Polydactyly - maria

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Transcript Polydactyly - maria

By: Maria and Rhyannon
Polydactyly is a Genetic
disorder of the seventh
chromosome which results
in extra fingers or toes.
Polydactyly actually means
“Extra Digits.”
Symptoms and Prognosis
There aren’t necessarily
symptoms that come with
the disorder other than
the obvious extra fingers
and toes.
It is very easy to tell if you
have this disorder… Count
your fingers and toes. If you
have more than ten toes or
fingers, you probably have
Two Forms
Polydactyly comes in two
different forms. One, Postaxial
is the addition of a toe or
finger that is easy to miss.
Preaxial is a growth of another
finger or toe attached to an
existing finger or toe.
How is it inherited?
Polydactyly can occur by itself as
a mutation. It is also a disorder
that is passed from parent to
child. When it is inherited, it is
known as an Autosomal
dominant gene. The disorder is
located on one of the short legs of
chromosome 7
Autosomal Dominant
You only need to get the
abnormal gene from one
parent in order to inherit
the disease. One of the
parents may often have
the disease.
Tests, Cures, and Treatment.
There are no test to tell you
whether or not you are a
carrier. If you have the
disease, then you are a
carrier. There are no cures
for this disorder. The only
treatment is surgical
Statistically Speaking…
Some races and genders are more
likely to get Polydactyly than others.
White Male- 3.3/1000 births
White Female- 0.6/1000 births
Black Male- 13.5/1000 births
Black Female- 11.1/1000
Polydactyly was
discovered by
Tyler Steven
Celebrities with
Hound Dog Taylor- American blues
singer and guitarist.
 Sid Wilson- Of Slipknot
 Antonio Alfonseca- Major league relief
pitcher for Teams such as Phillies,
Rangers, and the Braves.
 Gemma Christina Arerton- an English