countries.”
c62bad25548aef, 29 April 2009
The Document Foundation (DE)
“Our mission is to facilitate the evolution of the
OpenOffice.org Community into a new open,
independent, and meritocratic organizational
structure within the next few months. An
independent Foundation is a better match to the
values of our contributors, users, and supporters,
and will enable a more effective, efficient,
transparent, and inclusive Community. We will
protect past investments by building on the solid
achievements of our first decade, encourage wide
participation in the Community, and co-ordinate
activity across the Community. “
From www.documentfoundation.org/foundation/, 21 February 2011
DoubleClick Inc.
“DoubleClick develops the tools that advertisers,
direct marketers and web publishers use to plan,
execute and analyze marketing programs. These
powerful technologies have become leading tools
for marketing resource management, campaign
management, online advertising and email delivery,
direct marketing, marketing analytics, and data
“Consumers are embracing new forms of media
and communication. They’re browsing in one
channel and shopping in another. In this
increasingly data-driven world, DoubleClick
remains at the forefront of helping marketers
efficiently reach consumers.”
From www.doubleclick.com/us/about_doubleclick/, August 22, 2004
Dow Lohnes PLLC (US)
“To better serve our clients, Dow Lohnes has grown
and expanded with these businesses and industries.
With offices in Washington, DC and Atlanta,
Georgia, we have developed robust practices in
communications, litigation, and mergers and
acquisitions, as well as in first amendment,
government relations, new technologies, intellectual
property, tax, compensation and benefits, labor and
employment, postsecondary education, sports and
entertainment, and numerous other areas.”
From www.dlalaw.com/home.aspx, 10 December 2006
Dr-Chuck (US)
Dr. Charles Severance
“This site contains a bunch of stuff including
software, television shows, and other miscellaneous
material. This also includes a number of activities
and sites which I have done with my good friend
Richard Wiggins.”
Some of the video programs are produced under the
name Netfact TV.
From www.dr-chuck.com, 17 August 2006
The Dravis Group (US)
The Dravis Group was founded in 2002 to assist
organizations in assessing and navigating through
the changing technology landscape. Our research
intends to bring clarity to market dynamics leading
toward focused and practical decision-making.
Paul J. Dravis, Founder and President, has
participated in the technology sector for over 20
years from various perspectives. His background
includes investment management (Dresdner RCM
Global Investors), equity research (Banc of America
Securities, Robertson Stephens and Co. and JP
Morgan) and advanced technology strategy and
application development (JP Morgan).
From www.dravis.net/about_us.html, 10 July 2003
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (SG)
“The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
supports shared innovation in metadata design and
best practices across a broad range of purposes and
business models.”
DCMI [Manages] “long term curation and
development of DCMI specifications and metadata
terms namespaces.”
“The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is an
open organization, incorporated in Singapore as a
public, not-for-profit Company limited by
From dublincore.org/about-us/ , 8 March 2013
Duke University (US)
Duke University provides “a superior liberal
education to undergraduate students,” prepares
“future members of the learned professions for lives
of skilled and ethical service,” advances “the
frontiers of knowledge and contribute boldly to the
international community of scholarship;” promotes
“an intellectual environment built on a commitment
to free and open inquiry.” helps those who suffer,
cures disease, and promotes health, provides “wide
ranging educational opportunities,” and promotes
“a deep appreciation for the range of human
difference and potential, a sense of the obligations
and rewards of citizenship, and a commitment to
learning, freedom and truth.”
From www.duke.edu/web/ous/mission.html, 26 Jun 2007
DVB Project (CH)
“Since its conception in 1993, the DVB Project has
proven the value and viability of pre-competitive
cooperation in the development of open digital
television standards. DVB’s open standards
guarantee fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory
terms and conditions with regard to Intellectual
Property Rights, allowing them to be freely adopted
and utilised worldwide.
“[Working to strict commercial requirements]
allows for considerable economies of scale.”
From www.dvb.org/about_dvb, 26 August 2007
Dyomedea SARL (FR)
“Eric van der Vlist, is CEO, DYOMEDEA, France.
He is a consultant and contributing editor for
xmlhack (http://xmlhack.com) and XML.com
(http://xml.com) and writer of the O'Reilly book
"XML Schemas".He has created and maintains
XMLfr (http://xmlfr.org), a French portal
dedicated to XML and 4xt (http://4xt.org), a
resource site for XT users.Eric is a seasoned
software engineer and active contributor to XML
and XSL mailing lists. He is one of the authors of
the RSS 1.0 proposal and the creator of
examplotron. He has an engineer degree (B.Sc..)
from the Ecole Centrale de Paris.”
From http://www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/2002/
Dyomedea SARL (FR)
“Nous avons créé Dyomedea pour mettre notre
créativité et notre expérience technique dans le
domaine de l'Internet et plus particulièrement de
XML au service des entreprises qui, quelle que
soit leur taille, souhaitent utiliser ces nouvelles
technologies pour donner un nouvel envol à leur
Créée par deux ingénieurs de Centrale Paris,
Dyomedea est une société à fort potentiel,
tournée vers l'international (nous sommes une
des toutes premières sociétés à avoir déposé son
capital social en Euros).”
From dyomedea.com/dyomedea/, 29 January 2006
Permission to Copy
By e-mail on October 21, 2002, Eric van der Vlist
gave im+m permission to reproduce these
documents provided his authorship was
The documents are presented with content
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de
Lausanne (CH)
“EPFL is Europe’s most cosmopolitan technical
university. It receives students, professors and staff
from over 120 nationalities. With both a Swiss and
international calling, it is therefore guided by a
constant wish to open up; its missions of teaching,
research and partnership impact various circles:
universities and engineering schools, developing
and emerging countries, secondary schools and
gymnasiums, industry and economy, political
circles and the general public. “
From information.epfl.ch/page-16430-en.html, 14 October 2013
e-Framework for Education and
Research org (XN)
“The e-Framework for Education and Research is
an initiative by the UK’s Joint Information Systems
Committee (JISC) and Australia’s Department of
Education, Science and Training (DEST). The
primary goal of the e-Framework is to facilitate
technical interoperability within and across
education and research through improved strategic
planning and implementation processes.
“A set of principles guides the development of the eFramework: A service-oriented approach to system
and process integration; Development, promotion
and adoption of Open Standards; Community
involvement in development of the e-Framework;
Open collaborative development activities; [and]
Flexible and incremental deployment.
From www.e-framework.org/about/, 20 October 2006
“E-Gov is an accomplished organization of
marketing and education professionals who have
worked with technology leaders from government
and industry for more than twenty years. The E-Gov
team produces events throughout the year and
publishes the E-Gov Digest.
“E-Gov approaches these programs with a single,
overarching objective—to foster communication
and business between buyers and sellers of the
technology and services that will enable the
transformation of government.”
From www.e-gov.com/about.asp, 4 October 2003
E-Learning Framework (XN)
“The E-Learning Framework (ELF) is an initiative
by the U.K's Joint Information Services Committee
(JISC) and Australia's Department of Education,
Science and Training (DEST) to build a common
approach to Service Oriented Architectures for elearning.
“The ELF is the result of a shared conviction that
exposing networked functions such as user and
group data or learning content as simple services
rather than as features locked up inside monolithic
systems offers institutions more flexibility, more
scope for pedagogic innovation and better return on
present and future investment.”
From www.elframework.org/about, 26 December 2005
E-merge Consortium (NL)
“Het consortium E-merge is opgericht in 2002 en
duurt tot 2012. In de eerste pilotfase (tot 2005)
concentreert E-merge zich op het faciliteren van
innovaties op het gebied van onderwijs en techniek.
E-merge richt zich op het doelmatige gebruik van
innovatieve elektronische leeromgevingen. En het
doelgericht ondersteunen van docenten bij het
gebruik van ICT en het onderling elektronisch
toegankelijk maken van modern onderwijs. Het
uiteindelijke doel van E-merge is innovatie van het
onderwijs, waarbij de student het eigen leerproces
flexibel kan inrichten.”
From http://www.e-mergeconsortium.nl/, 29 August 2005
E-merge Consortium (NL)
“E-merge is a cooperation of six Higher Education
universities: University of Leiden, University of
Maastricht, Delft University of Technology, The
Hague University of Professional Education and
Rijswijk University of Professional Technical
Education (merged into Stichting Hoger
Beroepsonderwijs Haaglanden-Rijnstreek),
Hogeschool Leiden University of Professional
Education, Hogeschool Zuyd University of
Professional Education.
The E-merge Consortium aims at the preparation
and initialisation of ICT-related educational
innovations on the level of educational
From www_en.icto.tudelft.nl/index.php?id=519, 29 August 2005
eBooks Collection
A collection of books that have been distributed as
Some books may contain restrictions on use, further
distribution, and requirements for citation or
limitations. Before using the book, please check the
terms and conditions within the text to ensure
Primarily these are books that have been or will be
cited in im+m research and have been archived for
future reference if needed.
ebrary Inc. (US)
“ebrary is a leading provider of eContent services
and technology. The company helps libraries and
other organizations disseminate valuable
information to end-users, while providing
publishers and content providers with new revenue
“ebrary’s primary market is academic libraries. The
company also serves public and government
libraries, corporations, and publishers.”
From www.ebrary.com/corp/pdf/ebrary_fact_sheet.pdf, 31 August 2007
Eclipse Foundation Inc. (CA)
“Eclipse is an open source community whose
projects are focused on providing an extensible
development platform and application frameworks
for building software. Eclipse provides extensible
tools and frameworks that span the software
development lifecycle, including support for
modeling, language development environments for
Java, C/C++ and others, testing and performance,
business intelligence, rich client applications and
embedded development. A large, vibrant ecosystem
of major technology vendors, innovative start-ups,
universities and research institutions and
individuals extend, complement and support the
Eclipse Platform.”
From www.eclipse.org, 15 September 2005
eCollege.com Inc.
“eCollege provides all of the necessary technology
and services in an integrated approach to power the
profitable growth of online distance programs. The
company focuses on supporting the success of its
customers by teaming with institutions to generate
high student satisfaction, strong program retention
and enrollment growth. As the only eLearning
outsource provider focused on developing full
programs, we support some of the largest and
fastest growing online degree, certificate and
professional development programs in the country.
“eCollege solutions help institutions meet their
academic, enrollment and financial goals for their
online programs.”
From www.ecollege.com/company/About.learn, 27 June 2005
ECT News Network Inc. (US)
“ECT News Network is one of the largest e-business
and technology news publishers in the United
The genesis of ECT News Network dates back to
October 1998. … The network currently includes
several e-business and technology news sites: the ECommerce Times®, TechNewsWorld™,
LinuxInsider™, CRM Buyer™ and
MacNewsWorld™. ECT News also publishes the ECommerce Minute™ and the Tech News Flash™
daily newsletters and the ECT News Network
Weekly Newsletter™.
From www.ectnews.com/about/#overview, 20 February 2007
Editorial Projects in Education
(EPE) (US)
“Editorial Projects in Education Inc. publishes
Education Week, American education's newspaper
of record, Teacher Magazine, edweek.org and Agent
K-12. We also publish periodic special reports on
issues ranging from technology to textbooks, as well
as books of special interest to educators.
“We are a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization based
in Washington, D.C. “
From www2.edweek.org/info/about/, 29 June 2007
EdSurge Inc. (US)
“EdSurge is for everyone who wants to support
learning through technology. Our team of
journalists, educators and technologists believe that
candid conversation about the role of technology in
education is essential to building great products.
We bring together the people who use edtech and
the people who build it with the goal of creating
great tools for learning. We do this through:” News
& Analysis. Reports, and Community.
“Join us. Together let's make the world smarter.”
From www.edsurge.com/about, 26 January 2014
EdTech Posse (CA)
“Talking about education, teaching, learning and
“I received an e-mail from Nathan Lowell, who
suggested someplace to discuss ideas for what
people would like to hear/discuss on the podcast.
So this is it - start discussing!”
“Welcome to the EdTech Posse site. I was tempted
to call it the community web site, but I know there
are too many people hanging out around here who
would chastize me for using the work community at
this stage, and rightly so.”
From edtechposse.ca/?q=node&from=20, 24 October 2005
EdTechTalk (CA)
“EdTechTalk is a community of educators
interested in discussing and learning about the uses
of educational technology. We webcast several live
shows each week. During shows, listeners can use
any common media player (i.e. Windows Media
Player, Real Player, or iTunes) to listen to the
discussion and use the chat room to make
comments and ask questions. It is also possible to
join in the discussion using skype or (sometimes) a
U.S. based teleconference.”
From edtechtalk.com/About_EdTechTalk, 13 August 2006
Education Development Center, Inc. (US)
“For more than four decades EDC has been a
pioneer, building bridges among research, policy,
and practice. Our award-winning programs and
products, developed in collaboration with partners
around the globe, consistently advance learning and
healthy development for individuals of all ages.
Today, EDC manages 335 projects in 50 countries.
Our work strengthens nearly every facet of society,
including early child development, K-12 education,
health promotion, workforce preparation,
community development, learning technologies,
basic and adult education, institutional reform,
medical ethics, and social justice.”
From main.edc.org/about/default.asp, 23 October 2005
Education Funding Council (US)
“The Education Finance Council (EFC) is a nonprofit trade association that represents state-based
student loan secondary market organizations
including scholarship funding corporations
throughout the country. These public purpose
organizations are dedicated to the single purpose of
making sure students can get the money they need
to go to college.”
From http://www.efc.org/about/index.cfm, 10 May 2003
Education Schools Project, The (US)
“The Education Schools Project provides a critical
assessment of the ways in which the nation's 1,200
schools of education prepare—and should prepare—
teachers, school administrators, and education
“The Project aims to find a reasonable middle
ground in a public policy debate that has become
increasingly polarized over the last twenty years.
educators. “
“[I]t offers constructive criticism, grounded in an
ambitious four-year research study of the nation's
schools and departments of education.”
From www.edschools.org/about.htm, 25 April 2010
Education Sector (US)
“Education Sector is an independent education
policy think tank devoted to developing innovative
solutions to the nation’s most pressing educational
problems. We are nonprofit and nonpartisan, both
a dependable source of sound thinking on policy
and an honest broker of evidence in key education
debates throughout the United States.”
From www.educationsector.org/whoweare/, 22 March 2007
Education Trust, Inc. (US)
“The Education Trust works for the high academic
achievement of all students at all levels, prekindergarten through college, and forever closing
the achievement gaps that separate low-income
students and students of color from other youth.
Our basic tenet is this — All children will learn at
high levels when they are taught to high levels.”
“The Education Trust advances its mission along
several fronts, from raising its voice in national and
state policy debates to helping teachers improve
instruction in their classrooms.”
From www2.edtrust.org/edtrust/about+the+ed+trust, 3 September 2006.
Education Writers Association (US)
“The Education Writers Association is dedicated to
improving the quality and quantity of education
coverage to create a better-informed society. As the
national professional organization of members of
the media who specialize in education, EWA has
worked for more than 60 years to help journalists
get the story right. Today, EWA has more than
2,500 members benefiting from its high-quality
training, information, and customized support.”
EWA has two types of members. Journalist
members and Advocate members
From www.ewa.org/site/PageServer?pagename=abt, 11 September 2012
Educational Policy Institute (US)
“The Educational Policy Institute, Inc. (EPI) is a
non-profit, non-governmental organization
dedicated to policy-based research on educational
opportunity for all students with offices in Virginia
Beach, Virginia, Toronto, Ontario, and Melbourne,
“EPI is a collective association of researchers and
policy analysts from around the world dedicated to
the mission of enhancing our knowledge of critical
barriers facing students and families throughout the
educational pipeline.”
From www.educationalpolicy.org/aboutus.html, 29 December 2005
Educational Security Incidents (US)
“Educational Security Incidents (ESI) serves as a
repository for reported information security
incidents that have occurred at institutions of
higher education. The overall aim of ESI is to
provide a single point of reference for educational
faculty and staff researching the various threats that
educational institutions currently face.”
“ESI is built off of research started during my
(Adam Dodge) first semester in the Master of
Science in Information Assurance (MSIA) program
at Norwich University. The goal of this research was
to find evidence of information security threats
faced by colleges and universities.
From www.adamdodge.com/esi/about_esi, 12 February
Educational Testing Service (US)
“At nonprofit ETS, our mission is to advance quality
and equity in education for all people worldwide.”
“To advance quality and equity in education by
providing fair and valid assessments, research, and
related services. Our products and services measure
knowledge and skills, promote learning and
educational performance, and support education
and professional development for all people
“EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose
mission is to advance higher education by
promoting the intelligent use of information
technology. Membership is open to institutions of
higher education, corporations serving the higher
education information technology market, and
other related associations and organizations.
EDUCAUSE programs include professional
development activities, print and electronic
publications, strategic policy initiatives, research,
awards for leadership and exemplary practices, and
a wealth of online information services.”
From www.educause.edu/about/membership.asp#WHAT, 3 January 2004
Edusite (NL)
“Dit mission statement suggereert dat de EduSite
zich alleen bezighoudt met nieuws, achtergrond en
opninie over ict-ontwikkelingen in het
(inter)nationale hoger onderwijs. In werkelijkheid
bericht de EduSite natuurlijk over veel meer en is
het mission statement slechts een kernachtige
weergave van de onderwerpen en soorten berichten
die verschijnen op de EduSite.”
From www.edusite.nl/edusite/colofon#redactie, 10 October 2005
Eduventures Inc. (US)
“We got into this business because we care deeply
about higher education. But we would be remiss not
to mention, in the same breath, our passion for data
analysis, research, and advising. This passion
guides our work. Just ask any of our clients.
“Our expertise is grounded in professional
experience at institutions of higher education, so we
know well the unique challenges you face. From day
one, we had no doubt that by focusing on analysis
and advising, we would provide clarity and insight
to institutions and vendors.”
From www.eduventures.com/about-eduventures/, 3 June 2013
Eduworks Corporation
“Eduworks provides independent consulting on elearning strategy and implementation. We develop
e-learning architectures for enterprises and higher
education. We help software providers design and
position products and engage in sponsored
research. We get the vision, we know the market, we
understand the technology, we do the research and
we leave you with working designs. We help you get
your job done.”
From www.eduworks.com, 28 July 2003
edX (US)
“EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding
partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology that features learning
designed specifically for interactive study via the
web. Based on a long history of collaboration and
their shared educational missions, the founders are
creating a new online-learning experience with
online courses that reflect their disciplinary
breadth. Along with offering online courses, the
institutions will use edX to research how students
learn and how technology can transform learning–
both on-campus and worldwide.”
From www.edx.org/about, 28 September 2012
The Center for Open Source and Government
“The Center of Open Source & Government works
with governments around the world on Open
Source policy and strategy. A main activity of the
Center is the ‘Open Source in Government’
Conference Series. The Conference Series provides
an unrivalled open platform in which to discuss and
to exchange views on government policy
alternatives with regards to Open Source Software.
They are high-level, international events covering
the topic of Open Source software, interoperability
and open standards in the government sphere.”
From www.egovos.org/about, 22 March 2004
The eLearning Guild (US)
“The eLearning Guild's members are a diverse
group of professionals who all share a common
interest in the design, development, and
management of educational and instructional
content — or e-Learning. They apply their
professional skills for the benefit of corporate,
government and academic organizations around the
world. The eLearning Guild currently has more than
30,000 members worldwide.”
From www.elearningguild.com/content.cfm?selection=doc.65, 1
3 August 2008
The eLearning Industry Group
“The eLearning Industry Group, eLIG, is an open
consortium of 43 leading ICT (information and
communications technology) companies and
eLearning content providers who seek to promote
eLearning throughout Europe, in schools,
universities, the workplace and homes. It was
launched on 25 April 2002 in partnership with EU
Commissioner Reding. The Group undertakes
innovative projects implementing the
recommendations adopted at the European
eLearning Summit of May 2001.”
From www.elig.org, 11 March 2005
Electronic Authentication Partnership
“The goal of the Electronic Authentication
Partnership (EAP) is to enable the interoperablity of
public and private online authentication systems. It
is comprised of stakeholder groups, including
Federal agencies, state governments, private-sector
companies and organizations, and public interest
“The EAP is an outgrowth of a work group
comprised of public and private sector participants
assembled by the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS).”
From www.eapartnership.org/default.htm, 19 March 2004
Electronic Frontier Foundation (US)
“Blending the expertise of lawyers, policy analysts,
activists, and technologists, EFF achieves
significant victories on behalf of consumers and the
general public. EFF fights for freedom primarily in
the courts, bringing and defending lawsuits even
when that means taking on the US government or
large corporations. By mobilizing more than 50,000
concerned citizens through our Action Center, EFF
beats back bad legislation. In addition to advising
policymakers, EFF educates the press and public.”
From www.eff.org/about/, 24 August 2006
Electronic Publishing Services Ltd. (UK)
“For organisations who need to understand and
respond to the constant challenges of the publishing
industry, EPS is the authority providing informed
market intelligence and trusted, confidential advice
and consultancy. We enable our clients to manage
risk and to make better business decisions,
strengthening their performance in the industry.
“The EPS Difference
Unlike any other provider of this type of service, we
offer nearly 20 years’ experience and relationships
with the key players in the publishing world.”
From www.epsltd.com/about/theCompany.asp, 6 October 2005
Ellucian, Inc. (US)
“Ellucian helps education institutions thrive in a
dynamic world. We deliver a broad portfolio of
technology solutions, developed in collaboration
with a global education community, and provide
strategic guidance to help education institutions of
all kinds navigate change, achieve greater
transparency, and drive efficiencies. More than
2,300 institutions in 40 countries around the world
look to Ellucian for the ideas and insights that will
move education forward, helping people
everywhere discover their futures through
From www.ellucian.com/News/Ellucian-New-Company-Name-Announcedfor-Datatel-and-SunGard-Higher-Education-Combination/, 24 January 2014
Embanet Corporation
“Embanet is the leading provider of fully hosted and
supported e-Learning solutions to educational
Institutions. Embanet's Tier 1 Data Center, the
industry's best course development and 24/7 LIVE
technical support, helps achieve high online
retention and completion rates. We offer the
industry’s only e-Learning Insurance to safeguard
your investment from changing technologies
through the total integration of seven leading and
non-proprietary learning platforms.”
From www.embanet.com/, 25 August 2004
EMC Corporation
“EMC Corporation is the world leader in
information storage systems, software, networks,
and services.”
“EMC's Vision: To create the ultimate information
lifecycle management company... to help our
customers get the maximum value from their
information at the lowest total cost, at every point
in the information lifecycle.”
“EMC. Where information lives.”
From www.emc.com/about/, 29 October 2003
Emory University (US)
“The Methodist Episcopal Church founded Emory
College in 1836 in the small Georgia town of Oxford.
The founders named the town for the school's
prestigious British cousin, and named the school for
a bishop who dreamed of an American education
that molded character as well as the mind.”
“Emory is one of the nation's leading research
universities. … Students, faculty and staff are
pursuing research across schools and departments,
in research centers and institutes based on campus,
and through interdisciplinary programs,
partnerships and affiliations.”
From www.emory.edu/home/about/history/index.html, 5 February 2011
Empirix Inc. (US)
“Empirix is the leading provider of integrated
testing and management solutions for Web and
voice applications and VoIP networks.
By integrating Empirix solutions with development
team operations and applying these patented and
award-winning technologies to all their businesscritical applications, companies not only enhance
customer loyalty through better and faster service
to end users, but also stay ahead of the competition
with reduced operating costs and increased
From http://www.empirix.com/default.asp?action=category&ID=11,
29 June 2005
Employment Law Learning
Technologies (US)
“ELT [only one L] offers superior workplace
compliance training, including sexual harassment
training, ethics and code of conduct training, EEO
training, and wage & hour training. With more than
a decade of market-tested success, 1,000+ clients,
and 3,000,000+ learners, ELT provides your
organization with the absolute best in online
education and risk management.”
“Our unique story-based training features the
highest production quality and boasts an
unprecedented 95% completion rate.”
From www.elt-inc.com, 19 July 2008
Entrinsik, Inc. (US)
“entrinsik, Inc., a privately held company with a
solid foundation of more than 18 years, is
headquartered in Raleigh, NC. ... We developed a
complete back-office product solution, SEMtek, to
meet the specific needs of training and seminar
providers. This flagship product has become the
industry standard as a complete ERP software
solution, providing infrastructure and business
functionality for many of the industry's biggest
players. Gaining worldwide acceptance, SEMtek
allowed us to establish an international presence
with customers on all but one continent.”
From www.entrinsik.com/corporate/, 19 April 2006
Epic Group plc (UK)
“Epic is the UK market leader in e-learning, blended
learning and knowledge solutions.
“Our extensive client list shows our strength in both
public and private sectors.
“We have won numerous awards for our highly
innovative work in the application of online
technologies to learning. And our well-regarded
thought leadership programme is further evidence
of our commitment to leading the development of
learning in partnership with our clients.”
From www.epic.co.uk/content/about_us_index.htm,
16 January 2006
ePort Consortium
Electronic Portfolio Consortium
“The Electronic Portfolio Consortium (ePortConsortium) is
the collaboration of higher education and IT institutions
working to define, design, and develop software for the
forthcoming electronic portfolio environment and system.
From a conceptual perspective, we are trying to invent the
new electronic portfolio application environment to
address various ePortfolios needs. From the technical
perspective, we intend to collaborate with IT institutions to
define and adopt interoperability and transportability
measures and standards while building prototypes to test
scenarios and conceptual environments. If we are
successful, the forthcoming electronic portfolio systems
created by commercial software companies and those built
by educational institutions will be compatible.”
From eportconsortium.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=2&tabid=2,
30 July 2003
[U.K.] Office of the e-Envoy
“The Office of the e-Envoy is part of the Prime
Minister's Delivery and Reform team based in the
Cabinet Office. The primary focus of the Office of
the e-Envoy is to improve the delivery of public
services and achieve long term cost savings by
joining-up online government services around the
needs of customers. The e-Envoy is responsible for
ensuring that all government services are available
electronically by 2005 with key services achieving
high levels of use.”
From www.e-envoy.gov.uk/Home/Homepage/fs/en, 15 July 2003
ePortaro, Inc. (US)
ePortaro, Inc. is “the provider of the first
commercially available, generalized electronic
portfolio software for Higher Education, Folio by
ePortaroTM. Folio is a web based product
supporting career planning, advising, collaboration,
reflection, academic assessment and other student
and faculty development programs by enabling
students to share samples of their educational,
leadership, employment and extra-curricular
achievements with faculty, advisors, recruiters and
other on- and off-campus contacts.”
From http://www.eportaro.com/docs/release050503.html, 26 July 2003
ESI International (UK)
“Since 1981 ESI has had a tradition of training
excellence that has fuelled individual and corporate
successes all over the world. Every week over 2000
people take a course with ESI.
“ESI has long term partnerships with over 35% of
the world’s largest companies and has trained over
800,000 students from over 100 countries.
“Our reputation as an industry leader in project
management training and consulting is
unsurpassed and we offer the largest range of
project and programme management, business
analysis and business skills courses in the world.”
From www.esi-intl.co.uk/about_esi/index.asp. 19 March 2012
ESP Solutions Group (US)
“Founded in 1993 as Evaluation Software
Publishing, Inc., the firm provides its clients with
extraordinary insight into K-12 education data
systems and psychometrics. Our team is comprised
of industry experts who pioneered the concept of
‘data driven decision making’ in the 1980's and now
help optimize the management of our clients'
education organizations.”
“Our clients are typically state education agencies
and the leading school districts around the
From www.espsolutionsgroup.com/aboutus.php, 10 August 2005
ESUP Portail Consortium (FR)
“Environnement numérique de travail d'accès
intégré aux services pour les étudiants et le
personnel de l'enseignement supérier.”
“Il s'agit de développer un environnement de travail
numérique permettant l'accès à différents services,
sources d'informations et ressources numériques.
“Cet environnement doit être accessible à tous les
acteurs universitaires, c'est à dire les étudiants, les
enseignants-chercheurs et les personnels
administratifs et techniques, ceci quelque soit leur
emplacement géographique et le matériel mis à leur
www.esup-portail.org/index_info.html, 25 juillet 2004
ESUP Portail Consortium (FR)
“ A digital workspace offering university students
and staff integrated access to services and
“The project entails the development of a digital
workspace permitting access to various services,
information sources and digital resources.
“This workspace will be accessible to everyone
involved with the university: students and
professors as well as administrative and technical
staff, no matter their geographical location or the
material available to them.”
http://www.esup-portail.org/version_gb/index_gb.html, 28 Ki;u 2--4
European Association for
International Education (NL)
“Founded in 1989, the EAIE is the acknowledged
European leadership centre for expertise,
networking and resources in the
internationalisation of higher education.
“We are a non-profit, member-led organisation
serving individuals actively involved in the
internationalisation of their institutions through a
combination of training, conferences and
knowledge acquisition and sharing. We equip
academic and non-academic professionals with best
practices and workable solutions to
internationalisation challenges and provide a
platform for strategic exchange.”
From www.eaie.org/home/about-EAIE/who-we-are.html, 21 April 2013
EUNIS (European University
Information Systems) (FR)
Cette association a pour but :
d’encourager les échanges, la coopération et la
discussion entre les responsables des systèmes
d’information dans les établissements d’enseignement
supérieur et de recherche en Europe,
de discuter avec les grands fournisseurs de systèmes
d’information et de leur présenter le point de vue du
monde universitaire,
d’établir des relations avec les organismes de tutelle en
charge des systèmes d’information dans
l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche au niveau de
chaque pays comme à l’échelle européenne.
From www.eunis.org/organization/statutes_fr.htm, 31 October 2007
euroCRIS (NL)
“euroCRIS is a not-for-profit association and aims
to be the internationally recognised point of
reference for all matters relating to Current
Research Information Systems (CRIS). ”
“euroCRIS is dedicated to improvement of research
information availability. The association is
custodian of the Common European Research
Information Format (CERIF), an international
standard for interoperation of CRIS, which is an EU
From www.eurocris.org/public/about-eurocris/, 18 June 2010
European Patent Office (EU)
“The European Patent Office (EPO) grants
European patents for the contracting states to the
European Patent Convention (EPC), which was
signed in Munich on 5 October 1973 and entered
into force on 7 October 1977. It is the executive arm
of the European Patent Organisation, an
intergovernmental body set up under the EPC,
whose members are the EPC contracting states. The
activities of the EPO are supervised by the
Organisation’s Administrative Council, composed of
delegates from the contracting states.”
From www.european-patentoffice.org/epo/pubs/brochure/general/e/epo_general.htm,
3 October 2006
The European Union
“The process of European integration was launched
on 9 May 1950 when France officially proposed to
create 'the first concrete foundation of a European
federation'. Six countries (Belgium, Germany,
France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands)
joined from the very beginning. Today, after four
waves of accessions (1973: Denmark, Ireland and
the United Kingdom; 1981: Greece; 1986: Spain and
Portugal; 1995: Austria, Finland and Sweden) the
EU has 15 Member States and is preparing for the
accession of 13 eastern and southern European
From http://europa.eu.int/abc-en.htm, 27 March 2003
The European Commission (EU)
“The European Commission is a politically
independent collegial institution which embodies
and defends the general interests of the European
Union. Its virtually exclusive right of initiative in
the field of legislation makes it the driving force of
European integration. It prepares and then
implements the legislative instruments adopted by
the Council and the European Parliament in
connection with Community policies.”
“The Commission … is responsible for planning and
implementing common policies, executing the
budget and managing Community programmes. As
‘guardian of the Treaties,’ it also ensures that
European law is applied.”
From europa.eu.int/scadplus/glossary/european_commission_en.htm, 21 July 2005
European Parliament (EU)
“The European Parliament shares legislative power
equally with the Council of the European Union.
This means it is empowered to adopt European laws
(directives, regulations etc,). It can accept, amend
or reject the content of European legislation.”
A Member of the European Parliament, draws up a
proposal for a ‘legislative text’ presented by the
European Commission, the only institution
empowered to initiate legislation. When the text has
been revised and adopted in plenary, Parliament
has adopted its position.
From www.europarl.europa.eu/aboutparliament/en/006ff89b2c/Introduction.html,
27 February 2012
European Committee for
Standardization (CEN) (EU)
“CEN, the European Committee for
Standardization, was founded in 1961 by the
national standards bodies in the European
Economic Community and EFTA countries.
Now CEN is contributing to the objectives of the
European Union and European Economic Area with
voluntary technical standards which promote free
trade, the safety of workers and consumers,
interoperability of networks, environmental
protection, exploitation of research and
development programmes, and public procurement.
CEN is a non-profit making technical organization
set up under Belgian law.
From www.cen.eu/cenorm/aboutus/index.asp, 22 December 2007
European University Association (EU)
“The European University Association, as the
representative organisation of both the European
universities and the national rectors' conferences, is
the main voice of the higher education community
in Europe.
“EUA's mission is to promote the development of a
coherent system of European higher education and
research. EUA aims to achieve this through active
support and guidance to its members as
autonomous institutions in enhancing the quality of
their teaching, learning and research as well as their
contributions to society.”
From www.eua.be/eua/en/about_eua.jspx, 10 October 2005
Evans Data Corporation (US)
“Evans Data Corporation provides the most
comprehensive software development market
research in the world. Our product list spans
software development from very broad markets to
very specific areas including Wireless and Linux
systems. Our surveys are subscribed to by MOST
major software tools vendors and many smaller
companies anxious to understand software
From www.evansdata.com/n2/about_us.shtml, 21 November 2005
Ewing Marion Kauffman
Foundation (US)
“The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation was
established in the mid-1960s by the late
entrepreneur and philanthropist Ewing Marion
“The vision of the Kauffman Foundation is to foster
‘a society of economically independent individuals
who are engaged citizens, contributing to the
improvement of their communities.’ In service of
this vision, and in keeping with our founder’s
wishes, the Foundation focuses its grant making
and operations on two areas: advancing
entrepreneurship and improving the education of
children and youth.”
From www.kauffman.org/foundation.cfm, 17 October 2006
eXact learning solutions S.p.A. (IT)
“We help our clients conceive, design and
implement solutions for their knowledge & learning
content strategy.”
“eXact learning solutions maintains six core values
that permeate our culture, business activities,
products and communications:” Passion for What
We Do, Creativity and Innovation, Integrity and
Professionalism , Client Focus, Business and
Technology Leadership, Sense of Belonging.
From www.exact-learning.com/en/company/mission-and-values,
15 August 2010
FaceTime Inc. (US)
“FaceTime helps businesses realize the benefits of
Unified Communications by delivering security,
management and compliance across the broadest
set of platforms and modalities, ensuring
integration with your existing enterprise
infrastructure including active directory, databases,
archiving systems and more.”
From www.facetime.com/company/company.aspx, 21 July 2009
Federal Court of Australia (AU)
“The Federal Court of Australia, created by the
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976, began to
exercise its jurisdiction on 1 February 1977. It
assumed jurisdiction formerly exercised in part by
the High Court of Australia and the whole of the
jurisdiction of the Australian Industrial Court and
of the Federal Court of Bankruptcy.
“The Court is a superior court of record and a court
of law and equity. It sits in all capital cities in
Australia and elsewhere in Australia from time to
From www.fedcourt.gov.au/aboutct/aboutct.html, 22 December 2006
Fedora Commons Inc. (US)
dba Duraspace
“DuraSpace is the independent 501(c)(3) not-forprofit born from a vision to help save our shared
scholarly, scientific and cultural record. We are
dedicated to sustaining and improving Fedora and
DSpace, two of the most dominant open source
repository solutions. We continue to lead the
development and improvement of open
technologies that provide long-term, durable access
to your digital assets.”
“We are also expanding into new areas that include
… how to manage the 'data deluge' and …
converting the overwhelming amount of data
produced by scholars and scientists into useful
From www.duraspace.org/about.php, 13 August 2011
Financial Accounting Foundation (US)
“The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF),
organized in 1972, is the independent, privatesector organization with responsibility for the
oversight, administration, and finances of the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board
(GASB), and their advisory councils, the Financial
Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC)
and the Governmental Accounting Standards
Advisory Council (GASAC). The FAF selects the
members of the standard-setting Boards and
Councils, and protects the independence of the
From www.fasb.org/faf/index2.shtml, 13 June 2010
Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (US)
“FINRA is the largest independent regulator for all
securities firms doing business in the United States.
We oversee nearly 4,435 brokerage firms, 161,450
branch offices and 630,155 registered securities
representatives. Our chief role is to protect
investors by maintaining the fairness of the U.S.
capital markets.”
“For more than 70 years, FINRA has played a
critical role in America's financial system, working
to protect investors. Today, nearly 53 million
American investing households count on us to make
sure the securities markets operate fairly and
From www.finra.org/AboutFINRA/, 5 March 2012
Financial Services Technology
Consortium (US)
“FSTC sponsors noncompetitive collaborative
research and development of interbank technical
projects affecting the entire financial services
industry. Our mission is to help our members
collaborate on technical and business aspects of
technologies so that they may rapidly bring
innovations in service and quality closer to the
marketplace and to their customers, while
competing upon a bedrock of sound, shared
technology fundamentals.”
From www.fstc.org/about/index.php, 10 January 2009
Financial Times
“The Financial Times is one of the world’s leading
business information brands, recognised worldwide
for its authoritative, accurate, and analytical
“The newspaper is printed in 21 cities and has a
daily circulation of 460,000. It has a readership of
more than one million people and is available in 140
The Financial Times is based in London.
From news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com
/Page/GenericPage2&c=Page&cid=1054416442481, 15 January 2004
First Look Media Inc. (US)
“Founded by Pierre Omidyar, First Look Media is
based on the belief that democracy depends on a
citizenry that is highly informed and deeply
engaged in the issues that affect their lives. First
Look seeks to improve society through journalism
and technology, to help individuals hold the
powerful accountable, build responsive institutions
and, most important, shape their communities and
what happens in their lives for the better.”
From firstlook.org/about/, 20 August 2014
First Monday
“First Monday is one of the first peer–reviewed
journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the
Internet. … First Monday is indexed in
Communication Abstracts, INSPEC, LISA, PAIS
and other services.”
First Monday is hosted by the University of Illinois
at Chicago’s Library. “The technical staff of the
Library agreed to provide a server and support for
First Monday, and this support continues to this
day. … The Editors and Editorial Board welcome
manuscripts on a variety of Internet issues.”
www.firstmonday.org/idea.html, 22 December 2004
Florida Distance Learning Consortium
“The Florida Distance Learning Consortium shall
coordinate the establishment of a technology
enhanced educational delivery system that supports
the mission of Florida educational institutions and
ensures maximum access to education for all
Florida residents by utilizing instructional
technology and eliminating the barriers of distance,
time, and place.”
“The Florida Distance Learning Consortium was
established by the State Board of Community
Colleges in 1996 and in 2003 completed a merger
with the Florida Virtual Campus.”
From www.fldlc.org/ConsortiumAtGlanceFeb04.pdf, 8 August 2004
Florida State College
at Jacksonville (US)
“The mission of Florida State College at
Jacksonville is to provide optimal access to high
quality, affordable and relevant degree, career and
community education to enhance the lives of our
students and the economic development of
Northeast Florida.”
“Florida State College at Jacksonville is a valuesdriven institution of higher education committed to
ensuring that every student has an extraordinarily
positive overall experience by providing: Excellence
in teaching, High quality courses, services and
learning environments, Innovation and flexibility in
the delivery of courses and services, and Advanced
academic technology .”
From www.fscj.edu/district/about/mission-values-goals.php, 2 February 2011
Florida Department of Education
Includes the Division of Florida Colleges
responsible for the community and state colleges.
“The Florida College System is a network of 28
colleges working together to provide Florida’s
citizens with access to excellent and affordable
“The Florida College System and Florida’s business
community are closely aligned in the mission to
prepare Floridians for successful careers in the new
From www.fldoe.org/cc/pdf/ywsfs.pdf, 2 February 2011
Florida State University (US)
“Florida State University is a comprehensive,
national graduate research university that puts
research into action for the benefit of our students
and society.”
“Florida State’s 16 schools and colleges offer more
than 300 undergraduate, graduate, doctoral,
professional and specialist degree programs,
including medicine and law, covering a vast array of
disciplines critical to society today. The new College
of Medicine graduated its first class in 2005.”
From ww.fsu.edu/about/, 12 January 2007
“FLOSSE Posse is a group blog consisting of
members of Free and Open Source Software
Association (VOPE) from Finland. We will carry out
reportage of FLOSS and Open Content in
From flosse.dicole.org, 18 June 2006
FolderWave Inc. (US)
“Utilizing Cloud-based, shared resources,
FolderWave designs, develops, delivers, and
supports a fully-integrated family of 9 complex,
complete business processes as a service.
"Complete" is the key concept and greatest
differentiator — FolderWave handles virtually
everything from document management through
“Founded to meet the needs of Higher Education,
FolderWave embodies the highest levels of SaaS
and Cloud evolution.”
From www.folderwave.com/cloud-services-software-company/aboutus.asp,
6 March 2014
Foothill De Anza
Community College District
“Foothill De Anza Community College District,
responding to community needs, provides high quality
educational opportunities that promote development of
individual abilities and enhance the quality of
community life.”
“For more than 40 years, Foothill-De Anza has
demonstrated excellence and innovation in academic
programs and student services. As one of the largest
community college districts in the United States,
Foothill-De Anza provides credit classes for about
44,000 students per quarter. The colleges are active
members of the League for Innovation in the
Community College, a national consortium of leading
two-year institutions.”
From http://www.fhda.edu/about_us/, 26 April 2004
Fordham University (US)
“Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New
York, is committed to the discovery of Wisdom and
the transmission of Learning, through research and
through undergraduate, graduate and professional
education of the highest quality. Guided by its
Catholic and Jesuit traditions, Fordham fosters the
intellectual, moral and religious development of its
students and prepares them for leadership in a
global society.”
“Founded as St. John’s College by Bishop John
Hughes, Fordham opened in 1841 to serve the
immigrant Church of New York. At the invitation of
Bishop Hughes, the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)
assumed responsibility for the College in 1846.”
From www.fordham.edu/Discover_Fordham/
Fordham_at_a_Glance/Mission_11711.asp, 22 August 2006
ForeSee Results, Inc. (US)
“ForeSee Results is the market leader in online
satisfaction measurement and management. We
utilize the methodology of the … University of
Michigan’s American Customer Satisfaction Index
“ForeSee Results employs a rigorous, scientific
approach to helping clients understand how
satisfaction with their websites has a direct impact
on the behavior of customers and prospects.
ForeSee Results scientifically quantifies the
elements driving online customer satisfaction and
predicts future customer behaviors such as online
or offline purchase, return site visits and referrals.”
From www.foreseeresults.com/CompOver.html, 19 December 2006
Forrester Research Inc. (US)
“Forrester Research, Inc. (Nasdaq: FORR) is an
independent research company that provides
pragmatic and forward-thinking advice to global
leaders in business and technology. Forrester works
with professionals in 19 key roles at major
companies providing proprietary research,
consumer insight, consulting, events, and peer-topeer executive programs. For more than 25 years,
Forrester has been making IT, marketing, and
technology industry leaders successful every day. “
From www.forrester.com/FactSheet, 7 May 2009
Foundation for a Free Information
Infrastructure FFII e.V. (DE)
“The association is named "Förderverein für eine
freie informationelle Infrastruktur" (Foundation for
a Free Information Infrastructure).”
“The FFII is a not-for-profit association registered
in twenty European countries, dedicated to the
development of information goods for the public
benefit, based on copyright, free competition, open
standards. More than 850 members, 3,500
companies and 100,000 supporters have entrusted
the FFII to act as their voice in public policy
questions concerning exclusion rights (intellectual
property) in data processing. “
From www.ffii.org/Mission, 2 April 2011
Foundation for Educational
Services Inc. (US)
“We're a nonprofit organization that has served
education nonprofits since 1986. Our experience
gives us a unique understanding of the needs of the
education community along with the ability to
develop time-saving, cost-effective solutions.”
“Our clients include K-12 schools, colleges and
nonprofit organizations across the country. We also
serve our affiliate companies, EducationQuest
Foundation and NSLP [National Student Loan
From public.fes.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/About FES, 8 September 2011
Foundation for Individual Rights in
Education (US)
“The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain
individual rights at America's colleges and
universities. These rights include freedom of
speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty,
and sanctity of conscience—the essential qualities of
individual liberty and dignity. FIRE's core mission
is to protect the unprotected and to educate the
public and communities of concerned Americans
about the threats to these rights on our campuses
and about the means to preserve them.”
From thefire.org/index.php/article/4851.html, 4 December 2007
Fourteen40 Inc. (US)
“CaféScribe is an e-book marketplace and social
network for students to study smarter and faster.
The CaféScribe.com website and MyScribe client
reading application are creations of Fourteen40,
Inc. Fourteen40 derives its name from the year
1440 when Gutenberg invented the printing
press. Gutenberg's invention ushered in a new age
of learning and discovery. Today, Fourteen40 is
taking electronic books to the next level through the
power of collaborative note sharing networks,
innovative content indexing tools, and the most
intuitive reading interface in the market..”
From www.cafescribe.com/about/about-us.php, 24 August 2007
Free Software Foundation (US)
“The Free Software Foundation (FSF), established
in 1985, is dedicated to promoting computer users'
rights to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute
computer programs. The FSF promotes the
development and use of free software, particularly
the GNU operating system, used widely in its
GNU/Linux variant.”
From www.fsf.org/, 17 January 2006
Reaching Today’s Hottest Technical Markets:
FTPOnline connects you to the people you need to
Enterprise-level application developers, architects,
IT professionals, and technical managers
FTPOnline provides the hands-on, how-to content
that technical professionals have come to expect
from Fawcette Technical Publications since the
company launched its first products in 1991.
FTPOnline Channels include content from our print
magazines, interactive discussion groups and
forums, and exclusive coverage of technical events.
From www.ftponline.com/mediakit/online/aboutftp/, 15 July 2005
Futurelab (UK)
“Futurelab is passionate about transforming the
way people learn. Tapping into the huge potential
offered by digital and other technologies, we are
developing innovative learning resources and
practices that support new approaches to education
for the 21st century.”
“A not-for-profit organisation, Futurelab is
committed to sharing the lessons learnt from our
research and development in order to inform
positive change to educational policy and practice.”
From www.futurelab.org.uk/about_us/index.htm, 6September 2006
Gallup Inc. (US)
“Gallup delivers forward-thinking research,
analytics, and advice to help leaders solve their
most pressing problems. Combining more than 75
years of experience with its global reach, Gallup
knows more about the attitudes and behaviors of
the world's constituents, employees, and customers
than any other organization.
“Gallup consultants help private and public sector
organizations boost organic growth through
measurement tools, strategic advice, and
From www.gallup.com/corporate/115/about-gallup.aspx?ref=f, 2 July 2013
Gartner, Inc. (US)
“Gartner, Inc. is the leading provider of research
and analysis on the global information technology
industry. Our goal is to support enterprises as they
drive innovation and growth through the use of
technology. We help clients make informed
technology and business decisions by providing indepth analysis and actionable advice on virtually all
aspects of technology.” “
“Gartner clients trust in our rigorous standards that
safeguard the independence and objectivity of our
research and advice. With $894 million in revenue
in 2004, and more than 45,000 clients and 75
locations worldwide, we are the clear market
From investor.gartner.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=99568&p=irol-irhome,
15 October 2005
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
“Our belief that every life has equal value is at the
core of our work at the foundation. We follow 15
guiding principles, which help define our approach
to our philanthropic work, and employ an
outstanding leadership team to direct our strategies
and grantmaking.”
From www.gatesfoundation.org/about/Pages/overview.aspx, 31 March 2009
”This is a family foundation driven by the interests
and passions of the Gates family. Philanthropy
plays an important but limited role. Science and
technology have great potential to improve lives
around the world. We are funders and shapers—we
rely on others to act and implement.”
General Press
Press releases, articles, and commentary not
separately cataloged by publisher.
Generally items about a topic of interest for current
or future research. Topics include higher education
information technology, education technology,
education policy analysis, and legal and
productivity issues related to college and university
Some of these media are reproduced under “fair
use” and copyright permission has not been
General References
Occasional documents, often important only for
data or citations, from sources that are infrequently
published or referenced.
Infrequently referenced newspaper and magazine
articles are found in General Press.
Weblogs or “Blogs” and similar personal web pages
are found under Blogs. Self-published papers are
found under “Author-Publisher.”
George Washington University (US)
“Our mission is to provide an environment where
knowledge is created and acquired and where
creative endeavors seek to enrich the experiences of
the global society. With nine schools and colleges
and nearly 100 research centers and institutes, our
students receive hands-on experience as they
explore nearly any avenue of personal interest.”
“The George Washington University was created in
1821 through an Act of the Congress, fulfilling
George Washington’s vision of an institution in the
nation’s capital dedicated to educating and
preparing future leaders.”
From www.gwu.edu/explore/aboutgw, 24 May 2010
The George Lucas Foundation (US)
“Kids today. No previous generation has
experienced anything like the current pace of
transformational societal change. Yet, in light of
extraordinary advancements in how we interact
with each other and the world, our system of
education has been frustratingly slow to adapt.
“The George Lucas Educational Foundation was
created to address this issue. Our vision is of a new
world of learning. “
From www.edutopia.org/aboutus, 13 August 2008
George Mason University (US)
“With three locations in the Washington, D.C., area,
Mason has emerged in the last decade as a major
university in the nation. Our innovative programs
and visionary outlook have attracted a faculty of
renowned scholars and teachers.”
“George Mason University's growing reputation as
an innovative educational leader is rooted in
Virginia's strong educational tradition. “
From /www.gmu.edu/vcenter/, 4 February 2006
Georgetown University (US)
“Founded in 1789, the same year the U.S.
Constitution took effect, Georgetown University is
the nation's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university.
Today, Georgetown is a major international
research university that embodies its founding
principles in the diversity of our students, faculty,
and staff, our commitment to justice and the
common good, our intellectual openness, and our
international character.”
From www.georgetown.edu/home/about.html, 31 January 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology (US)
“The Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the
nation's top research universities, distinguished by
its commitment to improving the human condition
through advanced science and technology.
“Georgia Tech's campus occupies 400 acres in the
heart of the city of Atlanta, where more than 16,000
undergraduate and graduate students receive a
focused, technologically based education.”
From www.gatech.edu/about-tech/index.php, 30 June 2007
Gettysburg College (US)
“Gettysburg College is a highly selective four-year
residential college of liberal arts and sciences. With
approximately 2,500 students, it is located on a
200-acre campus adjacent to Gettysburg National
Military Park in Pennsylvania. The college was
founded in 1832.”
From www.gettysburg.edu/news_events/news_detail.dot?inode=107061,
7 July 2006
GigaVox Media Inc. (US)
“Every day scores of educational, inspirational and
entertaining conference sessions, lectures and other
spoken-word presentations are lost. They simply
evaporate because no one records them. Some of
these presentations are by the greatest and most
inspiring minds of our time, and many would be
important to people in the far reaches of the planet,
if only they could hear them.
“GigaVox Media captures presentations, processes
the recordings, and publishes them online for free
under Creative Commons licenses.”
From gigavox.com/our-mission/, 4 September 2006
GitHub Inc. (US)
“GitHub is the best place to share code with friends,
co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers.
Over three million people use GitHub to build
amazing things together.”
“With the collaborative features of GitHub.com, our
desktop and mobile apps, and GitHub Enterprise, it
has never been easier for individuals and teams to
write better code, faster.”
“Originally founded by Tom Preston-Werner, Chris
Wanstrath, and PJ Hyett to simplify sharing code,
GitHub has grown into the largest code host in the
world.” Founded in San Francisco, 2008.
From github.com/about, 25 May 2013
Global Silicon Valley Advisors (US)
GSV Advisors is dedicated to helping education
entrepreneurs and growth companies connect with
value-added, strategic investors and partners to
enable their ideas to become the next marketleading businesses.
A key part of our mission is to re-imagine what
education is—with a bias toward innovators,
entrepreneurs, investors, and others who look at
learning differently
The concept of learning has been transformed. The
traditional notion—classrooms and instructors,
books and schedules, papers and tests, kids and
grades—well, they've grown up.
From gsvadvisors.com/company/, 9 July 2012
Goldwater Institute (US)
“The Goldwater Institute is an independent
government watchdog supported by people who are
committed to expanding free enterprise and liberty.
The Institute develops innovative, principled
solutions to pressing issues facing the states and
enforces constitutionally limited government
through litigation. The Institute focuses its work on
expanding economic freedom and educational
opportunity, bringing transparency to government,
and protecting the rights guaranteed to Americans
by the U.S. and state constitutions. The Goldwater
Institute was founded in 1988 with Barry
Goldwater’s blessing.”
From www.goldwaterinstitute.org/aboutgoldwater, 22 August 2010
Google Inc. (US)
“Google's mission is to make the world's
information universally accessible and useful.
“As a first step to fulfilling that mission, Google's
founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a
new approach to online search that took root in a
Stanford University dorm room and quickly spread
to information seekers around the globe. Google is
now widely recognized as the world's largest search
engine -- an easy-to-use free service that usually
returns relevant results in a fraction of a second.”
From www.google.com/corporate/index.html, 9 August 2004
Governet Inc. (US)
“Governet is a curriculum management systems
innovator that helps colleges and universities totally
automate the curriculum process: planning,
approving, and publishing. Its core product is
CurricUNET. Through a network of individual
institutions and statewide college/university
systems, Governet is guiding the development of
best practices standards for curriculum databases,
workflow and the dissemination of curriculum
information to a worldwide community of students
and educators.”
From governet.net/company/about-governet/, 6 December 2013
République Française (FR)
Government of France
“France today is one of the most modern countries in
the world and is a leader among European nations.
Since 1958, it has constructed a presidential
democracy resistant to the instabilities experienced in
earlier parliamentary democracies. In recent years,
its reconciliation and cooperation with Germany have
proved central to the economic integration of Europe
… At present, France is at the forefront of European
states seeking to exploit the momentum of monetary
union to advance the creation of a more unified and
capable European defense and security apparatus.”
From www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fr.html,
27 November 2004
Graduate Management Admissions
Council (US)
“In 1953, the organization now called the Graduate
Management Admission Council® (GMAC®)
began as an association of nine business schools
whose goal was to develop a standardized test to
help business schools select qualified applicants. …
Initially used in admissions by 54 schools, the
GMAT® is now used by more than 1,500 schools
and 1,800 programs.”
“GMAC® is composed of representatives from
leading business schools worldwide. As a not-forprofit education association, we are dedicated to
creating access to graduate management and
professional education.”
From www.gmac.com/gmac/aboutus/, 19 August 2007
The Grant Company LLC (US)
“iParadigm.com is the website maintained and
operated by The Grant Company, LLC. We are
dedicated to teaching organizations and individuals
how to reach their fullest potential through
understanding and appreciation of their differing
communication styles.
The way in which you communicate has an affect on
both the internal operations of your business and
the relationships you have with your clients. The
Grant Company's business development system [is
called] ‘Mining From WithinSM.’”
From www.iparadigm.com/about/index.cfm, 12 August 2007
The Grant Company LLC (US)
“iParadigm.com is the website maintained and
operated by The Grant Company, LLC. We are
dedicated to teaching organizations and individuals
how to reach their fullest potential through
understanding and appreciation of their differing
communication styles.
The way in which you communicate has an affect on
both the internal operations of your business and
the relationships you have with your clients. The
Grant Company's business development system [is
called] ‘Mining From WithinSM.’”
From www.iparadigm.com/about/index.cfm, 12 August 2007
Guardian Media Group plc (UK)
“Guardian Media Group plc is a UK media business
with interests in national newspapers, community
newspapers, magazines, radio and internet
businesses. The company is wholly-owned by the
Scott Trust.”
“We are very much a values-led company and seek
to apply the journalistic principles of “honesty,
integrity, courage, fairness and a sense of duty to
our readers and the community” to the way we
manage our own economic role, our environmental
impacts, and our social responsibilities.”
From “Guardian Media Group and Corporate Social Responsibility,”
10 February 2006
GuideStar USA Inc. (US)
“To revolutionize philanthropy by providing
information that advances transparency, enables
users to make better decisions, and encourages
charitable giving.”
“We encourage nonprofits to share information
about their organizations openly and completely.
Any nonprofit in our database can update its report
with information about its mission, programs,
leaders, goals, accomplishments, and needs—for
free. We combine the information that nonprofits
supply with data from several other sources.”
From www2.guidestar.org/rxg/about-us/index.aspx, 3 March 2011
Hamline University (US)
“One hundred fifty-three years ago, Methodist
pioneers founded Hamline University as the first
institution of higher education in the state [of
Minnesota]. Today, Hamline is a high-quality,
nationally ranked, comprehensive university with
more than 4,000 students in its undergraduate
college, law school, and graduate schools.”
“Hamline's mission is to create a diverse and
collaborative community of learners dedicated to
the development of students' knowledge, values,
and skills for successful lives of leadership,
scholarship, and service.
From www.hamline.edu/hamline_info/about_hamline/about_hamline.html, 12 April 2007
Harris Interactive
Harvard University (US)
“Harvard is America's oldest institution of higher
learning, founded 140 years before the Declaration
of Independence was signed. Our mission, to
advance new ideas and promote enduring
knowledge, has kept the University young. We
strive to create an academic environment in which
outstanding students and scholars from around the
world are continually challenged and inspired to do
their best possible work.”
Lawrence H. Summers
From http://www.president.harvard.edu/, 15 Jul 2003
HarvestRoad Ltd. (AU)
“Established in 1996 and publicly listed on the
Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:HRD) in
September 1999, HarvestRoad is a software
developer with its worldwide Headquarters in
Perth, Western Australia.”
“HarvestRoad develops specialised content
management software for use in organisations that
implement online learning and knowledge
management systems.”
From www.harvestroad.com/about/index.cfm, 28 Aug 2005
HEFCE [England]
Higher Education Funding Council England
“The Higher Education Funding Council for
England (HEFCE) promotes and funds highquality, cost-effective teaching and research in
universities and colleges in England.”
“The Higher Education Funding Council for
England (HEFCE) distributes public money for
teaching and research to universities and colleges.
In doing so, it aims to promote high quality
education and research, within a financially healthy
sector. The Council also plays a key role in ensuring
accountability and promoting good practice.”
From www.hefce.ac.uk, 7 March 2003
Higher Education Knowledge and Technology Exchange
HEKATE is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) international exchange
whose mission is to help shape the next generation of
education products and services. HEKATE's goal is to offer
innovative, transcultural approaches for 21 st century learning
environments. Its members almost 100 strong-are individuals
and organizations involved in higher education, publishing,
consulting, and research, as well as a broad array of
technology vendors.
HEKATE has two key operating advantages that distinguish it
from other professional organizations:
Technology transfer and commercialization
An environment of openness, trust and collaboration
among educators and vendors
From http://www.hekate.org/about.html, 30 December 2002
Her Majesty’s Courts Service (UK)
“Her Majesty's Courts Service (HMCS) is an
executive agency of the Department for
Constitutional Affairs (DCA). Our remit is to deliver
justice effectively and efficiently to the public.”
“The Royal Courts of Justice … became the
permanent home of the Supreme Court. …The
Supreme Court consists of two courts: the High
Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal.”
From www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/infoabout/rcj/history.htm,
27 December 2006
The Heritage Foundation (US)
“The Heritage Foundation is a unique institution-a
public policy research organization, or "think
tank". We draw solutions to contemporary
problems from the ideas, principles and traditions
that make America great.
We are not afraid to begin our sentences with the
words "We believe," because we do believe: in
individual liberty, free enterprise, limited
government, a strong national defense, and
traditional American values.
From www.heritage.org/About/aboutHeritage.cfm, 30 June 2007
The Globus Consortium
“The Globus Consortium is a non-profit
organization formed by global computing leaders
who support the Globus Toolkit, the de facto
standard for open source grid computing
infrastructure. With the full support of leading
enterprise hardware and software vendors, the
original pioneers of Grid, and the open source Grid
development community - The Globus Consortium
will leverage its broad base of participants to further
accelerate the evolution of Grid in the enterprise.”
From www.globusconsortium.org/, 15 July 2005
Haverford College (US)
“Haverford is one of America's leading liberal arts
colleges, a close-knit intellectual community that
combines the Quaker values of dignity, tolerance
and respect with a rigorous academic program.”
“Students leave Haverford with an increased sense
of independence, curiosity and confidence, as well
as lasting bonds with friends and faculty. Whether
they go on to advanced education, the workforce,
travel, or public service, they leave grounded and
well-equipped for rich, dynamic lives.”
From www.haverford.edu/abouthaverford/index.php, 13 October 2013
Heartland Payment Systems Inc. (US)
“Heartland Payment Systems delivers
credit/debit/prepaid card processing, payroll, check
management and payments solutions, to more than
250,000 business locations nationwide.”
“Heartland continues to expand its product base
with value-added services. We offer payroll
processing, check management, and other
payments solutions - and offer universities
complete campus card solutions that encompass
on- and off-campus purchases, micropayments and
contactless tag payments, building access and
financial aid processing.”
From www.snl.com/IRWebLinkX/GenPage.aspx?IID=4094417&GKP=209570
Helsinki University of Technology
(TKK) (FI)
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu
The university was “founded in 1849, and received
university status in 1908. It has twelve faculties.
nine separate institutes.,19 degree programmes,
250 professors, and 15 000 under- and
postgraduate students.” The university award “961
Masters´ degrees awarded and 130 doctorates
(2004). Total funding from state and other sources
is Euros 225 million euros (2005).”
From www.tkk.fi/General/nutshell.html, 20 April 2007
Higher Ed Experts (CA)
“Higher Ed Experts provides professional
development and continuing education
opportunities to executives and professionals
working in web marketing and communications in
universities and colleges around the world.”
“Founder of Higher Ed Experts, Karine [Joly] is a
Web marketing professional, a new media expert,
an independent blogger and a passionate writer.
“A graduate from CELSA, Sorbonne in Paris,
France, with a Masters in Communications, Karine
also has a Webmaster Certificate from Rutgers, NJ.”
From higheredexperts.com/edu/about/, 14 August 2012
Higher Education Policy Institute
The aim of the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) is to
ensure as far as possible that higher education policy
development in the UK is informed by research and by
knowledge of the experience of others. Its role is
to identify important policy issues in higher education;
to identify existing research and experience relevant to
these issues, both in this country and overseas;
to identify further research which ought to be done to
illuminate those issues, and persuade those with research
budgets to sponsor or undertake that research; and most
to inform policy makers (notably civil servants and
politicians, journalists and academic decision makers) and
the wider public about the issues, relevant experience and
From http://www.hepi.ac.uk/mission.asp, 2 Jun 2003
Hewlett Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
“The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation makes
grants to address the most serious social and
environmental problems facing society, where risk
capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference
over time. The Foundation places a high value on
sustaining and improving institutions that make
positive contributions to society.”
From www.hewlett.org/Default.htm, 9 March 2004
Hewlett-Packard Development Co. L.P.
“HP is a technology company that operates in more
than 170 countries around the world. We explore
how technology and services can help people and
companies address their problems and challenges,
and realize their possibilities, aspirations and
dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create
more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with
technology, continuously improving the way our
customers live and work.”
From www.hp.com/hpinfo/abouthp/ , 20 April 2006
Hitotsubashi University (JP)
“Hitotsubashi University is a publicly funded
university in Tokyo that specializes in the social
sciences. For 130 years Hitotsubashi graduates have
played leading roles in Japanese business, hence
the university's motto "captains of industry." Today,
our former students are also prominent in finance,
government, politics and the media. The quality of
our research has been recognized internationally,
and Hitotsubashi scholars maintain strong ties to
industry and government.” Hitotsubashi is an
excellent base for visiting researchers, offering a
well-stocked library, a beautiful campus, and a
friendly atmosphere.”
From www.hit-u.ac.jp/guide/index-e.html, 25 May 2007
Higher Education Funding Council for England
“Working in partnership, the Higher Education
Funding Council for England (HEFCE) promotes
and funds high-quality, cost-effective teaching and
research, meeting the diverse needs of students, the
economy and society.”
From www.hefce.ac.uk, 20 March 2005
Higher One Holdings Inc. (US)
“Higher One Holdings, Inc. is a leading company
focused on creating cost-saving efficiencies for
higher education institutions and providing highvalue services to students. Higher One offers a wide
array of technological services on campus, ranging
from streamlining the institution’s performance
analytics and financial aid refund processes to
offering students innovative banking services,
tuition payment plans, and the basics of financial
management. Higher One works closely with
colleges and universities to allocate resources more
efficiently in order to provide a higher quality of
service and education to students.”
From phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=235726&p=irolhomeProfile&t=&id=&, 8 May 2014
Hortonworks Inc. (US)
“Hortonworks develops, distributes and supports
the only 100% open source Apache Hadoop data
platform. Our team comprises the largest
contingent of builders and architects within the
Hadoop ecosystem who represent and lead the
broader enterprise requirements within these
communities. The Hortonworks Data Platform
provides an open platform that deeply integrates
with existing IT investments and upon which
enterprises can build and deploy Hadoop-based
From hortonworks.com/press-releases/hortonworks-recognized-leader-bigdata-hadoop-solutions-evaluation-independent-research-firm/,
28 March 2014
HR-XML Consortium, Inc. (US)
The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the development
and promotion of a standard suite of XML
specifications to enable e-business and the
automation of human resources-related data
From http://www.hr-xml.org/channels/about.cfm, 6 January 2003
Terms and Conditions
Permission to use, copy, modify, or redistribute this
Work and its documentation, with or without
modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty
is hereby granted, provided that you include the
following on ALL copies of the software and
documentation or portions thereof, including
modifications, that you make:
1. This notice: "Copyright © The HR-XML Consortium.
All Rights
Reserved. http://www.hr-xml.org"
2. Notice of any changes or modifications to the The HRXML Consortium files.
From “Terms and Conditions,” May 22, 2002
Human Resources and Social
Development Canada (CA)
“Human Resources and Social Development Canada
(HRSDC) is a department of the Government of
Canada. HRSDC’s mission is to build a stronger and
more competitive Canada, to support Canadians in
making choices that help them live productive and
rewarding lives, and to improve Canadians’ quality
of life.
“To do this, we: develop policies …, create programs
and support initiatives …, create better outcomes
for Canadians …, and engage our employees,
establish a healthy work environment, nurture a
culture of teamwork, and build our leadership
From www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/corporate/about_us/index.shtml, 19 January 2008
Humboldt State University (US)
“Everyone here—students, faculty, staff, and
community—is engaged in learning to make a
difference. It is a daily, collective effort on behalf of
a premier institution that is devoted to the study
and preservation of the environment and its natural
“Learning to make a difference means, of course,
making a difference through scholarship and
research, generating powerful new ideas and
knowledge. But we also believe learning to make a
difference includes using your skills and talents in
ways that move society in positive directions.”
From www.humboldt.edu/~humboldt/about/574/our-vision, 24 April 2005
Humbolt State University is one of the California State Universities
Huron Consulting Group Inc. (US)
“Huron Consulting Group helps clients in diverse
industries improve performance, comply with
complex regulations, reduce costs, recover from
distress, leverage technology, and stimulate growth.
The Company teams with its clients to deliver
sustainable and measurable results.”
“Huron Education is dedicated to serving the higher
education industry. We have a large team of
professionals with extensive knowledge and
experience in the business of higher education and
academic medical centers, globally.”
From huronconsultinggroup.com/Company, 29 March 2014
IAC/InterActiveCorp (US)
“IAC is a leading media and Internet company
comprised of more than 150 brands and products,
including Ask.com, About.com, Match.com,
HomeAdvisor and Vimeo. Focused on the areas of
search, applications, online dating, media and
eCommerce, IAC's family of websites is one of the
largest in the world, with over a billion monthly
visits across more than 100 countries. IAC includes
its Search & Applications, The Match Group, Media
and eCommerce reportable segments, as well as
investments in unconsolidated affiliates.”
From SEC Form 10-Q filed 2 May 2014, 28 June 2014
IBM Corporation (US)
“At IBM, we strive to lead in the creation,
development and manufacture of the industry's
most advanced information technologies, including
computer systems, software, networking systems,
storage devices and microelectronics.
“And our worldwide network of IBM solutions and
services professionals translates these advanced
technologies into business value for our customers.”
http://www.ibm.com/ibm/us/, Aug 30, 2002
Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (US)
“ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit
public-benefit corporation with participants from
all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet
secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes
competition and develops policy on the Internet’s
unique identifiers.
“ICANN doesn’t control content on the Internet. It
cannot stop spam and it doesn't deal with access to
the Internet. But through its coordination role of
the Internet's naming system, it does have an
important impact on the expansion and evolution of
the Internet.”
From www.icann.org/en/about/, 21 February 2012
Icodeon Ltd.
“Icodeon creates the software required for Internet
based learning and knowledge management
systems and was founded in the "Silicon Fen"
around the University of Cambridge in 2004.
“Taking advantage of advances in global agreements
for educational technology standardization, Icodeon
helps organizations extend and improve the
features of their existing e-learning systems.
“As global agreement on education technology
standards advances, Icodeon will be exploring how
education technology adds value to International
and Multicultural Education.”
Fromwww.icodeon.com/index.html, 3 August 2004
Idaho State University (US)
“Idaho State University is a state institution at
Pocatello, a metropolitan area of about 55,000
nestled in the mountains of southeastern Idaho.
ISU's top-flight academic programs include:
Nationally recognized courses of study in business,
pharmacy and the health professions, Teacher
Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, and
Applied technology training through the College of
Technology that prepares students for employment
in business and industry.”
ISU provides …educational services … also at ISU
centers in Idaho Falls, Twin Falls and Boise, and to
outlying communities via state-of-the-art
compressed and IP audio/video video technology.
From www.isu.edu/aboutisu.shtml, 11 January 2007
IFX Forum, Inc. (US)
Interactive Financial eXchange Forum
“The Interactive Financial eXchange Forum was formed
in 1997 to create a messaging standard for financial
services that would address the challenges faced with the
advent of network-based computing models. Based on
the work previously done by the Open Financial
Exchange (OFX) and IBM/Integrion GOLD standard,
the Forum proceeded to re-invest all of the knowledge
gained from those standards to design a next generation
XML standard that would be usable in many types of
environments, extensible to cover many types of
financial transactions and globally focused in
recognition of the increase need to communicate around
the world.”
From www.ifxforum.org/ifxforum.org/about/index.cfm, 2 October 2003
Illinois Board of Higher Education (US)
“The General Assembly and Governor Otto Kerner
created the Board of Higher Education in 1961 to
plan and coordinate Illinois' system of colleges and
universities at a time when enrollments in postsecondary education were taking flight. The goal
was to create an agency with the expertise,
credibility, and statewide perspective to map an
efficient and orderly course for the dramatic growth
of higher education then underway.”
From www.ibhe.org/AboutBHE/default.htm, 19 December 2006
Illinois Community College Board (US)
“The Illinois Community College Board, as the state
coordinating board for community colleges,
administers the Public Community College Act in a
manner that maximizes the ability of the
community colleges to serve their communities. As
an integral part of the state's system of higher
education, community colleges are committed to
providing high-quality, accessible, cost-effective
educational opportunities for the individuals and
communities they serve. ICCB offices are located in
Springfield, Chicago, and Herrin.”
From www.iccb.state.il.us, 21 December 2006
Imperial College (UK)
“Imperial College embodies and delivers world class
scholarship, education and research in science,
engineering and medicine, with particular regard to
their application in industry, commerce and
healthcare. We foster interdisciplinary working
internally and collaborate widely externally.”
Strategic intent and mission: To remain amongst
the top tier of scientific, engineering and medical
research and teaching institutions in the world., To
develop our range of academic activities to meet the
changing needs of society, industry and healthcare.
27 October 2006
InCommon LLC (US)
“The mission of the InCommon Federation is to
create and support a common framework for
trustworthy shared management of access to online resources in support of education and research
in the United States. To achieve its mission,
InCommon will facilitate development of a
community-based common trust fabric sufficient to
enable participants to make appropriate decisions
about access control information provided to them
by other participants. InCommon is intended to
enable production-level end-user access to a wide
variety of protected resources.”
From www.incommonfederation.org/about.cfm, 25 January 2009
Informa plc (UK)
“Informa plc is a leading international provider of
specialist information and services fort he academic
and scientific, professional and commercial business
communities. Informa has some 150 offices in over 40
countries and employs approximately 8,000 staff
around the world. Informa is the largest publiclyowned organiser of conferences and courses in the
world with an output of around 8,000 events
annually. Informa publishes over 2,100 subscriptionbased information services including cademic
journals, eal-time news and structured databases of
commercial intelligence. Informa ’s book business
has more than 55,000 academic and business titles.”
From www.informa.com/Documents/Investor%20Relations/
Reports/2009/Informa_AR09.pdf, 4 March 2011
Information Builders Inc (US)
“Just like financial or human capital, information
yields higher returns the more it is used, shared,
and managed. Our software solutions for business
intelligence (BI) and analytics, integration, and data
integrity can help any organization to maximize its
valuable information capital.”
“We offer specialized solutions for companies of all
sizes in the following industries: banking and
financial services, education, energy and utilities,
government, healthcare, insurance, life sciences,
manufacturing, retail, telecommunications,
media/entertainment, and travel and hospitality.”
From www.informationbuilders.com/pdf/about_us/we_are_information-builders.pdf,1
September 2014.
Information Management Specialists,
Inc. (US)
“Information Management Specialists, Inc., a
privately held corporation, was incorporated in the
State of Alabama in April 1979 and does business as
“Today, Informs offers the most powerful
organization-wide purchasing system on the
market. Our staff has grown from just a few people
to a staff of around 60 personnel. Since its
founding, Informs has steadily grown and proven
itself as a quality software provider.”
From www.informs.com/Company_Profile.htm, 19 April 2006
Information Technology and
Innovation Foundation (ITIF) (US)
“The Information Technology and Innovation
Foundation (ITIF) is a non-partisan research and
educational institute – a think tank – whose
mission is to formulate and promote public policies
to advance technological innovation and
productivity internationally, in Washington, and in
the states. Recognizing the vital role of technology
in ensuring prosperity, ITIF focuses on innovation,
productivity, and digital economy issues.”
From www.itif.org/content/about-us, 14 March 2010
Inside Higher Ed (US)
“Inside Higher Ed [is] the online source for news,
opinion and jobs for all of higher education.”
“Inside Higher Ed was founded in 2004 by three
executives with decades of expertise in higher
education journalism and recruitment. We believed
that higher education was evolving quickly and
radically, and that the time was right for new
models of providing information and career services
for professionals in academe.”
From insidehighered.com/about_us, 5 May 2007
Institut fuer Rechtsfragen der Freien
und Open Source Software (DE)
“ifrOSS is a private institute aiming to follow the
rapid development of Open Source Software from a
legal perspective. The institute also deals with
related fields such as Open Content and Open
Access and legal issues from areas including ITLaw, intellectual property law, patent law, contract
law and competition law. To this end, ifrOSS
participates in the legal and political dialogue
through petitions, statements and presentations.
ifrOSS is an independent 'online institute' without
library, conference rooms or organisational links to
public bodies or institutions.:”
From www.ifross.org/en/about-ifross-objectives-work-history, 21 Apr 2015
Institute for International
Education (US)
“An independent nonprofit founded in 1919, IIE is
among the world's largest and most experienced
international education and training organizations.
We are committed to delivering program excellence
to a diverse range of participants, sponsors, and d
“Our Mission: Promoting closer educational
relations between the people of the United States
and those of other countries. Strengthening and
linking institutions of higher learning globally.”
ntManagement/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=23228, 31 May 2008
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc. (US)
“A non-profit organization, IEEE is the world's
leading professional association for the
advancement of technology.
“The IEEE name was originally an acronym for the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Inc. Today, the organization's scope of interest has
expanded into so many related fields, that it is
simply referred to by the letters I-E-E-E
(pronounced Eye-triple-E).”
From www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/home/index.html, 10 February 2008
Intelligence Squared U.S.
Foundation (US)
“Based on the highly successful debate program in
London, Intelligence Squared, Intelligence Squared
U.S. (IQ2US) has presented 50 [Oxford-style]
debates on a wide range of provocative and timely
“Since its inception in 2006, the goals have been to
provide a new forum for intelligent discussion,
grounded in facts and informed by reasoned
analysis; to transcend the toxically emotional and
the reflexively ideological; and to encourage
recognition that the opposing side has intellectually
respectable views.”
From intelligencesquaredus.org/index.php/about-us, 26 October 2011
Intelligent Television, Inc. (US)
“Intelligent Television is a new nonfiction media
company. … Intelligent Television produces
television and video programs, films, and radio in
close association with museums, libraries, archives,
and universities.
“Intelligent Television works with the world’s
leading directors, producers, and cinematographers
in these productions. The company closely involves
scholars, curators, librarians, archivists, students,
and the public in its work, and is committed to
developing best practices — editorial, legal,
technological, financial — for educational
From www.intelligenttelevision.com/index2.html, 30 September 2007
International Association for K-12
Online Learning (US) iNACOL
“We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership
association based in the Washington, DC area with
over 3,600 members. We are unique; our members
represent a diverse cross-section of K-12 education
from school districts, charter schools, state
education agencies, non-profit organizations,
research institutions, corporate entities and other
content & technology providers.”
[We] “Support activities and policies that remove
barriers and support effective online education.
Facilitate, conduct and disseminate research,
identify promising practices, and develop national
K-12 online learning quality standards.”
From www.inacol.org, 13 November 2010
International Digital Publishing
Forum (US)
“The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
is a trade and standards organization dedicated to
the development and promotion of electronic
“The work of the IDPF will foster and promote the
development of electronic publishing applications
and products that will benefit creators of content,
makers of reading systems and consumers.
“The IDPF welcomes book, magazine, journal and
newspaper publishers, booksellers, software
developers, authors and other groups interested in
digital reading to join our organization.
From www.idpf.org/about.htm, 24 August 2007
International Open Source Network
“The International Open Source Network (IOSN) is a
Center of Excellence for FOSS [Free/Open Source
Software] in the Asia-Pacific Region. It shapes its
activities around FOSS technologies and applications.
Via a small secretariat, the IOSN is tasked specifically
to facilitate and network FOSS advocates and human
resources in the region. The secretariat will: Serve as a
clearinghouse for information on FOSS in AsiaPacific, Strengthen current FOSS capacities, Assist
with the development of needed toolkits and
resource materials, including localization efforts,
[and] Assist in the coordination of FOSS
programmes and initiatives through information
sharing and networking in the Asia-Pacific region.”
From http://www.iosn.net/about/, 15 August 2004
Indiana University
“The mission of the Indiana University is to provide
high quality educational opportunities for men and
women from Indiana and throughout the world
through a community of scholars actively engaged
in teaching, research and public service.”
From www.indiana.edu/~nextpres/mission.shtml, 17 Jul 2003
IU was established in 1820 in Bloomington,
Indiana. There are now eight IU campuses located
throughout the state of Indiana. For fall semester
2000-01, the all-campus enrollment was 93,775
students (graduate and undergraduate).
From newsinfo.iu.edu/web/page/normal/4.html, 17 Jul 2003
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.
“IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS) is
developing and promoting open specifications for
facilitating online distributed learning activities
such as locating and using educational content,
tracking learner progress, reporting learner
performance, and exchanging student records
between administrative systems.”
“IMS has two key goals: Defining the technical
specifications for interoperability of applications
and services in distributed learning, and supporting
the incorporation of the IMS specifications into
products and services worldwide.”
www.imsproject.org, July 24, 2002
Industry Canada (CA)
Industrie Canada
“The Department's mission is to foster a growing,
competitive, knowledge-based Canadian economy.
“The Department works with Canadians throughout
the economy and in all parts of the country to
improve conditions for investment, improve
Canada's innovation performance, increase
Canada's share of global trade and build a fair,
efficient and competitive marketplace.”
From www.ic.gc.ca/epic/site/ic1.nsf/en/h_00007e.html, 23 March 2008
The Institute for Access & Success
“An independent, nonprofit organization, the
Institute for College Access & Success works to
make higher education more available and
affordable for people of all backgrounds. By
conducting and supporting nonpartisan research,
analysis, and advocacy, the Institute aims to
improve the processes and public policies that can
pave the way to successful educational outcomes for
students and for society.”
From http://ticas.org/about.vp.html, 25 April 2009
Institute for Higher Education Policy
“The mission of the Institute for Higher Education
Policy is to foster access and success in
postsecondary education through public policy
research and other activities that inform and
influence the policymaking process.
“Founded in 1993, the Institute informs the
policymaking process in collaboration with U.S.
state, federal, and institutional level partners, and
internationally in countries such as South Africa,
Mozambique, and Russia.”
From www.ihep.com/Org.php?parm=FactSheet.html,
26 March 2004
instructional media + magic, inc. (US)
instructional media + magic, inc. develops standards-based
multimedia courseware for colleges and universities, and the
supporting information technology infrastructure. Based on
its research, im+m develops multimedia-rich classroom
presentations and on-line courses leading to improved student
retention and performance.
Partnering with faculty, im+m leverages media and coursedevelopment expertise in authoring standards-based
courseware. Focusing on undergraduate courses, im+m
combines access to extensive copyright-free materials and in
house production of instructional audio and video together
with faculty authored course materials to create media-rich
on-line interactive courseware.
Copyright Notice
These documents and translations of them may be copied and
furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or
otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be
prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in
part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the
copyright notice is included on all such copies and derivative
works. However, documents may not be modified in any way,
such as by removing the copyright notice or references to
instructional media + magic, inc., except as required to
translate it into languages other than English. The limited
permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by instructional media + magic, inc. or its successors
or assigns.
IDG International Data Group
“International Data Group (IDG) is the world's
leading technology media, research, and event
company. A privately-held company, IDG publishes
more than 300 magazines and newspapers
including Bio-IT World, CIO, CSO, Computerworld,
GamePro, InfoWorld, Network World, and PC
World. The company features the largest network of
technology-specific Web sites with more than 400
around the world. IDG is also a leading producer of
more than 170 computer-related events worldwide
including LinuxWorld Conference & Expo,
Macworld Conference & Expo, DEMO, and IDC
Directions. IDC provides global market research
and advice through offices in 50 countries.”
From www.idg.com/www/home.nsf/AboutIDGForm?OpenForm&region=WW,
24 April 2005
Indiana, State of (US)
“Indiana is a US state, admitted to the United States
as the 19th on December 11, 1816. It is located in the
midwestern and Great Lakes regions of North
America. Indiana is the 38th largest by area and the
15th most populous of the 50 United States. … Its
capital and largest city is Indianapolis.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana, 13 August 2012
Indiana’s Gross Domestic product was $240 billion
in 2011 and its population was 6,516,922.
Indianapolis, the capital, had a population of
827,609 in 2011.
From www.stats.indiana.edu, 13 August 2012
International Council for Open and
Distance Education (NO)
“The International Council for Open and Distance
Education (ICDE) was founded in 1938 in Canada
and is today the leading global membership
organization for open, distance, flexible and online
education, including e-learning.”
“ICDE's Permanent Secretariat is in Oslo, Norway,
and has been hosted by this country on a
permanent basis since 1988. ICDE is supported by
the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research
and by membership fees.”
From 2013 Annual report and www.icde.org/en/about/, 7 June 2015
International Digital Publishing
Forum (US)
“The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
is a trade and standards organization dedicated to
the development and promotion of electronic
“The work of the IDPF will foster and promote the
development of electronic publishing applications
and products that will benefit creators of content,
makers of reading systems and consumers.
“The IDPF welcomes book, magazine, journal and
newspaper publishers, booksellers, software
developers, authors and other groups interested in
digital reading to join our organization.
From www.idpf.org/about.htm, 24 August 2007
International Institute of Infonomics
“The International Institute of Infonomics has been
set up by the University of Maastricht, the
‘Hogeschool Zuyd’ (a cluster of regional universities
of professional education), and international
institutes such as MERIT and the Maastricht
McLuhan Institute.”
“Infonomics is defined as the interdisciplinary
science studying the digitisation of society. The
institute brings together insights from a variety of
fields, ranging from anthropology, linguistics, law,
mathematics, to communication science, sociology,
economics and business studies.”
From http://www.infonomics.nl/, 27 March 2003
Internet Engineering Task Force (US)
“The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open
international community of network designers, operators,
vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the
Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the
Internet. It is open to any interested individual.”
“The IETF working groups are grouped into areas… The ADs
[Area Directors] are members of the Internet Engineering
Steering Group (IESG). Providing architectural oversight is
the Internet Architecture Board, (IAB). The IAB also
adjudicates appeals when someone complains that the IESG
has failed. The IAB and IESG are chartered by the Internet
Society (ISOC) for these purposes. The General Area Director
also serves as the chair of the IESG and of the IETF, and is an
ex-officio member of the IAB.”
From www.ietf.org, July 23, 2002
Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights
“This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and
will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or
Scott Bradner, RFC 2026, October 1996
Copyright Notice
“Public documents on the W3C site are provided by the copyright holders under the following license.
The software or Document Type Definitions (DTDs) associated with W3C specifications are governed
by the Software Notice. By using and/or copying this document, or the W3C document from which this
statement is linked, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the
following terms and conditions:
“Permission to use, copy, and distribute the contents of this document, or the W3C document from
which this statement is linked, in any medium for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby
granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the document, or portions thereof,
that you use:
A link or URL to the original W3C document.
The pre-existing copyright notice of the original author, or if it doesn't exist, a notice of the
form: "Copyright © [$date-of-document] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique,
Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/" (Hypertext is
preferred, but a textual representation is permitted.)
If it exists, the STATUS of the W3C document.
“When space permits, inclusion of the full text of this NOTICE should be provided. We request that
authorship attribution be provided in any software, documents, or other items or products that you
create pursuant to the implementation of the contents of this document, or any portion thereof.
“No right to create modifications or derivatives of W3C documents is granted pursuant to this license.
However, if additional requirements (documented in the Copyright FAQ) are satisfied, the right to
create modifications or derivatives is sometimes granted by the W3C to individuals complying with
those requirements.”
www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents-19990405, July 24, 2002
The Internet Society (US)
“The Internet SOCiety (ISOC) is a professional
membership society with more than 100
organization and over 20,000 individual members
in over 180 countries. It provides leadership in
addressing issues that confront the future of the
Internet, and is the organization home for the
groups responsible for Internet infrastructure
standards, including the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board
From www.isoc.org/isoc/, 6 October 2006
dba Internet2 (US)
University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development
“Internet2 is a consortium being led by 200 universities
working in partnership with industry and government to
develop and deploy advanced network applications and
technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's
Internet. Internet2 is recreating the partnership among
academia, industry and government that fostered
today´s Internet in its infancy.
“The primary goals of Internet2 are to: Create a leading
edge network capability for the national research
community, enable revolutionary Internet applications,
[and] ensure the rapid transfer of new network services
and applications to the broader Internet community.”
From http://www.internet2.edu/about/aboutinternet2.html, 27 Mar 2003
International Organization for
Standardization ISO (XN)
“The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a
worldwide federation of national standards bodies from more
than 140 countries, one from each country.
“ISO is a non-governmental organization established in 1947.
The mission of ISO is to promote the development of
standardization and related activities in the world with a view
to facilitating the international exchange of goods and
services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of
intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity.
“ISO's work results in international agreements which are
published as International Standards.”
From http://www.iso.org/iso/en/aboutiso/introduction/whatisISO.html,
15 February 2003
Copyright Notice
“All ISO publications are protected by copyright. Therefore
and unless otherwise specified, no part of an ISO publication
may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm,
scanning, without permission in writing from the publisher.”
The official standards are available as paper documents or
Adobe PDF (portable document format) files, with a visible
watermark identifying the licensee, from the ISO.
The standards here are excerpts, drafts, or source codes (e.g.
for codes) available for open publication. Official documents
can be obtained from the ISO Secretariat at ISO, 1, rue de
Varembé, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland or in the U.S. from
the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd
Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036, in the U.K. from
British Standards Institution, 389 Chiswick High Road
GB-LONDON W4 4AL, and in France from Association
française de normalisation,11, avenue Francis de Pressensé,
F-93571 Saint Denis La Plaine CEDEX.
IONA Technologies plc (IE)
“IONA was founded in 1991 in Dublin, Ireland. We
have a history of providing distributed, standardsbased solutions to IT organizations with complex,
heterogeneous computing environments and
challenging integration problems. We have a proven
record of industry leadership and continuous
product improvement.
“We make software work together so our customers
can make better decisions, run their businesses
more efficiently and improve their business results.”
From www.iona.com/info/aboutus/?WT.mc_id=1234552, 8 Jul 2007
Iowa State University
“Iowa State University of Science and Technology is
a public land-grant institution serving the people of
Iowa, the nation, and the world through its
interrelated programs of instruction, research,
extension, and professional service. With an
institutional emphasis upon areas related to science
and technology, the University carries out its
traditional mission of discovering, developing,
disseminating, and preserving knowledge.
“As an integral part of the learning process, Iowa
State University fosters the discovery and
dissemination of new knowledge by supporting
research, scholarship, and creative activity.”
Fact Book 2002-2003, Iowa State University, 2003, p. 2
iParadigms LLC (US)
“The iParadigms team is a group of dedicated
professionals that includes award-winning teachers,
graphic designers, computer scientists, and
business professionals working together to stop the
spread of internet plagiarism and promote new
technologies in education. Our offices are located in
Oakland, California.”
Products include TurnItIn, and iThenticate.
iParadigms also operates the website
From www.iparadigms.com/about_us/, 11 August 2007
IP Australia (AU)
“IP Australia is the Australian Government agency
responsible for administering patents, trade marks,
designs and Plant Breeder’s Rights.
“By granting these rights, and contributing to the
improvement of Australian and international IP
systems, IP Australia is supporting Australia's
economic development.
“IP Australia incorporates the Patent, Designs,
Trade Marks and Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR)
Offices. It is a prescribed agency within the
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
(ITR) but operates independently and reports
directly to the Minister.”
From www.ipaustralia.gov.au/about/whatis.shtml, 7 August 2006
IP.com, Inc. (US)
“IP.com was founded to fill a growing void in the
tools available to the intellectual property
community. Our initial product, the IP.com Prior
Art Database, was created to provide companies
with a fast and effective, centralized outlet for
publishing and searching technical disclosures.
Since its inception, the IP.com Prior Art Database
has continued to grow, attracting such high-profile
clients as IBM, General Electric, Motorola, Abbott
Laboratories, and Eastman Kodak (to name a few).”
From www.ip.com/about.jsp, 29 September 2006
iStrategy LLC (US)
dba iStrategy Solutions
“iStrategy Solutions is the leading provider of
higher education analytic reporting and data
warehouse solutions. Founded in 1999, iStrategy
LLC is a privately held firm based in Owings Mills,
MD. iStrategy's management team has been
working in the data warehousing and business
intelligence space for over fifteen (15) years. Our
HigherEd Analytics design team has years of
experience designing first class analytic applications
in a wide range of industries and are experts in the
field of business intelligence.”
From www.istrategysolutions.com/About_iStrategy.html, 8 February, 2011
Ithaka Harbors Inc. (US)
“Ithaka is a newly formed not-for-profit organization
with a mission to accelerate the productive uses of
information technologies for the benefit of higher
education around the world. In pursuing this mission,
Ithaka engages in four primary areas of activity: 1.
incubating promising projects with a goal of creating
sustainable not-for-profit enterprises; 2. providing
administrative and technological services that can be
shared by affiliated entities to increase effectiveness,
lower costs and allow affiliates' to focus efforts on
mission-related activities; 3. conducting research to
support the cost recovery goals of the affiliated entities
as well as to inform the broader higher education
community about the impact of electronic technologies;
and 4. providing advisory services to organizations not
directly affiliated with Ithaka.”
From www.ithaka.org/about/mission.htm, 6 January 2006
IT Conversations (US)
“IT [Information Technology] Conversations is a
listener- and underwriter-supported network of
high-end tech talk-radio interviews, discussions and
presentations from major conferences delivered live
and on-demand via the Internet. It began as a oneperson labor of love. Doug Kaye is ITC's original
host, producer, developer, writer, interviewer and
engineer. He launched IT Conversations in June
2003 and still produces many of the sites
From www.itconversations.com/about.html, 9 August 2005
JA-SIG Collaborative (US)
“The Java in Administration Special Interest Group (JA-SIG)
is an independent organization designed to increase the flow
of information between educational institutions and
companies involved in the development of administrative
applications using Java technology. Today, with the benefit of
object oriented technology and Java, we have a great
opportunity in higher education to do things better as
colleagues. The purpose of JA-SIG is, first, to share our
experiences as we build applications with Java, and second, to
develop a common infrastructure upon which we can build
shareable components. We welcome the participation of both
educational institutions and commercial enterprises in this
www.JA-SIG.org, September 14, 2002
“java.net is the realization of a vision of a diverse
group of engineers, researchers, technologists, and
evangelists at Sun Microsystems, Inc. to provide a
common area for interesting conversations and
innovative development projects related to Java™
technology. The community continues to grow with
industry associations, software vendors,
universities, and individual developers and
hobbyists joining every day. As they meet, share
ideas, and use the site's collaboration tools, the
communities they form will uncover synergies and
create new solutions that render Java technology
even more valuable.”
From www.java.net/about.csp, 4 August 2004
JBoss Inc. (US)
“JBoss Inc.'s mission is to revolutionize the way
enterprise middleware software is built, distributed, and
supported through the Professional Open Source model.
We are committed to delivering innovative and high
quality technology and services that make JBoss the safe
choice for enterprises and software providers.”
“JBoss®, Inc. pioneered the disruptive Professional
Open Source model, which combines the best of the
open source and proprietary software worlds to make
open source a safe choice for the enterprise and give
CIOs peace of mind. This includes the royalty-free
software, transparent development and active
community inherent in open source and the
accountability and professional support services
expected of a traditional software vendor.”
From http://www.jboss.org/company/index , 31 December 2005
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (US)
“John Wiley & Sons, Inc., aspires to be a valued and
respected provider of products and services that
make important contributions to advances in
knowledge and understanding, a role that is
essential to progress in a healthy and prosperous
society. While fulfilling this role, we strive to build
lasting, collaborative relationships with all of our
stakeholders. We are dedicated to sustaining
Wiley’s performance-driven culture, which requires
our unwavering commitment to the highest
standard of ethical behavior and integrity in
everything we do.”
From www.wiley.com/legacy/annual_reports/ar_2006/vision.html,
20 December 2006
Johns Hopkins University
“The Johns Hopkins University opened Feb. 22,
1876, with the inauguration of its first president,
Daniel Coit Gilman. "What are we aiming at?"
Gilman asked in his installation address. "The
encouragement of research ... and the advancement
of individual scholars, who by their excellence will
advance the sciences they pursue, and the society
where they dwell." Gilman “…established a research
university, dedicated not just to advancing students'
knowledge but also to advancing the state of human
knowledge generally, through research and
From webapps.jhu.edu/jhuniverse/information_about_hopkins/
about_jhu/a_brief_history_of_jhu/index.cfm, 23 March 2004
Joint Information Systems Committee
“The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) is a
strategic advisory committee working on behalf of the funding
bodies for further and higher education (FE and HE) in
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It also works
in partnership with the Research Councils.
“The JISC promotes the innovative application and use of
information systems and information technology in FE and
HE across the UK by providing vision and leadership and
funding the network infrastructure, Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) and information services,
development projects and high quality materials for
education. Its central role ensures that the uptake of new
technologies and methods is cost-effective, comprehensive
and well focused.”
www.jisc.ac.uk/about.html, 29 Nov 2002
John William Pope Center (US)
“The John William Pope Center for Higher
Education Policy is a nonprofit institute dedicated
to improving higher education in North Carolina
and the nation. Located in Raleigh, North Carolina,
it has been an independent 501(c)(3) organization
since 2003. It is named for the late John William
Pope, who served on the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of
“Our goals are to improve colleges and universities,
especially in North Carolina.”
From www.popecenter.org/about/index.html
“In the broadest sense, JSTOR's mission is to help the
scholarly community take advantage of advances in
information technologies. In pursuing this mission,
JSTOR has adopted a system-wide perspective, taking
into account the sometimes conflicting needs of
libraries, publishers, and scholars.”
JSTOR's goals include the following: To build a reliable
and comprehensive archive of important scholarly
journal literature, To improve dramatically access, To
help fill gaps in collections, To address preservation
issues, To reduce long-term capital and operating costs,
To assist scholarly associations and publishers, and To
study the impact of providing electronic access on the
use of these scholarly materials.
From www.jstor.org/about/mission.html, 5 January 2006
Kaiser Family Foundation
“The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit, private operating foundation focusing on the
major health care issues facing the nation. The
Foundation is an independent voice and source of
facts and analysis for policymakers, the media, the
health care community, and the general public.
“KFF develops and runs its own research and
communications programs, often in partnership
with outside organizations. The Foundation
contracts with a wide range of outside individuals
and organizations through its programs.”
www.kff.org/about/index.cfm, 6 June 2005
Kantara Initiative (US)
“It is intended to be a robust and well-funded focal
point for collaboration to address the issues we each
share across the identity community:
Interoperability and Compliance Testing; Identity
Assurance; Policy and Legal Issues; Privacy;
Ownership and Liability; UX and Usability; CrossCommunity Coordination and Collaboration;
Education and Outreach; Market Research; Use
Cases and Requirements; Harmonization; and Tool
From kantarainitiative.org/wordpress/about/, 1 April 2011
Kaplan University (US)
“Kaplan University is a different kind of university
— a different school of thoughtSM. We believe the
talent of thousands of nontraditional students has
been ignored for far too long. By an educational
system that's stuck in the past, in dire need of
change. That's why we're rewriting the rules of
education. Through technology, a student-centric
approach, and professors with real-world
experience, we're providing a rigorous education
that helps students like you study wherever,
whenever. Online. On campus. On your terms. At
Kaplan University, we believe talent comes before
tradition. In fact, it comes first.”
From talent.kaplan.edu/kaplan-university.aspx. 9 February 2010
Karlstads Universitet (SE)
“Karlstad University is a vibrant education and
multidisciplinary research community of about
10,000 students and 270 doctoral students. The
University employs a little over 1,100 staff, 70
percent of whom are highly qualified lecturers and
Unlike many traditional universities, Karlstad
University is a single-campus university, something
which supports integration, academic bordercrossings, and exchange of ideas, all of which take
place in extremely attractive and modern learning
From www.kau.se/about/index.lasso, 5 May 2006
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
“Founded in 1425, the K.U.Leuven is a Flemish
University of Catholic signature with an international
orientation. It has the legal statute of private
institution. As a university it is an academic
institution where research that opens up new
horizons and knowledge transfer are both essential
and complementary. As a university it distinguishes
itself from other research centres by its autonomous
statement of problems, by the disinterested character
of its fundamental research, by its focus on education
and by the fact that within its walls it encompasses
almost all academic disciplines.”
From www.kuleuven.ac.be/english/about/mission_statement.htm, 12 January 2005
Ken Sall Consulting (US)
“XML Technology”
From kensall.com (cached). 19 March 2006
Lexington Institute (US)
It is the goal of the Lexington Institute to inform,
educate, and shape the public debate of national
priorities in those areas that are of surpassing
importance to the future success of democracy, such
as national security, education reform, tax reform,
immigration and federal policy concerning science
and technology. By promoting America's ability to
project power around the globe we not only defend
the homeland of democracy, but also sustain the
international stability in which other free-market
democracies can thrive.
From www.lexingtoninstitute.org/main.asp?page=1132,
3 January 2009
KION spa (IT)
“KION è un’azienda creata da Cineca per la
progettazione e la realizzazione di applicazioni e
soluzioni a valore aggiunto nell’area dei sistemi
informativi per le università. KION opera in
particolare nell’area dell’amministrazione e della
didattica e dei servizi per gli studenti e i docenti. I
software gestionali attualmente commercializzati
ESSE3 e GISS sono i più diffusi fra le Università
From www2.kion.it/index.php, 15 November 2007
Knight Commission on
Intercollegiate Athletics (US)
“Since 1989, the Knight Commission has been the
primary change agent in college sports reform. As a
result of the commission’s efforts, significant strides
have been made to reconnect college sports with the
educational mission of American colleges and
universities. Among the commission’s
recommendations adopted by the NCAA are the
• Improved academic standards for athletes
• Presidential control over NCAA decisions
• The principle that at minimum, 50 percent of
players on all college teams should earn their
From www.knightcommission.org/welcome/, 8 October 2007
Knowledge Exchange (DK)
Knowledge Exchange is a co-operative effort that
supports the use and development of Information
and Communications Technologies (ICT)
infrastructure for higher education and research.
The Knowledge Exchange partners are:
Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (DEFF) in
German Research Foundation (DFG) in Germany
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the
United Kingdom
SURFfoundation in the Netherlands
From www.knowledge-exchange.info, 24 May 2011
Kuali Foundation Inc (US)
“The Kuali Foundation is a non-profit organization
responsible for sustaining and evolving a
comprehensive suite of administrative software that
meets the needs of all Carnegie Class institutions.
Its members are colleges, universities, and
interested organizations that share a common
vision of open, modular, and distributed systems for
their software requirements. The goal of Kuali is to
bring the proven functionality of legacy applications
to the ease and universality of online services.”
From kuali.org/about/index.shtml, 28 October 2006
Kuali Inc dba KualiCo (US)
“KualiCo’s mission is to simplify higher education
processes with thoughtfully designed open source
software delivered from the cloud.”
“Our community and open source model minimize
institutional risk. To help protect the long-term
interests of our customers we ensure that both data
and application source code are available. Coupled
with a community of more than one hundred
engaged institutions, this provides a level of
resiliency unmatched by other companies.”
From www.kuali.co/company/, 5 April 2015
LAMS Foundation (AU)
“The LAMS Foundation is a not-for-profit
organisation that manages research and
development into LAMS and the concepts of
Learning Design. The Foundation is based at
Macquarie University, Australia as part of the
Macquarie E-learning Centre of Excellence
(MELCOE), under the leadership of Professor
James Dalziel (Director of MELCOE and inventor of
LAMS). The LAMS Foundation collaborates with
LAMS International to foster the adoption and
implementation of LAMS across all education
lamsfoundation.org, 3 June 2005
Language Analysis Systems, Inc. (US)
“Language Analysis Systems is a privately held
company, founded in 1984 by Dr. Leonard Shaefer
and Dr. Jack Hermansen. The company was the
product of their extensive research and analysis of
the linguistic and computational properties of
personal names, based on their work at Georgetown
University and as consultants to various U.S.
Government agencies and technology firms.
“Today, LAS is focused on supplying its multicultural name recognition products to international
government and commercial clients with missioncritical name matching problems.”
www.las-inc.com/company.shtml, 27 October 2003
Lancaster University (UK)
Lancaster University is consistently rated as one of
the top 10 UK universities. It was recently ranked as
the top university in the North West of England.
The University received its Charter in 1964. It was
one of the new generation of universities
established to meet the demands of a rapidly
changing world. There were a number of new
concepts and principles incorporated into its
design. New subjects were pioneered and the
breaking out of traditional educational boundaries
and activities was embraced. The University's
contribution to education and training in business,
industry and commerce is both innovative and
From www.lancs.ac.uk/business/, 10 July 2006.
Leadership Board for CIOs (US)
“The Leadership Board for CIO’s in higher
education provides insights and strategies and
personal relationships that can help IT leaders in
higher education plan for and manage technologies
and resources.
The Leadership Board for CIO’s was formed by The
Chronicle of Higher Education and Dr. Michael
Zastrocky in 2009. LBCIO continues to work with
the Chronicle of Higher Education on special
projects as determined by the Board and the
From lbcio.org/, 31 October 2012
League of European Research
Universities (BE)
“The League of European Research Universities
(LERU) was founded in 2002 as an association of
twelve research-intensive universities sharing the
values of high-quality teaching within an
environment of internationally competitive
research. In 2006 membership was extended to 20,
and in 2010 to 22 institutions.”
“LERU's secretariat, known as the LERU Office, is
based at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in
Belgium. The Secretary-General is the head of the
From www.leru.org, 15 May 2010
League for Innovation
League for Innovation
in the Community College
“The League is an international organization
dedicated to catalyzing the community college
movement. We host conferences and institutes,
develop Web resources, conduct research, produce
publications, provide services, and lead projects and
initiatives with our member colleges, corporate
partners, and other agencies in our continuing
efforts to make a positive difference for students
and communities.”
From www.league.org/league/about/about_main.htm, 16 January 2005
Learning Content eXchange Inc. (US)
“Learning Content eXchange envisions a world
where students and learners, their instructors and
trainers can review and select from a wide variety of
digital learning experiences—a place where all
publishers can market their digital learning content
to a broadbase of purchasers and purchase
influencers. Content consumers can buy from
multiple publishers in a single transaction. Content
developers can reach a wide audience—connecting
with buyers that can purchase your content simply
and easily. All within a single, standards-based
exchange environment.”
From www.lcxcorp.com/vision.html, 3 February 2007
Learning Education Training
Systems Interoperability (US)
“LETSI (Learning-Education-Training Systems
Interoperability) is an international non-profit
federation dedicated to improving individual and
organizational learning and performance.
“LETSI intends to: … Advance the adoption, use,
and evolution of interoperable, internally-accepted
standards, specifications, and guidelines ("reference
models") for learning, education, and training
(LET), … And Provide or sponsor LET-related
services, publications, collaborative forums,
professional events, and technology development.”
From www.letsi.org/letsi/display/welcome/About+LETSI, 9 February 2008
Learning Point Associates (US)
“Learning Point Associates was founded on the
expertise gained from the work completed for the
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory®
since 1984. This tradition of excellence will continue
with the newly awarded contract for the Regional
Educational Laboratory Midwest—a new name for a
new scope of work.”
From www.learningpt.org/, 28 December 2006
“The NCLB Implementation Center at Learning
Point Associates is sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Education … and through
congressional earmarks from U.S. Representatives
Judy Biggert (R-Illinois) and Mark Kirk (RIllinois).”
Learning Tree International (US)
“Learning Tree International is a world leader in
hands-on training for Management and Technology
Professionals. Since 1974, over 1,700,000 course
participants from over 13,000 organizations around
the world have enhanced their skills through
intensive hands-on exercises under the guidance of
expert instructors with real-world experience.
“Virtually every major company and government
agency has relied on Learning Tree to provide its
managers and employees with the skills they need
to succeed in their job functions.”
From www.learningtree.com/info/about-us.htm, 26 September 2007
LearningMate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (IN)
“LearningMate was founded by a team of
experienced eLearning practitioners at its helm.
They bring together backgrounds in education
technology, software product development, and
business development.”
“Content Development at LearningMate is
innovative and subject-matter focused. Our
expertise and experience ensure larger volumes of
richer and relevant instructional content optimally
delivered, in the required medium, for maximum
From www.learningmate.com/managementteam.htm, 6 October 2007
Lehigh University (US)
“Lehigh is a premier private residential research
university. Most of our students—undergraduate
and graduate—live on campus, allowing research
and discovery to happen almost anywhere. We are
ranked in the top tier of national research
universities each year, and our four colleges have
earned a reputation for their entrepreneurial and
interdisciplinary approach to learning.
“Today, more than 75,000 alumni from around the
world have earned a Lehigh diploma, and nearly
97% of last year’s graduates have gone on to find
career-related opportunities just six months after
leaving campus.”
From www4.lehigh.edu/about/default.aspx, 11 January 2014
Lewis & Clark College (US)
“We’re a private institution with a public
conscience, a residential campus with global reach.
Students and faculty throughout all three of Lewis &
Clark’s schools—the College of Arts and Sciences,
the Graduate School of Education and Counseling,
and the Law School—pursue new ways of knowing
by combining classic liberal learning with
pioneering collaboration.”
Yet [students] value what Lewis & Clark offers: an
education built from the time-tested elements of
careful study, original research, and spirited debate.
From www.lclark.edu/about/, 13 October 2011
LexisNexis Group (US)
“LexisNexis™ online legal research system,
launched in 1973, exemplifies the leadership and
innovation that LexisNexis employees and their
companies around the world have demonstrated for
hundreds of years.”
“This year marks the 30th anniversary of the launch
of the first full-text legal information service on
April 2, 1973.”
From www.lexisnexis.com/about/, 24 March 2004
A division of Reed Elsevier plc
From www.lexisnexis.com/about/, 17 February 2005
Liberty Alliance Project (US)
“The role of the Liberty Alliance Project … is to
support the development, deployment and
evolution of an open, interoperable standard for
federated network identity.”
“The vision of the Liberty Alliance is to enable a
networked world in which individuals and
businesses can more easily conduct transactions
while protecting the privacy and security of vital
identity information.”
http://www.projectliberty.org/, December 22, 2002
This specification document has been prepared by
Sponsors of the Liberty Alliance. Permission is here
by granted to use the document solely for the
purpose of implementing the Specification. No
rights are granted to prepare derivative works of
this Specification. Entities seeking permission to
reproduce portions of this document for other uses
must contact the Liberty Alliance to determine
whether an appropriate license for such use is
From the Specification, Version 1.1, 5 November 2002
Library Copyright Alliance (US)
“The Library Copyright Alliance (LCA) consists of
five major library associations - the American
Association of Law Libraries, the American Library
Association, the Association of Research Libraries,
the Medical Library Association, and the Special
Libraries Association. These five associations
collectively represent over 80,000 information
professionals and thousands of libraries of all kinds
throughout the United States. These five
associations cooperate in the LCA to address
copyright issues that affect libraries and their
patrons. For over ten years now, our five library
associations have worked together as a coalition.”
From www.librarycopyrightalliance.org/index.htm, 3 February 2008
LinkedIn Corporation (US)
“LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional
network on the Internet with more than 90 million
members in over 200 countries and territories. The
LinkedIn website launched in 2003 and currently
counts executives from all Fortune 500 companies
as members. The company is privately-held and has
a diversified business model with revenues coming
from user subscriptions, advertising sales and
hiring solutions. LinkedIn is headquartered in
Mountain View, California.”
From press.linkedin.com/press_center/?id=214, 6 March 2011
Localisation Industry Standards
Association (CH)
“From 1990 to February 2011 the Localization Industry
Standards Association or LISA was a Swiss-based trade
body concerning the translation of computer software
(and associated materials) into multiple natural
languages. It counted among its members most of the
large information technology companies of the period,
including Adobe, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, McAfee,
Nokia, Novell and Xerox.[1]
“LISA closed on 28 February 2011 [and] the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute started a
Special Interest Group for localization.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localization_Industry_Standards_Association,
23 July 2012
London School of Economics (UK)
“The London School of Economics and Political Science
(LSE) is a world class centre for its concentration of
teaching and research across the full range of the social,
political and economic sciences. Founded in 1895 by
Beatrice and Sidney Webb, LSE has an outstanding
reputation for academic excellence.
“LSE is an unusual university. Few university
institutions in the world are as international. The study
of social, economic and political problems covers not
only the UK and European Union, but also countries of
every continent. From its foundation LSE has aimed to
be a laboratory of the social sciences, a place where ideas
are developed, analysed, evaluated and disseminated
around the globe.”
From www.lse.ac.uk/resources/introductionToTheSchool.htm, 1 August 2004
Louisiana State University (US)
“Louisiana State University [is the] home of the
"Fighting Tigers." LSU is the flagship institution of
the state of Louisiana and is one of only 21
universities nationwide holding land-grant, seagrant and space-grant status.
“Since 1860, LSU has served the people of
Louisiana, the region, the nation, and the world
through extensive, multipurpose programs
encompassing instruction, research, and public
service. The University brings in more than $144.7
million annually in outside research grants and
contracts, a significant factor for the Louisiana
From www.lsu.edu/visitors/, 3 November 2007
Louisiana Tech University (US)
“As a selective-admissions, comprehensive public
university, Louisiana Tech is committed to quality
in teaching, research, creative activity, public
service, and economic development. Louisiana Tech
maintains as its highest priority the education and
development of its students in a challenging, yet
safe and supportive, community of learners.
Louisiana Tech provides a technology-rich,
interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and research
environment to ensure student and faculty success.”
From www.latech.edu/media/quick-facts.shtml, 14 August 2004
Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
“The Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
educates people who will be: highly specialized, yet
understanding of other areas of knowledge; capable
of systematic work with visionary thinking, and
teamwork based performance. The Lübeck
University of Applied Sciences provides all of this
through its regional ties and international
“ Medical Technology, Industrial Engineering and
Information Technology are special, key areas of
study at the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences,
each with its very modern, innovative and
interdisciplinary programs.”
From www.fh-luebeck.de/site.php, 8 May 2005
München (DE)
“Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich
enjoys a centuries-old tradition and today is one of
the most internationally renowned and strongest
research universities in Germany.
“People come to LMU Munich seeking its unique
academic diversity. Its 18 faculties give around 700
professors and 3,000 academic staff room to
research and teach. They offer a wide and wellrounded range of learning opportunities that cover
all areas, whether humanities and culture studies,
law, economics and sociology, or medicine and the
From www.en.uni-muenchen.de/about_lmu/index.html,
29 August 2006
Lumina Foundation for Education
“Lumina Foundation for Education is a private,
independent foundation based in Indianapolis. Our
program mission is to expand access and success in
postsecondary education.
“Through research, evaluation and grants for
innovative programs, as well as communication,
public policy and leadership-development
initiatives, we address issues that affect access and
educational attainment — particularly among
underserved student groups, including adult
learners. At Lumina Foundation, we firmly believe
education is the best way to help people achieve
their potential and improve our nation's future.”
From www.luminafoundation.org/about_us/index.html, 12 January 2004
Mackinac Center for Public Policy (US)
“The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a
nonpartisan research and educational institute
devoted to improving the quality of life for all
Michigan citizens by promoting sound solutions to
state and local policy questions. The Mackinac
Center assists policy makers, scholars, business
people, the media and the public by providing
objective analysis of Michigan issues. The goal of all
Center reports, commentaries and educational
programs is to equip Michigan citizens and other
decision makers to better evaluate policy options.”
From www.mackinac.org/article.aspx?ID=1662, 30 June 2007
Macquarie University (AU)
“The visions, missions and goals set by the University
… should be viewed in the context of Macquarie’s
distinctive academic role as a modern, research-based
university of international excellence: founded in the
concept of serving the community; delivering first-rate
educational programs …, distinguished by the
conscious application of tested scholarly disciplines to
modern needs; driven intellectually by the enquiring
spirit of fundamental research; committed to the
pursuit of flexible skills and a unity of knowledge …,
demonstrating a particular commitment to
postgraduate studies and research training; and
making innovative use of modern technologies to
enhance academic outcomes and administrative
From www.reg.mq.edu.au/Sections/Publications/Homepage/StatementofAffairs.pdf, 26 November 2004
Macromedia, Inc.
“Experience matters. Macromedia is motivated by
the belief that great experiences build great
businesses. Our software empowers millions of
business users, developers, and designers to create
and deliver effective, compelling, and memorable
experiences - on the Internet, on fixed media, on
wireless, and on digital devices.”
From www.macromedia.com/macromedi/, 8 May 2005
Manchester Metropolitan
University (UK)
“At MMU we are proud of the exceptional breadth
of choice we can offer our students and of the
University’s links with business, industry, the
professions and local communities that contribute
to the learning experience.
“We are based at seven campuses, five in the
Manchester area and two at Alsager and Crewe MMU Cheshire. The central Manchester campuses
form part of the largest higher education campus in
the UK and one of the most extensive education
centres in Europe.”
From www.mmu.ac.uk/about/, 12 April 2007
Manpower Demonstration
Research Corporation (US)
“Work under way at MDRC is addressing issues at
the cutting edge of several major trends reshaping
the nation's economy and institutions. Globalization
and fast-paced technological change are altering
labor market dynamics, making jobs less secure,
and requiring that low-wage workers upgrade their
skills if they are to enjoy rising incomes and career
advancement. Large-scale immigration is making
communities more culturally diverse and increasing
the need for new forms of institutional support to
help reduce poverty.”
From www.mdrc.org/area_overview_3.html, 16 March 2006
MapLight (US)
“MapLight is a nonpartisan research organization
that reveals money’s influence on politics in the U.S.
Congress and in the California and Wisconsin state
legislatures. We provide journalists and citizens
with transparency tools that connect data on
campaign contributions, politicians, legislative
votes, industries, companies, and more to show
patterns of influence never before possible to see.
These tools allow users to gain unique insights into
how campaign contributions affect policy so they
can draw their own conclusions about how money
influences our political system.”
From maplight.org/content/about-maplight, 2 January 2014
Maricopa Community Colleges (US)
Maricopa County Community College District
The Maricopa Community Colleges comprise ten
colleges, two skill centers and numerous education
centers dedicated to educational excellence, meeting
the needs of businesses and the citizens of Maricopa
County. Each college is individually accredited, yet
part of a larger system — the Maricopa County
Community College District.
The District is one of the largest higher education
systems in the world and the largest provider of health
care workers and job training in Arizona — a major
resource for business and industry and for individuals
seeking education and job training.
From www.maricopa.edu/about/, 27 May 2006
Marist College (US)
“Founded in 1929, Marist's 150-acre campus
overlooks the Hudson River in the heart of the
historic Hudson Valley, midway between New York
City and Albany, the state capital.
“What started as a school for the training of future
Marist Brothers has developed into one of the
leading colleges of the arts and sciences in the
Northeast. Marist is ecumenical in character and
reflects the ideals of the founder of the Marist
Brothers, St. Marcellin Champagnat: commitment
to excellence in education, a pursuit of higher
human values, and dedication to the principle of
From www.marist.edu/about/, 17 July 2010
MASIE Center (US)
“The MASIE Center is an international e-Lab and
ThinkTank located in Saratoga Springs,
NY,dedicated to exploring the intersection of
learning and technology.”
“The MASIE Center provides research, perspectives,
training, learning products and consulting about
these issues, for major corporations & technology
providers around the world. The MASIE Center was
formed to provide a clear-thinking leadership hub
for the next generation of learning and technology
From www.masie.com/masie/default.cfm?page=centerinformation,
28 August 2006
The Massachusetts Institute for a
New Commonwealth (US)
“MassINC is an independent think tank using nonpartisan research, civic journalism and public
forums to stimulate debate and shape public policy.
Our mission is to promote a public agenda for the
middle class and to help all citizens achieve the
American dream.
“We were founded in 1996 by Tripp Jones and
Michael Gritton who, together with a small group of
leaders from the civic, business and policy-making
fields, believed that the policy process in
Massachusetts was missing accurate, thorough and
unbiased information and research about the
challenges facing the middle class.
From www.massinc.org/About.aspx, 9 February 2010
MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. (US)
“At MBS, we trace our roots back to 1909 and
Columbia, Missouri, as the Missouri Store
Company. Although we have undergone our share
of renaming and structural changes, two things
have remained constant: our main facility location
in Columbia and our involvement in the educational
“Initially a school furniture and teacher supply
store, our company officially became MBS Textbook
Exchange, Inc., in 1973. … we have been regarded as
the industry leader in wholesale textbook
From www.mbsbooks.com/about.php, 19 September 2010
McGill University (CA)
“The Mission of McGill University is the
advancement of learning through teaching,
scholarship and service to society: by offering to
outstanding undergraduate and graduate students
the best education available; by carrying out
scholarly activities judged to be excellent when
measured against the highest international
standards; and by providing service to society in
those ways for which we are well-suited by virtue of
our academic strengths.”
From www.mcgill.ca/secretariat/mission/, 11 September 2005
Université McGill (CA)
“L'Université McGill a pour mission de faire
progresser le savoir par son enseignement, par ses
travaux de recherche et par les services qu'elle rend
à la société. Pour s'en acquitter, elle offre la
meilleure éducation qui soit à des étudiants
exceptionnels de 1er, 2e et 3e cycles, elle effectue
des travaux de recherche jugés excellents selon les
normes internationales les plus élevées et elle rend
des services à la société dans les domaines où elle
possède une expertise reconnue.”
From www.mcgill.ca/secretariat/mission/, 11 September 2005
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
“At McGraw-Hill Higher Education, we publish
instructional materials targeted at the higher
education market. In an effort to expand the tools of
higher learning, we publish texts, lab manuals,
study guides and testing materials, and software
and multimedia products.”
From www.mheducation.com/college.html, 15 August 2004
“Our mission is to provide essential information
and insight that help individuals, markets, and
societies perform to their potential. We achieve
growth by purpose, strategic intent, balanced
portfolio, financial performance, and shareholder
From www.mcgraw-hill.com/about/about.html, 15 August 2004
McKinsey and Company (US)
“We are the trusted advisor and counselor to many
of the most influential businesses and institutions
in the world. We serve more than 70 percent of
Fortune magazine’s most admired list of companies.
“We are problem solvers with a passion for
excellence. We are intellectually curious and highly
collaborative. We minimize hierarchy.
“We don’t regard individuals based on their title,
but their competence and leadership. We uphold
the obligation – not a right, but an obligation – for
each member of our firm us to question anything
that he or she feels is not right for a client.”
From mckinsey.com/aboutus/whoweare/index.asp, 25 May 2007
MeasureOne (US)
“Dan Feshbach, MeasureOne founder and CEO, is a
widely regarded innovator and company builder in
mortgage, student loan, and consumer credit
information and analytics. … Feshbach established
MeasureOne to address the scarcity and limitations
of student loan data and the lack of transparency in
the student loan market.
“MeasureOne is applying data science to clear away
the data fog surrounding student loans and
empower student loan lending, risk assessment,
repayment, capital market investments, and public
policy development.”
From www.measureone.com/company, 10 September 2014
MedBiquitous Consortium (US)
“Founded by Johns Hopkins Medicine and leading
professional medical societies, the MedBiquitous
Consortium is the ANSI-accredited developer of
information technology standards for healthcare
education and competence assessment. Our
members are creating a technology blueprint for
professional healthcare education. Based on XML
and Web services standards, this blueprint will
seamlessly support the learner in ways that will
improve patient care and simplify the
administrative work associated with education and
competence assessment.”
From www.medbiq.org/about_us/index.html, 25 April 2011
Meetup Inc. (US)
“Meetup is an online social networking portal that
facilitates offline group meetings in various
localities around the world. Meetup allows
members to find and join groups unified by a
common interest, such as politics, books, games,
movies, health, pets, careers or hobbies.”
“Meetup receives revenue by charging Organizer
Dues to administrators of groups, currently at $12
to $19 per month depending on the payment plan.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meetup_%28website%29, 14 February 2014
The Menlo Innovations LLC (US)
“Menlo was founded by four partners: Richard
Sheridan, Thomas Meloche, James Goebel, and
Robert Simms in 2001. Located in Ann Arbor,
Michigan, Menlo is dedicated to creating an
environment of creativity and service for our
customers, employees, community, friends and
“The Menlo Institute exists to teach the principles
learned from Thomas Edison and in The Menlo
Software Factory. We seek to improve the software
development community through formal training
classes, free resources and process mentoring
services. These offerings are designed to speak to
visionaries, executives, managers and developers.”
From www.menloinstitute.com/abouttheinstitute.htm, 10 May 2006
MERLOT organization (US)
“MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered,
searchable collection of peer reviewed, higher
education, online learning materials created by
registered members, and a set of faculty
development support services. MERLOT's vision is
to be a premiere online community where faculty,
staff, and students from around the world share
their learning materials and pedagogy.
“MERLOT's strategic goal is to improve the
effectiveness of teaching and learning by increasing
the quantity and quality of peer reviewed online
learning materials that can be easily incorporated
into faculty designed courses. “
From taste.merlot.org, 30 September 2007
Miami Dade College (US)
“Today, more than 170,000 students attend Miami
Dade College, a state-supported college with eight
campuses and numerous outreach centers. We are
the largest institution of higher education in the
United States and one of the most highly regarded
colleges in the nation.
“Each of our campuses has its own distinct identity
and specialties. But, they also offer a broad base of
general education courses, allowing [a student] to
take first-year classes at any of our campuses
(except the Medical Campus)”.
From www.mdc.edu/main/about/, 2 February 2011
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (US)
Transforming the lives of children living in urban
poverty through better health and education.
The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation was set up in
1999. Susan and Michael Dell have supported the
foundation primarily through investing the
proceeds of sales of shares of Dell Inc.. More than
(USA) $650 million has been given to children's
issues and community initiatives in the United
States, India, South Africa as of 2010. Today the
foundation has over $466 million assets under
management. (More than $800 million in 2012).
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_%26_Susan_Dell_Foundation,
21 February 2014 and the Foundation’s 2012 IRS form 990-PF.
Michigan State University (US)
“As a respected research and teaching university,
[MSU] is committed to intellectual leadership and
to excellence in both developing new knowledge
and conveying that knowledge to its students and to
the public. And as a pioneer land-grant institution,
Michigan State University strives to discover
practical uses for theoretical knowledge, and to
speed the diffusion of information to residents of
the state, the nation, and the world. In fostering
both research and its application, this university
will continue to be a catalyst for positive
intellectual, social, and technological change.”
From www.msu.edu/unit/provost/resources/mission.html, 21 July 2005
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT is a coeducational, privately endowed research
university “…committed to generating, disseminating,
and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to
bring this knowledge to bear on the world's great
challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students
with an education that combines rigorous academic study
and the excitement of discovery with the support and
intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community.
We seek to develop in each member of the MIT
community the ability and passion to work wisely,
creatively, and effectively for the betterment of
From http://web.mit.edu/about-mit.html, 31 March 2003
State of Michigan (US)
“[The State of] Michigan is governed as a republic,
with three branches of government: the executive
branch consisting of the Governor of Michigan and
the other independently elected constitutional
officers; the legislative branch consisting of the
House of Representatives and Senate; and the
judicial branch consisting of the one court of justice.
The state also allows direct participation of the
electorate by initiative, referendum, recall, and
ratification. Lansing is the state capital and is home
to all three branches of state government.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan#State_government, 29 October 2011
Microsoft Corporation (US)
“At Microsoft, we see no limits to the potential we
all might reach because we see no limits to human
imagination. That is what inspires us. And that is
why we create software that helps people and
businesses reach their potential. It’s not just our
purpose. It’s our passion.”
From http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/, 4 February 2003
Migration Policy Institute (US)
“The Migration Policy Institute is an independent,
nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington,
DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people
“MPI provides analysis, development, and
evaluation of migration and refugee policies at local,
national, and international levels. It aims to meet
the demand for pragmatic and thoughtful responses
to the challenges and opportunities that large-scale
migration, whether voluntary or forced, presents to
communities and institutions in an increasingly
integrated world.”
From migrationpolicy.org/about/mission, 16 August 2014
Ministère du Budget, Des Comptes
Publics et de la Fonction Publique (FR)
“Le ministre du budget, des comptes publics et de la
fonction publique prépare et met en oeuvre la
politique du Gouvernement en matière budgétaire
et fiscale, de fonction publique et de modernisation
de l'Etat. Il est responsable de l'ensemble des
comptes publics et de la stratégie pluriannuelle en
cette matière. »
&dateTexte=, 31 May 2009
State of Minnesota (US)
“Minnesota is a state located in the Midwestern
region of the United States. The 12th-largest state
by area in the U.S., it is the 21st most populous,
with just over five million residents.”
“Nearly 60% of Minnesota's residents live in the
Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area known as
the Twin Cities.”
“The state is known for its moderate-to- progressive
politics and social policies, its civic involvement,
and high voter turnout. It ranks among the
healthiest states by a number of measures, and has
one of the most highly educated and literate
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota, 31 August 2008
Minnesota Office of Higher
Education (US)
“The Minnesota Office of Higher Education is a
cabinet-level state agency providing students with
financial aid programs and information to help
them gain access to postsecondary education. The
agency serves as the state's clearinghouse for data,
research and analysis on postsecondary enrollment,
financial aid, finance and trends.”
“Through collaboration with systems and
institutions, the agency assists in the development
of the state's education technology infrastructure
and library programs.”
From www.ohe.state.mn.us/mPg.cfm?pageID=894, 31 August 2008
State of Mississippi (US)
“Mississippi is named for the Mississippi river
which forms its western boundary and empties into
the Gulf of Mexico. The name roughly translated
from Native American folklore means "Father of
Waters." The translation comes from the Chippewa
words "mici zibi" meaning "great river" or
"gathering in of all the waters" and the Algonquin
word "Messipi".
“Mississippi was organized as a territory in 1798
and was admitted as the 20th state to join the
Union on December 10, 1817. Jackson is the capital
city and the largest Metropolitan area.”
From www.mississippi.gov/about_ms.jsp, 31 July 2007
MITRE Corporation
“The MITRE Corporation is a not-for-profit
organization chartered to work in the public
interest. As a national resource, we apply our
expertise in systems engineering, information
technology, operational concepts, and enterprise
modernization to address our sponsors' critical
“MITRE manages three Federally Funded Research
and Development Centers (FFRDCs). … MITRE
also has its own independent research and
development program that explores new
technologies and new uses of technologies to solve
our sponsors' problems in the near-term and in the
From www.mitre.org/about/index.html, 8 August 2004
Mōderas LLC (US)
“MODERAS™ specializes in meeting the needs of
research institutions. Our staff is dedicated to your
success by providing products and services that will
enhance your institution’s abilities to perform
routine administrative tasks.
“MODERAS is dedicated to the Kuali Coeus open
source product. Our staff is highly engaged in the
continued improvement of the application as well as
getting the word out about it's capabilities.”
From moderas.org/AboutUs, 24 Maarch 2014
Modern Language Association
of America (US)
“Founded in 1883, the Modern Language
Association [MLA] of America provides
opportunities for its members to share their
scholarly findings and teaching experiences with
colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy.
MLA members host an annual convention and other
meetings, work with related organizations, and
sustain one of the finest publishing programs in the
humanities. For over a hundred years, members
have worked to strengthen the study and teaching
of language and literature.”
From www.mla.org/about, 30 March 2007
Modis Inc. (US)
“Modis, Inc. provides information technology (IT)
staffing services to Fortune 1000, mid-market, and
government clients in financial services and
insurance, government, healthcare and
pharmaceutical, hospitality and entertainment,
manufacturing, retail, technology,
telecommunications, transportation, and utility
industries in the United States, Canada, and
Europe. “
“Modis, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Adecco Inc.”
=4183686, 2 June 2012
Monster Worldwide Inc. (US)
“Monster Worldwide, Inc. is the parent company of
Monster.com, the premier global online
employment solution for people seeking jobs and
the employers who need great people. We've been
doing this for over ten years, and have expanded
from our roots as a "job board" to a global provider
of a full array of job seeking, career management,
recruitment and talent management products and
services. At the heart of our success and our future
is innovation: we are changing the way people think
about work, and we're helping them actively
improve their lives and their workforce
performance with new technology, tools and
From about-monster.com/content/who-we-are, 22 August 2010
MoodleRooms Inc. (US)
“Moodlerooms provides wrap-around technical
support services for the hugely popular, free Moodle
open source software. As an official Moodle Partner,
Moodlerooms provides the support, hosting,
customization, instruction, training and other
services you need to tap Moodle’s full potential –
whether for a single class, a school or a 50,000
student university.”
“Moodlerooms provides any or all of the following
services to make Moodle work for you:” Hosting
solutions, Implementation/Integration Services.
Instruction/Training Services, Moodle Mentor
Services, and Customization Services.
From www.moodlerooms.com/what-is-moodlerooms.html, 26 May 2007
Moodle Trust (AU)
Sometimes it is the dynamic community that uses
and supports the Moodle learning management
system (www.Moodle.org), sometimes it is a
business that supports Moodle (www.Moodle.com),
and it may refer to The Moodle Trust, holder of the
Moodle trademark.
Common to all is Martin Dougiamas, the original
developer of Moodle, the first “business” to support
Moodle, and head of The Moodle Trust.
May 19, 2005
Motion Picture Association of
American (US)
“The Motion Picture Association of America
(MPAA) and its international counterpart, the
Motion Picture Association (MPA) serve as the
voice and advocate of the American motion picture,
home video and television industries. … Today,
these associations represent not only the world of
theatrical film, but serve as leader and advocate for
major producers and distributors of entertainment
programming for television, cable, home video and
future delivery systems not yet imagined.”
From www.mpaa.org/about, 12 April 2005
Mozilla Foundation (US)
“Established in July, 2003, with start-up support
from America Online's Netscape division, the
Mozilla Foundation exists to provide organizational,
legal, and financial support for the Mozilla opensource software project. The Foundation has been
incorporated as a California not-for-profit
corporation to ensure that the Mozilla project
continues to exist beyond the participation of
individual volunteers, to enable contributions of
intellectual property and funds and to provide a
vehicle for limiting legal exposure while
participating in open-source software projects.”
From www.mozilla.org/foundation/, 4 August 2004
Mt. Hood Community College (US)
“At Mt. Hood Community College you'll find highly
skilled faculty members providing you the best in
educational opportunities. Offering over 60
professional and technical programs, as well as a
variety of university transfer possibilities, MHCC
prepares you for the jobs of today and tomorrow.”
“Mt. Hood Community College opened in 1966 and
now enrolls over 33,000 students each year. Classes
are offered at the Gresham Campus, the Maywood
Park Campus, the Bruning Center for Allied Health
Education and public schools within the district.”
From www.mhcc.edu/About.aspx, 27 September 2011
MuleSoft Inc. (US)
“The open source Mule project was founded in 2003
by Ross Mason, VP Product Strategy. Frustrated by
integration "donkey work," Ross set out to create a
new platform that emphasized ease of development,
flexibility, and re-use of components. He created
Mule to bring a modern approach, one of assembly,
rather than repetitive coding, to developers
worldwide. The platform instantly found a following
and quickly "went supersonic" in terms of adoption,
now counting over 150,000 developers in the Mule
From www.mulesoft.com/about, 9 September 2014
National Association of College and
University Attorneys (US)
“To advance the effective practice of higher
education attorneys for the benefit of the colleges
and universities they serve.”
“NACUA is organized to assist higher education
attorneys in representing and advising their client
“NACUA and its members are committed to
practicing and promoting the core values of quality,
service, civility, collegiality, diversity, inclusiveness
and respect.?
From www.nacua.org/aboutnacua/mission.asp, 20 December 2008
National Association of Colleges
and Employers (US)
“Established in 1956, the National Association of
Colleges and Employers (NACE) is the leading
source of information on the employment of the
college educated. The professional association
connects more than 5,200 college career services
professionals at nearly 2,000 colleges and
universities nationwide, and more than 3,000
HR/staffing professionals focused on college
relations and recruiting.”
“Our Mission [is] To facilitate the employment of
the college educated.”
From www.naceweb.org/AboutUs.aspx, 25 August 2010
National Association of College and
University Business Officers (US)
“MISSION: To advance the economic viability and
business practices of higher education institutions
in fulfillment of their academic missions.
“VISION: NACUBO is the thought leader and
authoritative resource for business and financial
management of higher education and is recognized
as such by key internal and external stakeholders.”
From www.nacubo.org/About_NACUBO/Strategic_Plan_and_Bylaws.html,
13 June 2010
NAFSA Association of International
Educators (US)
formerly National Association of Foreign Student Advisers
NAFSA: Association of International Educators is
a member organization promoting international
education and providing professional development
opportunities to the field. Hundreds of NAFSA
members volunteer to serve the Association and
advocate for international education.
The association has three major foci: Creating and
disseminating knowledge; influencing public
policy; and maintaining a strong association.
From www.nafsa.org/about.sec, 6 November 2007
Nagoya University (JP)
“The fundamental mission of Nagoya University is
to cultivate highly talented people and to become
the base of knowledge creation. … to foster the
harmonious development of human nature and
science, producing world class research outputs,
and cultivating courageous intellectuals gifted with
rational thought and creativity for contributing to
society through research and education. … Nagoya
University endeavors to carry out its responsibilities
as a pivotal university contributing to society
through among others the development of learning
in the 21st century, technological innovation,
cultivation of outstanding human resources, and
provision of advanced medical treatment.”
From www. nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/index2.html, 22 September 2005
The National Academies (US)
“The National Academies perform an unparalleled
public service by bringing together committees of
experts in all areas of scientific and technological
endeavor. These experts serve pro bono to address
critical national issues and give advice to the federal
government and the public.
“Four organizations comprise the Academies: the
National Academy of Sciences, the National
Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine
and the National Research Council.”
From www.nationalacademies.org/about/, 15 October 2005
National Advisory Committee on
Computing Qualifications (NZ)
“The National Advisory Committee on Computing
Qualifications (NACCQ) was founded in 1988 as a
result of a review of the national qualifications in
data processing and information technology.
The NACCQ sector includes the information and
communication technologies departments of all
polytechnics, institutes of technology and selected
universities in [New Zealand].
From www.naccq.ac.nz/index.html?page=2, 17 February 2006
National Association for College
Admission Counseling (US)
“The National Association for College Admission
Counseling (NACAC), founded in 1937, is an
organization of more than 9,000 professionals from
around the world dedicated to serving students as
they make choices about pursuing postsecondary
“NACAC is committed to maintaining high
standards that foster ethical and social
responsibility among those involved in the
transition process.”
From /www.nacacnet.org/MemberPortal/AboutNACAC/, 17 May 2006
National Association for Law
Placement (NALP (US)
“The National Association for Law Placement
(NALP) was organized in 1971 to promote the
exchange of information and cooperation between
“NALP is dedicated to facilitating legal career
counseling and planning, recruitment and
retention, and the professional development of law
students and lawyers. “
From www.nalp.org/content/index.php?pid=71, 29 July 2008
National Association of College
Stores (US)
“The National Association of College Stores, the
leading advocate and resource for collegiate
retailers, provides premier programs and services,
and facilitates strategic partnerships to advance the
industry and enhance the campus experience.”
“The NACS Vision, Mission, and 2006 Strategic
Plan have been crafted to embrace change, lead the
industry into the future, and prepare college stores
to be indispensable in the new collegiate retail
From the “2006 NACS Strategic Plan.”
National Association of Independent
Colleges and Universities (US)
“The National Association of Independent Colleges
and Universities (NAICU) serves as the unified
national voice of independent higher education.
Since 1976, the association has represented private
colleges and universities on policy issues with the
federal government, such as those affecting student
aid, taxation, and government regulation. Today,
through new communication technologies, an
improved governance structure, and increased
member participation, NAICU has become an even
more effective and respected participant in the
political process.”
From www.naicu.edu/about/default.asp, 30 September 2007
National Association of Scholars (US)
“The National Association of Scholars (NAS) is an
organization of professors, graduate students,
college administrators and trustees, and
independent scholars committed to rational
discourse as the foundation of academic life in a
free and democratic society. The NAS works to
enrich the substance and strengthen the integrity of
scholarship and teaching, persuaded that only
through an informed understanding of the Western
intellectual heritage and the realities of the
contemporary world, can citizen and scholar be
equipped to sustain our civilization's
From www.nas.org/nas.html, 12 September 2007
National Association of Sigma Users
“The National Association of Sigma Users (NASU)
is an organization of educational institutions who
are users of the various software products of Sigma
Systems, Inc
“The association's purpose is to facilitate
communication among users. In addition to
maintaining this web site, the association publishes
a quarterly newsletter and an annual directory,
supports a listserv mailing list for members,
sponsors regional training newsletters and holds an
annual conference.”
http://www.asu.edu/fa/nasu/index.html, 27 October 2003
National Association of State
Budget Officers (US)
“The National Association of State Budget Officers
(NASBO) has served as the professional
membership organization for state finance officers
for more than sixty years. … The major functions of
the organization consist of research, policy
development, education, training, and technical
assistance. These are achieved primarily through
NASBO’s publications, membership meetings, and
training sessions. NASBO is an independent
professional and educational association and is also
an affiliate of the National Governors Association.”
From www.nasbo.org/AboutNASBO/AboutNASBO/tabid/95/Default.aspx
National Association of State Chief
Information Officers
NASCIO represents state chief information officers
and information resource executives and managers
from the 50 states, six U. S. territories, and the
District of Columbia.
NASCIO's mission is to foster government
excellence through quality business practices,
information management, and technology policy.
NASCIO's vision is government in which the public
trust is fully served through the efficient and
effective use of technology.
From www.nascio.org/aboutNascio/index.cfm, 30 March 2006
National Association of State Universities
and Land-Grant Colleges (US)
“The National Association of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) is a voluntary,
non-profit association of public research
universities, land-grant institutions, and many state
university systems and has member campuses in all
50 states and the U.S. territories. The association is
governed by a Chair and Board of Directors elected
from the member colleges, universities, and
university systems. Its president is Peter
McPherson, who directs a staff of about 35 at its
headquarters in Washington, D.C.”
From www.nasulgc.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=203&srcid=282,
30 September 2007
National Association of Student
Financial Aid Administrators (US)
“The National Association of Student Financial Aid
Administrators (NASFAA) promotes the
professional preparation, effectiveness, support,
and diversity of persons and organizations involved
in the administration of student financial aid, and
facilitates communication throughout its
community. NASFAA encourages and promotes
programs that remove financial barriers to ensure
student access to postsecondary education.”
Adopted by the Board of Directors, May 2005
From www.nasfaa.org/redesign/AboutNASFAA.html, 4 December 2007
National Audit Office (UK)
“The role of the National Audit Office (NAO) is to
audit the financial statements of all government
departments and agencies, and many other public
bodies. We also report to Parliament on the value
for money with which these bodies have spent
public money. As well as providing accountability to
Parliament, we aim to bring about real
improvements in the delivery of public services.”
“The Head of the National Audit Office is the
Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) who is an
Officer of the House of Commons of the UK
Parliament. The staff of the NAO examine
government spending on his behalf.”
From www.nao.org.uk/about/index.htm, 10 January 2007
National Bureau of Economic
Research (US)
“Founded in 1920, the National Bureau of
Economic Research is a private, nonprofit,
nonpartisan research organization dedicated to
promoting a greater understanding of how the
economy works. The NBER is committed to
undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic
research among public policymakers, business
professionals, and the academic community.”
“The NBER is the nation's leading nonprofit
economic research organization. Sixteen of the 31
American Nobel Prize winners in Economics …
have been researchers at the NBER.”
From ww.nber.org/info.html, 5 October 2006
National Cable Satellite Corp. (US)
“National Cable Satellite Corporation is a political
junkie. The not-for-profit company (better known
as C-SPAN, which stands for Cable Satellite Public
Affairs Network) was created in 1979 by the cable
industry as a public service to provide live coverage
of the US House of Representatives. The
corporation … air[s] public proceedings such as
congressional sessions, White House press briefings
and speeches, British House of Commons sessions,
and other political and public affairs programs. CSPAN also runs a radio network ..., and publishes
six Web sites.”
From biz.yahoo.com/ic/121/121883.html, 30 September 2007
National Center for Academic
Transformation (US)
“NCAT is an independent non-profit organization
dedicated to the effective use of information
technology to improve student learning outcomes
and reduce the cost of higher education. NCAT
provides expertise and support to institutions and
organizations seeking proven methods for providing
more students with the education they need to
prosper in today’s economy.”
From www.thencat.org, 5 May 2006
National Center for Higher Education
Management Systems (US)
“Through its more than thirty years of service to
higher education, NCHEMS has been committed to
bridging the gap between research and practice by
placing the latest concepts and tools in the hands of
higher education policy makers and administrators.
Since its founding, NCHEMS has received
widespread acclaim for developing practical
responses to the strategic issues facing leaders of
higher education institutions and agencies. With
project support from multiple foundations,
NCHEMS develops information and policy tools
targeted at policy makers and institutional leaders.”
From www.nchems.org/about/index.php#more, 8 October 2007
National Center for Postsecondary Improvement
“In April of 1996, the National Center for Postsecondary
Improvement (NCPI) opened its doors to undertake an
ambitious agenda of research, dissemination, and
outreach activities for the improvement of higher
education in the United States. Funded by the U.S.
Department of Education’s Office of Educational
Research and Improvement (OERI), NCPI was extended
beyond its initial five-year grant for three more years.”
“The National Center for Postsecondary Improvement
(NCPI) is an institutional partnership among Stanford
University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the
University of Michigan.”
From www.stanford.edu/group/ncpi/unspecified/about.shtml,
11 August 2004
National Center for Public Policy and
Higher Education (US)
“The National Center for Public Policy and Higher
Education promotes public policies that enhance
Americans' opportunities to pursue and achieve
high-quality education and training beyond high
school. As an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan
organization, the National Center prepares actionoriented analyses of pressing policy issues facing
the states and the nation regarding opportunity and
achievement in higher education-including twoand four-year, public and private, for-profit and
nonprofit institutions.”
From www.highereducation.org/about/about.shtml, 16 January 2005
National Central University,
Taiwan (TW, CN)
“CU was re-established in Taiwan in 1962. The
school … gradually developed into a comprehensive
university. NCU has now become Taiwan´s leading
school in the fields of geophysics and space science,
and was selected as one of the major researchoriented universities in 2001.”
“NCU now has seven colleges in different areas.,
including College of Liberal Arts, College of Science,
College of Engineering, College of Management,
College of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, College of Earth Sciences, and College of
Hakka Studies”
From www.ncu.edu.tw/en/about_en_intro_ncu.html , 5 September 2010
National Collegiate Athletics
Association (US)
“The National Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) is a voluntary organization through which
the nation's colleges and universities govern their
athletics programs. It is comprised of institutions,
conferences, organizations and individuals
committed to the best interests, education and
athletics participation of student-athletes.”
“Our purpose is to govern competition in a fair,
safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to
integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher
education so that the educational experience of the
student-athlete is paramount.”
From www.ncaa.org/wps/ncaa?ContentID=2, 26 May 2008
National Computing Centre (UK)
“The National Computing Centre is the UK's leading
IT membership organisation serving corporate,
vendor and government communities.”
“Our focus is on the effective management and use of
IT rather than its design, engineering or
manufacture. We provide products and services to
purchaser and supplier organisations of all sizes,
spanning both the private and public sectors.
“National Computing Centre is social enterprise driven by and accountable to its members. We are
guided by our public purposes; aspire to the highest
ethical standards; practice what we preach; are a
caring employer; offer value for money.”
From www.ncc.co.uk/aboutncc/aboutncc.cfm, 19 August 2005
National Consumer Law Center
“The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) is the
nation’s consumer law expert, helping consumers,
their advocates, and public policy makers use
powerful and complex consumer laws on behalf of
low-income and vulnerable Americans seeking
economic justice.”
“Only as legal protections are included in the
consumer statutes that govern us can we hope to
ensure justice in the marketplace. “
From www.consumerlaw.org/about/, 10 April 2009
National Council of Higher
Education Loan Programs (US)
“NCHELP represents a nationwide network of
guaranty agencies, secondary markets, lenders, loan
servicers, collection agencies, schools and other
organizations involved in the administration of the
Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP).
NCHELP members promote student access and choice
for post-secondary education and training.”
From www.NCHELP.org, 1 Jan 2003
National Council of Teachers of
English (US)
“Since 1911, NCTE has worked to advance teaching,
research, and student achievement in English
language arts at all scholastic levels.”
“NCTE related groups include consituent
organizations and other groups that help to meet
the unique needs of your career, classroom, and
From www.ncte.org/about, 8 September 2007
National Council of University
Research Administrators (US)
“NCURA serves its members and advances the field
of research administration through education and
professional development programs, the sharing of
knowledge and experience, and by fostering a
professional, collegial, and respected community.”
“NCURA will be the leader in professional
development, knowledge exchange, and individual
development for research administration
professionals. NCURA will be the leadign
information source for the research administration
From www.ncura.edu/orginfo/default.htm, 21 July 2007
National Council on Disability (US)
“The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an
independent federal agency making
recommendations to the President and Congress on
issues affecting 54 million Americans with
disabilities. NCD is composed of 15 members.”
“NCD's overall purpose is to promote policies,
programs, practices, and procedures that guarantee
equal opportunity for all individuals with
disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of
the disability; and to empower individuals with
disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency,
independent living, and inclusion and integration
into all aspects of society.”
From www.ncd.gov, 11 July 2003
National e-Science Centre (UK)
“The National e-Science Centre was proposed and
established by a consortium of departments from
the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.”
The Mission of NESC is “To stimulate and sustain
the development of e-Science in the UK, to
contribute significantly to its international
development and to ensure that its techniques are
rapidly propagated to commerce and industry.”
And “To develop advances in scientific data
curation and analysis and to be a primary source of
top quality systems and repositories that enable
management, sharing and best use of research
From www.nesc.ac.uk/nesc/, 19 July 2008
National Endowment for Science,
Technology and the Arts (UK)
NESTA is the National Endowment for Science,
Technology and the Arts - an independent body
with a mission to make the UK more innovative.
Our endowment status means we operate at no cost
to the UK taxpayer.
We invest in early-stage companies, inform policy,
and deliver practical programmes that inspire
others to solve the big challenges of the future.
From www.nesta.org.uk/about_us, 24 May 2011
National Governors Association (US)
“The National Governors Association (NGA) is the
collective voice of the nation's governors and one of
Washington, D.C.'s, most respected public policy
organizations. NGA provides governors and their
senior staff members with services that range from
representing states on Capitol Hill and before the
Administration on key federal issues to developing
policy reports on innovative state programs and
hosting networking seminars for state government
executive branch officials. The NGA Center for Best
Practices focuses on state innovations and best
practices on issues that range from education and
health to technology, welfare reform, and the
492add7dd9cf9e8ebb856a11010a0/, 21 July 2005
NISO National Information
Standards Organization (US)
“NISO, the National Information Standards Organization,
a non-profit association accredited by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI), identifies, develops,
maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage
information in our changing and ever-more digital
environment. NISO standards apply both traditional and
new technologies to the full range of information-related
needs, including retrieval, re-purposing, storage,
metadata, and preservation.
“Founded in 1939, incorporated as a not-for-profit
education association in 1983, and assuming its current
name the following year, NISO draws its support from the
communities it serves.”
From www.niso.org/about/index.html, 5 August 2003
National Scholarship Providers
Association (US)
“The National Scholarship Providers Association
(NSPA) is a nonprofit, membership association that
advances the collective impact of scholarship
providers and the scholarships they award. NSPA
was established in 1999 by Coca-Cola Scholars
Foundation, Fastweb.com, Hispanic Scholarship
Fund and Scholarship America to facilitate the
creation of scholarship best practices, promote
professional development and encourage
cooperation among scholarship providers.”
From www.scholarshipproviders.org/Content/Content/16/Documents/NSPA
Strategic Plan FINAL Public.pdf, 19 March 2014
(U.S.) National Science Foundation
“The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an
independent agency of the U.S. Government,
established by the National Science Foundation Act
of 1950, as amended, and related legislation, 42
U.S.C. 1861 et seq., and was given additional
authority by the Science and Engineering Equal
Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885), and Title I of
the Education for Economic Security Act (20 U.S.C.
3911 to 3922). … The Act established the NSF's
mission: To promote the progress of science; to
advance the national health, prosperity, and
welfare; and to secure the national defense.”
From www.nsf.gov/home/about/creation.htm, 26 November 2004
National Student Clearinghouse (US)
“The National Student Clearinghouse, a non-profit
organization founded by the higher education
community, streamlines the student record
verification process for colleges and universities,
high schools and high school districts, students and
alumni, lending institutions, employers, the U.S.
Department of Education and other organizations.
The Clearinghouse maintains a comprehensive
electronic registry of student records that provides a
single, automated point-of-contact for
organizations and individuals requiring timely,
accurate verification of student enrollment,
diploma, degree, and loan data.”
From www.studentclearinghouse.org/about/aboutus.htm, 19 January 2008
National Student Clearinghouse
Research Center (US)
“The National Student Clearinghouse® Research
Center™ is the research arm of the National
Student Clearinghouse. The Research Center
collaborates with higher education institutions,
states, school districts, high schools, and
educational organizations as part of a national
effort to better inform education leaders and
policymakers. Through accurate longitudinal data
outcomes reporting, the Research Center enables
better educational policy decisions leading to
improved student outcomes.”
From research.studentclearinghouse.org/about.html, 5 October 2011
National Unions of Students in Europe
Formerly ESIB [European Student Information
Bureau]- “The National Unions of Students in
Europe is the umbrella organisation of 50 national
unions of students from 37 countries.”
“The aim of ESIB is to represent and promote the
educational, social, economic and cultural interests
of students at a European level towards all relevant
bodies and in particular the European Union,
Council of Europe and UNESCO. Through its
members, the 50 National Unions of Students from
37 European countries, ESIB represents 10 million
of students in Europe.”
From ww.esib.org/index.html, 30 October 2004
National University of Singapore (SG)
“A leading global university centred in Asia, the National
University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore's flagship
university which offers a global approach to education
and research with a focus on Asian perspectives and
“Its 16 faculties and schools across three campus
locations in Singapore provides a broad-based
curriculum underscored by multi-disciplinary courses
and cross-faculty enrichment. NUS’ transformative
education includes programmes such as student
exchange, entrepreneurial internships at NUS Overseas
Colleges, and double degree and joint degree
programmes with some of the world’s top universities.
From www.nus.edu/about-nus/overview/corporate-information
National Public Radio (US)
“NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally
acclaimed producer and distributor of
noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment
programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit
membership organization, NPR serves a growing
audience of 26 million Americans each week in
partnership with more than 800 independently
operated, noncommercial public radio stations.”
From www.npr.org/about/, 12 April 2007
National Research Council Canada
NRC is a Government of Canada organization. NRC
is responsible for: undertaking, assisting or
promoting scientific and industrial research;
establishing, operating and maintaining a national
science library; publishing and selling or otherwise
distributing such scientific and technical
information; investigating standards and methods
of measurement; working on the standardization
and certification of scientific and technical
apparatus and instruments and materials;
operating and administering astronomical
observatories; administering NRC's research and
development activities; and providing vital scientific
and technological services to the research and
industrial communities.
From www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/aboutUs/mandate_e.html, 15 July 2005
National Retail Federation (US)
“The National Retail Federation is the world's
largest retail trade association, with membership
that comprises all retail formats and channels of
distribution including department, specialty,
discount, catalog, Internet, independent stores,
chain restaurants, drug stores and grocery stores as
well as the industry's key trading partners of retail
goods and services. NRF represents an industry
with more than 1.6 million U.S. retail
establishments, more than 24 million employees about one in five American workers - and 2006
sales of $4.7 trillion.”
From www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=Pages&sp_id=146
&pmenu_id=1&mn_type=1, 19 August 2007
National Union of Students (UK)
“NUS is a voluntary membership organisation
comprising a confederation of local student
representative organisations in colleges and
universities throughout the United Kingdom and
Northern Ireland which have chosen to affiliate and
which pay a membership fee. We have nearly 750
constituent members (CMs) - virtually every college
and university in the country.
“NUS is one of the largest student organisations in
the world and represents the interests of around
five million students in further and higher
education throughout the United Kingdom.”
From www.nusonline.co.uk/about/, 13 March 2006
National Venture Capital
Association (US)
“Venture capitalists are committed to funding
America’s most innovative entrepreneurs, working
closely with them to transform breakthrough ideas
into emerging growth companies that drive U.S. job
creation and economic growth.”
“As the voice of the U.S. venture capital community,
the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA)
empowers its members and the entrepreneurs they
fund by advocating for policies that encourage
innovation and reward long-term investment. …
NVCA serves as the definitive resource for venture
capital data.”
11 June
Nebraska Student Loan Program Inc.
“For nearly 30 years, NSLP, a private, non-profit
student loan guaranty agency in the Federal Family
Education Loan (FFEL) program, has been serving
the financial aid industry. We have a rich heritage
as a trusted guarantor within the financial aid and
higher education community; however, changes in
the financial aid arena have resulted in a
transformation of NSLP. Our emphasis has shifted
from being a top guarantor of new student loans to
providing student and financial aid related
solutions to the higher education industry through
our new division, Inceptia.”
From www.nslp.org/about/, 1 March 2014
NEES Consortium, Inc.
“NEES Consortium, Inc. (NEESinc) is the nonprofit consortium charged with overseeing the
George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake
Engineering Simulation (NEES). NEES is a national
resource that
* Advances earthquake engineering research
through the integration of experimentation, theory,
data, and model-based simulation
* Includes 15 major earthquake engineering
experimental research installations
* Integrates those facilities with central data and
computational services through a unique IT
From www.nees.org/member/about/index.php, 24 June 2005
Nelnet Inc. (US)
“With a #1 core value of focusing on the customer,
we provide innovative educational services in loan
servicing, payment processing, education planning,
and asset management. These products and services
help students and families plan, prepare, and pay
for their education while making the administrative
and financial processes more efficient for schools
and financial organizations.
“Headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska, with other
offices around the United States and Canada, we
employ more than 2,250 associates who serve
customers throughout the education life cycle.”
From www.nelnet.com/About-Nelnet/, 9 May 2014
NetRatings Inc. (US)
“NetRatings, Inc. delivers leading Internet media
and market research solutions, marketed globally
under the Nielsen//NetRatings brand. With high
quality, technology-driven products and services,
Nielsen//NetRatings is the global standard for
Internet audience measurement and premier source
for online advertising intelligence, enabling clients
to make informed business decisions regarding
their Internet and digital strategies.”
“NetRatings is 62% owned by VNU N.V.”
From /www.nielsen-netratings.com/about.jsp?
section=cor&nav=1, 28 December 2006
New America Foundation (US)
“The purpose of New America Foundation is to
bring exceptionally promising new voices and new
ideas to the fore of our nation’s public discourse.
Relying on a venture capital approach, the
Foundation invests in outstanding individuals and
policy solutions that transcend the conventional
political spectrum. Through its fellowships and
issue-specific programs, the Foundation sponsors a
wide range of research, writing, conferences and
public outreach on the most important global and
domestic issues of our time.”
From www.newamerica.net/about/mission, 21 July 2007
New England Board of Higher
Education (US)
“The New England Board of Higher Education
(NEBHE) promotes greater educational
opportunities and services for the residents of New
England. In pursuit of this mission, we work across
the six New England states to: Engage and assist
leaders in the assessment, development, and
implementation of sound education practices and
policies of regional significance; Promote policies,
programs, and best practices to assist the states…;
Promote regional cooperation and programs…;
Provide leadership to strengthen the relationship
between higher education and the economic wellbeing of New England.”
From www.nebhe.org/content/view/14/47/, 30 June 2007
State of New Jersey (US)
“The government of New Jersey was
established by the New Jersey Constitution of 1947,
the current state constitution. It comprises three
branches: the executive, headed by the Governor of
New Jersey; the legislative (consisting of the
bicameral New Jersey Legislature, consisting of the
General Assembly and Senate); and judicial, headed
by the New Jersey Supreme Court.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_New_Jersey, 29 October 2011
The New Media Consortium
“The consortium, one of the most active in higher
education, serves as a catalyst for the development
of new applications of technology to support
learning and creative expression, and sponsors
programs and activities designed to stimulate
innovation, encourage collaboration, and recognize
excellence among its member institutions. Through
its many projects, its comprehensive web site, and
its series of international conferences the NMC
stimulates dialog and understanding through the
exploration of promising ideas, technologies, and
From www.nmc.org/about/more.shtml, 15 Oct 2004
The New School (US)
“The New School is a legendary, progressive
university comprising eight schools bound by a
common, unusual intent: to prepare and inspire its
9,300 undergraduate and graduate students to bring
actual, positive change to the world. From its
Greenwich Village campus, The New School launches
economists and actors, fashion designers and urban
planners, dancers and anthropologists, orchestra
conductors, filmmakers, political scientists,
organizational experts, jazz musicians, scholars,
psychologists, historians, journalists, and above all,
world citizens-individuals whose ideas and
innovations forge new paths of progress in the arts,
design, humanities, public policy, and the social
From www.newschool.edu/about.html, 10 June 2006
New York Law School (US)
“New York Law School, one of the oldest
independent law schools in the United States, was
founded in 1891 by the faculty, students, and
alumni of Columbia College Law School led by their
founding dean, Theodore Dwight, a major figure in
the history of legal education. In 1894, the Law
School established one of the nation's first evening
divisions to provide those in the workforce, or with
family obligations, a flexible alternative to full-time
legal studies.”
From www.nyls.edu/pages/283.asp, 21 August 2006
New York University (US)
“Founded in 1831, New York University is one of the
largest private universities in the United States. The
University, which includes 14 schools and colleges,
occupies six major centers in Manhattan.
“The center of NYU is its Washington Square
campus in the heart of Greenwich Village. One of
the city's most creative and energetic communities,
the Village is a historic neighborhood that has
attracted generations of writers, musicians, artists,
and intellectuals. Beyond the Village, New York City
becomes an extension of the University's campus.”
From www.nyu.edu/about.nyu, 24 July 2004
The New Yorker (US)
“Harold Ross launches The New Yorker on
February 21st [1925], with financial backing from
Raoul Fleischmann, the founder of the General
Baking Company. Dorothy Parker, Ralph Barton,
Alexander Woollcott, Ring Lardner, and Robert
Benchley are among the early contributors. Rea
Irvin draws the first cover—a mythical, monocled
Regency dandy, later dubbed Eustace Tilley, who
becomes the face of the magazine. Katharine S.
Angell (later Katharine S. White) joins the staff as
the magazine’s first fiction editor.”
The New Yorker is a CondéNast publication.
From www.newyorker.com/magazine/timeline, 24 August 2008
New Zealand Ministry of Education
“The Ministry's influence on education outcomes is
indirect. We are not a provider of education and our
purpose reflects this: Education enables people to
gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes so they can
participate fully, socially and economically, in the
community. Our role is facilitative rather than
directive. We empower through our leadership,
management of the infrastructure, problem-solving
ability, and assistance of those at risk of
From www.minedu.govt.nz/index.cfm?layout=document&documentid=3611,
22 October 2006
Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NL)
“As a global leader in measurement and
information, we believe providing our clients a
precise understanding of the consumer is the key to
making the right decisions -- decisions that can lead
to profitable growth. At Nielsen, we’re always
innovating to keep pace with emerging market
trends and the increasingly diverse, demanding and
connected consumer.
“After nearly a century, we’re more focused and
skilled than ever at providing the complete view of
what consumers watch and buy through powerful
insights that clarify the relationship between
content and commerce.”
From en-us.nielsen.com/content/nielsen/en_us/about.html, 6 September 2010
Nielsen Norman Group (US)
“Since 1998 Nielsen Norman Group has been a
leading voice in the user experience field:
conducting groundbreaking research, evaluating
interfaces of all shapes and sizes, and guiding
critical design decisions to improve the bottom line.
“Our clients rely on us to help their websites,
applications, intranets, and products realize their
full potential for both businesses and their users.”
From www.nngroup.com/about/, 5 April 2013
Network of Illinois Learning Resources
in Community Colleges
“NILRC is one of the oldest community college
learning resources cooperatives in the nation.
Although it began as a grass roots organization to
meet the basic needs of developing learning
resources centers at community colleges, it has
become a leader in the development and use of a
variety of instructional resources and technologies.
It was one of the first organizations to foster
satellite teleconferencing and satellite delivery of
video resource materials.”
From www.nilrc.org/whatis.htm, 8 August 2004
National Institute for Technology
and Liberal Education
“The National Institute for Technology and Liberal
Education serves as a catalyst for innovation and
collaboration for national liberal arts colleges as
they seek to make effective use of technology to
enhance teaching, learning, scholarship, and
information management.”
From http://www.nitle.org/about_us.php, 24 June 2003
Nolo Company (US)
“Nolo's mission is to make the legal system work for everyone
-- not just lawyers.
“To help people handle their own everyday legal matters -- or
learn enough about them to make working with a lawyer a
more satisfying experience -- we publish reliable, plainEnglish books, software, forms and this website.”
“The Internet is tailor-made for delivering self-help legal
information. Online, we can make useful, up-to-date legal
information and products available instantly, 24 hours a day.”
“We also use our website to promote our own proposals for
reforming America's legal system…”
From www.nolo.com/history.cfm, 12 January 2005
North Carolina Community College
System (US)
“The State Board of Community Colleges has full
authority to adopt all the policies, regulations and
standards it deems necessary to operate the System
and the Department of Community Colleges. “
From www.ncccs.cc.nc.us/State_Board/index.html, 28 June 2006
“The North Carolina Community College System is
the primary agency for delivery of job training,
literacy and adult education in North Carolina. The
System’s mission is to open the door to opportunity
by providing: Education and training for the
workforce, Support for economic development, and
Services to communities and individuals.”
Northeastern University (US)
“We integrate challenging liberal arts and
professional studies with the world’s largest
cooperative education program. Northeastern’s
dynamic of academic excellence and workplace
experience means that our students are better
prepared to succeed in the lives they choose.”
“Northeastern takes higher learning to a richer
level. Our outstanding professors, an academically
challenging curriculum and high-profile research
projects infuse the classroom with intellectual
curiosity and the spirit of discovery.”
From www.northeastern.edu/whynu.html, 21 November 2005
Northern Illinois University (US)
“Northern Illinois University is among the nation’s
premier regional public universities.”
“The university recognizes that it has a basic
obligation to contribute to the betterment of the
society of which it is a part. The university believes
that the quality of individual and social life depends
on the quality of mind; and it commits itself to
preparing students for effective, responsible, and
articulate membership in the complex society in
which they live as well as in their chosen
professions or occupations.”
From www.niu.edu/about/mission.shtml, 31 December 2006
Northwestern University (US)
“Northwestern combines innovative teaching and
pioneering research in a highly collaborative
environment. The University provides students and
faculty exceptional opportunities for intellectual,
personal and professional growth in settings
enhanced by the richness of Chicago.”
“Northwestern University is a private institution
founded in 1851 to serve the Northwest Territory,
an area that now includes the states of Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of
From www.northwestern.edu/about/facts/, 25 December 2006
Nova Southeastern University (US)
“Located … in Fort Lauderdale, NSU has more than
25,000 students and is the largest independent
institution of higher education in Florida. … NSU
awards associate's, bachelor's, master's, educational
specialist, doctoral, and first-professional degrees in a
wide range of fields. The university is comprised of
undergraduate, graduate and professional schools of
osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, optometry, allied
health and nursing, medical sciences, dental
medicine, law, marine biology and oceanography,
business and entrepreneurship, computer and
information sciences, humanities, conflict resolution,
family therapy, interdisciplinary studies, education,
psychology and counseling, and family programs.”
From www.nova.edu/cwis/about-nsu/index.html, 17 October 2006
Novell Inc.
"Novell® one Net solutions are valued for secure
identity management; data integration and user
interaction through personalized portals; resource
management for varied IT assets; cross-platform
networking services from collaboration, to print, to
storage. Novell products and solutions rely on open
standards to solve business problems and enable
employees, customers, suppliers, and partners to
access information resources anytime, anywhere,
through any device and across any platform.”
From www.novell.com/company/ir/index.html, 28 March 2005
NPD Group Inc. (US)
“The NPD Group, founded in 1967, is the leading
global provider of consumer and retail market
research information for a wide range of industries.
We provide critical consumer behavior and pointof-sale (POS) information and industry expertise
across more industries than any other market
research company.
“Through our consumer panel, retail sales tracking
services, special reports, and custom research, we
help our clients understand and profit from
consumer and retail trends.”
From www.npd.com/corpServlet?nextpage=profile_s.html, 15 March 2009
Nuventive LLC (US)
“Our mission is to provide students, educators and
organizations with the tools and services they need
to effectively examine, manage, improve and
demonstrate achievement throughout the lifelong
learning process.”
“Nuventive is a leader in identifying and filling the
need for a comprehensive institution-wide
enterprise assessment solution and is a leader in
identifying and leveraging emerging technology
From www.nuventive.com/about_whynuventive.html, 22 December 2007
O’Reilly & Associates
“O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information
source for leading-edge computer technologies. The
company's books, conferences, and web sites bring
to light the knowledge of technology innovators.
O'Reilly books … occupy a treasured place on the
shelves of the developers building the next
generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and
summits bring alpha geeks and forward-thinking
business leaders together to shape the revolutionary
ideas that spark new industries. From the Internet
to XML, open source, .NET, Java, and web services,
O'Reilly puts technologies on the map.”
From http://oreilly.com/oreilly/about.html, 16 June 2003
Organization for Advancement of
Structured Information Standards (US)
“OASIS is a not-for-profit, global consortium that drives
the development, convergence and adoption of ebusiness standards. Members themselves set the OASIS
technical agenda, using a lightweight, open process
expressly designed to promote industry consensus and
unite disparate efforts. OASIS produces worldwide
standards for security, Web services, XML conformance,
business transactions, electronic publishing, topic maps
and interoperability within and between marketplaces.”
From www.OASIS-Open.org/who/, July 24, 2002
Object Management Group
“The OMG was formed to create a componentbased software marketplace by accelerating the
introduction of standardized object software. The
organization's charter includes the establishment of
industry guidelines and detailed object
management specifications to provide a common
framework for application development.
Conformance to these specifications will make it
possible to develop a heterogeneous computing
environment across all major hardware platforms
and operating systems.”
From www.omg.org/news/about/, 1 August 2003
Observatory on Borderless Higher
Education (OBHE) (UK)
“The Observatory offers a unique service: an
environmental scanning facility on higher education
issues. The Observatory is an efficient and costeffective way for subscribers to keep abreast of
borderless developments globally.”
“The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education
is a joint initiative of the Association of
Commonwealth Universities and Universities UK.
The Observatory is now … funded by subscriptions
and consultancy, and has over 160 institutional
subscribers from more than 40 countries.”
From www.obhe.ac.uk/aboutus/, 8 October 2007
Occupy … organizations (US)
The various organizations that label themselves as
Occupy … or report affiliation with an Occupy …
organization. This also includes the New York City
General Assembly that set the vision for
21 February 2012
Ohio Learning Network (US)
“OLN seeks to be recognized nationally for its
leadership in facilitating collaborative efforts to
improve and expand innovative applications of
technologies that enhance learning.
“OLN works in collaboration with higher education,
schools, policy makers, business and industry,
government, and local communities to expand
educational opportunities for Ohioans.
“OLN develops and promotes learning and
assessment through the use of technology, tests and
provides advice on emerging learning-directed
technologies, and facilitates cost effectiveness
through shared technology investments.”
From www.oln.org/about_oln/mission.php, 29 November 2006
Oklahoma State University (US)
Oklahoma State University, a land grant system,
enriches lives through teaching, research, and
Oklahoma State University System will:
Be a leader in developing life-long learners who
are highly educated, technically proficient,
prosperous, and healthy.
Facilitate communication, collaboration, and
coordination among System components to
enhance teaching, research, and outreach.
Empower its agencies to successfully fulfill their
unique missions.
Capitalize on new opportunities and respond to
the changing needs of Oklahomans and society.
system.okstate.edu/mission.htm, 26 July 2004
Olliance Group LLC (US)
“Olliance Group is a business and strategy
consulting firm whose mission is to help clients
capitalize on the strategic, technological and
financial benefits of open source software.”
“Olliance Group is a team of technology industry
veterans and open source specialists with expertise
in open source and proprietary software
development, business strategy, finance, marketing,
sales, and business process and organizational
From www.olliancegroup.com/about/index.php, 25 November 2005
“OneStat.com is the number one provider of realtime website analysis software in the world. Our
superior technology powers thousands of websites
in different countries all over the world. With our
accurate, detailed & reliable reports we will be able
to answer your questions about visitor behaviour,
site performance and retention. OneStat.com has
fifty thousand subscribers in more than one
hundred countries worldwide.
“Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
OneStat.com has developed technology that is much
more accurate than the log file analysis. It is
browser based and more reliable than log files.”
From www.onestat.com/html/aboutus.html, 27 November 2004
Online Computer Library Center
“Founded in 1967, OCLC Online Computer Library
Center is a nonprofit, membership, computer
library service and research organization dedicated
to the public purposes of furthering access to the
world's information and reducing information
“Researchers, students, faculty, scholars,
professional librarians and other information
seekers use OCLC services to obtain bibliographic,
abstract and full-text information when and where
they need it.
“OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively
produce and maintain WorldCat—the OCLC Online
Union Catalog.”
From ww.oclc.org/about/default.htm, 23 September 2005
Online Learning Consortium Inc.
“The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is the
leading professional organization devoted to
advancing the quality of online learning worldwide.
The member-sustained organization offers an
extensive set of resources for professional
development and institutional advancement of
online learning, including, original research,
leading-edge instruction, best-practice publications,
community-driven conferences and expert
guidance. OLC members include educators,
administrators, trainers and other online learning
professionals, as well as educational institutions,
professional societies and corporate enterprises.”
From onlinelearningconsortium.org/aboutus, 14 August 2014
Online Publishers Association (US)
“Founded in June 2001, the Online Publishers
Association (OPA) is a not-for-profit industry trade
organization dedicated to representing high-quality
online content providers before the advertising
community, the press, the government and the
Comprised of some of the most trusted and wellrespected media brands, the OPA is committed to
producing groundbreaking research into online
advertising and media consumption with the goal of
advancing the online publishing industry.
From www.online-publishers.org/?pg=about, 14 August 2007
Open Applications Group Inc. (US)
“The Open Applications Group Inc. (the OAGi) is
organized (i) to promote business process
interoperability for both inter & intra enterprise
business processes and (ii) to encourage the
creation of and/or create and endorse one or more
standards to assist organizations in achieving
connectivity and multiple-source integration of
inter & intra enterprise business processes.
“The Open Applications Group was formed in late
1994 as the first post-EDI organization focusing on
improving the state of application integration.”
From www.oagi.org/global/intro.htm, 20 October 2008
The Open Company Partners, Inc. (VG)
The Open Company Partners, Inc. (based in the
British Virgin Islands), publishes the Free Software
Magazine that carries the subtitle "The free
magazine for the free software world.“
“[The magazine] was started in November 2004 by
Australian Tony Mobily.”
Information from the Wikipedia,
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Software_Magazine, 15 September 2006.
Open Forum Europe (EU)
“OpenForum Europe (OFE) is a not-for-profit
industry organization which was originally
launched in 2002 to accelerate and broaden the use
of Open Source Software (OSS) among businesses,
consumers and governments. OFE's role has since
evolved and its primary role now is to promote the
use of open standards in ICT as a means of
achieving full openness and interoperability of
computer systems throughout Europe. It continues
to promote open source software, as well as
openness more generally as part of a vision to
facilitate open, competitive choice for IT users..”
www.openforumeurope.org/about, 27 March 2011
Open Group, The (US)
“The Open Group is a vendor- and technologyneutral consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless
Information Flow™ will enable access to integrated
information within and between enterprises based
on open standards and global interoperability.”
“The Open Group is a consortium with a foundation
in its members: a diverse group that spans all
sectors of the IT community – IT customers,
systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors,
integrators and consultants, as well as academia
and researchers.”
From ww.opengroup.org/overview/what-we-do.htm, 22 Apr 2010
Open I18N Workgroup
“OpenI18N is a workgroup of the Free Standards
Group with the goal to propose and coordinate any
techniques, conventions, guidelines and activities
within the open-source community. The scope of
OpenI18N is focused on software/application
portability and interoperability in the international
context. This workgroup aims to provide a common
open-source environment where applications can
be executed and behave correctly worldwide, with
different scripts, cultures and languages.”
From www.openi18n.org/charter/, 21 July 2003
Open Identity Exchange (US)
“OIX is the first Open Identity Trust Framework
provider. This means it follows an open market
model to provide the certification services needed to
deliver the levels of identity assurance and
protection needed by communities like the U.S.
government, PBS, OCLC, the telco LIDB Forum,
and others. If you are a provider of identity services,
a site that wants to consume identity credentials
from certified providers, or a professional IT
industry assessor or auditor, this is the market for
From openidentityexchange.org/about, 15 March 2010
Open Integration Incorporated
“Open Integration Incorporated (OpenII) is an
integration technology company, providing services
and software for organizations that practice
standards-based enterprise application integration
(EAI) and software vendors who wish to provide
standards-based interfaces to their products. We
specialize in the methodology and technologies of
OpenEAI, an open-source project for standardsbased EAI. OpenII is committed to contributing
resources and intellectual property to the OpenEAI
project. OpenII donates resources to the project and
OpenII staff are active participants in the OpenEAI
From www.openii.com/live/about.htm, 15 May 2005
Open Invention Network LLC (US)
“Open source software development has been one of
the greatest sources of innovation. It has reduced
costs, improved functionality and spurred new
industries. … In order to continue this rapid pace of
innovation, a refined model of intellectual property
management has been established. Open Invention
Network® is an intellectual property company that
was formed to promote the Linux system by using
patents to create a collaborative ecosystem.”
From www.openinventionnetwork.com/index.php, 12 February 2011
Open Logic, Inc. (US)
“OpenLogic provides software, stacks and services
that help enterprises to maximize the value of opensource software.
“OpenLogic has an experienced team with an
expertise in open source software, technologies and
deployments. We share our expertise with
customers through our products and services and
guide customers through successful open source
strategies and deployments. We understand that
customers have unique requirements and we have
designed our products to be flexible enough to meet
even the most complex environments. … We are a
trusted supplier of open source solutions.”
From www.openlogic.com/company/index.php, 31 January 2007
Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
“As New Zealand's specialist institution and largest
polytechnic, we play an important role in extending
learning opportunities. Our job is to improve access
and choice, something we do for nearly 40,000
students in New Zealand and over 40 other
“Our students are lifelong learners studying in the
home or workplace - people who want to learn but
who seek or need an alternative to conventional
From www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz/aboutus/index.html, 3 August 2005
Open Society Institute (US)
“The Open Society Institute (OSI), a private
operating and grantmaking foundation, aims to
shape public policy to promote democratic
governance, human rights, and economic, legal,
and social reform. On a local level, OSI implements
a range of initiatives to support the rule of law,
education, public health, and independent media.
At the same time, OSI works to build alliances
across borders and continents on issues such as
combating corruption and rights abuses.”
From www.soros.org/about, 26 January 2008
Open Source Development Labs, Inc.
“OSDL - home to Linus Torvalds, the creator of
Linux - is dedicated to accelerating the growth and
adoption of Linux in the enterprise. Founded in
2000 and supported by a global consortium of IT
industry leaders, OSDL is a non-profit organization
that provides state-of the-art computing and test
facilities in the United States and Japan available to
developers around the world. OSDL's founding
members are IBM, HP, CA, Intel, and NEC. A
complete list of OSDL member organizations is
provided on the member page at OSDL Members.”
From www.osdl.org/about_osdl, 11 May 2005
Open Source Initiative (US)
“Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit
corporation dedicated to managing and promoting
the Open Source Definition for the good of the
community, specifically through the OSI Certified
Open Source Software certification mark and
program. You can read about successful software
products that have these properties, and about our
certification mark and program, which allow you to
be confident that software really is "Open Source."
We also make copies of approved open source
licenses here.”
From opensource.org/, 9 March 2004
Open Source Portfolio Initiative (US)
“The Open Source Portfolio Initiative (OSPI)
facilitates the development of an open source,
individual-centric, lifelong electronic portfolio. We
support the advancement of a robust, nonproprietary system built on standards that assure
portability, longevity, and interoperability with
other knowledge management systems”
From http://www.theospi.org/, 1 May 2003
Open Source Risk Management, Inc.
“Open Source Risk Management, Inc was founded in 2003 to
support the continued strength and growth of Free and Open
Source Software through a comprehensive offering of
sophisticated risk management products and services. An
approach of fostering a collaborative, community-based model
for identification and mitigation of relevant litigation risks
provides significant benefits to OSRM clients while protecting
the unique advantages of the Open Source development
“OSRM's offerings are "vendor-neutral" and carefully
structured to complement the General Public License and
other common licenses under which most Free and Open
Source Software is licensed.”
From www.osriskmanagement.com/about.shtml, 2 August 2004
Open Universiteit Nederland (NL)
Open University Netherlands
“Open Universiteit Nederland, which welcomed its
first students in September 1984, is an independent
government-funded institute for distance learning
at university level. The Dutch government's purpose
in founding Open Universiteit Nederland was to
make higher education accessible to anyone with
the necessary aptitudes and interests, regardless of
formal qualifications.”
From www.ou.nl/eCache/DEF/36.html, 15 December 2005
Open Universiteit Nederland (NL)
“De Open Universiteit Nederland verzorgt
hoogwaardig afstandsonderwijs (op academisch
niveau) voor volwassenen. Zonder eisen te stellen
aan de vooropleiding van studenten. Veel mensen,
die geen gelegenheid hadden om hoger onderwijs te
volgen, benutten de kans om dit alsnog te doen.
Gemiddeld staan per jaar 24.000 studenten
ingeschreven. Begin 2004 heette onze organisatie
de 250.000ste student welkom en in februari 2005
startte een cursist met de miljoenste cursus.”
From www.ou.nl/eCache/DEF/48.html, 15 December 2005
The Open University (UK)
For most courses there are no previous
qualifications required to study. We have around
150,000 undergraduate and more than 30,000
postgraduate students. Nearly all students are
studying part-time. About 70 per cent of
undergraduate students are in full-time
employment. More than 50,000 students are
sponsored by their employers for their studies.
11,000 people are currently studying for OU Higher
The University itself is ranked among the top UK
universities for the quality of its teaching.
From www.open.ac.uk/about/ou/index.shtml, 6 October 2005
Open University of China, The (CN)
“The Open University of China (OUC) is a new kind
of higher education institution that offers open and
distance education using modern information
technology. It is directly administered by China’s
Ministry of Education, and is dedicated to both
degree and non-degree continuing education.
“The OUC was recently established upon the basis
of China’s Radio and TV University system. It
boasts an educational network spanning multiple
industries, provinces (cities) and regions.”
From en.crtvu.edu.cn/about/general-information, 13 July 2013
Openbravo S.L.U. (ES)
“Openbravo is the world's leading open-source ERP.
We are committed to working with our global open
source community to provide the most adaptable,
innovative and affordable ERP solution for
organizations of all sizes around the globe.”
“Openbravo's award winning agile ERP is known for
its flexible, modular architecture which empowers
agile businesses to adapt the software to their
specific business processes.”
From www.openbravo.com/about-us, 28 January 2013
OpenEAI Software Foundation
“The OpenEAI Software Foundation was incorporated in
October 2002 and exists to provide organizational, legal, and
financial support for the OpenEAI project and closely-related
endeavors that may be integrated into the project. The
foundation was created with the assistance of the University of
Illinois (which gifted seminal EAI work to the OpenEAI
Software Foundation) and Open Integration Incorporated. The
foundation was incorporated as a membership-based, not-forprofit corporation in order to: ensure that the OpenEAI Project
continues to exist beyond the participation of individual
volunteers, enable contributions of intellectual property and
funds on a sound basis, and provide a framework to limit legal
exposure for contributors participating in an expansive opensource project.”
From http://www.openeai.org/openeai.xml?
document=Foundation.xml&focus=N1020&focus=null, 10 May 2003
OpenID Foundation (US)
“The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) was formed in
June 2007 to help promote, protect and enable the
OpenID technologies and community. This entails
managing intellectual property, brand marks as well
as fostering viral growth and global participation in
the proliferation of OpenID. The OIDF does not
dictate the technical direction of OpenID; instead it
will help enable and protect whatever is created by
the community.”
From openid.net/foundation/, 26 October 2008
Optaros, Inc. (US)
“Optaros is a consulting and systems integration
firm that provides enterprises with best-fit solutions
to IT business challenges, maximizing the benefits
of open source software.”
“Optaros offers a third alternative to the “build
versus buy” decision with our proven application
assembly methodology. Within our core practice
areas, Optaros ensures successful solution delivery
by leveraging our pre-selected open source solution
stacks and customizing to your specific business
From www.optaros.com/company.shtml, 26 February 2006
Oracle Corporation
“Vision : : Get Oracle, Get Answers
“For 27 years, Oracle has been helping
customers manage critical information. Our
goal is to make sure that you spend less
money on your systems while getting the
most up-to-date and accurate information
from them. How can you do this? By
simplifying or outsourcing your IT
infrastructure to reduce costs, and by
integrating disparate systems to create a
single, global view of your business.”
From www.oracle.com/corporate/, 6 July 2003
Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
“The OECD groups 30 member countries sharing a
commitment to democratic government and the
market economy. … Best known for its publications
and its statistics, its work covers economic and
social issues from macroeconomics, to trade,
education, development and science and
“The OECD plays a prominent role in fostering good
governance in the public service and in corporate
activity. … By deciphering emerging issues and
identifying policies that work, it helps policymakers adopt strategic orientations. It is well
known for its individual country surveys and
From www.oecd.org/about/, 22 September 2005
L'Organisation de Coopération et
de Développement Économiques
L’OCDE exploite la grande quantité d’informations
dont elle dispose sur des thèmes divers pour aider
les gouvernements à œuvrer contre la pauvreté en
favorisant la croissance économique et la stabilité
Les discussions débouchent parfois sur des
négociations au sein même de l’OCDE, et les pays
membres s’accordent alors sur les règles du jeu à
appliquer en matière de coopération internationale.
Ces discussions peuvent aussi aboutir à des accords
From www.oecd.org/fr/apropos/modesdaction/, 20 November 2014
Open Source Applications Foundation
Create and gain wide adoption of Open Source
application software of uncompromising quality.
Build an innovative, sustainable alternative
application despite market inertia.
From osafoundation.org/mission_statement.htm, 13 June 2003
Die OSCI Leitstelle entwickelt im Auftrag des
KoopA-ADV Externes Angebot und anderer
Auftraggeber Standards für die sichere
Datenübermittlung der öffentlichen Verwaltung.
Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse an unserer
Einrichtung und hoffen, dass wir Ihre Wünsche
befriedigen können - und dass eventuelle Lücken in
der Web-Site Sie nicht gleich abschrecken. Wir
bauen unsere Web-Site gerade wieder neu auf und
haben inzwischen gelernt, dass es ein "wir sind
fertig" wohl niemals geben wird.
From www1.osci.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=1181, 8 December 2007
OSS Watch (UK)
“OSS Watch is an independent, non-advocacy
service. We are experts on free and open source
software, but we do not insist on it as the solution to
every problem, nor are we tied to any particular
solutions or providers.
“For organisations using, or wanting to use,
free or open source software we can provide
consultancy, training and support on selection and
evaluation of software, engaging with open source
communities, licensing and intellectual property
From oss-watch.ac.uk/about/, 10 September 2014
Ostravská univerzita (CZ)
University of Ostrava
“[In 1991] The newly founded University of Ostrava
drew on this rich tradition in order to provide
higher education in the humanities … The
University provides higher education at its Faculties
of Philosophy, Education, Science and its MedicalSocial Faculty, as well as at its Institute for Artistic
“The University includes two research institutes.
The Institute for the Research and Application of
Fuzzy Modelling .. and the Institute for Regional
From www.osu.cz/ang/obecne/index.php?kategorie=PBAAAA, 13 December 2005
Ostravská univerzita (CZ)
“[In 1991] Vznikem Ostravské univerzity, která
organicky navázala na tuto tradici, tak došla
naplnění již déle trvající snaha zřídit pro lidnaté a
preferencí těžkého průmyslu silně poznamenané
Ostravsko humanitně zaměřenou vysokou
školu.…Ostravská univerzita poskytuje
vysokoškolské vzdělání na Filozofické, Pedagogické,
Přírodovědecké, Zdravotně sociální fakultě a na
Institutu pro umělecká studia..”
“Univerzita má dva vědecké ústavy. Ústav pro
výzkum a aplikace fuzzy modelování se zaměřením
na rozvoj speciálních matematických metod a Ústav
pro regionální studia, je.”
From www.osu.cz/obecne/index.php?kategorie=PBAAAA, 13 December 2005
Pacific Research Institute
“The mission of the Pacific Research Institute (PRI)
is to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal
responsibility for all individuals by advancing freemarket policy solutions.
Since its founding in 1979, PRI has remained
steadfast to the vision of a free and civil society
where individuals can achieve their full potential.”
“The Institute’s activities include publications,
events, media commentary, legislative testimony,
and community outreach.”
From www.pacificresearch.org/about/index.html, 23 April 2005
Page Technology Marketing Inc. (US)
“PageTech develops software libraries that focus on
imaging-oriented technologies which may be used
in printing, document imaging, archiving, viewing
or faxing applications.
“The base printer and font technology was
originally developed by Atech Software for use in its
own application software product line. This
technology has been repositioned by PageTech to be
used by third-party developers of various
applications including: Tax Preparation, Mortgage
Loan Processing, Document Imaging and many
From www.pagetech.com/contact/, 28 December 2006
Pakistan, Government of (PK)
“The Islamic republic of Pakistan emerged as an
independent sovereign state on 14th August 1947,
as a result of the division of former British India.”
“The President of Pakistan is elected … as the Head
of State of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.” “[The]
Prime Minister of Pakistan [is the] Minister Incharge of Cabinet Division.” “The Constitution
stipulates a Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) of
Pakistan consisting of the President and two
Houses to be known respectively as the National
Assembly and the Senate. The Constitution provides
for a Parliamentary form of Government with a
bicameral legislature.”
From www.pakistan.gov.pk/, 25 February 2012
Palo Alto Networks Inc. (US)
“Palo Alto Networks is the network security
company. Security visionary Nir Zuk founded the
company in 2005 with a mission to re-invent
enterprise network security, starting with the
firewall. … We believe that the firewall needs to
become the most strategically important security
device in the network. Our management team and
board of directors consist of key figures in the most
important networking and security companies and
related technologies.”
er.pdf, 2 February 2012
PAM Forum
The Presence and Availability Management (PAM)
Forum is an independent consortium with a goal to
accelerate the commercial deployment of targeted
presence and availability applications and services
that respect users' preferences, permissions and
www.PAMForum.org, Sep 23, 2002
Panorama Consulting Solutions LLC
“Panorama Consulting Solutions is a consulting
firm specializing in the enterprise resource planning
(ERP) market for mid- to large-sized companies
around the world. Independent of affiliation,
Panorama helps firms evaluate and select ERP
software, manages the implementation of the
software, and facilitates all related organizational
changes to assure that each of its clients realize the
maximum level of business benefits.”
From panorama-consulting.com/contact-us/, 26 January 2013
Parchment Inc. (US)
“At Parchment our mission and passion is to
unleash education credentials, by unlocking the
critical data they embody. We are an education
data company. We work with institutions and
corporations around the world helping people
collect, promote and share their education
credentials in simple and secure ways. “
“Founded in 2003, Parchment is a venture-backed
company.” Formerly known as Docufide. Avow
Systems Inc. is a subsidiary.
From www.parchment.com/company/about-parchment, 14 November 2012
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (US)
“The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a unique
alliance of education, business and government
leaders working to fully address the education
needs and challenges of work and life in the 21st
“The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has
developed a series of ICT Literacy Maps that
illustrate the intersection between Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy and core
academic subjects. Each of the ICT Literacy Maps
was created in conjunction with organizations that
represent the core academic subject areas.”
From www.21stcenturyskills.org/default.asp, 25 November 2004
Payscale Inc. (US)
“PayScale is a market leader in global online
compensation data. With the world's largest
database of individual employee compensation
profiles, PayScale provides an immediate and
precise snapshot of the job market. Our patentpending real-time profiling system indexes custom
employee attributes (such as industry-specific
certifications) and specific job titles for every
“Launched in 2002 and headquartered in Seattle,
Washington, PayScale owns the largest database of
online employee salary data in the world.”
From www.payscale.com/about.asp
PDF Association (DE)
“The PDF Association is an initiative of the
Association for Digital Document Standards
(ADDS) e.V., founded in September 2006.
“The association is geared towards developers of
PDF solutions; companies that work with PDF in
document management systems (DMS) and
electronic content management (ECM), interested
individuals, and users who want to implement PDF
technology in their organizations. The PDF
Association now includes members from over 20
countries world-wide.”
From www.pdfa.org/pdf-association/, 15 December 2014
Pearson plc (UK)
“Pearson is an international media company with
market-leading businesses in education, business
information and consumer publishing.
“We are the world's leading education company.”
“We are the most international source of business
and political news and analysis.”
“Our world-famous Penguin is the label of quality
“We lead our markets in quality, innovation and in
From www.pearson.com/about/glance.htm, 2 May 2005
The Pell Institute (US)
“The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in
Higher Education conducts and disseminates
research and policy analysis to encourage
policymakers, educators, and the public to improve
educational opportunities and outcomes for lowincome, first-generation, and disabled college
From www.pellinstitute.org/, 31 May 2007
Pennsylvania State University (US)
“Penn State is a multi-campus public research
university that improves the lives of the people of
Pennsylvania, the nation, and the world through
integrated, high-quality programs in teaching,
research, and service. Our instructional mission
includes undergraduate, graduate, professional, and
continuing and distance education. … Our research,
scholarship, and creative activities promote human
and economic development through the expansion
of knowledge and its applications in the natural and
applied sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities,
and professions. As Pennsylvania's land-grant
university, we also hold a unique responsibility to
provide access, outreach, and public service.”
From www.psu.edu/ur/about/mission.html, 21 August 2006
Biography, resumes, Web site entries or new items
about people who are referenced in eLibrary
documents. These are added only when they
provide additional information and perspective on
the people and their contribution to higher
education or the associated technologies.
These documents have not been validated; the
reader should consider the sources.
PeopleSoft, Inc.
“PeopleSoft has a history of innovating at
technology shifts and bringing the benefits to our
customers' desktops. It started in the mid-1980s
when company founders Dave Duffield and Ken
Morris built our first human resources application
on a client-server platform instead of the traditional
mainframe, adding needed flexibility and putting
more power into the hands of users. And it's
happening again right now, as the generational shift
from client-server to Internet architecture brings
organizations the opportunity to enhance their
interactions with their customers, suppliers, and
employees dramatically.”
From www.peoplesoft.com/corp/en/about/overview/corp_back.jsp, 7 July 2003
The Perl Foundation (US)
“The Perl Foundation is dedicated to the
advancement of the Perl programming language
through open discussion, collaboration, design, and
“The Perl Foundation coordinates the efforts of
numerous grass-roots Perl-based groups including:
International Yet Another Perl Conferences, Holds
the copyright on Perl 6 and Parrot, perl.org, Perl
Mongers, [and] PerlMonks.
“The Foundation is a unit of the Yet Another Society
(YAS), a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization based in
Holland, Michigan which promotes the
advancement of collaborative efforts in Computer
Science and Information Technology.”
From www.perlfoundation.org, 4 August 2004
Postsecondary Electronic
Standards Council (US)
“The Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council
leads the higher education community in leveraging the value
of electronic standards for data exchange. We support the use
of existing electronic standards set through official standardssetting bodies as well as open industry collaboration. We
provide guidance to identify these standards. We set new
industry standards where there are no national or
international bodies to do so. We aggressively work with
schools, higher education associations, government agencies,
and software and service providers to adopt these standards.
We actively encourage the creation and maintenance of an
infrastructure for electronic exchange of education-related
From http://www.standardscouncil.org/index.asp, 4 February 2003
Copyright Policy
The following notice will appear in publications of the
Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council and its XML
Copyright Notice
“Copyright © The Postsecondary Electronic Standards
Council (PESC) [date]. All Rights Reserved.
“This document may be copied and furnished to others, and
derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or
assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied,
published and distributed, in whole or in part, without
restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright
notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and
derivative works. However, this document itself may not be
modified in any way except when expressly approved by PESC
for the purpose of developing standards and specifications.”
The Pew Charitable Trusts (US)
“The Pew Charitable Trusts is driven by the power
of knowledge to solve today’s most challenging
problems. Pew applies a rigorous, analytical
approach to improve public policy, inform the
public and stimulate civic life.
“We partner with a diverse range of donors, public
and private organizations and concerned citizens
who share our commitment to fact-based solutions
and goal-driven investments to improve society.”
www.pewtrusts.org/about_us.aspx, 21 April 2010
Planet PDF
“Planet PDF caters to anyone and everyone with an
interest in PDF - from professional Web or print
publishers seeking appropriate tools, to rank
beginners wondering exactly what "PDF" stands for.
Assisting PDF users since 1998, Planet PDF is a
comprehensive, popular and independent Web site
exclusively focused on Adobe Acrobat/PDF users
and uses. Planet PDF is a division of BinaryThing.”
From www.planetpdf.com/about.asp, 29 June 2005
[BinaryThing’s] business assets include ARTS PDF
(software), ARTS PDF Global Services (software
services), Nitro PDF (software), PDF Store (software
distribution) and Planet PDF (media).
From http://www.binarything.com/, 29 Kine 2005
Plato Learning, Inc. (US)
“PLATO Learning, Inc. is the original educational
software company, with a history of successful
student outcomes. Our heritage of innovation dates
back to 1963 and continues today as we lead the
educational technology industry with the breadth
and depth of our software and services.
“We deliver just-in-time online assessments that are
tied directly to state and provincial standards. Our
courseware includes thousands of hours of basic to
advanced level instructional content for K-adult
From www.plato.com/aboutus/index.asp, 11 December 2006
Plumtree Software, Inc.
“Plumtree’s mission is to create a comprehensive Web
environment for employees, customers and partners
across the enterprise to interact with different systems
and work together. Plumtree’s Enterprise Web solution
consists of integration products for bringing resources
from traditional systems together on the Web,
foundation services such as collaboration, content
management and search for building new Web
applications, and a portal platform for delivering these
Web applications to broad audiences. Plumtree’s
independence and its Web Services Architecture allow
this solution to span rival platforms and systems,
maximizing customers’ return on their existing
From www.plumtree.com/company/, 12 September 2003
Policy Network (UK)
“Policy Network is a leading thinktank and
international political network based in London.
We seek to promote strategic thinking on
progressive solutions to the challenges of the 21st
century and the future of social democracy,
impacting upon policy debates in the UK, the rest of
Europe and the wider world.
“Policy Network organise debates and conduct
research on policy and political challenges that
present all governments and political parties with
urgent dilemmas, either because sustainable
solutions remain elusive, or because there are
political barriers to their implementation.”
From www.policy-network.net/content/342/about%20us, 4 October 2012
Politics and Prose (US)
“The name was set when there was only Carla
Cohen figuring out a niche for a new bookstore in
Our author talks and our publications are integral
to everything that we do. We want to facilitate the
relationship between books and authors and
readers. Authors enjoy coming to P&P because the
staff treats them with respect and the customers are
exceptionally well informed. It’s a great chance for
authors, who work in solitude on their books, to
meet readers. Our customers enjoy the author talks
and the constant activity of the store. It’s a lively
From www.politics-prose.com/intro.htm, 17 August 2008
Ponemon Institute LLC (US)
“The Ponemon Institute© is dedicated to advancing
responsible information and privacy management
practices in business and government. To achieve
this objective, the Institute conducts independent
research, educates leaders from the private and
public sectors and verifies the privacy and data
protection practices of organizations in a variety of
From www.ponemon.org/index.html, 25 November 2006
Postsecondary Consultants (US)
“Whether it's helping states understand their
information and policy research needs that will
move them into the next century, developing
metrics for evaluating their current policies and
programs, or working with policy makers to
conceptually design question-driven P-20 data
systems and help them find and manage vendors to
build those systems, Postsecondary Consultants is
available to help. Improving education through the
use of data is our primary focus.”
From www.postsecondaryconsultants.com/, 7 October 2011
Practical Law Company Inc. (US)
“Practical Law Company (PLC) is the leading
provider of legal know-how, transactional analysis
and market intelligence for lawyers. Our dedicated
team of attorneys provides the high-value, practical
know-how that helps attorneys practice more
“We work closely with law firms and in-house law
departments to provide innovative and practical
solutions in know-how, technology and practice
From usld.practicallaw.com/about/PLCLawDepartment#PLC,
3 October 2010
International Limited (PwCIL) (UK)
“People engage PricewaterhouseCoopers to help
them design, manage and execute lasting change.
Increasingly, value is created across a complex
network of partners, suppliers, customers,
regulators and stakeholders. Survival and success
depends on collaboration amongst them.
“Our Consultants bring together a full range of
functional and industry skills to help you in this
environment. We take the time to listen and have
the courage to debate different points of view –
based on independent and challenging insights,
supported by facts and industry benchmarks.”
From www.pwc.com/gx/en/consulting-services/index.jhtml, 4 March 2010
Preqin Ltd (UK)
Founded in 2002 by Mark O’Hare and Nick Arnott,
Preqin is an independent research firm focusing
exclusively on alternative assets.
Preqin has built a reputation in the alternative
assets industry as the leading provider of data,
profiles and intelligence. Preqin maintains a large
team of analysts, each dedicated to specific areas in
order to maintain a methodical and balanced
approach to maintaining accurate and extensive
intelligence on all firms, investors and service
providers operating in the alternatives sphere.
From www.preqin.com/section/about-preqin/100
Privacy International (UK)
“PI is the oldest surviving privacy advocacy group in
the world, and was the first organisation to
campaign at an international level on privacy issues.
Its antecedents stretch back to 1987, at which time
the organisation’s founders started to build an
international network in response to mounting
concern across the world over the changing nature
and magnitude of privacy violations.”
PI is registered in the UK as a non-profit private limited company
(no. 4354366).
From /www.privacyinternational.org/article.shtml?cmd[347]=x-347-65428,
24 January 2011
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (US)
“Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) is a nonprofit
consumer organization with a two-part mission -consumer information and consumer advocacy. It
was established in 1992 and is based in San Diego,
California. It is primarily grant-supported and
serves individuals nationwide.”
“The PRC's goals are to: Raise consumers'
awareness; Empower consumers to take action;
Respond to specific privacy-related complaints;
Document the nature of consumers' complaints and
questions; Advocate for consumers' privacy rights
[some test omitted because of length].
From www.privacyrights.org/about_us.htm, 21 July 2010
Progress Software Corporation (US)
“Progress is a solutions-oriented company,
combining best-of-breed products, technologies,
and services targeted to meet critical business and
IT needs in a wide range of industries. Our
business-focused solutions—including business
event monitoring, business transaction assurance,
business process management, fraud detection, case
management, regulatory compliance, and risk
management—help to automate, enhance, monitor,
and manage business processes “
From web.progress.com/docs/corporate/progress_software_at_a_glance.pdf
ProPublica Inc. (US)
“ProPublica is an independent, non-profit
newsroom that produces investigative journalism in
the public interest. Our work focuses exclusively on
truly important stories, stories with “moral force.”
We do this by producing journalism that shines a
light on exploitation of the weak by the strong and
on the failures of those with power to vindicate the
trust placed in them.”
“ProPublica is headquartered in Manhattan [New
York City, NY]. Its establishment was announced in
October 2007. Operations commenced in January
2008, and publishing began in June 2008.”
From www.propublica.org/about/, 1 April 2013
Public Knowledge (US)
“Public Knowledge preserves the openness of the
Internet and the public’s access to knowledge;
promotes creativity through balanced copyright;
and upholds and protects the rights of consumers to
use innovative technology lawfully.”
“Public Knowledge works at the intersection of
copyright, telecommunications, and Internet law, at
a time when these fields are converging. PK's
experience in all three areas puts it in an ideal
position to advocate for policies that serve the
public interest.”
From publicknowledge.org/about, 22 November 2012
Public Patent Foundation (US)
“The Public Patent Foundation (“PUBPAT”) is a
not-for-profit legal services organization that
represents the public's interests against the harms
caused by the patent system, particularly the harms
caused by wrongly issued patents and unsound
patent policy. PUBPAT provides the general public
and specific persons or entities otherwise deprived
of access to the system governing patents with
representation, education and advocacy.”
From pubpat.org/About.htm, 16 August 2006
Public Policy Institute of California (US)
“Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) is a
nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank. We are dedicated
to informing and improving public policy in
California through independent, objective,
nonpartisan research.
“PPIC is independent, with no government,
university, or charitable affiliations.
“PPIC is objective. We approach our research
without any specific results in mind. And we
publish our results even when they may be
unpopular or controversial.”
From www.ppic.org/main/about.asp, 25 April 2010
Purdue University (US)
“Purdue University is a coeducational, stateassisted system in Indiana. Founded in 1869 and
named after benefactor John Purdue, we are one of
the nation's leading research institutions with a
reputation for excellent and affordable education.”
“Our West Lafayette campus offers more than 200
majors for undergraduates, over 70 master’s and
doctoral programs, and professional degrees in
pharmacy and veterinary medicine.”
From www.purdue.edu/facts/, 9 November 2010
Quality Assurance Agency for
Higher Education (UK)
“Our mission is to safeguard the public interest in
sound standards of higher education qualifications
and to inform and encourage continuous
improvement in the management of the quality of
higher education. We do this by working with
higher education institutions to define academic
standards and quality, and we carry out and publish
reviews against these standards. We were
established in 1997 and are an independent body
funded by subscriptions from UK universities and
colleges of higher education, and through contracts
with the main UK higher education funding bodies.”
From www.qaa.ac.uk/aboutus/, 3 Jun 2007
Questia Media America Inc. (US)
“Questia is a leading provider of information and
education resources for the digital age. Students,
instructors, hobbyists, enthusiasts and lifelyon
learners in more than 200 countries rely on our
products to enjhance their understanding of both
academic and popular subjects.”
“Questia School Questia School is a carefully
selected collection of thousands of online, full-text
books that support rigorous inquiry and research
for secondary school students, K-12 faculty, and
their library/information community. “
From /www.questia.com/Index.jsp, 15 May 2010
Questionmark Computing Ltd. (UK)
“Questionmark’s mission is to provide the highest
quality testing and assessment software and
support services to enable individuals and
organisations reach their goals.”
“Questionmark's Head Quarters is London, UK,
located at 4th Floor, Hill House, Highgate Hill,
London, N19 5NA. The company's mission is to
provide products and support services for education
and training. The company is privately owned, and
has been growing consistently since its inception in
From www.questionmark.com/uk/company.aspx, 18 October 2007
Radware Ltd. (IL)
“Radware is the global leader in integrated
application delivery solutions, assuring the full
availability, maximum performance, and complete
security of business- critical applications for nearly
10,000 enterprises and carriers worldwide. With
Radware's comprehensive and award-winning suite
of products, companies in every industry can drive
business productivity, improve profitability and
reduce IT operating and infrastructure costs by
making their networks "business smart.”
“Radware maintains international headquarters in
Tel Aviv, Israel.”
From www.radware.com/Company/InvestorRelations/default.aspx, 19 April 2013
The RAND Corporation (US)
“The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution
that helps improve policy and decisionmaking
through research and analysis.”
“For more than 50 years, decisionmakers in the
public and private sectors have turned to the RAND
Corporation for objective analysis and effective
solutions that address the challenges facing the
nation and the world. These challenges include such
critical social and economic issues as education,
poverty, crime, and the environment, as well as a
range of national security issues.”
From www.rand.org/about/history/, 16 January 2005
Reed Elsevier plc (UK)
“Reed Elsevier is a world leading provider of
professional information solutions in the Science,
Medical, Legal, Risk and Business sectors.”
‘Elsevier is the world's leading provider of scientific
and medical information and serves scientists,
health professionals and students worldwide.”
“LexisNexis is a world leading provider of content
and information solutions for the legal and risk
markets. LexisNexis serves customers in more than
100 countries.”
“Reed Business Information [provides] industry
critical data services … and more than 200 premier
business magazines.”
From www.reed-elsevier.com/aboutus/our-business/Pages/Home.aspx, 19 July 2010.
Research on Innovation (US)
“Research on Innovation is a non-profit
organization created to conduct, sponsor and
promote research on technological innovation and
to disseminate the results of this research to a broad
audience, both in academia and in industry.
“Our focus is on innovation, not just invention.
Innovation includes not only science and R&D
(research and development), but also the adoption
and implementation of new technologies, the
development of new skills and learning-by-doing.
As such, innovation may depend on complex
organizational, institutional and cultural factors.
Consequently, our research interests are interdisciplinary involving economics, business
management, history and sociology.”
From www.researchoninnovation.org/, 25 December 2006
Red Hat, Inc. (US)
“What began as a better way to build software-openness, transparency, collaboration--soon shifted
the balance of power in an entire industry. The
revolution of choice continues. Today Red Hat is the
world's most trusted provider of Linux and open
source technology.”
From www.redhat.com/about/, 18 April 2006
Remote-Learner US Inc. (US)
“Remote-Learner has been creating training,
development and educational technology projects
for our customers since 1982. … Remote-Learner
played a central role in the establishment of the
Moodle partners network in 2004 and today is the
largest of the 50+ worldwide Moodle partners. The
company provides services to over 1500
organizations, has 80 employees and maintains
operations in the US, Canada and the UK. ”
“The company has four service divisions: Hosting
Support, Learning Services (training and course
development), Customization Services, and
Strategic Consulting.”
From remote-learner.net/leadership, 13 June 2012
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (US)
“Today’s Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is
combining its legacy of leadership in technologybased education with an expanding emphasis on the
pursuit of discovery.”
“RPI is widely recognized for the effectiveness of its
hands-on approach to undergraduate education.
Rensselaer’s classrooms are a model for intellectual
engagement and the interaction of students and
faculty. In both curriculum reform and creative use of
new teaching techniques and technologies,
Rensselaer’s leadership in interactive learning has
helped to further transform the way we teach and
learn. Throughout its history, Rensselaer research has
produced ground-breaking work in a broad range of
important areas."
From www.rpi.edu/about/index.html, 22 October 2005
Republican Conference, The (US)
“The organizational body for all GOP Members of
the U.S. House of Representatives, the House
Republican Conference is responsible for electing
the House Republican leadership, approving GOP
Member committee assignments, managing
leadership-driven floor debates, and executing a
communications strategy that is executed within the
party and is conveyed to constituents through the
From www.gop.gov/conference, 3 November 2011
“MySQL AB is the company that develops, supports
and markets the MySQL database server globally.
Our mission is to make superior data management
available and affordable for all, and to contribute to
building the mission-critical high-volume systems
and products of tomorrow. We have made our
product available at zero price under the GNU
General Public License (GPL), and we also sell it
under a commercial license to those who do not
wish to be bound by the terms of the GPL.”
From www.mysql.com/company/index.html, 8 July 2003
Research Councils U.K. (UK)
“Research Councils UK (RCUK) is a strategic
partnership between the eight UK Research
Councils. RCUK was established in 2002 to enable
the Councils to work together more effectively to
enhance the overall impact and effectiveness of
their research, training and innovation activities,
contributing to the delivery of the Government’s
objectives for science and innovation.”
From www.rcuk.ac.uk/aboutrcuk/default.htm, 22 July 2007
Rice University (US)
“Rice is consistently ranked as one of the nation’s
best teaching and research universities. That’s not
surprising, since it shares much in common with
the nation’s other top universities, including
applicants. … students know that Rice offers:” The
highest quality, including a rigorous, outstanding
education …, The resources and opportunities for
meaningful undergraduate research, Outstanding
faculty and facilities, A national and international
student body, and A vast range of things to explore,
from study abroad to research, and an endless list of
extracurricular activities.”
From www.explore.rice.edu/explore/Welcome.asp, 19 February 2007
Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of
Government (US)
“Our mission at the Rockefeller Institute is not the
same as that of many public policy institutes, or
“think tanks.” Our job is not to advocate particular
policies, but to enhance the capacities of state
governments and the federal system to deal
effectively with the nation’s domestic challenges.
We care about how well states are governed —
either on their own, or in concert with federal and
local governments.”
“We have long tracked and analyzed state fiscal
conditions, tax policies, fiscal capabilities and
spending trends. “
From www.rockinst.org/about_us/, 14 March 2010
Rome Student Systems and
Standards Group (EU)
“From Rome to Dublin, momentum is building
behind the area of Standards for the exchange of
student and curriculum data between Higher
Education Institutions and HE stakeholders at
large. The Bologna Process is mandating attention
to this theme and the HE sector is taking actions
accordingly –the emerging Rome Student
Systems and Standards Group (RS3G) is
taking on the role of an influential reference
point in this market.”
From “Report from the European workshop, 25th April 2008 in Dublin (IE),
25 April 2008
Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology (US)
“Mission …to provide students with the world’s best
undergraduate education in engineering,
mathematics, and science in an environment of
individual attention and support.
“Vision … to be the best undergraduate engineering,
mathematics, and science educational institution in
the world.”
From www.rose-hulman.edu/admissions/facts/facts.htm, 13 September 2007
Royal Society of the Arts (UK)
“The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures and Commerce - commonly known as
the RSA - was founded in 1754 by William Shipley, a
painter and social activist, on a manifesto "to
embolden enterprise, enlarge science, refine arts,
improve our manufactures and extend our
“Today the RSA's work is framed by five manifesto
challenges that reflect the original mission in 21stcentury terms. These challenges are delivered
through a portfolio of projects and a lecture
programme consisting of over 100 events every
year. “
From www.rsa.org.uk/rsa/index.asp, 25 November 2006
RPX Corporation (US)
“RPX helps corporations manage their exposure to
patent risk by providing a rational alternative to
traditional litigation strategy. Our solution offers a
market-based solution in which we proactively
acquire high-risk patents before they can become a
costly legal problem for our clients. And the RPX
solution is purely defensive. Every member of our
client network receives a license to every patent and
patent right we own. We will never assert or litigate
the patents in our portfolio.”
From www.rpxcorp.com/index.cfm?pageid=7, 3 March 2013
Province of British Columbia (CA)
“British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's
provinces and is famed for its natural beauty, as
reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu
("Splendour without Sunset (Diminishment)").
“It was the sixth province to join the Canadian
Confederation. Its residents are referred to as
British Columbians.
“The capital of British Columbia is Victoria, the 15th
largest metropolitan region in Canada. The largest
city is Vancouver, Canada's third-largest
metropolitan area.
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Columbia, 19 January 2008
the rSmart group
“The rSmart group vision is to work collaboratively
with our customers; exploring the intersection of
technology and learning, setting an example with
innovative applications, and increasing access for
“Our mission is to deliver technology-based services
that: have direct benefit to students first and
foremost; promote greater accessibility to education
for all; empower and cater to unique individual
needs; stimulate innovative new approaches to
teaching and learning.”
http://www.rsmart.com/about_us.php, 1 Jan 2004
rss-dev group
“RDF Site Summary 1.0 Specification Working Group
RDF Site Summary (RSS) is a lightweight multipurpose
extensible metadata description and syndication format. RSS is
an XML application, conforms to the W3C's RDF Specification
and is extensible via XML-namespace and/or RDF based
Design Goals:
The modular extension of existing RSS through XML
Namespaces and RDF stressing backward compatibility with RSS
0.9 for ease of adoption by existing syndicated content
Subscribe: [email protected]
Rustici Software LLC (US)
“Rustici Software creates products that simplify
conforming with learning standards like SCORM
and AICC. While other companies tolerate them, we
embrace the standards and their intent. Really, this
is all we do.”
“We’ve been solving SCORM problems exclusively
since 2003. We’re profitable; we carry no debt.
We’ll be here innovating on learning systems years
from now. This is a company you can trust. We sell
products that work.”
From www.scorm.com/about-us/, 6 June 2010
Russell Group of Universities, The
“The Russell Group represents the 20 leading UK
universities which are committed to maintaining
the very best research, an outstanding teaching and
learning experience and unrivalled links with
business and the public sector.”
From www.russellgroup.ac.uk/about-russell-group/, 29 May 2010
Copyright Notice
“Copyright © 2000 by the Authors.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the
RDF Site Summary 1.0 Specification and its
accompanying documentation for any purpose and
without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity,
provided that the above copyright notice and this
paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
holders make no representation about the
suitability of the specification for any purpose. It is
provided "as is" without expressed or implied
This copyright applies to the RDF Site Summary 1.0
Specification and accompanying documentation
and does not extend to the RSS format itself.”
Sage Publications plc (UK)
“SAGE Publications is an independent international
publisher of journals, books, and electronic media.
Known for our commitment to quality and
innovation, we are a world leader in our chosen
scholarly, educational, and professional markets.”
“We are owned and managed by publishers, not
financial investors. We take the long-term view
rather than being influenced by short-term financial
results or goals. We offer global publishing on a
human scale—large enough to have the capabilities
of a multinational company, but small enough for
individual authors, editors, societies, and colleagues
to influence our direction.”
From www.sagepub.com/aboutCompany.nav, 17 Jun 2007
Sakai Foundation (US)
“The corporation is organized for such educational,
scientific, and charitable purposes as shall qualify it for
exemption from federal taxation … including, but not
limited to, serving as a proponent for open and
community source collaboration and development for
higher education software tools, as an information,
research and development community for education
software tools; fostering multidisciplinary research
and education in open and community source software
development and collaboration, promoting the
expansion, development and implementation of
education open source software tools to assist higher
education and other sectors of the education
community for the benefit of society.”
From Articles of Incorporation, 5 November 2005
Salesforce.com Inc. (US)
“Sixteen years ago, we launched Salesforce with a
vision to reinvent CRM in the cloud. And a new
technology model was born.”
“We also put aside 1% of our equity, 1% of our
employee time, and 1% of our product to form the
Salesforce Foundation. These two key decisions
have fueled our incredible growth, made us the
global leader in CRM, defined the era of cloud
computing, and inspired a new philanthropic model
for all to follow.”
From www.salesforce.com/company/, 11 April 2015
Sallie Mae Inc. (US)
“Sallie Mae®, the nation's leading provider of
student loans and administrator of college savings
plans, has helped millions of Americans achieve
their dream of a higher education. The company
primarily provides federal and private student
loans, including consolidation loans, for
undergraduate and graduate students and their
“In addition, Sallie Mae offers comprehensive
information and resources to assist students,
parents, and guidance professionals with the
financial aid process.”
From www.salliemae.com/about/, 6 December 2007
San Antonio Training Partners
“San Antonio Training Partners is dedicated to
providing performance-based training services for
Texas—especially to foster San Antonio’s becoming
a world class technology hub.
“Our training business is unique—we assess an
organization’s entire range of training
requirements—and design, integrate and deliver
training to advance clients’ objectives and
strategies. We guide clients through today's
increasingly complex training options to plan
practical workforce development—then implement
the plans to produce significant, measurable
performance improvement.”
From www.satrainingpartners.com/mission.htm, 14 July 2005
San Joaquin Delta College (US)
“San Joaquin Delta College is providing excellent
post-secondary education that serves the needs of
students, the College District and the community
through continuing, transfer, and career education.
To achieve this objective, the faculty and staff
commit themselves to providing comprehensive
instructional programs, student services and public
services that are high quality.”
From www.deltacollege.edu/dept/publicinfo/dist_statements.html,
24 May 2006
San José State University (US)
“San José State provides a comprehensive
university education, granting bachelor's and
master's degrees in 134 areas of study. Quality
teaching and small classes are a priority at SJSU,
where tenured professors teach introductory as well
as advanced courses. One of the 200 top research
universities in the nation, SJSU offers rigorous
course work and research opportunities to more
than 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students
in seven colleges.”
From ww.sjsu.edu/about_sjsu/, 13 October 2006
Sand Hill Group (US)
“Sand Hill Group provides investments and
management advice to emerging enterprise
technology leaders. Sand Hill also owns
Sandhill.com the premier destination site and
resource center for CEOs, VPs, Entrepreneurs, VCs
and for members of the software industry ecosystem. Its weekly electronic newsletter is read by
thousands of executives. Sand Hill produces the
"Enterprise" and “Software” conferences for CEOs
and high-level executives in the industry and
creates high-impact research reports for its
From www.sandhill.com/sandhillgroup/index.php, 30 August 2005
Sandvine Incorporated ULC (CA)
“Sandvine, (TSX:SVC) a leading provider of
intelligent network policy control solutions for fixed
and mobile [Internet] operators.”
“Sandvine’s network policy control solutions add
intelligence to fixed, mobile and converged
communications service provider networks.
Sandvine’s networking equipment performs end-toend policy control functions including traffic
classification, and policy decision and enforcement
across the data, control and business planes”
From www.sandvine.com/company/investors.html, 12 April 2014
Santa Clara University (US)
“Santa Clara University is a Catholic and Jesuit
institution that makes student learning its central
focus, promotes faculty and staff learning in its
various forms, and exhibits organizational learning
as it deals with the challenges facing it. Student
learning takes place at the undergraduate and
graduate level in an educational environment that
integrates rigorous inquiry and scholarship, creative
imagination, reflective engagement with society,
and a commitment to fashioning a more humane
and just world.”
From www.scu.edu/jesuit/University-Mission.cfm, 5 February 2011
“Founded in 1972, SAP is the recognized leader in
providing collaborative business solutions for all
types of industries and for every major market.
“Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, SAP is the
world's largest inter-enterprise software company,
and the world's third-largest independent software
supplier overall. SAP employs over 28,900 people
in more than 50 countries. Our professionals are
dedicated to providing high-level customer support
and services.”
From http://www.sap.com/company/, 6 July 2003
Savvica Inc. (CA)
“Savvica is an education company. Our business is
software, but our passion is learning.
“Our task is to bring people and technology
together. … and we're dedicated to bringing online
education to teachers and students of all kinds.
We're tirelessly searching for better ways to make
our software accessible to everyone, young and old,
techie and newbie.”
“We're using technology to improve education.
We're building a better LMS, and we're looking
forward to working with you.”
From www.savvica.com/know-better/company, 23 February 2006
Scholastic Inc. (US)
“Scholastic, the global children's publishing,
education and media company, has a corporate
mission supported through all of its divisions of
helping children around the world to read and
learn. Recognizing that literacy is the cornerstone of
a child's intellectual, personal and cultural growth,
for over 87 years, Scholastic has created quality
products and services that educate, entertain and
motivate children and are designed to help enlarge
their understanding of the world around them.”
From www.scholastic.com/aboutscholastic/missionandcredo.htm,
4 March 2010
Schools Interoperability
Framework Association (US)
“The Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) is a
non-profit membership organization comprised of
over 100 software vendors, school districts, state
departments of education and other organizations
active in primary and secondary (K-12) markets,
who have come together to create a set of rules and
definitions to enable software programs from
different companies to share information.”
“The goal of SIF is to make it possible for school
administrators, teachers and other school personnel
to have secure, appropriate access to the most
current and accurate data available.”
From www.sifinfo.org/about_sif/general_overview.asp, 11 September 2005
Systems and Computer Technology Corporation
“SCT is the leading global provider of technology
solutions for colleges and universities of all sizes and
complexity. The Company supports more than 1,300
client institutions worldwide with administrative and
academic solutions; portal, community, and
collaboration solutions; content management and
workflow solutions; information access and
integration solutions; and professional services.”
From http://www.sct.com/Corporate/About_Us/index.html, 30 April 2003
SCO Group Inc. (US)
“The SCO Group (SCO) is a provider of software
solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses
(SMBs) and replicated branch offices. SCO
solutions include UNIX platforms; messaging, and
web services; and services that include technical
support, education, consulting, and solution
provider support programs.
“Based in Lindon, Utah, SCO has a worldwide
presence with representation in 82 countries.”
From www.sco.com/company/, 29 June 2005
SDForum (US)
“SDForum is the leading Silicon Valley not-forprofit organization providing an unbiased source of
information and insight to the technology
community for 20 years. SDForum provides a venue
for engineers, executives, researchers, technology
leaders, and venture capitalists to exchange
information on emerging technologies and best
From www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/Level1.aspx?pid=151&sid=6,
29 May 2006
SecureKey Technologies Inc. (CA)
“SecureKey is a global leader in building identity
and authentication ecosystems. We make it easy to
incorporate strong authentication into a wide range
of online, mobile and in-person identity and
authentication applications for financial services,
government, healthcare, converged commerce, and
extended enterprises. … SecureKey is a Privacy by
Design (PbD) Ambassador based in Toronto,
Canada, with backing from leading technology,
payments and mobile network operators.”
From securekey.com/about/, 25 August 2013
SecurEnvoy Ltd (UK)
“SecurEnvoy is the trusted global leader of
Tokenless® two-factor authentication. As the
pioneers of mobile phone based Tokenless®
authentication; SecurEnvoy lead the way with
ground breaking solutions that others aspire too.”
“The business was officially incorporated in 2003
after preliminary, coding and testing in our labs.
Years on we now have happy customers across the
five continents and regional support.”
From www.securenvoy.com/company/about.shtm, 21 February 2012
The Sedona Conference (US)
“The Sedona Conference exists to allow leading
jurists, lawyers, experts, academics and others, at
the cutting edge of issues in the area of antitrust
law, complex litigation, and intellectual property
rights, to come together - in conferences and minithink tanks (Working Groups) - and engage in true
dialogue, not debate, all in an effort to move the law
forward in a reasoned and just way.”
From www.thesedonaconference.org/content/tsc_mission/show_page_html,
28 December 2005
Sendmail, Inc. (US)
“Sendmail, Inc. builds the most powerful and secure
email systems for large enterprises and service
providers who depend on email to run their
business. With proven technology and unmatched
expertise, Sendmail works with customers to tackle
their most complex messaging challenges. The
result is dependable email infrastructure that is
easy to manage and built to grow with future system
From www.sendmail.com/company/overview/index.shtml
Seton Hall University (US)
“Seton Hall University is a major Catholic
university. In a diverse and collaborative
environment it focuses on academic and ethical
development. Seton Hall students are prepared to
be leaders in their professional and community lives
in a global society and are challenged by
outstanding faculty, an evolving technologically
advanced setting and values-centered curricula.”
From www.shu.edu/about/mission.cfm, 8 November 2011
Sheffield Hallam University
“Sheffield Hallam is one of Britain’s most
progressive and innovative universities. We’re
committed to anticipating and satisfying students’,
employers’ and clients’ needs. And to surpassing
their expectations.
“We’ve earned that reputation over many years, and
it’s confirmed by a number of official measurements
and assessments which cement Sheffield Hallam’s
position as, overall, a leading UK university of its
From www.shu.ac.uk/university/index.html, 8 August 2004
Sheridan Ross P.C. (US)
“Sheridan Ross P.C. is a law firm specializing in all
aspects of intellectual property, with a proven
ability to provide our clients with quality
representation at competitive prices. Founded in
1954, we are one of the largest intellectual property
law firms in the Rocky Mountain region.
“From our office in Denver, Colorado, we provide a
full range of intellectual property services, including
patent prosecution, trademark and copyright law,
intellectual property litigation, and technology
transactions and licensing. We also work with a
large network of associates around the world to help
our clients meet their intellectual property needs
From sheridanross.com/about.htm, 21 August 2006
Shinkuro Inc. (US)
“Shinkuro is a US-based research and development
company with a strong interest in information
sharing across organizational boundaries. Shinkuro
was founded in early 2002 by Internet veterans
Steve Crocker and Jeffrey Kay. Shinkuro operates
out of the Washington, DC area. The company is
privately funded.
“Shinkuro is from the Japanese word for
From www.shinkuro.com/about.php, 22 January 2012
Sigma Group Inc. (US)
Sigma Group Inc. is a holding compsny; active
subsidiaries include Sigma Systems Inc. and
instructional media + magic inc. The corporations
were registered in Colorado 1 July 2010. Sigma
Systems Inc. was founded in Oklahoma with
facilities in California in 1966.
Previous subsidiaries included Systems Research
Inc. (consulting) Sigma Financial and General Inc.
(real estate) and Student Financial Services Inc.
(loan servicing).
Sigma Systems Inc. (US)
“Sigma Systems, Inc. markets and supports fullfunction financial aid and student accounts
receivable software.” Founded in 1965, Sigma has
led in the design and development of student
financial services and associated training content
for colleges and universities.
Sigma links leading edge research in financial
services and information technology to fullysupported software products.
From www.sigmasys.com, 5 May 2003
State Higher Education Executive
Officers (SHEEO) (US)
“SHEEO is a professional association of the chief
executives of: 26 statewide governing boards and 30
statewide coordinating boards. A few states have two
boards with different functions, whose CEOs both are
members of SHEEO.”
“The mission of SHEEO is to assist state higher
education executives and the states as they seek to
develop and sustain excellent systems of higher
education. The boards served by SHEEOs generally
are responsible for advising governors and
legislatures on the policies that will promote excellent
higher education systems and for performing the
governing and coordinating functions assigned to
them by law.”
From “A Brief Profile: SHEEO,” downloaded from
www.sheeo.org/about/mission.htm. 18 March 2005
The Sloan Consortium (US)
“The purpose of the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) is
to help learning organizations continually improve
quality, scale, and breadth according to their own
distinctive missions, so that education will become
a part of everyday life, accessible and affordable for
anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety of
disciplines. Created with funding from the Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation, Sloan-C encourages the
collaborative sharing of knowledge and effective
practices to improve online education in learning
effectiveness, access, affordability for learners and
providers, and student and faculty satisfaction.”
From www.sloan-c.org/aboutus/, 25 November 2005
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (US)
“The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a philanthropic
nonprofit institution, was established in 1934 by
Alfred Pritchard Sloan, Jr., then President and
Chief Executive Officer of the General Motors
“The Foundation's programs and interests fall into
the following areas: Science and Technology,
Standard of Living and Economic Performance,
Education and Careers in Science and Technology,
Selected National Issues, and The Civic Program.”
From http://www.sloan.org/main.shtml, 16 December 2005
SmarThinking Inc. (US)
“SMARTHINKING, based in Washington, …
connects students to E-structor® Certified tutors
anytime, from any Internet connection. From
supplementing current learning support programs
with SMARTHINKING's qualified and trained
online tutors, to licensing SMARTHINKING's
technology platform to create a private-labeled
virtual learning assistance center,
SMARTHINKING develops custom solutions to
enable institutions to better support their faculty
and students.”
From www.smarthinking.com/static/aboutus/, 19 July 2008
Smithsonian Institution, The (US)
“The Smithsonian Institution was created by
Congress in 1846 as “an establishment for the
increase and diffusion of knowledge.” Congress
vested responsibility for the administration of the
Smithsonian in a Board of Regents, consisting of
the Chief Justice of the United States, the Vice
President of the United States, three members of
the United States Senate, three members of the
United States House of Representatives, and nine
citizens. “
From www.si.edu/about/regents/, 14 March
Social Science Research Council (US)
“The Social Science Research Council is an
independent, not-for-profit research organization
founded in 1923. Based in New York City, it
mobilizes researchers, policy makers, professionals,
activists, and other experts from the private and
public sectors to develop innovative approaches to
issues of critical social importance.
“The SSRC is committed to the idea that social
science can produce necessary knowledge—
necessary for citizens to understand their societies
and necessary for policy makers to decide on crucial
From www.ssrc.org/inside/about/, 14 January 2006
Software and Information Industry
Association (US)
“The Software & Information Industry Association
is the principal trade association for the software
and digital content industry. SIIA provides global
services in government relations, business
development, corporate education and intellectual
property protection to the leading companies that
are setting the pace for the digital age.”
From www.siia.net/membership/overview.asp, 26 November 2006
Software Freedom Law Center (US)
“Free and Open Source Software (“FOSS”) is
maturing at a rapid pace. The FOSS production
ecosystem, once dominated by a few small not-forprofit entities and individual contributors, now
includes a global array of individuals, not-for-profit
entities, and commercial developers and
redistributors. In this mixed-model organizational
setting, all FOSS developers require an environment
in which liability and other legal issues do not
impede their important public service work. The
Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) provides
legal representation and other law-related services
to protect and advance FOSS.”
From www.softwarefreedom.org, 17 November 2006
Sonecon LLC (US)
“Sonecon, LLC, is an economic advisory firm that
provides in-depth analyses and unique insights into
changing economic conditions in the United States
and around the world and the impact of
government policies on those conditions and the
prospects for particular industries. Each client
receives the personal attention and analysis of a
custom team of distinguished experts and senior
analysts assembled from across the country for the
particular project.”
From www.sonecon.com/about.php, 3 October 2010
South Dakota Board of Regents (US)
“The South Dakota Board of Regents has
constitutional authority to govern the system of
public higher education in the State of South
Dakota. Supported by an Executive Director and
staff, the Board provides leadership and sets
policies for the programs and services delivered
through its six universities and two special
From www.sdbor.edu/board/, 15 January 2006
Space Education Inc. (US)
“Spaced Education, Inc. was founded in 2008 to
bring the research developed by B. Price Kerfoot at
Harvard Medical School into new online learning
methods to a wider audience.
“We offer a unique and growing learning platform,
designed from the ground up for a mobile, social
world. It uses a simple question and answer format
combined with a proprietary adaptive algorithm to
deliver better and more convenient learning
experiences. SpacedEd delivers ‘Addictive Learning
That Sticks.’ “
From www.spaceded.com/info/about, 30 January 2010
SpikeSource, Inc. (US)
“Our mission is to make the world’s software
trustworthy by providing the SpikeSource Solutions
Factory™ platform. … [It] is the industry’s most
advanced and automated platform for assembling,
testing, packaging, and updating software.”
“By tightly integrating with global distribution
networks of strategic partners, the Solutions
Factory enables independent software vendors of all
sizes and in all geographies to market and sell
certified solutions worldwide, at a fraction of the
typical cost.”
From www.spikesource.com/company.html, 19 April 2008
Springer Deutschland GmbH (DE)
Springer Science+Business Media (Springer)
The two main companies that form Springer
Science+Business Media (Springer) today, Springer
Verlag and Kluwer Academic Publishers (KAP) were
founded in the 19th Century and saw their first
significant international expansion in the
1960s. Since the acquisition of Springer Verlag and
KAP by Cinven and Candover in 2003, the company
has gone through an intense and successful
integration process.
Springer is one of the world’s leading suppliers of
scientific and professional content.
From www.springer-sbm.de/index.php?id=13362#c17002, 24 February 2009
Springer Publishing Company (US)
“Springer Publishing Company has been in business
since 1950 and is dedicated to publishing the very
best possible academic, professional, and reference
books, and textbooks, in nursing, gerontology and
geriatrics, psychology, counseling, public health,
social work, rehabilitation, and medical education,
as well as journals in these areas. … We seek to
provide a forum for established scholars and
professionals while also giving emerging voices a
platform for new and exciting perspectives in order
to provide a solid basis for established study and
work even as we acknowledge the ever evolving
nature of intellectual discourse in health care and
the helping professions.”
From www.springerpub.com/default.aspx?pid=56, 5 August 2007
Stanford University
“The Stanford motto, ‘The wind of freedom blows,’
is an invitation to free and open inquiry in the
pursuit of teaching and research. The freedom of
scholarly inquiry granted to faculty and students at
Stanford is our greatest privilege; using this
privilege boldly is our objective.”
President John Hennessy
From the Welcome to Stanford,
www.stanford.edu/home/welcome/, 11 August 2004
State Educational Technology
Directors Association (US)
“Founded in 2001, the State Educational
Technology Directors Association (SETDA) is the
501(c)(3) non-profit, national member association
that serves, supports and represents the interests of
the educational technology leadership of [US] state
education agencies in all 50 states, the District of
Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, American
Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.”
From www.setda.org/web/guest/aboutus , 12 Dec 2010
State of California
“The State of California enters the new millennium as,
literally and symbolically, a global phenomenon. One
hundred and fifty years after its organization and
admission to the Union as the thirty-first state,
California has been fast-forwarded into the front
ranks of economic, social, and political entities. With
a population approaching thirty-five million and a
trillion dollar-plus economy in over-drive, California
has moved into the front ranks of global
commonwealths as an international force in trade and
commerce, higher education, scientific research,
entertainment, technology, and virtually every other
aspect of human creativity.”
From /www.ca.gov/state/portal/myca_htmldisplay.jsp?sFilePath=/portal/links/
14 August 2004
State of Delaware (US)
“Delaware became a state in 1776, just two months
after the signing of the Declaration of
Independence. … The current constitution was
adopted in 1897. … Today, Delaware has a cabinet
form of government.” The General Assembly,
Delaware's lawmaking body, is comprised of a State
House of Representatives and a State Senate.
The 2010 Population Estimate was 897,934; 45th
among the states; Delaware has a population
density of 401 persons per square mile.
From www.delaware.gov/topics/facts/gov.shtml, 22 November 2014
State of Florida
“The Florida State Constitution declares that the
powers of state government be divided into three
separate and relatively independent branches executive, legislative, and judicial.
Each branch is sovereign in its own area of
responsibility, but it is also influenced by the checks
and balances from the other branches. It is basically
the same governmental model found at the national
level and in all 50 states.”
dlis.dos.state.fl.us/fgils/flgov.html, 7 January 2005
State of New York
“The first government of New York State grew out
of the Revolution. The State Convention that drew
up the Constitution created a Council of Safety
which governed for a time and set the new
government in motion. In June 1777, while the war
was going on, an election for the first governor took
“In following years, New York's economic and
industrial growth made appropriate the title ‘The
Empire State.’"
www.dos.state.ny.us/kidsroom/nysfacts/hstry1.html, 6 January 2005
State PIRGs (US)
“The state Public Interest Research Groups are an
alliance of state-based, citizen-funded organizations
that advocate for the public interest. We uncover
threats to public health and well-being and fight to
end them, using the time-tested tools of
investigative research, media exposes, grassroots
organizing, advocacy and litigation. The state
PIRGs' mission is to deliver persistent, resultoriented activism that protects the environment,
encourages a fair marketplace for consumers and
fosters responsive, democratic government.”
From pirg.org/alerts/alert.asp?id2=2414&id3=alert&, 4 February 2005
SumTotal Systems Inc. (US)
“Formed in March 2004 by the merger of industry
pioneers Docent and Click2learn, SumTotal
Systems is uniquely focused on helping
organizations manage, motivate, develop and
maintain their internal and external workforce to
solve real-world business problems and produce
significant bottom-line results.”
“With more than 17 million users worldwide,
SumTotal has helped strengthen performance and
profits for more than 1,500 of the world’s bestknown companies and government agencies.”
From www.sumtotalsystems.com/company/about.html, 13 August 2008
SUNY State University of New York
“The mission of the state university system shall be
to provide to the people of New York educational
services of the highest quality, with the broadest
possible access, fully representative of all segments
of the population in a complete range of academic,
professional and vocational postsecondary
programs including such additional activities in
pursuit of these objectives as are necessary or
customary. These services and activities shall be
offered through a geographically distributed
comprehensive system of diverse campuses which
shall have differentiated and designated missions.”
www.suny.edu/About_SUNY/Mission.cfm, 4 June 2005
State University of New York,
Stony Brook (US)
“Stony Brook University was established in 1957 …
In 1962, a new campus was built in Stony Brook.
Part of the State University of New York system,
[The University] is now recognized as one of the
nation’s important centers of learning and
scholarship—carrying out the mandate given by the
State Board of Regents in 1960 to become a
university that would “stand with the finest in the
“The London Times Higher Education Supplement
placed Stony Brook 136 among more than 8,300
universities worldwide, and in the top 50 in North
America. “
From www.stonybrook.edu/sb/ataglance.shtml, 4 December 2007.
Statskontoret (SE)
The Swedish Agency for Public Management
“The Swedish Agency for Public Management
provides support to the Government and
Government Offices. Our task is to conduct studies
and evaluations at the request of the government
and also to modernize public administration with
the use of IT. Our activities are directed according
to the Government’s needs and demands.”
From http://www.statskontoret.se/english/index.htm, 30 March 2003
SteelPixel (US)
“SteelPixel was born in 2003 out of a frustration
while working with large hosting companies. As
developers, we understand your needs and are
willing to work with you.
“Chris [W. Saylor] cut his teeth in web development
by building intranet web applications in PHP for
some, well-known, companies.”
“Josh [Owens] started working with computers at
an early age, when his Grandfather introduced him
during a visit to see him. He remembers his first
computer was an Atari 800 with dual 5.25” floppy
drives and a cassette tape drive; his family
purchased it when he was around 8.”
From www.steelpixel.com/pages/about, 6 June 2006
Student Monitor LLC (US)
“Since 1987, Student Monitor has continuously
published the only nationally syndicated market
research study of the college student market.
“Student Monitor's mission is to serve the needs of
those targeting college students as a consumer
group or for recruitment purposes. For the last
fifteen years, Student Monitor has leveraged its
resources and expertise in support of the college
market goals and objectives of Fortune 500
companies, federal and state agencies, as well as the
non-profit sector.”
From www.studentmonitor.com/index1.html, 12 December 2006
Student Publications
Publications by or for the student body of a school,
college, or university. This includes campus
newspapers and magazines, student news letters
and magazines, and periodical or series of
publications by student organizations not otherwise
Listed by school, college, or university.
Sugar CRM, Inc. (US)
“SugarCRM is the world's leading provider of
commercial open source customer relationship
management (CRM) software for companies of all
sizes. SugarCRM's mission is to provide the most
innovative, highest quality, easily customized and
most appreciated business tools created by the open
source development and business models.”
From www.sugarcrm.com/crm/about/about-sugarcrm.htmlm7 May 2006
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
“Sun was founded with one driving vision. A vision
of computers that talk to each other no matter who
built them. A vision in which technology works for
you, not the other way around. While others
protected proprietary, stand-alone architectures, we
focused on taking companies into the network age,
providing systems and software with the scalability
and reliability needed to drive the electronic
http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/coinfo/mission.html, 8 Oct 2002
SunGard Data Systems Inc.
“SunGard is a global leader in integrated software and
processing solutions, primarily for financial
services. SunGard also helps information-dependent
enterprises of all types to ensure the continuity of their
business. SunGard serves more than 20,000
customers in more than 50 countries, including the
world's 50 largest financial services companies.”
From http://www.sungard.com/company_info/default.htm, 24 July 2004
Suppliers Association for Learning
Technology and Interoperability in Schools
“SALTIS aims to improve the interoperability of learning
technology—thereby improving the effectiveness of ICT
as a means of raising standards of teaching and learning
in UK schools.”
“The development of appropriate and effective new
technologies for teaching and learning will only occur in
an open market, driven by the needs of teachers and
learners. Robust, appropriate interoperability standards
are a necessary prerequisite of an efficient and flexible
market. … Because interoperability standards are nothing if
not implemented, they cannot be introduced without an active
partnership with the industry.”
From www.saltis.org/principles.html, 3 September 2010
SURF Foundation
“The SURF organisation consists of the SURF
Foundation and its two Limited Liability Companies:
SURFnet and SURFservices.”
“The Mission of SURF is to exploit and improve a
common advanced ICT infrastructure that will enable
higher education institutes better realise their own
ambitions and improve the quality of learning, teaching
and research.
- Providing vision in 4-year Strategic Plans initiated by
the Scientific Technical Council (WTR).
- Ensuring the commitment of the institutions for higher
- Executing the Strategic Plan by stimulating
collaboration and co-funding innovative national
development programs.”
From www.surf.nl/en/oversurf/index.php, 17 January 2005
Swedish National Agency for
School Improvement (SE)
“The Swedish National Agency for School
Improvement: Is responsible for general support to
schools within nationally prioritised areas, Supports
local development of work quality and mprovement
of learning environments, Stimulates the
development of professional competence among
educators, Is responsible for the national
programme for school leader education, Supports
the widened use of ICT in education, Disseminates
knowledge, experiences and research among
professional educators, [and] Participates in
national and international networks that stimulate
school improvement.”
From www.skolutveckling.se/in_english/about/improvement_through_interaction/,
22 November 2007
SWITCH Foundation (CH)
“SWITCH - Swiss Academic and Research Network"
was established as a foundation by the Swiss
Confederation and eight university cantons (Basle
City, Berne, Fribourg, Geneva, Neuchâtel, St. Gall,
Vaud and Zurich). “
“[I]ts objective [is] ‘to create, promote and offer the
necessary basis for the effective use of modern
methods of telecomputing in teaching and research
in Switzerland, to be involved in and to support
such methods.’ It is a non-profit foundation that
does not pursue commercial aims. “
From www.switch.ch/about/foundation.html, 28 February 2009
“Syllabus magazine is the only monthly publication
that focuses on the role of technology in higher
education. Published since 1988, Syllabus' mission
is to inform educators on how technology can be
used to support their teaching, learning and
administrative activities. Each issue includes
feature articles, case studies, product reviews and
profiles of technology use at the individual,
departmental and institutional level. Regular
features cover multimedia, distance learning, the
Internet, quantitative tools, publishing and
administrative technology.”
From www.syllabus.com/about.asp , 17 March 2004
SYS-CON Media (US)
“SYS-CON Media, founded in 1994, is widely
recognized in the Internet-technology and magazine
publishing industries as the world's leading
publisher of i-technology magazines, electronic
newsletters, and accompanying i-technology
breaking news, education and information Web
portals. The company has further solidified its
dominant role in the i-technology space with the
2001 launch of an events business, SYS-CON Events
(trade shows, conferences, and education).”
From www.sys-con.com/general/aboutus.htm, 22 November 2005
Systinet Corporation (US)
“Systinet's products enable, publish, discover and
manage SOA business services, and make it easy to
build secure and reliable Web services with Java
and C++ applications.
“Systinet products are based on industry standards
such as” XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. A pioneer
in SOA technology, Systinet led the development of
important standards at the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C), OASIS and elsewhere, while
remaining consistently first-to-market with
advanced and innovative products based on these
From www.systinet.com/about/company_overview, 29 Jun 2005
Talis Information Ltd. (UK)
“Talis is the market leading provider of products
and services for public and academic libraries in the
UK and Ireland. The company started in 1969 as
BLCMP Library Services Ltd and was established in
its present form in April 1999. Talis has many
customers located throughout the UK and Ireland,
and include many leading universities, colleges and
public libraries. Talis has grown steadily over the
years and has a remarkable record of customer
retention based on its capability to deliver continual
product enhancements and excellent service to
meet the changing needs of libraries.”
From www.talis.com/about_talis/corporate.shtml, 3 September 2006
The Teaching Company LLC (US)
“The Teaching Company brings engaging professors
into your home or car through courses on DVD,
audio CD, and other formats. Since 1990, great
teachers from the Ivy League, Stanford,
Georgetown, and other leading colleges and
universities have crafted over 200 courses for
lifelong learners. We provide the adventure of
learning, without the homework or exams.”
“We offer courses in the following formats: Digital
video disc (DVD), Audio compact disc (CD),
Audiotape, Transcript book [soft-bound books of
170-250 pages], and Audio Download files in MP3
or MPEG4 format.”
From www.teach12.com/ttc/FAQs.asp, 19 July 2008
TechTarget (US)
“TechTarget publishes integrated media that enable
information-technology (IT) marketers to reach
targeted communities of IT professionals and
executives in all phases of the technology decisionmaking and purchase process. Through its industryleading Web sites, magazines, conferences and its
ROI-focused lead management services, TechTarget
delivers measurable results that help IT marketers
generate qualified leads, shorten sales cycles and
grow revenues.”
From www.techtarget.com/html/ab_index.htm, 5 May 2006
TED Conferences LLC (US)
Technology, Entertainment, Design
“TED stands for Technology, Entertainment,
Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference
bringing together people from those three worlds.
Since then its scope has become ever broader.
“The annual conference now brings together the
world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who
are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18
“This site makes the best talks and performances
from TED available to the public, for free. … These
videos are released under a Creative Commons
license, so they can be freely shared and reposted.”
From www.ted.com/index.php/pages/view/id/5 , 7 Jun 2008
Tel Aviv University (IL)
“Located in Israel's cultural, financial and industrial
heartland, Tel Aviv University is the largest
university in Israel and the biggest Jewish
university in the world. It is a major center of
teaching and research, comprising nine faculties,
106 departments, and 90 research institutes. Its
origins go back to 1956, when three small education
units - The Tel Aviv School of Law and Economics,
an Institute of Natural Sciences, and an Institute of
Jewish Studies - joined together to form the
University of Tel Aviv.”
From www.tau.ac.il/intro-eng.html, 11 Nov 2007
Tetra Collaboration (UK)
“The Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Hull, and the
UHI Millennium Institute announce the formation of the
Tetra Collaboration. … The goal of the Tetra
Collaboration is to coordinate activities across the
member organisations so as to more efficiently develop
and deploy open source enterprise applications of use to
UK and European universities and colleges. … The Tetra
Collaboration will work together on projects that address
the needs of education, research, technical
infrastructure, service oriented architectures (SOA),
federated systems, and application frameworks.”
“Tetra will demonstrate the potential of the JISC's eFramework, will be built on open standards and IMS
specifications, and is committed to developing
sustainable community source solutions for education.”
From bodington.org/tetra.php, 12 October 2006
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan
Corporation (US)
“TG is a nonprofit corporation that promotes
educational access and success so that students can
realize their college and career dreams. TG offers
resources to help students and families plan and
prepare for college, learn the basics of money
management, and repay their federal student loans.
In addition, TG administers Federal Family
Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans made
before July 1, 2010, on behalf of the U.S.
Department of Education.”
From www.tgslc.org/about-tg/overview/index.cfm., 23 February 2015
Texas Public Policy Foundation (US)
“The Foundation’s mission is to promote and
defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free
enterprise in Texas and the nation by educating and
affecting policymakers and the Texas public policy
debate with academically sound research and
“The public is demanding a different direction for
their government, and the Texas Public Policy
Foundation is providing the ideas that enable
policymakers to chart that new course.”
From www.texaspolicy.com/about_tppf.php, 27 March 2011
Texas Tech University (US)
Mission Statement
“As a comprehensive public research university,
Texas Tech University is committed to teaching and
the advancement of knowledge by providing the
highest standards of excellence in higher education,
fostering intellectual and personal development,
and stimulating meaningful research and service to
July 26, 2004
This Week in Tech: TWiT.tv (US)
“The TWiT.tv Story: It all started in 1998 with a
small cable network called ZDTV, a channel
dedicated to covering computers, the Internet, and
personal technology. The people behind this site all
worked on that network as hosts, reporters, or
producers. … In 2004, ZDTV, then called TechTV,
was sold and dismantled. On a rainy evening in
January, 2005 …” Leo Laporte made a recording
and tens of thousands downloaded it. this WEEK in
TECH --TWiT.tv—for short emerged.
From www.twit.tv/huh, 29 November 2006
Thomas B. Fordham Institute (US)
“The Thomas B. Fordham Instituteis a nonprofit
organization affiliated with the Thomas B. Fordham
Foundation. … In short, the Foundation helps
make possible the work of the Institute. The
Foundation's other role is sponsoring charter
schools in Ohio, in which role it benefits greatly
from the Institute's research and policy experience.”
“The Thomas B. Fordham Institute believes that all
children deserve a high quality . …we strive to close
America's vexing achievement gaps by raising
standards, strengthening accountability, and
expanding education options for parents and
From www.edexcellence.net/template/page.cfm?id=126, 26 October 2008
Thomas Edison State College (US)
“The College is one of New Jersey's 11 senior public
institutions of higher education and one of the first
schools in the country designed specifically for
adults. The College provides flexible, high-quality,
collegiate learning opportunities for self-directed
adults and offers degree programs and certificates
in more than 100 areas of study.
“Thomas Edison State College's flexible learning
methods range from online courses and prior
learning assessment to credit transfer and creditbearing exams. We offer undergraduate and
graduate programs, and professional certificates.”
From www.tesc.edu/about/index.cfm, 27 March 2015
Thomas Jefferson School of Law (US)
“Thomas Jefferson School of Law is a private,
independent law school. The mission of the law
school is to provide an outstanding legal education
for a nationally based student body in a collegial
and supportive environment with attention to newly
emerging areas of law, particularly those related to
technological development, globalization, and the
quest for social justice. In furtherance of that goal,
the law school offers both a full-time and a parttime program.”
From www.tjsl.edu/index.cfm?rID_int=14, 1 October 2006
Thomson Learning (CA)
A division of Thomson plc
Thomson Learning provides tailored education,
training, reference, and assessment solutions to
organizations and higher education institutions. We
can deliver our offerings - books, online resources,
blended learning - for one individual or thousands.
For more than a century, Thomson Learning has
created award-winning content in collaboration
with leading experts for higher education, library
reference, corporate, government, and professional
From www.thomson.com/content/learning/other_brand_overviews/
\TL_Overview_AUG06, 15 May 2007g
Thomson S.A. (FR)
“Thomson SA NYSE: TMS Euronext: TMS, formerly
known as Thomson Multimedia is a multinational
electronics manufacturer and media services
provider headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt,
France. In 2004 it had almost 60,000 employees in
30 countries worldwide. In 2005 its consolidated
revenues were € 8.5 billion.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomson_SA, 25 May 2007
TIOBE Software B.V. (NL)
“TIOBE is specialized in assessing and tracking the
quality of software. We measure the quality of a
software system by applying widely accepted coding
standards to it.
TIOBE Software BV has been founded 1st of
October 2000 with the aid of a major investment of
Swiss company Synspace and some private
investors. The name TIOBE stands for "The
Importance Of Being Earnest“. … By choosing this
name, the founders of TIOBE Software emphasize
their sincere and professional attitude towards
customers, suppliers and colleagues.”
From www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/company/GeneralInfo.html,
1 October 2014
Tony Bates Associates Ltd. (CA)
“The company draws primarily on the experience of
Tony Bates …
“However, in addition to Tony Bates, the company
can, through its part-time associates, draw on a
wide range of specialist expertise in the following
areas:” course design, learning objects, research
into e-learning, e-portfolios, business planning for
e-learning/distance programs, strategic planning,
management systems …” appropriate learning and
content management systems, web design,
measuring costs and cost-effectiveness, and
evaluation of e-learning/distance education.
From ww.tonybates.ca/tony-bates-associates/the-companys-associates/m 31
August 2009
Trans-European Research and
Education Networking Association (NL)
“TERENA offers a forum to collaborate, innovate
and share knowledge in order to foster the
development of Internet technology, infrastructure
and services to be used by the research and
education community.”
“TERENA is first and foremost a collaborative
organisation. Its core business is to bring together
managers, technical specialists and other people in
the research networking community with their
counterparts from other countries in Europe,
mobilising the expertise and experience of
hundreds of professionals in the research and
education networking area.”
From www.terena.org/about/, 11 January 2011
Treasury Board of Canada (CA)
“The Treasury Board is a Cabinet committee of the
Queen's Privy Council of Canada. It was established
in 1867 and given statutory powers in 1869.”
“The Treasury Board is responsible for
accountability and ethics, financial, personnel and
administrative management, comptrollership,
approving regulations and most Orders-in-Council.
The President carries out “his responsibility for the
management of the government by translating the
policies and programs approved by Cabinet into
operational reality and by providing departments
with the resources and the administrative
environment they need to do their work.”
From www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbs-sct/abu-ans/tb-ct/abu-ans-eng.asp, 20 October 2008
Trinity College Dublin (IE)
“Trinity College builds on its four-hundred-year-old
tradition of scholarship to confirm its position as
one of the great universities of the world, providing
a liberal environment where independence of
thought is highly valued and where staff and
students are nurtured as individuals and are
encouraged to achieve their full potential.
“The College is committed to excellence in both
research and teaching, to the enhancement of the
learning experience of each of its students and to an
inclusive College community with equality of access
for all.”
From www.tcd.ie/about/, 5 February 2011
Trustek Inc. (US)
“Trustek Inc. is a software research, development
and consulting company, focusing on ERP, EBusiness and Internet technologies. We provide
software development services to various
companies around the globe. Our services include
solutions in multi-tier distributed architecture,
Internet, E-Commerce and varying Database.”
“Trustek provides the services of an ideal 24X7
offshore development center (ODC) to their
esteemed clients for developing projects in latest
From www.trustek.com/index.html, 30 January 2013
Tufts University (US)
“Founded in 1852, Tufts University is recognized
among the premier universities in the United
States. Tufts also enjoys a global reputation for
academic excellence and for the preparation of
students as leaders in a wide range of professions. A
Research I university, Tufts has extensive and
highly regarded liberal arts, sciences, and
engineering programs that draw outstanding
students from around the world with the highest
academic achievement and standing.”
www.tufts.edu/source/about.html, 1 August 2004
Twenty Million Minds Inc. (US)
“At the Twenty Million Minds Foundation our
mission is to grow access and success by eliminating
unnecessary hurdles to affordability in higher
education. Three years ago, we set out to positively
disrupt a system that hadn't seen significant
evolution for decades, a system that had yet to fully
leverage the efficiency, interactivity, or scalability of
the digital age.”
“We believe the future is digital and leverage Web
2.0 technologies to provide students and faculty
with interactive, intelligent, and immersive learning
environments. “
From www.20mm.org/our-mission.html, 16 May 2013
Twitter Inc. (US)
“Twitter is a real-time information network that
connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions
and news about what you find interesting. Simply
find the accounts you find most compelling and
follow the conversations.”
“At the heart of Twitter are small bursts of
information called Tweets. Each Tweet is 140
characters long. You can see photos, videos and
conversations directly in Tweets.”
“Twitter was founded in San Francisco.”
From twitter.com/about, 24 May 2013
U.K. Cabinet Office
“The Cabinet Office sits at the very centre of
government and, with the Treasury, provides the
‘head office’ of government.”
“The Department has three core functions that
enable it to achieve this overarching purpose: 1.
Supporting the Prime Minister – to define and
deliver the Government's objectives. 2. Supporting
the Cabinet – to drive the coherence, quality and
delivery of policy and operations across
departments. 3. Strengthening the Civil Service –
to ensure the civil service is organised effectively
and has the capability in terms of skills, values and
leadership to deliver the Government's objectives.”
From www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/about_the_cabinet_office/, 6 September 2006
U.K. Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills
“The Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills (BIS) is building a dynamic and competitive
UK economy by: creating the conditions for
business success; promoting innovation, enterprise
and science; and giving everyone the skills and
opportunities to succeed. To achieve this it will
foster world-class universities and promote an open
global economy. BIS - Investing in our future.
“Sustainable economic growth is the Government’s
number one priority – and so it’s also where BIS is
very much focused at the moment.”
From www.bis.gov.uk/About, 8 April 2010
U.K. Department for Children,
Schools and Families
“The Government has long been committed to
enabling all children and young people to reach
their full potential. This requires a strong lead in
securing integrated children’s services and
educational excellence.
“The new Department for Children, Schools and
Families (DCSF) means we can really concentrate
on achieving these objectives.
“The Department will build on the successes in
education and children’s services that we have seen
over the last decade.”
From www.dfes.gov.uk/aboutus/, 14 July 2007
U.K. Department for Innovation,
Universities and Skills
“On 28 June the Government created the new
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
(DIUS). The new Department will deliver the
Government’s long-term vision to make Britain one
of the best places in the world for science, research
and innovation. It will ensure that the UK has the
skilled workforce it needs to compete in the global
From www.dius.gov.uk, 14 July 2007
U.K. Department of Trade
and Industry
“In a world of change and competition, the DTI is
working to create the conditions for business
success and help the UK respond to the challenge of
“As the Department responsible for trade, business,
employees, consumers, science and energy, the
Department is in a unique position to contribute to
the wider challenge of globalisation - enabling
business and employees to prosper in the UK.”
From www.dti.gov.uk/about/index.html, 3 September 2006
U.K. Financial Reporting Council
“The Financial Reporting Council is the UK’s
independent regulator responsible for promoting
high quality corporate governance and reporting to
foster investment. We promote high standards of
corporate governance through the UK Corporate
Governance Code. We set standards for corporate
reporting and actuarial practice and monitor and
enforce accounting and auditing standards. We also
oversee the regulatory activities of the actuarial
profession and the professional accountancy bodies
and operate independent disciplinary arrangements
for public interest cases involving accountants and
From www.frc.org.uk/about/, 11 December 2011
U.K. Courts and Tribunals
“HM Courts and Tribunals Service is an agency of
the Ministry of Justice. It uniquely operates as a
partnership between the Lord Chancellor, the Lord
Chief Justice and the Senior President of Tribunals
as set out in our Framework Document.
“The agency is responsible for the administration of
the criminal, civil and family courts and tribunals in
England and Wales and non-devolved tribunals in
Scotland and Northern Ireland. It provides for a
fair, efficient and effective justice system delivered
by an independent judiciary. “
From www.justice.gov.uk/about/hmcts/index.htm, 1 February 2012
U.K. HM Treasury
“The Treasury is the United Kingdom's economics
and finance ministry. It is responsible for
formulating and implementing the Government's
financial and economic policy. Its aim is to raise the
rate of sustainable growth, and achieve rising
prosperity and a better quality of life with economic
and employment opportunities for all.”
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has overall
responsibility for the work of the Treasury.
From www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/about/about_index.cfm, 19 July 2008
U.K. Ministry of Defence
The key principles which provide the basis of work for
* Defending the United Kingdom and its interests.
* Strengthening international peace and stability.
A force for good in the world
We achieve this aim by working together on our core
task to produce battle-winning people and equipment
that are:
* Fit for the challenge of today.
* Ready for the tasks of tomorrow.
* Capable of building for the future.
27 October 2006
U.K. (United Kingdom) Parliament
The UK Parliament is based on a two chamber
system. The House of Lords and the House of
Commons sit separately, and are constituted on
different principles. However, the legislative
process involves both Houses.
Parliament has three main functions:
* to examine proposals for new laws;
* to scrutinise government policy and
* to debate the major issues of the day.
From www.parliament.uk/works/introduction.cfm, 1 February 2005
U.K. Patent Office
“We are the official government body responsible
for granting Intellectual Property (IP) rights in the
United Kingdom (UK). These rights include:
Patents, Designs, Trade marks, and Copyright. As
part of the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI), we are responsible for the role of IP rights in
supporting innovation.”
“We are also an Executive Agency of the DTI under
the Office for Science and Innovation.”
From www.patent.gov.uk/about/about-ourorg/about-whatwedo.htm,
26 December 2006
U.K. Office for Library and Information Networking
“A centre of expertise in digital information
management, providing advice and services to the
library, information, education and cultural heritage
communities.UKOLN is based at the University of
UKOLN publishes Ariadne magazine. “[It] is targeted
principally at information science professionals in
academia, and also to interested lay people both in
and beyond the Higher Education community. Its
main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read
in the US and worldwide.”
From http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/, 10 September 2003
Unicon, Inc. (US)
“Unicon, Inc. is the leading independent provider of
enterprise portal, learning and integration
technology for higher education institutions.
Unicon is the leading commercial supporter of the
uPortal open source initiative. The company also
incorporates open source technology into its
solutions to increase productivity while reducing
“Unicon also maintains and supports applications
of the Cisco Networking Academy Program. [It was]
founded ten years ago by employees out of Arizona
State University.”
www.unicon.net/company/company.html, 7 January 2004
Union Square Ventures Inc. (US)
“Union Square Ventures is an early stage venture
capital firm based in New York City. We invest in
young companies that use information technology
in innovative ways to create high growth business
opportunities in the Media, Marketing, Financial
Services, Telecommunications, and Healthcare
“Our venture capital firm was conceived as a place
where a small number of very experienced
investment professionals, working collaboratively
from a single office, could build a portfolio of
promising startup companies.”
From crunchbase.com/financial-organization/union-square-ventures
quoting USV, 6 October 2012
Unisa Inc. (US)
“UNISA INC is a loan servicing company dedicated
to the Higher Education marketplace. Serving the
needs of Public, Private, Non-Profit, and For-Profit
Colleges and their alumni borrowers has been the
focus of their business for over 30 years.”
“… as the needs of their customers have
expanded they have met that demand by designing
and servicing Private Education Loans, Institutional
Loan Programs, Tuition Payment Plans, and
managing Student Account Receivables.”
From www.unisainc.com/borrower/about/, 1 January 2014
U.S. Army War College
“The purpose of US Army War College at this time
in our Nation's history is to produce graduates from
all our courses who are skilled critical thinkers and
complex problem solvers in the global application
of Landpower. Concurrently, it is our duty to the
Army to also act as a "Think Factory" for
Commanders and Civilian Leaders at the strategic
level worldwide and routinely engage in discourse
and debate on ground forces' role in achieving
national security objectives.”
From www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/about/aboutUs.cfm, 31 December 2013
U.S. Census Bureau
“Our Mission To be the preeminent collector and
provider of timely, relevant, and quality data about
the people and economy of the United States. We
will succeed by valuing our employees, innovating
in our work, and responding to our customers.
“Our Goal - To provide the best mix of timeliness,
relevancy, quality, and cost for the data we collect
and services we provide.”
From http://www.census.gov/main/www/aboutus.html, December 29, 2002
The Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of
U.S. Congress
"All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be
vested in a Congress of the United States, which
shall consist of a Senate and House of
(Article I, Section 1, of the United States Constitution)
“The chief function of Congress is the making of
laws. … The Senate is composed of 100 Members -two from each state, regardless of population or
area -- elected by the people in accordance with the
17th Amendment to the Constitution. As constituted
in the 106th Congress, the House of Representatives
is composed of 435 Members elected every two
years from among the 50 states, apportioned to
their total populations.”
From //thomas.loc.gov/home/lawsmade.bysec/congress.html, 20 July 2003
U.S. Consumer Finance Protection
“We work to give consumers the information they
need to understand the terms of their agreements
with financial companies. We are working to make
regulations and guidance as clear and streamlined
as possible so providers of consumer financial
products and services can follow the rules on their
“Congress established the CFPB to protect
consumers by carrying out federal consumer
financial laws.”
From www.consumerfinance.gov/the-bureau/, 4 March 2013
U.S. Department of Commerce
A cabinet department consisting of the Bureau of
Economic Analysis, Bureau of Industry and
Security, Census Bureau, Economic Development
Administration, International Trade
Administration, Minority Business Development
Agency, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, National Oceanic & Atmospheric
Administration, National Telecommunications &
Information Administration, Office of Civil Rights,
Patent and Trademark Office, and the Technology
From www.commerce.gov/sitemap.html, 26 March 2004
U.S. Department of Defense
“The Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible
for providing the military forces needed to deter
war and protect the security of the United States.
The major elements of these forces are the Army,
Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Under the
President, who is also Commander-in-Chief, the
Secretary of Defense exercises authority, direction,
and control over the Department which includes the
Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, three Military
Departments, nine Unified Combatant Commands,
the DoD Inspector General, fifteen Defense
Agencies, and seven DoD Field Activities.”
From www.defenselink.mil/odam/omp/pubs/GuideBook/DoD.htm
#Department%20of%20Defense, 28 March 2005
U.S. Department of Education
The U.S. Department of Education "establishes policy for,
administers, and coordinates most federal assistance to
education. ED provides an overview of the condition of
education in the United States, exercises and conducts
programs designed to achieve excellence in education,
promotes educational opportunities for all citizens, and
supplements state and local education efforts." The
Department also "collects and publishes statistics on the
nation's education system and sponsors research in
From www.ed.gov, 17 September 2007
U.S. Department of Energy
“The Department of Energy's overarching mission is
to advance the national, economic, and energy
security of the United States; to promote scientific
and technological innovation in support of that
mission; and to ensure the environmental cleanup
of the national nuclear weapons complex. The
Department has four strategic goals toward
achieving the mission:” Defense, Energy, Science
and Environment.”
From www.energy.gov/about/index.htm, 18 August 2006
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
“The Department of Health and Human Services is
the United States government's principal agency for
protecting the health of all Americans and providing
essential human services, especially for those who
are least able to help themselves.”
U.S. Public Health Service Agencies include:
National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug
Administration, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Indian Health Service, Health
Resources and Services Administration, Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
From www.hhs.gov/about/whatwedo.html/, 1 August 2006
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
“We will lead the unified national effort to secure
America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks
and protect against and respond to threats and
hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and
secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and
visitors, and promote the free-flow of commerce.”
From www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/theme_home1.jsp , 24 July 2004
U.S. Department of Justice
“The United States Department of Justice
(Department) was established in June 1870, … with
the Attorney General as its head.”
Its mission is "... to enforce the law and defend the
interests of the United States according to the law;
to provide federal leadership in preventing and
controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those
guilty of unlawful behavior; to administer and
enforce the nation's immigration laws fairly and
effectively; and to ensure fair and impartial
administration of justice for all Americans.“
From usdoj.gov/jmd/mps/manual/overview.htm, 20 July 2003
U.S. Department of Labor
“The Department of Labor fosters and promotes the
welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and
retirees of the United States by improving their
working conditions, advancing their opportunities
for profitable employment, protecting their
retirement and health care benefits, helping
employers find workers, strengthening free
collective bargaining, and tracking changes in
employment, prices, and other national economic
measurements. In carrying out this mission, the
Department administers a variety of Federal labor
From www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/mission.htm, 1 August 2003
U.S. Department of State
Department Mission Statement
Shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and
democratic world and foster conditions for stability
and progress for the benefit of the American people
and people everywhere.
--From the FY 2011 Agency Financial Report,
released November 2011
From http://www.state.gov/s/d/rm/index.htm#mission, 22 January 2012
U.S. Department of the Treasury
“The Treasury Department is the executive agency
responsible for promoting economic prosperity and
ensuring the financial security of the United States.”
“The Department of the Treasury operates and
maintains systems that are critical to the nation's
financial infrastructure, such as the production of
coin and currency, the disbursement of payments to
the American public, revenue collection, and the
borrowing of funds necessary to run the federal
From www.treasury.gov/about/role-of-treasury/Pages/default.aspx,
31 March 2011
U.S. Executive Office of the President
The U.S. Executive Office of the President includes:
Council of Economic Advisers, Council on
Environmental Quality, Domestic Policy Council,
National Economic Council, National Security
Council, Office of Administration, Office of FaithBased and Community Initiatives, Office of
Management and Budget, Office of National AIDS
Policy, Office of National Drug Control Policy,
Office of Science & Technology Policy, Office of the
United States Trade Representative, President's
Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, President's
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, USA Freedom
Corps, and the White House Military Office.
From www.whitehouse.gov/government/eop.html, 11 April 2004
U.S. Federal CIO Council
“The Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council was
established by Executive Order 13011, Federal
Information Technology, on July 16, 1996. The CIO
Council serves as the principal interagency forum for
improving practices in the design, modernization, use,
sharing, and performance of Federal Government
agency information resources. The Council's role
includes developing recommendations for information
technology management policies, procedures, and
standards; identifying opportunities to share
information resources; and assessing and addressing
the needs of the Federal Government's IT workforce.”
Additional information is available at: http://www.cio.gov/
U.S. Federal Communications
“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
is an independent United States government
agency. The FCC was established by the
Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with
regulating interstate and international
communications by radio, television, wire, satellite
and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction covers the 50
states, the District of Columbia, and U.S.
The FCC is directed by five Commissioners.
From www.fcc.gov/aboutus.html, 14 March 2010
U.S. Federal Courts
Documents from District and Appellate courts and
the Supreme Court on issues that directly affect
college and university Chief Information Officers.
Documents include opinions, briefs, orders, and
motions, and may also include press releases and
comments by attorneys, analysts, journalists, and
historians that contribute to understanding the
actions of the courts.
U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (US)
“The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
preserves and promotes public confidence in the
U.S. financial system by insuring deposits in banks
and thrift institutions for up to $100,000; by
identifying, monitoring and addressing risks to the
deposit insurance funds; and by limiting the effect
on the economy and the financial system when a
bank or thrift institution fails.
“An independent agency of the federal government,
the FDIC was created in 1933 … Since the start of
FDIC insurance on January 1, 1934, no depositor
has lost a single cent of insured funds as a result of a
From www.fdic.gov/about/learn/symbol/index.html, 29 December 2005
U.S. Federal Trade Commission
“The FTC works to ensure that the nation’s markets
are vigorous, efficient, and free of restrictions that
harm consumers.”
“To ensure the smooth operation of our free market
system, the FTC enforces federal consumer
protection laws that prevent fraud, deception, and
unfair business practices. The FTC also enforces
federal antitrust laws that prohibit anticompetitive
mergers and other business practices that restrict
competition and harm consumers.”
From the Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Report, 30 December 2005
U.S. Federal PKI Steering Committee
The Federal PKI (FPKI) Steering Committee has “the
task of providing Government-wide guidance and
coordination of Federal activities necessary to
implement a public key infrastructure. The FPKI
Steering Committee will coordinate, oversee,
monitor, implement, and report on the development
of a public key infrastructure to support secure
electronic commerce and electronic messaging as well
as other Federal agency programs requiring the use of
public key cryptography.”
Additional information is available at: http://www.cio.gov/fpkisc/
U.S.Federal Reserve System
“The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the
United States, was founded by Congress in 1913…
Today the Federal Reserve's duties fall into four
general areas: (1) conducting the nation's monetary
policy; (2) supervising and regulating banking
institutions and protecting the credit rights of
consumers; (3) maintaining the stability of the
financial system; and (4) providing certain financial
services to the U.S. government, the public,
financial institutions, and foreign official
From www.federalreserve.gov, 17 Apr 2004
U.S. General Services Administration
“The General Services Administration (GSA) secures the
buildings, products, technology, and other essentials
federal agencies need. Our resource experts secure
space, furniture, equipment, computers, and
telecommunications systems from federal and
commercial sources at best value.
“We also sell surplus federal property, such as real estate
and vehicles, to the public. We develop and implement
policies that promote the best management practices
government- wide. GSA is also a technology leader; we
are the managing partner for five of the 24 White House
e-government initiatives. Roughly 14,000 GSA
associates support over one million federal workers
located in 8,300 government-owned and leased
buildings nationwide.”
From http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/about.jsp, 14 July 2003
U.S. Government Accountability Office
“The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an
agency that works for Congress and the American people.
Congress asks GAO to study the programs and
expenditures of the federal government. GAO, commonly
called the investigative arm of Congress or the
congressional watchdog, is independent and nonpartisan.
It studies how the federal government spends taxpayer
dollars. GAO advises Congress and the heads of executive
agencies … about ways to make government more effective
and responsive. GAO evaluates federal programs, audits
federal expenditures, and issues legal opinions. When
GAO reports its findings to Congress, it recommends
From http://www.gao.gov/about/what.html, 24 July 2004
U.S. Government Printing Office
“GPO is the Federal Government’s primary
centralized resource for gathering, cataloging,
producing, providing, authenticating, and
preserving published information in all its forms.
“GPO is responsible for the production and
distribution of information products and services
for all three branches of the Federal Government.”
“GPO’s main mission is to ensure the American
public has access to Government information.”
From /www.gpo.gov/factsheet/index.html, 11 October 2008
U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS)
“The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
(INS), an agency of the Department of Justice, is
responsible for enforcing the laws regulating the
admission of foreign-born persons (i.e., aliens) to the
United States and for administering various
immigration benefits, including the naturalization of
qualified applicants for U.S. citizenship.”
September 1, 2002
U.S. Internal Revenue Service
“The IRS is a bureau of the Department of the
Treasury and one of the world's most efficient tax
administrators. In 2004, the IRS collected more
than $2 trillion in revenue and processed more than
224 million tax returns.”
“The IRS Mission: Provide America's taxpayers top
quality service by helping them understand and
meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the
tax law with integrity and fairness to all.”
From www.irs.gov/irs/article/0,,id=98141,00.html, 17 August 2007
U.S. Library of Congress
“The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural
institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is
also the largest library in the world, with more than 126
million items on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. The
collections include nearly 19 million books, 2.6 million
recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 56
million manuscripts.”
“The Library's mission is to make its resources available and
useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain
and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and
creativity for future generations.”
James H. Billington, The Librarian of Congress
From www.loc.gov/about/, 20 July 2003
U.S. National Archives and
Records Administration
“The National Archives is a public trust on which
our democracy depends. We enable people to
inspect for themselves the record of what
government has done. We enable officials and
agencies to review their actions and help citizens
hold them accountable. We ensure continuing
access to essential evidence that documents: the
rights of American citizens, the actions of federal
officials, [and] the national experience”
From www.archives.gov/about_us/vision_mission_values.html,
20 November 2004
U.S. Office of Management and Budget
“OMB's predominant mission is to assist the President in
overseeing the preparation of the Federal budget and to
supervise its administration in Executive Branch
“In addition, OMB oversees and coordinates the
Administration's procurement, financial management,
information, and regulatory policies.”
From www.whitehouse.gov/omb/organization/role.html, 26 March 2004
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
“It is OPM’s job to build a high quality and diverse
Federal workforce, based on merit system
principles, that America needs to guarantee
freedom, promote prosperity and ensure the
security of this great Nation.”
“OPM works with the President, Congress,
departments and agencies, and other stakeholders
to implement human capital policies that assist
Federal agencies in meeting their strategic goals.
This is accomplished by recruiting citizens to
Federal service, by serving as the main portal for
employment information and connecting job
applicants with Federal agencies and departments.”
From www.opm.gov/html/mission.asp, 21 July 2005
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
“For over 200 years, the basic role of the United
States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has
remained the same: to promote the progress of
science and the useful arts by securing for limited
times to inventors the exclusive right to their
respective discoveries (Article 1, Section 8 of the
United States Constitution). … The continued
demand for patents and trademarks underscores
the ingenuity of American inventors and
entrepreneurs. The USPTO is at the cutting edge of
the Nation’s technological progress and
The USPTO is a federal agency in the Department of
From www.uspto.gov/web/menu/intro.html, 31 July 2006
U.S. Postal Service
"The Postal Service has been a reliable, trusted
provider of communications for more than two
centuries. It is a basic and fundamental service
provided to the people of America by their
government. It helps keep Americans in touch, and
it is the hub of a $900 billion mailing industry. We
are working to keep this critical national asset
strong and vibrant, today and far into the future." Joint statement by the Postmaster General and the
Chairman, Board of Governors.”
From “The United States Post Service Transformation Plan,”
www.usps.com/strategicdirection/transform.htm 4 October 2003
U.S. Social Security Administration
The Mission of the Social Security Administration is
“To promote the economic security of the nation’s
people through compassionate and vigilant
leadership in shaping and managing America's
Social Security programs.”
From http://www.ssa.gov/mission.htm, 20 August 2003
“To advance the economic security of the nation’s
people through compassionate and vigilant
leadership in shaping and managing America’s
social security program.”
From “Strategic Plan 2003-2008,” 1 April 2003
U.S. Trade Representative
“The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
(USTR) is responsible for developing and
coordinating U.S. international trade, commodity,
and direct investment policy, and overseeing
negotiations with other countries. The head of
USTR is the U.S. Trade Representative, a Cabinet
member who serves as the president’s principal
trade advisor, negotiator, and spokesperson on
trade issues.”
“USTR is part of the Executive Office of the
From www.ustr.gov/about-us/mission, 3 November 2011
“UNESCO - the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was
founded on 16 November 1945. For this specialized
United Nations agency, it is not enough to build
classrooms in devastated countries or to publish
scientific breakthroughs. Education, Social and
Natural Science, Culture and Communication are
the means to a far more ambitious goal: to build
peace in the minds of men.”
“In short, UNESCO promotes international cooperation among its 190* Member States and six
Associate Members in the fields of education,
science, culture and communication.
*As of October 2003
From www.unesco.org , 30 October 2004
unisolution GmbH (DE)
“unisolution provides software and consulting
services for Institutions of Higher Education in the
areas of internationalisation and recruitment.
“unisolution specialises in the development of high
quality software solutions and services for
institutions of higher education. unisolution was
founded in 2001 following the development of the
software moveon for international relations
management in the International Office at the
Technical University Darmstadt in Germany.”
uFrom www.unisolution.eu/company/index, 15 November 2007
Unit 4 Agresso N.V. (NL)
“Agresso is a global provider of financial and
business information systems designed for peoplecentric organizations such as government, travel,
higher education, engineering, commercial
enterprises, non-profit organizations and
professional services companies.
Founded in 1983, Agresso is staffed with over 2,000
professionals, who service over 2,300 customers
worldwide. We believe the key to our success is our
"partner" relationship with our customers, a
relationship that ensures an ongoing commitment
to quality.”
From www.agresso.com/usa/subpage.aspx?cid=1474&from=homepage,
19 April 2006
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (ES)
“The university of the knowledge society
“The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’s mission is to
be an avant-garde technological university that uses
a highly innovative learning model and serves as a
flagship in terms of the quality of both its academics
and its research.”
Imma Tubella, President of the UOC
“The mission of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
(UOC) is to provide people with lifelong learning
and education opportunities.”
From www.uoc.edu/portal/english/la_universitat/coneix_la_uoc/
missio/index.html , 24 January 2012
Université Blaise Pascal (FR)
‘Une première Université existait entre le XIIe siècle
et la fin du XVe siècle à Billom, comptant jusqu’à
2000 étudiants, à l’égal des grandes Universités de
Montpellier, Toulouse et Paris.’
‘Rn 1987, Clermont 2 prend le nom d’Université
Blaise Pascal. En tant qu’Université
pluridisciplinaire, elle ne pouvait pas choisir
meilleur parrain que cet esprit universel par
excellence qui dans le même temps fut philosophe,
scientifique et homme de lettres.’
From www.univ-bpclermont.fr/article1.html, 25 March 2010
Universiteit Twente (NL)
“The University of Twente is an entrepreneurial
research university. It was founded in 1961 and
offers education and research in areas ranging from
public policy studies and applied physics to
biomedical technology. The UT is the Netherlands'
only campus university.”
From www.utwente.nl/en/, 1 July 2007
Universiteit van Tilburg (NL)
“Tilburg University is located in the southern
Netherlands. It specialises in the Social Sciences
and the Humanities and has an outstanding
international track record for research and teaching
excellence in Economics, Business, and Law.
Making Tilburg a true European Leader in
Economics, Business, and Law.
“Tilburg University is pursuing a dynamic
internationalisation policy. Currently, seven per
cent of its student population are international
students enrolling in its array of English-language
taught programmes.”
From www.tilburguniversity.nl/text_homepage/, 24 August 2005
Universität Wien (AT)
“The University of Vienna (Universität Wien) was
founded in 1365 by Duke Rudolf IV and is therefore
one of the oldest universities in Europe. The
University is proud of having been the home of
several Nobel Prize Laureates.”
“Research and education at the University of Vienna
encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific
disciplines, ranging from theology, jurisprudence,
economics, computer science, to the humanities
and to the social and natural sciences.
“The University participates in the
From www.univie.ac.at, 4 August 2006
Université Toulouse 1 Sciences
Sociales (FR)
“Issue d'une longue tradition universitaire qui date
de 1229, l'Université Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales
est implantée au coeur de la ville de Toulouse.
78 000 m2 de locaux reçoivent plus de 17 000
étudiants. L'Arsenal et les Anciennes Facultés, à 2
mn de la Place du Capitole, abritent la plupart des
amphithéâtres et des salles de cours et la plus
grande bibliothèque du site toulousain. La
Manufacture des Tabacs, entre Garonne et canal de
Brienne, regroupe la majorité des laboratoires et
des bibliothèques de recherche.”
From www.univ-tlse1.fr/46439680/0/fiche_051__pagelibre/,
25 December 2006
Universities and Colleges Information
Systems Association (UK)
“UCISA represents almost all the major UK
universities and higher education colleges and has a
growing membership among further education
colleges, other educational institutions and
commercial organisations interested in information
systems and technology in UK education, providing a
network of contacts and a powerful lobbying voice.”
“UCISA is an open, impartial and representative
association. It provides a national and international
presence for the people who make information
systems and services work. It helps them to share
best practice, maximise cost effectiveness, develop
ideas and inform and support policy making within
their institution, nationally and internationally.”
From www.ucisa.ac.uk/about/, 6 January 2006
Universities UK (UK)
“Universities UK is the representative body for the
executive heads of UK universities and is recognised
as the umbrella group for the university sector. It
works to advance the interests of universities and to
spread good practice throughout the higher
education sector. Universities UK is a Company
limited by guarantee with charitable status.”
“We will work to deliver our mission by...
Influencing stakeholders, Providing informed policy
analysis, Co-ordinating sector agencies, Providing
member exclusive services, [and] Enhancing our
own operational efficiency and effectiveness.”
From www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/faqs/, 27 January 2008
University at Buffalo (US)
“A comprehensive, research-intensive public
university dedicated to academic excellence and
engagement with the regional, national, and
international communities we serve.”
“The largest and most comprehensive in the 64campus State University of New York system. A
comprehensive, research-intensive public university
dedicated to academic excellence.”
From www.buffalo.edu/aboutub/, 25 December 2006
University College Dublin
“The origins of University College Dublin date back
to its foundation in 1851 as the Catholic University
of Ireland.”
“With ten faculties and over eighty departments,
UCD is now the largest single university institution
in Ireland, offering a comprehensive range of
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in
the humanities and sciences.”
From http://www.ucd.ie/aboutucd.htm, 2 April 2003
University College London (UK)
“Historically, in offering the first secular alternative
to the Establishment and Church-dominated
universities of England, UCL adopted a radical
approach to what we now term the “widening
participation” agenda. … Today, the university
welcomes students and staff of all races,
nationalities, genders and religions. Not just
tolerating a varied community, we actively seek it.”
“Equally apparent is UCL ’s enormous diversity of
knowledge. UCL stands alone with Cambridge and
Oxford, however, as a great multi-faculty university;
it possesses not just strength in depth but breadth
of strength.”
From “Open Your Eyes,” University College London, 15 June 2006
University of Adelaide (AU)
“Since its establishment in 1874 the University of
Adelaide has been amongst Australia’s leading
universities. Its contribution to the wealth and
wellbeing of South Australia and Australia as a
whole—across all fields of endeavor—has been
“Adelaide has a fine tradition of exemplary
scholarship and ground-breaking research, and its
unique relationship with industry and other
organisations ensures that our research expertise is
translated into tangible benefits for the global
From “Living Life Impact,” 5 August 2005.
University of Alberta (CA)
“By transforming learning, leading in groundbreaking research and uplifting society through new
knowledge, leadership and service, the University of
Alberta aims to be one of the world’s great
“With external research funding in 2005-06 of
more than $400 million, more than 36,000
students in more than 200 undergraduate programs
and 170 graduate programs and a growing body of
international students from more than 100
countries, the University of Alberta is one of
Canada’s foremost research-intensive universities. “
From “www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/facts/, 21 April 2007
University of Arizona (US)
“As a public land-grant institution, the University of
Arizona provides an accessible environment for
discovery where distinguished undergraduate,
graduate, and professional education are integrated
with world-class basic and applied research and
creative achievement. The University prepares
students for a diverse and technological world while
improving the quality of life for the people of
Arizona, the nation, and the world. The University
of Arizona is among America's top research
From www.arizona.edu/home/mission.shtml, 11 May 2004
University of Auckland (NZ)
“The University of Auckland is New Zealand's preeminent research-led University. Established in
1883, it has grown into an international centre of
learning and academic excellence and is New
Zealand's largest university.”
“The Performance-Based Research Fund review,
released in 2004 by the Tertiary Education
Commission, concluded that: ‘On virtually any
measure, The University of Auckland is the
country's leading research university. Not only did
it achieve the highest quality score of any TEO
[tertiary education organisation], but it also has by
far the largest share of A-rated researchers in the
From www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/about/uoa/, 5 August 2005
University of Brighton (UK)
“The University of Brighton is a community of
21,000 students and 2,100 staff based on five
campuses in Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings.
We have one of the best teaching quality ratings in
the UK and a strong research record, factors which
contribute to our reputation as a leading post-1992
“External assessments of the quality of teaching and
of graduate employment have ranked among the
strongest in the country, and the recent national
assessment of research found more Brighton staff
working at international standards of excellence
than in any other ‘new’ university.”
From www.brighton.ac.uk/aboutus/, 24 May 2008
University of British Columbia (CA)
“The University of British Columbia is committed to
maintaining the highest standards of teaching,
learning, research, and service, in order to provide a
learning environment that will inspire and enable
individuals to grow intellectually, recognize their
social responsibilities, be prepared to live and work
in a global environment, and achieve personal
From www.trek2000.ubc.ca/index.html, 24 October 2003
The University is located in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada.
University of Calgary (CA)
“The University of Calgary is Canada’s leading nextgeneration university – a living, growing and
youthful institution that embraces change and
opportunity with a can-do attitude.”
“The University of Calgary attracts and nurtures the
talent that drives new knowledge creation, improves
lives and betters our world. In this rich learning
environment, the university serves over 31,000
students in more than 200 undergraduate, graduate
and professional degree programs, and provides the
community with diverse lifelong learning
From www.ucalgary.com/about/, 13 August 2014
University of California (US)
Office of the President and Systemwide
"The distinctive mission of the University is to serve
society as a center of higher learning, providing
long-term societal benefits through transmitting
advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge,
and functioning as an active working repository of
organized knowledge. That obligation, more
specifically, includes undergraduate education,
graduate and professional education, research, and
other kinds of public service, which are shaped and
bounded by the central pervasive mission of
discovering and advancing knowledge."
— from the University of California Academic Plan, 1974-1978
University of California, Berkeley (US)
“The roots of the University of California go back to the
gold rush days of 1949, when the drafters of the State
Constitution … required the legislature to ‘encourage by
all suitable means the promotion of intellectual,
scientific, moral and agricultural improvement of the
people of California.’”
“By any standard, Berkeley ranks as one of the world’s
leading intellectual centers, renowned for the size and
quality of its libraries and laboratories, the scope of its
research and publications, and the distinction of its
faculty and students.”
General Catalog 2003/2005, January 22, 2004
University of California
Hastings School of Law (US)
“UC Hastings College of the Law was founded in
1878 as the first law department of the University of
California, and today is one of the top-rated law
schools in the United States. Its alumni span the
globe and are among the most respected lawyers,
judges and business leaders today. Our faculty are
nationally renowned as both teachers and scholars.”
“ Hastings College of the Law [assures]… its
graduates have a comprehensive understanding and
appreciation of the law and are well trained for the
multiplicity of roles that they will play in a society
and profession that are subject to continually
changing demands and needs. ”
From www.uchastings.edu/about/index.html, 14 October 2011
University of California, Los
Angeles (US)
“UCLA is a leader in many fields, pursuing its
mission through excellence in education, research
and service. Our faculty, students, and staff work
together to advance knowledge in the sciences,
humanities and professional fields, address
contemporary issues and improve the quality of life
in our city, region, state and world.”
Norman Abrams
Acting Chancellor
UCLA Enrollment: 24,811 undergraduates, 10,814 graduates
(Fall 2005). Faculty size: 3,326.
From www.ucla.edu/welcome.html, 26 December 2006
University of California,
Santa Barbara (US)
“The mission of UCSB is defined in the context of
the unique stature of the University of California
and the place of the Santa Barbara campus within
this system. Our responsibilities include provision
of high-quality education to undergraduate and
graduate students, innovation through the
advancement of fundamental and applied research
programs, creative activities and scholarship, and
provision of service to the state as well as the nation
and world that we share. In each of these three
areas, our mission is to fulfill these responsibilities
with the highest possible level of excellence…”
From www.ucsb.edu/campus/mission.shtml, 26 December 2006
University of California, San Diego
“Founded in 1960, the University of California, San
Diego is one of the nation’s most accomplished
research universities, widely acknowledged for its
local impact, national influence and global reach.
The campus is ideally located near the Pacific
Ocean, the U.S.-Mexico border and the Pacific Rim.
UC San Diego is renowned for its collaborative,
diverse and cross-disciplinary ethos that transcends
traditional boundaries in science, arts and the
humanities. The university’s award-winning
scholars are experts at the forefront of their fields.”
From ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/about/index.html, 4 February 2010
University of Cambridge (UK)
“The mission of the University of Cambridge is to
contribute to society through the pursuit of
education, learning, and research at the highest
international levels of excellence.
“The University's core values are as follows:
freedom of thought and expression, freedom from
discrimination, the encouragement of a questioning
spirit, an extensive range of academic subjects in all
major subject groups, quality and depth of
provision across all subjects, the close interrelationship between teaching, scholarship, and
research …”
From www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/mission.html, 14 July 2007
University of Cape Town (ZA)
“UCT aspires to become a premier academic
meeting point between South Africa, the rest of
Africa and the world. Taking advantage of
expanding global networks and our distinct vantage
point in Africa, we are committed, through
innovative research and scholarship, to grapple
with the key issues of our natural and social worlds.
We aim to produce graduates whose qualifications
are internationally recognised and locally
applicable, underpinned by values of engaged
citizenship and social justice. UCT will promote
diversity and transformation within our institution
and beyond.”
From About University of Cape Town 2012-13, 8 December 2014
University of Chicago (US)
“The University of Chicago is a private coeducational university located in Chicago, Illinois.
Over a century old, it is renowned for its
contributions to teaching and research, and
recognized as one of the world's foremost research
institutions. Known as the "teacher of teachers",
scholars and researchers affiliated with the
University of Chicago have earned more Nobel
Prizes than any institution except Cambridge
University. … the University of Chicago is often
considered to be among the most intellectual and
rigorous of American universities.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_chicago,
3 December 2005
University of Colorado (US)
“Founded in 1876 with a campus in Boulder, the
University of Colorado includes three unique
campuses offering more than 300 degree programs.
The University of Colorado is recognized as a
national leader in teaching and research
“CU has provided generations of Coloradans with
the highest quality education. We have also served
the citizens of Colorado through top-ranked
medical care, groundbreaking research, high-tech
development, and community outreach. “
From www.cu.edu/125/, 29 August 2006
University of Connecticut (US)
“The state's flagship institution of higher education,
the University of Connecticut is governed by a
board of trustees who are among the premier
entrepreneurs, strategists, and educators in their
respective fields.
[The] President … oversees a University system that
includes 10 Schools and Colleges at its Storrs
campus, separate Schools of Law and Social Work
in Hartford, five regional campuses throughout the
state, and the Schools of Medicine and Dental
Medicine at the UConn Health Center in
From www.uconn.edu/administration.php, 5 November 2012
University of Delaware (US)
“The University of Delaware has grown from its
founding as a small private academy in 1743 to a
major university. As one of the oldest land-grant
institutions, as well as a sea-grant, space-grant and
urban-grant institution, Delaware offers an
impressive collection of educational resources. …
The University's distinguished faculty includes
internationally known scientists, authors and
teachers, who are committed to continuing the
University of Delaware's tradition in providing one
of the highest quality undergraduate educations
From www.udel.edu/main/aboutud.html, 1 August 2005
University of Durham (UK)
“The University is engaged in: high-quality teaching
and learning, advanced research and partnership
with business, regional and community
partnerships and initiatives, [and] services for
conferences, events and visitor accommodation.
“The University is collegiate, with colleges providing
residential, social and welfare facilities for their
student members, and creating a sense of
community for staff and students together. Its
academic teaching and research programmes are
delivered through departments contained within
three faculties: Arts and Humanities, Science, and
Social Sciences and Health.”
From www.dur.ac.uk/about/, 22 July 2005
University of Edinburgh (UK)
“The University of Edinburgh is one of the UK’s
most prestigious universities. It was founded in
1583 and has been attracting international students
for over four centuries. In terms of the quality of its
teaching and research, it is considered one of the
leaders not only in the UK but in Europe and
“Edinburgh is also one of the UK’s larger, more
diverse universities, with a current student
population of over 20,000 (roughly 13,000
undergraduates and 7,000 postgraduates). More
than 4,000 of these students are international and
are drawn from more than 130 different countries.
From www.ed.ac.uk/studying/visitingstudent/edinburgh/, 20 February 2006
University of Georgia (US)
“The University of Georgia, a land-grant and seagrant university with state-wide commitments and
responsibilities, is the state's flagship institution of
higher education. It is also the state's oldest, most
comprehensive and most diversified institution of
higher education. Its motto, "to teach, to serve and
to inquire into the nature of things," reflects the
university's integral and unique role in the
conservation and enhancement of the state's and
nation's intellectual, cultural and environmental
From www.uga.edu/profile/mission.html, 16 March 2008
University of Glasgow (UK)
“Founded in 1451, the University of Glasgow is the
fourth oldest university in the English-speaking
world. Today we are a broad-based, research
intensive institution with a global reach and a global
“Our research-led approach is one of the reasons
why a degree from the University of Glasgow is so
prized, but our students also benefit from
opportunities to study abroad, improve their
employability, take part in work placements and
explore a wide range of social activities. As a result,
we welcome scholars from more than 100 countries
around the world every year.”
From www.gla.ac.uk/about/, 2 February 2011
Universität Hannover (DE)
“1831 von dem Gelehrten Karl Karmarsch
gegründet, startete die "Höhere Gewerbeschule zu
Hannover“ mit nur 64 Schülern. Heute sind es über
23.000 Studierende in den Natur- und
Ingenieurwissenschaften, den Geistes- und
Sozialwissenschaften sowie den Rechts- und
Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Und auch in Zukunft
soll es in Hannover Freude machen zu studieren, zu
lehren und zu forschen, deshalb ist eines der
erklärten Ziele der Universität Hannover, die
Qualität von Lehre und Forschung kontinuierlich zu
From www.uni-hannover.de/de/universitaet/index.php, 29 Jun 2005
University of Houston (US)
“The University of Houston System is the state's
only metropolitan higher education system,
encompassing four universities and two multiinstitution teaching centers.
“The universities include the University of Houston,
a nationally recognized doctoral degree-granting,
comprehensive research university; the University
of Houston-Downtown, a four-year undergraduate
university beginning limited expansion into
graduate programs; and the University of HoustonClear Lake and the University of Houston-Victoria,
both upper division and master's-level institutions.”
From www.uhsa.uh.edu/uhs_info/, 3 November 2006
University of Hull (UK)
“Since its foundation in 1927, the University of Hull
has enjoyed a distinguished history of providing
outstanding education as well as a rich life
experience for students.”
“The University of Hull has a strong pedigree across
three key areas; helping students achieve their
maximum potential, working as a major player in
the local and City community and delivering
effective services for local business.”
From //www.hull.ac.uk/theuniversity/index.html, 15 April 2003
University of Illinois (US)
“The University of Illinois is among the preeminent
public universities of the nation and strives constantly to
sustain and enhance its quality in teaching, research and
public service. As a land-grant institution, its three
campuses address critical issues of the state and the
nation. It will fulfill its mission by:
* Enhancing the quality of teaching, research and
service programs through the aggressive recruitment
and support of the best faculty, staff and students;
* Remaining a leader in the creation and synthesis of
knowledge for the benefit of current and future
* Continuing to improve the quality of the
undergraduate and graduate programs that prepare our
students for professional life, leadership and citizenship
in a changing world; … ˝
From www.uillinois.edu/about/mission.html, 24 June 2005
University of Iowa (US)
University of Leicester (UK)
“The University of Leicester is a leading UK
University with a proud past and an exciting future.
We deliver high quality undergraduate,
postgraduate and professional education and create
research that has impact internationally.”
“Leicester has been ranked joint 1st for teaching
quality and overall satisfaction amongst
mainstream English universities for two successive
years by the National Student Survey. Over two
thirds of our subjects are in the top 10. “
From www.le.ac.uk/portals/university.html, 9 January 2007
University of London (UK)
“The University of London is one of the oldest and
largest universities in the UK – and the most
diverse. It is a federation of nineteen distinct,
separate and, in many cases, multi-faculty Colleges,
together with numerous smaller specialist Institutes
and the External Programme. The University of
London has an outstanding international reputation
founded on the quality of its teaching and research.”
From www.lon.ac.uk/home.asp?id=1, 7 March 2003
University of Manchester (UK)
“The University of Manchester has been created by
bringing together The Victoria University of
Manchester and UMIST, two of Britain's most
distinguished universities, to create a powerful new
force in British Higher Education.
“The new merged University has been established
with an unprecedented £300m investment
programme. With some of the highest quality
teaching and research and the broadest spread of
academic subjects, we will be able to compete with
the best universities in the world. The new
institution is expected to be the largest single-site
university in the UK, offering students a greater
choice of degree programmes and options, and even
better facilities and student support services.”
From www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/, 23 September 2005
University of Manitoba (CA)
“The University of Manitoba [is] western Canada's
first university. Located in the city of Winnipeg, the
University of Manitoba is the province's premier
post-secondary educational institution and its only
research-intensive university.”
“In a typical year, the university has an enrolment
of approximately 27,000 students - 24,000
undergraduate and 3,000 graduate.”
“Since the University of Manitoba was first
established in 1877, our scientists, scholars, and
students have been making a difference - right here
at home and around the world.”
From /umanitoba.ca/about/, 13 July 2008
University of Maryland, College
Park (US)
“The University of Maryland, College Park, is a
public research university, the flagship campus of
the University System of Maryland, and the original
1862 land-grant institution in Maryland. In keeping
with the legislative mandates of 1988 and 1999, the
University of Maryland is committed to achieving
excellence as the State's primary center of research
and graduate education and the institution of choice
for undergraduate students of exceptional ability
and promise.”
From www.provost.umd.edu/Strategic_Planning/Mission2000.html,
31 January 2007
University of Maryland
University College (US)
“Founded in 1947, University of Maryland
University College (UMUC) is an accredited
institution dedicated to providing working adults,
military personnel, and students worldwide with
the opportunity to achieve their academic goals
through online instruction, accelerated academic
programs, and classroom-based courses taught
during the daytime, evenings, and weekends.”
From www.umuc.edu/gen/about.shtml, 31 January 2007
University of Massachusetts (US)
“The University of Massachusetts has been
providing high quality educational opportunities for
Massachusetts residents and for students and
faculty from all over the world for more than 140 y
“The University was established in 1863 as the
Massachusetts Agricultural College, located in
Amherst. It became known as the Massachusetts
State College in 1932 and in 1947 became the
University of Massachusetts. “
From www.massachusetts.edu/system/about.html, 31 July 2010
University of Melbourne (AU)
Over the years, the University of Melbourne has
established itself as one of the finest in Australia, if
not the world. This is achieved by progressive
management, realistic visions for the future and
strategic collaborations.
The VISION is of a University of Melbourne
international in character and focus, and world
class in the staff and students it attracts, the
research and scholarship it produces and the
academic standards to which it adheres; a
university adding immense intellectual, cultural and
professional energy to the City of Melbourne, and
serving Victoria and Australia by performing and
being acknowledged as one of the finest universities
in the world.
From /www.unimelb.edu.au/about/ataglance/, 1 April 2006
University of Michigan
“The University of Michigan, with its size,
complexity, and academic strength, the breadth of
its scholarly resources and the quality of its faculty
and students, is one of America's great public
universities and one of the world's premiere
research institutions. The University is a
community of outstanding faculty, talented
students, and committed staff who learn and work
in a stimulating intellectual environment enriched
by diverse cultural and social opportunities.”
From www.umich.edu/news/umfacts.html#, 17 June 2003
University of Minnesota
“The University of Minnesota is one of the most
comprehensive public universities in the United
States and ranks among the most prestigious. It is
both the state land-grant university, with a strong
tradition of education and public service, and the
state's primary research university, with faculty of
national and international reputation.”
From www1.umn.edu/twincities/01_about.php, 25 November 2004
University of Missouri–Columbia (US)
“The University of Missouri-Columbia was founded
in 1839 as the first public university west of the
Mississippi River. … It’s a major land-grant
institution and Missouri's largest public research
“Considered one of the nation's top-tier institutions,
Mizzou has a reputation of excellence in teaching
and research, and is the flagship campus of the
four-campus University of Missouri System.”
From www.missouri.edu/about/http://www.missouri.edu/about/,
8 December 2007
University of North Carolina (US)
“The University of North Carolina has a rich
heritage of academic excellence. Chartered in 1789,
UNC was the first public university in the United
States and the only one to graduate students in the
eighteenth century. Today, UNC is a multi-campus
university composed of 16 constituent institutions.
The university consists of each public educational
institution that grants baccalaureate degrees in the
state of North Carolina.”
From www.northcarolina.edu/content.php/system/index.htm, 9 April 2005
University of Oklahoma (US)
“The University of Oklahoma is truly an
extraordinary institution, known for its academic
excellence and strong sense of community.
“Attracting top students from across the nation and
95 countries around the world, OU provides a major
university experience in a private college
atmosphere. OU is number one in the nation in the
number of National Merit Scholars enrolled per
capita among public universities and is in the top
five of public universities in the nation in the
graduation of Rhodes Scholars.”
From www.ou.edu/connect/excell.html, 27 May 2007
University of Oxford
“The University of Oxford aims to achieve and
sustain excellence in every area of its teaching and
research, maintaining and developing its historical
position as a world-class university, and enriching
the international, national, and regional
communities through the fruits of its research and
the skills of its graduates.”
“The University will: … pursue innovative research,
promote challenging and rigorous teaching,
maintain and make best use of the advantages of its
independent colleges, and attract students of the
highest calibre.”
From www.admin.ox.ac.uk/admin/mission.shtml, 7 October 2003
University of Pennsylvania (US)
“At the University of Pennsylvania, you'll find a
historic, Ivy League school with highly selective
admissions and a history of innovation in
interdisciplinary education and scholarship. You'll
also find a picturesque campus amidst a dynamic
city and a world-class research institution.
“Penn carries on the principles and spirit of its
founder, Benjamin Franklin: entrepreneurship,
innovation, invention, outreach, and a pragmatic
love of knowledge. Franklin's practical outlook has
remained a driving force in the university's
From www.upenn.edu/about/welcome.php, 20 February 2006
University of Salford (UK)
“A connection with the University of Salford builds
a bridge to success. So if it's study, research or
working with business and industry, we'll achieve
excellence together.
As a University, we've been growing for over a
hundred years and achieved success every step of
the way.
And as part of this success we've developed into a
dynamic and cosmopolitan institution with a firstclass reputation for real-world teaching and ground
breaking research.”
From www.salford.ac.uk/about/special/, 2 January 2011
University of San Diego (US)
“The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic
institution committed to advancing academic
excellence, expanding liberal and professional
knowledge, creating a diverse and inclusive
community, and preparing leaders dedicated to
ethical conduct and compassionate service.”
“USD is founded and sustained by a belief in the
essential goodness of creation, the worthiness of a
lifelong commitment to understanding and working
on behalf of the human condition."
From www.sandiego.edu/about/mission_and_vision.php, 21 December 2911
University of Saskatchewan (CA)
“The University of Saskatchewan belongs to the people
of Saskatchewan. As an academic community, our
mission is to achieve excellence in the scholarly activities
of teaching, discovering, preserving, and applying
“The University of Saskatchewan will be a model of
scholarly enquiry, a place where all who contribute to its
achievements -- students, faculty, and staff -- can take
pride in their commitment to this centre of excellence
dedicated to the service of the people of Saskatchewan
and Canada.
“The University will be a diverse yet integrated
institution through which students and scholars interact
with national and international colleagues in a broad
range of academic activities.”
From www.usask.ca/uofs/mission.html, 31 January 2005
University of Southampton (UK)
“This University is already one of the top 10
research-led universities in the UK and has
achieved consistently high scores for its teaching
and learning activities. We offer first-rate
opportunities and facilities for study and research,
and a stimulating working environment. We work
closely with business and industry, and have a
strong enterprise agenda. “
“We currently have nearly 20,000 students and
5,000 staff based across several campuses in
Southampton and Winchester.”
From www. soton.ac.uk/about/index.html, 8 November 2005
University of Southern California (US)
“The central mission of the University of Southern
California is the development of human beings and
society as a whole through the cultivation and
enrichment of the human mind and spirit. The
principal means by which our mission is
accomplished are teaching, research, artistic
creation, professional practice and selected forms of
public service.
“Our first priority as faculty and staff is the
education of our students … through a broad array
of academic, professional, extracurricular and
athletic programs of the first rank. “
From www.usc.edu/about/core_documents/, 28 December 2006
University of Strathclyde (UK)
The University of Strathclyde was founded in
Scotland as a place of useful learning, to make
higher education available to all, and to combine
excellence with relevance. In fulfilling this mission
in today's world it will :
Contribute to the advancement of the knowledge
society; Generate, through excellence in research
and scholarship, new ideas, knowledge and skills;
Provide high-quality education to all of its students;
Offer the opportunities for all staff to develop their
full potential, and contribute fully to the
achievement of the University's Vision.
From www.strath.ac.uk/site/mission.htm, 8 November 2005
University of Teesside (UK)
“The University of Teesside is committed to
maintain and develop the academic character which
it established as a Polytechnic.
“The University will increase access for all who are
able to participate in a broad range of high quality
educational and vocational programmes, which
develop potential and equip the participants for
stimulating careers, rewarding to themselves and
“In addition to its role as an important centre for
teaching, learning and research, the University will
provide a particular focus for the development of
the educational, cultural, social and economic life of
the community.”
From www.tees.ac.uk/sections/about/mission.cfm, 21 August 2004
University of Texas (US)
The University of Texas System
“The mission of The University of Texas System is to
provide high-quality educational opportunities for the
enhancement of the human resources of Texas, the
nation, and the world through intellectual and
personal growth.
This comprehensive mission statement applies to the
varied elements and complexities of a large group of
academic and health institutions. Individually, these
institutions have distinct missions, histories, cultures,
goals, programs, and challenges. Collectively, these
institutions share a common vision and a
fundamental commitment to enhance the lives of
individuals and to advance a free society.
From www.utsystem.edu/News/mission.htm, 28 May 2006
University of Utah (US)
“As the state’s flagship institution, the University of
Utah focuses on enhancing the state’s reputation for
high quality instruction, research and innovation,
particularly at the graduate level. Its mission is to
disseminate knowledge through teaching,
publication, artistic presentation, and community
engagement. The University of Utah is a major
research institution that contributes to the
economic base of the state through innovation,
technology transfer and commercialization. The
university is also the primary deliverer of trained
professionals in medicine, pharmacy, law and
engineering for the state.”
From Utah System of Higher Education, 2013 Databook, p 5, 28 September 2014
University of Virginia (US)
“Thomas Jefferson founded the University of
Virginia in 1819. He wished the publicly-supported
school to have a national character and stature.
Jefferson envisioned a new kind of university, one
dedicated to educating leaders in practical affairs
and public.”
“[As a public university] the University has ranked
either No. 1 or No. 2. … The University of Virginia
produces research of proven scientific, social, and
economic impact from a unique consortium of
innovators and problem solvers.”
From www.virginia.edu/uvatours/shorthistory/best.html, 4 June 2013
University of Warsaw (PL)
Uniwersytet Warszawsli
“The University of Warsaw (UW), established in
1816, is Poland's largest and finest university. From
its beginning the University of Warsaw has played a
major role in the intellectual, political and cultural
life of Poland, and has been recognized throughout
the world as a leading academic centre in this part
of Europe. In 2007 UW once again has been
declared number 1 in the rankings published by the
national daily Rzeczpospolita, the education
monthly Perspektywy, and the news-weekly
From www.uw.edu.pl/en/page.php/about_uw/rese.html, 14 February 2010
Uniwersytet Warszawski (PL)
“Uniwersytet Warszawski (UW), założony w 1816 r.,
jest największą i jedną z najlepszych polskich
uczelni. Siła Uniwersytetu tkwi przede wszystkim w
wysokim poziomie kadry nauczającej oraz
studentów, którzy odnoszą liczne sukcesy w kraju i
zagranicą. Nauczanie ściśle powiązane jest z
praktyką badawczą, a w wielu dziedzinach nauki
Uniwersytet dysponuje doskonałym zapleczem
naukowo-badawczym. Proces Boloński oraz rozwija
współpracę z większością renomowanych instytucji
edukacyjnych poza granicami Polski.”
From www.uw.edu.pl/o_uw/, 14 February 2010
University of Warwick (UK)
“From its beginnings, the University has sought to
be excellent in both teaching and research. It has
now secured its place as one of the UK's leading
research universities, confirmed by the results of
the government's Research Assessment Exercises of
1986, 1989, 1992, 1996 and 2001. In all of these,
Warwick has been placed in the top half dozen or so
of universities for the quality of its research.
“Warwick has always taken the view that good
research informs and strengthens the quality of
education that it is able to offer its students.”
From www2.warwick.ac.uk/about/history/, August 19, 2004
University of Washington (US)
“Founded 4 November 1861, the University of
Washington is one of the oldest state-supported
institutions of higher education on the Pacific
“The primary mission of the University of
Washington is the preservation, advancement, and
dissemination of knowledge. The University
preserves knowledge through its libraries and
collections, its courses, and the scholarship of its
faculty. It advances new knowledge through many
forms of research, inquiry and discussion; and
disseminates it through the classroom and the
laboratory, scholarly exchanges, creative practice,
international education, and public service.”
From www.washington.edu/faculty/facsenate/handbook/04-01-01.html,
31 July 2006
University of Waterloo (CA)
“Waterloo has long been recognized as the most
innovative university in Canada. Like other
universities, Waterloo is committed to advancing
learning and knowledge through teaching, research,
and scholarship.
“We fulfill this commitment through teaching,
research, and scholarship in six faculties: Applied
Health Sciences, Arts, Engineering, Environmental
Studies, Mathematics, and Science, and in our
federated university and affiliated colleges: St.
Jerome’s University, Conrad Grebel University
College, Renison College, and St. Paul's United
From www. uwaterloo.ca/aboutuw/index.php, 1 October 2006
University of West Georgia (US)
“The University of West Georgia, a charter member
of the University System of Georgia, is a selectivelyfocused, comprehensive institution providing
undergraduate and graduate public higher
education in arts and sciences, business, and
“The purpose of West Georgia is to provide
opportunities for intellectual and personal
development through quality teaching, scholarly
inquiry, creative endeavor and service for the public
From www.westga.edu/documents/mission.php, 27 November 2005.
University of Wisconsin (US)
“The University of Wisconsin System is composed
of 13 four-year campuses, 13 two-year campuses
and statewide UW-Extension.”
From www.wisconsin.edu/, 22 August 2005
“The University of Wisconsin System [is] a public
university system with one of the richest traditions
in American higher education. I firmly believe that
our job as a public university is to be Wisconsin's
premier developer of advanced human potential, of
the jobs that employ that potential, and of the
flourishing communities that sustain it.”
—Kevin P. Reilly, President
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“A university is known by the quality of its faculty.
This is a university that produces Nobel Prize
winners, recipients of the National Medal of
Science, Pulitzer Prize winners, and members of the
National Academies of Science, Engineering, and
Education. Only a handful of universities, along
with UW-Madison, can claim top ranking in nearly
every independent survey, year after year.”
http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/, 14 October 2002
University of York
“The University of York was founded in 1963 with
200 students. Since then, it has expanded to 10,000
students and has over 30 academic departments
and research centres.
“From its inception, the University has
concentrated on strong viable departments and
teaching and research of the highest quality. The
quality of York's teaching has received many
accolades. York and Cambridge top the teaching
league with the highest scores in official teaching
From www.york.ac.uk/admin/presspr/misc/overview.htm, 2 August 2004
Universität Zürich (CH)
University of Zurich
“The University of Zurich is the largest university of
Switzerland, in the city of Zurich. It was founded on
April 29, 1833 with faculties of theology, law,
medicine and philosophy. Currently, the University
has faculties of theology, arts, science, medicine,
veterinary medicine, economics, and law.”
“This was the first University in Europe to be
founded by the state rather than a monarch or
church. The university allowed women to listen in
on philosophy lectures from 1847, and admitted the
first female doctoral student in 1866.”
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Zurich, 25 December 2005
University System of Maryland (US)
“The University System of Maryland comprises 11
universities, two research institutions, two regional
higher education centers, and a system office. USM
provides access to excellent higher education
opportunities, performs groundbreaking research,
offers vital services to communities and individuals,
and fuels economic and workforce development. As
a public system of higher education, USM advances
the State of Maryland and benefits all of society.”
From www.usmd.edu/about_usm/, 30 June 2006
University System of Ohio (US)
“Ohio’s network of public colleges and universities
includes 13 universities with 24 branch campuses, a
public medical school, and 23 two-year technical
and community colleges working in a collaborative,
cooperative environment across the state. With a
mission to provide affordable, high quality higher
education opportunities for all Ohioans, programs
and curricula are design to meet Ohioans’ needs for
the 21st century.”
From universitysystem.ohio.gov, 24 August 2008
The Urban Institute (US)
“To promote sound social policy and public debate
on national priorities, the Urban Institute gathers
and analyzes data, conducts policy research,
evaluates programs and services, and educates
Americans on critical issues and trends.”
“Today, we analyze policies, evaluate programs, and
inform community development to improve social,
civic, and economic well-being. We work in all 50
states and abroad in over 28 countries, and we share
our research findings with policymakers, program
administrators, business, academics, and the public
online and through reports and scholarly books.”
From www.urban.org/about/index.cfm, 14 March 2008
UserLand Software, Inc. (US)
What is UserLand?
UserLand is a private California corporation
founded in 1988. The company was founded by
Dave Winer, a legendary Silicon Valley
What is UserLand Software?
UserLand's products make it easy to create,
manage, and share content on the Web and on
Intranets. We use our tools to publish leading news
sites, or Weblogs; and have contributed several
important standards to the independent Internet
developer community.
From http://www.userland.com/faq, 30 August 2003
Utah State Board of Education (US)
“Utah’s Public Education System is created in the
state Constitution to “secure and perpetuate”
freedom. Freedom, as envisioned in the Utah
Constitution, is a promise to future generations that
 Citizen participation in civic and political affairs.
 Economic prosperity for the community.
 Strong moral and social values.
 Loyalty and commitment to constitutional
The premise of Promises to Keep is that there are
essential core “promises” [to the citizens of Utah].
From schoolboard.utah.gov/board-mission, 1 October 2014
Utah System of Higher Education (US)
“The Utah State Board of Regents is the governing
body for the Utah System of Higher Education. The
Utah Legislature grants it the power to control,
manage, and supervise USHE.”
“The Utah System of Higher Education is comprised
of eight public colleges and universities … governed
by the State Board of Regents, assisted by local
Boards of Trustees. The System includes two
research universities, four regional universities, and
two community colleges.
From Utah System of Higher Education, 2013 Data Book, p. 5,
28 September 2014
Utah, State of (US)
“Utah is the 13th-largest, the 33rd-most populous,
and the 10th-least-densely populated of the 50
United States. Utah has a population of about 2.9
million, approximately 80% of whom live along the
Wasatch Front, centering on Salt Lake City, leaving
vast expanses of the state nearly uninhabited.”
“Utah is the most religiously homogeneous state in
the Union. Approximately 62% of Utahns are
reported to be members of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS (Mormons),
which greatly influences Utah culture and daily
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah, 24 August 2014
Utah State University
“Utah State University is a place of inspiration, a
place where the person you are meets the person
you will become. It is a university where teaching is
fundamental, where academics come first, and
where professors are still the touchstone for every
student. Our students and faculty receive national
recognition for their work as noted repeatedly in
publications such as The New York Times, The
Chicago Tribune, The Chronicle of Higher
Education and USA Today. In the past four years,
Utah State has improved the quality of its students,
increased retention rates and, for the past two
years, admitted its best prepared freshman class
From www.usu.edu/about/, 10 January 2005
Utah System of Higher Education (US)
“The Utah State Board of Regents is the governing
body for the Utah System of Higher Education. The
Utah Legislature grants it the power to control,
manage, and supervise USHE.”
“The Utah System of Higher Education is comprised
of eight public colleges and universities … governed
by the State Board of Regents, assisted by local
Boards of Trustees. The System includes two
research universities, four regional universities, and
two community colleges.
From Utah System of Higher Education, 2013 Data Book, p. 5,
28 September 2014
Utica College (US)
“Utica College educates students for rewarding
careers, responsible citizenship, and fulfilling lives
by integrating liberal and professional study, by
creating a community of learners with diverse
experiences and perspectives, by balancing its local
heritage with a global perspective, by encouraging
lifelong learning, and by promoting scholarship in
the belief that the discovery and application of
knowledge enrich teaching and learning.”
From www.utica.edu/college/ourmission.htm, 22 March 2004
VA Software Corporation (US)
“VA Software is at the center of the Open Source
technology revolution through:
* OSTG (Open Source Technology Group), the
world's leading community-driven media network
* SourceForge.net®, the world's largest Open
Source development site
* SourceForge® Enterprise Edition, enabling
collaborative development in the enterprise”
From ww.vasoftware.com/, 16 January 2006
Valencia College (US)
“Valencia is a publicly supported, comprehensive
community college that continually identifies and
addresses the changing learning needs of the
communities it serves.”
“[Valencia College] supports the success of each
learner by embracing our values and committing to
partnerships with public, civic, and workforce
organizations throughout our communities. Our
mission is to provide opportunities for academic,
technical, and life-long learning in a collaborative
culture dedicated to inquiry, results, and
From valenciacollege.edu/academic-affairs/institutional-effectivenessplanning/strategic-plan/WP/vision.cfm
Veryant LLC (US)
“The COBOL and Java Technology Innovator
“Veryant provides software solutions that optimize
IT resources, revitalize programming resources, and
dramatically lower cost.
“Whether you are evolving existing applications
through SOA, migrating from the mainframe to
open systems, or improving quality and distribution
processes, Veryant's innovative software offerings
increase business productivity and provide a
complete environment for COBOL application
development, deployment and modernization.”
From www.veryant.com/about/, 10 February 2011
Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)
Victoria is built on 125 years of tradition. Founded
to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, the
University began teaching and research in 1899,
while the Wellington College of Education, with
which it merged in 2005, was established in 1880.
Today the expanded University offers almost 1,700
courses. As New Zealand’s Capital City University,
Victoria is one of New Zealand’s leading research
universities and one of Wellington’s largest
employers, making a significant contribution to its
economy and cultural and sporting life.
From www.vuw.ac.nz/home/publications/victoria_glance_2006.pdf,
10 July 2006
Vienna University of Technology (AT)
“The Vienna University of Technology was founded
in 1815 as Imperial-Royal Polytechnical Institute, it
was the first University of Technology within
present-day German-speaking Europe. Today the
university finds high international and domestic
recognition in teaching as well as in research and is
a highly esteemed partner of innovation oriented
“TU is involved in many different fields: from
atomic and particle physics over material physicists,
surface science, interface and thin-layer research,
plasma technology up to the development of
modern production technologies, the research of
information and communication technologies and
business and investment mathematics.”
From www.tuwien.ac.at/english/introduction.shtml, 3 November 2005
Technische Universität Wien (AT)
“Die Technische Universität Wien - im Herzen von
Wien und in der Nachbarschaft vieler bedeutender
Kulturdenkmäler gelegen - wurde 1815 als k. k.
polytechnisches Institut gegründet und hat sich in
mehreren Schritten zur Technischen Universität
(1975) entwickelt.
Stets war und ist es der Technischen Universität
Wien ein Anliegen, sich mit modernsten
Lehrplänen sowie praxisorientierter Lehre und
Forschung im nationalen und internationalen
Spitzenfeld zu positionieren.
From www.tuwien.ac.at/pr/tu_info/tuinfo_text.shtml, 3 November 2005
Virginia, Commonwealth of (US)
“Virginia was founded in 1607 in Jamestown. Since
its early beginnings, Virginia has grown and
prospered into a thriving state rich with diversity
from culture to climate.
“In colonial times, Virginia was officially known as
the Colony and Dominion of Virginia. … The
delegates to the convention in Williamsburg, when
the first Constitution of Virginia was adopted on
June 29, 1776, used commonwealth as the name for
the new form of government.”
From www.virginia.gov/cmsportal3/facts_and_history_4096/
history_4104/index.html, 8 August 2010
Vivántech Inc. (US)
“Our mission is to strive for and provide service
excellence in the form of strategic consulting,
software-related services and project management.
Vivantech is a premier, rapidly-growing
development provider of strategic technology
services and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings.
We are known for delivering innovative solutions
for higher education by leveraging our experience
with higher education institutions.
“Also, unlike other consulting companies, we truly
partner with our customers.”
From www.vivantech.com/about/, 9 July 2015
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)
“The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is the offshoot
of the French-speaking Université Libre de
Bruxelles (ULB) that was founded in 1834 by a
Brussels lawyer with Flemish origins, PierreThéodore Verhaegen.”
The university “offers 129 study courses, of which
27 are taught in English. During the academic year
2003-2004, it also organised 75 short-term postacademic training courses for professionals.” In
2004, the university spent € 51,814,963 on
research. There was an increase of income through
cooperation with the Interuniversity MicroElectronics Centre and the Flanders Interuniversity
Institute for Biotechnology.
From www.vub.ac.be/english/home/about.html, 25 December 2005
Vox Media Inc. (US)
“Vox Media, Inc. operates as an online publishing
company. The company owns and operates
Websites in various categories that include sports,
technology and culture, gaming, dining and
nightlife, shopping and fashion, and design and real
estate. The company also provides advertisement
and content creation, brand advertisement, content
distribution, content publishing, structured data,
content and advertising analytics, and brand
management services.
“The company was founded in 2003 and is based in
Washington, District of Columbia.
From investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?
privcapId=49920593, 19 August 2014
Wabash College (US)
“Founded in 1832, Wabash College is an
independent, liberal arts college for men with an
enrollment of 850 students. Its mission is
excellence in teaching and learning within a
community built on close and caring relationships
among students, faculty, and staff.
Wabash offers qualified young men a superior
education, fostering, in particular, independent
intellectual inquiry, critical thought, and clear
written and oral expression. The College educates
its students broadly in the traditional curriculum of
the liberal arts, while also requiring them to pursue
concentrated study in one or more disciplines.
From www.wabash.edu/aboutwabash/mission.cfm, 2 August 2006
The Washington Post (US)
“The Washington Post newspaper is an operating
division of The Washington Post Company. The
Company is a diversified media company whose
principal operations include newspaper and magazine
publishing, television broadcasting, cable television
systems, electronic information services, test preparation
and educational and career services. Company
headquarters are in Washington, D.C.”
From www.washpost.com/gen_info/corporateinfo/, 12 April 2004
Web Services Interoperability
Organization WS-I (US)
“WS-I is an open industry organization chartered to
promote Web services interoperability across
platforms, operating systems and programming
languages. The organization’s diverse community of
Web services leaders helps customers to develop
interoperable Web services by providing guidance,
recommended practices and supporting resources.”
“Specifically, WS-I creates, promotes and supports
generic protocols for the interoperable exchange of
messages between Web services.”
From www.ws-i.org/about/Default.aspx, 8 February 2008
WebCT, Inc.
“WebCT, Inc. is the world’s leading provider of elearning systems for higher education institutions.
Based in Lynnfield, Massachusetts, WebCT
provides a highly flexible e-learning environment
that empowers institutions across the educational
spectrum with the ability to achieve their unique
objectives. Thousands of institutions in more than
70 countries are using WebCT’s e-learning solutions
to expanded the boundaries of teaching and
From www.webct.com/company, 18 April 2005
WebSoft Ltd. (RU)
WebSoft Ltd. is software development company
located in Moscow, Russia. WebSoft was formed in
1999 by the group of Moscow State University
graduates. Since then one of the main company
goals is to develop the powerful, yet easy-to-use
eLearning tools. With more than 7 years of
experience in software development and IT
consulting we are now successfully servicing our
clients: among them leading Russian and
International companies working on the Russian
From www.courselab.com/db/cle/root_id/about/doc.html, 9 December 2007
West Virginia University (US)
Character: Public, land-grant institution, founded in
1867. Research Classification: Research University
(High Research Activity) as classified by the
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching. Research Funding: Faculty conduct over
$138 million annually in sponsored contracts and
research grants. Combined WVU Expense Budget:
Approximately $749 million. Accreditations: North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools and
dozens of specialized academic accrediting agencies.
Governance: WVU is governed by the WVU Board
of Governors and the West Virginia Higher
Education Policy Commission
From www.nis.wvu.edu/intro/, 9 September 2007
WCET Western Cooperative for
Educational Telecommunications (US)
“WCET - the Western Cooperative for Educational
Telecommunications, founded by the Western Interstate
Commission for Higher Education in 1989, is a membershipsupported organization open to providers and users of
educational telecommunications. Members represent the
higher education community, nonprofit organizations,
schools, and corporations. WCET's members span the globe,
but most are in the U.S. Collectively, they represent the most
innovative thinkers in the use of educational technologies,
either on-or-off campus, that can be found anywhere.”
From www.wcet.info/about/, 1 February 2005
Western Interstate Commission for
Higher Education (US)
“The Western Interstate Commission for
Higher Education is a regional organization
created by the Western Regional Education
Compact, adopted in the 1950s by Western states.
WICHE was created to facilitate resource sharing
among the higher education systems of the West. It
implements a number of activities to accomplish its
“WICHE began operations in 1953 in Eugene,
Oregon, moving to its present location in Boulder,
Colorado in 1955. … Fifteen western states
comprise WICHE .”
From w.wiche.edu/about/, 10 April 2009
Whiteboard Advisors (US)
“Whiteboard Advisors is a policy-oriented
consulting practice. We provide proprietary
research and strategic support to investors,
philanthropic donors, government leaders, and
entrepreneurs that seek unparalleled understanding
of the education policy and business environment.”
“Beyond education, our team members are actively
engaged in other areas where business and public
policy converge, including telecommunications,
health IT, and clean energy technology.”
From www.whiteboardadvisors.com/about, 28 September 2013
White House, The (US)
Executive Office of the President
The White House has stood as the symbol of the
Presidency. It includes the president and staff, the
President’s Cabinet, and the Executive Office of the
It represents the Executive Branch of the U.S.
federal government.
From www.whitehouse.gov/history/facts.html, 10 January 2005
WikiLeaks (SE)
“WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation.
Our goal is to bring important news and
information to the public. We provide an
innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources
to leak information to our journalists (our
electronic drop box). One of our most important
activities is to publish original source material
alongside our news stories so readers and historians
alike can see evidence of the truth. We are a young
organisation that has grown very quickly, relying on
a network of dedicated volunteers around the
From wikileaks.org/About.html, 13 October 2013
Wikimedia Foundation (US)
“The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to
empower and engage people around the world to
collect and develop educational content under a free
license or in the public domain, and to disseminate
it effectively and globally.”
“[The] Foundation provides the essential
infrastructure and an organization framework for
the support and development of multilingual wiki
projects and other endeavors which serve this
From Wikimedia Foundation annual report 2008-2009, 20 February 2011
William and Mary, College of (US)
The College of William and Mary is “the second
oldest college in the nation, but also a cutting-edge
research university. We’re highly selective, but also
public, offering a world-class education without the
sticker shock.”
“We're famous for our rigorous liberal arts
curriculum and our dedicated, engaged professors.
Our students are nothing short of exceptional;
they're scholars, athletes, activists, musicians, world
travelers and generous volunteers.”
From www.wm.edu/about/wmataglance/index.php, 16 October 2011
Willamette Management
Associates (US)
“Founded in 1969, Willamette Management
Associates is a valuation consulting, economic
analysis, and financial advisory services firm.
Willamette Management Associates specializes in
the valuation of business, business interests, and
intangible assets for purposes of transaction pricing
and structuring, taxation planning and compliance,
and forensic analysis and dispute resolution. Our
clients range from substantial closely held
companies to multinational corporations and
include the banking industry, the accounting
profession, the legal community, and government
and regulatory agencies.”
From www.willamette.com/media/releases/iba_6_2919.pdf,
13 February 2011
Willamette University (US)
“Willamette University is a nationally recognized
liberal arts school with graduate programs in law,
business and education.
“From the caliber of its students to the level of
expertise among its faculty, Willamette University
embodies academic excellence. More than 1,800
undergraduates benefit from Willamette’s 11-to-1
student-to-faculty ratio and 163 years of tradition as
the First University in the West.”
From www.willamette.edu/about/, 17 October 2006
Wizards of OS (DE)
“Wizards of OS (Wizards of Operating Systems, or
"WOS") is a Berlin-based conference. Its topics are
the cultural and political potentials of free software,
software technology, digital networks and media,
and more generally information freedom and open
cooperation in the creation and proliferation of
knowledge. The conference is interdisciplinary and
aims to be a platform of exchange between, chiefly,
scientists, engineers, social researchers, scholars
from the humanities, artists and activists.
“The name is a word play on Wizard of Oz. The
acronym OS stands for operating system (not open
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizards_of_OS, 6 January 2007
Wolfram Research, Inc.
“Through innovation and progressive growth,
Wolfram Research, Inc. continues to thrive as the
world's leading technical software company.
Wolfram Research products maintain a reputation
for innovation, power, quality, and elegance. The
company's aim can be summarized: ‘Pushing the
Envelope of Technical Computing.’
“Wolfram Research has been … able to fund
unusually long-term R&D projects and to port
Mathematica, its flagship product, to a wide
selection of operating systems.”
From http://www.wolfram.com/company/, 25 March 2003
Workday Inc. (US)
“Workday is a leading provider of enterprise cloud
applications for human resources and finance.
Founded in 2005 by PeopleSoft veterans Dave
Duffield and Aneel Bhusri, Workday delivers
human capital management, financial management,
and analytics applications designed for the world’s
largest organizations. Hundreds of companies,
ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune
50 enterprises, have selected Workday.”
From www.workday.com/, 27 May 2013
Workflow Management Consortium (US)
“The Workflow Management Coalition, founded in
August 1993, is a non-profit, international
organization of workflow vendors, users, analysts
and university/research groups.
“The Coalition’s mission is to promote and develop
the use of workflow through the establishment of
standards for software terminology, interoperability
and connectivity between workflow products.
Consisting of over 300 members worldwide, the
Coalition is the primary standards body for this
significant software market.”
From www.WfML.org, 10 June 2006
The World Bank Group
“The World Bank Group’s mission is to fight
poverty and improve the living standards of people
in the developing world. It is a development Bank
which provides loans, policy advice, technical
assistance and knowledge sharing services to low
and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The
Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to
empower poor people to take advantage of these
From web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/0,,pagePK:
43912~piPK:36602~theSitePK:29708,00.html, 24 August 2004
World Economic Forum (CH)
“The World Economic Forum was first conceived in
January 1971 when a group of European business
leaders met under the patronage of the European
Commission and European industrial associations.”
…“the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting and
indeed all the activities and initiatives of the Forum
around the world are distinguished by the active
participation of government, business and civil
society figures, both the most experienced and the
most promising, all working together in the
collaborative and collegial Spirit of Davos.”
From www.weforum.org/history/, 28 January 2012
World Intellectual Property Organization
“The World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO) is an international organization dedicated
to promoting the use and protection of works of the
human spirit.”
“With headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, WIPO
is one of the 16 specialized agencies of the United
Nations system of organizations. It administers 23
international treaties dealing with different aspects
of intellectual property protection. The
Organization counts 182 nations as member states.”
www.wipo.int/about-wipo/en/, 4 Jun 2005
World Wide Web Consortium (US)
“The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops
interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines,
software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C
is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and
collective understanding.”
www.W3C.org, July 23, 2002
“The World Wide Web Consortium was created in October
1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by
developing common protocols that promote its evolution and
ensure its interoperability. W3C has around 500 Member
organizations from all over the world and has earned
international recognition for its contributions to the growth of
the Web.”
www.w3c.org/Consortium, July 23, 2002
Copyright Notice
"Copyright (C) The Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards [OASIS] (date). All Rights Reserved.
“This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others,
and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in
whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above
copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and
derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any
way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS,
except as needed for the purpose of developing OASIS specifications, in
which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the OASIS Intellectual
Property Rights document must be followed, or as required to translate it
into languages other than English.
“The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns.”
OASIS.IPR.4. Notices, “OASIS Policy on Intellectual Property Rights (OASIS.IPR),” at
http://www.oasis-open.org/who/intellectualproperty.shtml, July 24, 2002
Wright State University (US)
“Wright State University [Dayton, Ohio] will be a
catalyst for educational excellence in the Miami
Valley, meeting the need for an educated citizenry
dedicated to lifelong learning and service. To those
ends, as a metropolitan university, Wright State will
provide: access to scholarship and learning;
economic and technological development;
leadership in health, education, and human
services; cultural enhancement, and international
understanding while fostering collegial involvement
and responsibility for continuous improvement of
education and research.”
From www.wright.edu/admin/mission.html, 1 January 2006
XML.org (US)
“Extensible Markup Language (XML) embodies the
potential to alleviate many of the interoperability
problems associated with the sharing of documents
and data. Realizing the potential requires
cooperation not only within but also across
organizations. Our purpose is to facilitate the
efficient and effective use of XML through
cooperative efforts among [U.S.] government
agencies, including partnerships with commercial
and industrial organizations.”
From xml.gov/index.asp, 18 March 2006
Yahoo!Inc. (US)
“Our mission is to be the most essential global
Internet service for consumers and businesses. How
we pursue that mission is influenced by a set of core
values - the standards that guide interactions with
fellow Yahoos, the principles that direct how we
service our customers, the ideals that drive what we
do and how we do it. Many of our values were put
into practice by two guys in a trailer some time ago;
others reflect ambitions as our company grows. All
of them are what we strive to achieve every day.”
From docs.yahoo.com/info/values/, 11 October 2005
Yale University
“As Yale enters its fourth century, our goal is to become
a truly global university—educating leaders and
advancing the frontiers of knowledge not simply for the
United States, but for the entire world.
“The globalization of the University is in part an
evolutionary development. Yale has drawn students
from outside the United States for nearly two centuries,
and international issues have been represented in its
curriculum for the past hundred years and more. But
creating the global university is also a revolutionary
development—signaling distinct changes in the
substance of teaching and research, the demographic
characteristics of students, the scope and breadth of
external collaborations, and the engagement of the
University with new audiences.”
Richard C. Levin, President, Yale University
www.Yale.edu, 28 December 2003
Ziff Davis Media Inc. (US)
A subsidiary of Ziff Davis Holdings, Inc.
Ziff Davis Media is one of the leading integrated
technology media companies in the world… Ziff
Davis Media owns the number one technology
publications in the industry (in terms of market
share). The company also owns such popular
brands as eWEEK, Baseline magazine, CIO Insight,
PC Mag.com, eWEEK.com, ExtremeTech.com,
1UP.com and MicrosoftWatch.
The company distinguishes itself through its
comprehensive labs-based evaluations, trusted
buying advice, recognized industry experts,
thought-provoking news, reviews and analyses.
From www.ziffdavis.com/about/investor, 3 May 2005
Zogby International (US)
“Zogby International has been tracking public
opinion since 1984 in North America, Latin
America, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe...
“Mission: ‘To offer the best polling, market
research, information services, and business
solutions worldwide based on accuracy and detailed
strategic information.’ Zogby International is
constantly searching, testing and measuring
hypotheses and principles on polling and public
opinion research.”
From www.zogby.com/about/index.cfm, 14 July 2007
Young Invincibles Inc. (US)
“Young Invincibles was founded in the summer of
2009, motivated by the recognition that young
people’s voices were not being heard in the debate
over health care reform.”
“… a national organization, representing the
interests of 18 to 34 year-olds and making sure that
our perspective is heard”… “We do this through
conducting cutting-edge policy research and
analysis, sharing the stories of young adults,
designing campaigns to educate on important issue
areas, informing and mobilizing our generation and
advocating to change the status quo.”
From younginvincibles.org/about/, 27 May 2014
Youngstown State University (US)
“Youngstown State University, an urban research
university, emphasizes a creative, integrated
approach to education, scholarship, and service.
The University places students at its center; leads in
the discovery, dissemination, and application of
knowledge; advances civic, scientific, and
technological development; and fosters
collaboration to enrich the region and the world.”
2013 University fall enrollment was 12, 178
undergraduates and 1,203 graduates, a total of
From web.ysu.edu/contentm/easy_pages/view.php?sid=25&page_id=28,
8 June 2015
Video headers begin here
Video Address: Andy Boots
Federal Student Aid Champion of Information, Andy
Boots, spoke about Authentication, SAML and Transitive
Trust. The file is in MS AVI format.
Andy Boots
[19 min]
Click to Play Video
Video Address: Steve Hawald
Federal Student Aid Chief Information Officer Steve
Hawald provided the welcome address to the FSA CIO
Technology Update conference. The file is in MS AVI
Steve Hawald
[17 min]
Click to Play Video
Video Address: Greg Woods
Federal Student Aid Chief Operating Officer Greg Woods
addressed the conference by video tape. The file is in MS
AVI format.
Greg Woods
[30 min]
Click to Play Video
Video Address: Bernard Gleason
Boston College Internet Strategy Consultant, Bernard
Gleason, spoke about Web Portals and the New
Generation of Applications. The file is in MS AVI format.
Bernard Gleason
[11 min]
Click to Play Video
General Navigation headers
begin here
Collections of digital references used by
instructional media + magic, inc. and Sigma
Systems Inc. in their research.
The General Archive has become the primary
collection of electronic documents in portable
document format (PDF). Audio and video
presentations are found in a separate Media
collection as mp3 and mp4 files with
supplementary material. Resources include
spreadsheets, XML schemas, and other files that
may need to be used in the original format.
Journals and Proceedings
This collection includes only journal articles,
journals, and proceedings that are not published by
a college or university, association, or government
agency as part of their information distributions.
Those would be listed under the publisher.
Journal articles and conference proceedintgs are
generally limited to those cited in instructional
media + magic inc. and Sigma Systems Inc.
publications including blogs and Website content.
These may be limited to excerpts and quotations,
not the complete article.
See also publishers by name.
Technologies Collection
Technology standards, specifications, and
authoritative descriptions of the technologies.
Uses of the technology and opinions would be found
in the archives.
Documents are generally organized by publisher.
Manuals describing specific hardware, software,
and user manuals and guides are in a separate
manuals collection.
Technologies Collection
Technology standards, specifications, and
authoritative descriptions of the technologies such
as those found in users manual. Only the current
versions or the normative version and drafts would
be found in this collection. See “Superseded
Editions” for historical versions of documents found
in this collection
Use of the technology and opinions would be found
in the archives.
Documents are generally organized by publisher.
There is a special section for manuals describing
specific hardware, software, and user manuals and
General Collection
Documents generally related to primary, secondary,
and higher education, but not specific to the
education and information technologies. This
collection includes documents used for institutional
research at individual colleges and universities, for
policy analysis, and for planning studies.
See also the Education and Information
Technologies Collection. See the archives for older
or less frequently used documents.
Documents are organized by publisher.
Map Collection
Maps used for research and publication, and for
visitor and staff travel. The collection is organized
by continent, country, province or state (if typically
used), and city. Some maps cover areas not in this
hierarchy and are indexed as miscellaneous within
world or continent.
To avoid multiple references to geographical names,
this collection is not included in the master index.
Most maps are sized to 8.5x11 inches for convenient
printing. The source files—most are JPEG or GIF
with increasing SVG—are included in a folder called
Education Technology
A collection of documents used in learning and
instructional technology. The collection includes
pedagogical research and studies, teaching and
learning systems, distance learning, and standards
and practices. The collection does not include
subject content for learning management systems
(virtual learning environments).
Documents are organized by publisher, with a
special section for standards and guidelines.
Copyright Notice
This digital document is copyrighted by and the copyright
registered 2002-2003 by instructional media + magic, inc.,
Washington, D.C. The copyright prohibits unauthorized
reproduction in any form except as permission is granted.
instructional media + magic, inc. grants permission for a user
to copy the contents of this digital library to the hard drive of
one or more computers of a user in other to facilitate its use.
The user may also copy and print documents from the im+m
Website or CD-ROM for use at their institution, agency,
company or other organization.
This compilation includes both materials that are in the public
domain and materials that have been copyrighted by other
entities. The organization, structure, presentation, indexes,
and links of materials added by im+m are covered by the
im+m copyright.
Warning on Use
These materials have been collected from a number of
different sources that were considered reliable and current
when compiled. Bookmarks, thumbnails, and indexes have
been added both automatically by computer programs and
manually and are subject to error.
The compilation is intended as one of several references and
each document should be read with its limitations in mind.
Many of these documents are drafts or versions that may have
been changed or may be changed. More current copies may be
available and should be used when authoritative sources are
There is no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and the
authors and publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
Production Credits
This title is a production of:
instructional media +magic, inc.
The Washington, DC crew includes:
Justin Tilton, President
Jon Allen, Producer
Michael Ivanov, Software Engineer
Jim Farmer, Editor
Sigma Systems Inc. contributors include:
Cliff Clevenger
Angel Ortiz