Transcript Document

Overview of
Tests in Blackboard
Benefits of
Blackboard Testing
Objective tests are automatically scored
Provides instant
feedback for students
Remove a substantial
amount of grading
overhead for the instructor
Blackboard tests are paperless
 Eliminate the need to make photocopies, obtain
Scantron forms, or distribute Bluebooks.
Limit the potential for academic
Testing best practices promote a
secure testing environment:
 Random Blocks and Question Sets can be used to
facilitate the delivery of multiple test versions.
Limit Access to Tests with:
Date/time access
Test passwords
Test Options
 In the content area Edit Test Options
 Set test available
 Set date restrictions
 Force Completion
 Timer options
Timer options, students who “Save All Answers” and leave or
turn off their computer; they will come back to the timer still
counting down.
If any student comes back to the test and no answers are saved,
it is the error on the student for not saving correctly.
Students should expect to start the test and complete in one
sitting and when completely done click “Save and Submit”.
 Force completion
 Due date
 Feedback options
Reuse tests
 Blackboard test results remain on the system for the
life of the course shell in which the exam resides.
 You can export a test into a different course in Bb –
that way you don’t have to create the test if you teach
another section of the class.
 Grading data can easily be downloaded.
Benefits of Blackboard Testing
 Content from publishers can generally be imported
into Blackboard and used for testing purposes.
 Various test generators can output a file format that
can be imported into Blackboard.
Hands-on Tasks
Take the "Sample Questions" Test
2) Create a 4 question test in your Practice Course
Review the various types of questions available through
Blackboard by taking the "Sample Questions" Test
1. Login to your Blackboard
account via WebCampus at
2. Access the Blackboard
Training and Support course
3. Click
 Bb Advanced Training
 Lesson Nine – Assessments
 Tasks to Complete Before Moving to Lesson Ten
 TASK: Take the "Sample Questions" Test
HANDS ON – create a test from
scratch in Blackboard
Create a test – publish it to the
Assignments section, week 1 folder.
Create a 4 question test
Multiple choice
True or false
Fill in the blank
Modify Test Options
Publish the test - Make sure to mark it as available.
*Please note – the test will not appear in the Grade Center
until it is linked to a content area.
Now…Deliver the Assessment
 Go to a content area
 In the Action Bar, click on the Assessment tab
 Select Test or Survey
 On the Create Test page, select the assessment, link to
assessment, click Submit
 On the Test Options page, set options, click Submit
Grading Assessments
 Full Grade Center
 Navigate to the Test column
 Some test questions show immediate scoring
 Essay tests need further viewing and grading
Tips for Online Assessments
 Force Completion causes the most problems for students, Turn
off Force Completion, alleviates clearing students attempt
Multiple Attempts – Allows students to return to the test
multiple times
Timer – Timer starts when the students click “Begin” and stops
when the test is submitted If the student leaves the test and
comes back, the timer continues to run.
Presentation Mode – All at once (remind students to save
answers as they go
Presentation Mode - One at a time- Good for Essay Questions
Split up long exams into 2 smaller tests
Online Tests don’t have to be stressful!
Student Errors at Submission
 If errors occur for the student when submitting, instructors
can submit for students
 Go to Full Grade Center
 Click the action button for the student’s attempt
 Select the “in-progress attempt from the menu.
(marked with a date)
 Click Test Information link
 Click Submit Attempt button
Additional Test Options
Blackboard Course Copy Request
2) Test Banks
Blackboard Course Copy Request
 Faculty and staff may request that content from fully
developed online courses be copied into f2f and hybrid
 To see if a course has been developed online, please go to
the main page of the website and click on "Academics" and
then "Degree Programs". Select your Degree Program and
look for this icon . Courses developed in the online format
will be marked with this icon.
 The content for 100% online courses will be automatically
loaded into Bb sites. Instructors do not need to request
content for online courses.
 Complete the form at:
Import from Test banks
 Online publishers (register for a free account online, you
will need the ISBN of the book you’re using for that
Devise a Test –
Using Publisher’s Test Bank
 You can import a test bank provided by your textbook
See publisher's instructions to use a test bank
compatible with Blackboard
Search test banks
Save the .zip, Import under Pools
Then go to Tests and select the button Build Test,
Reuse Question, Find Question
 Select Questions from the Pool Bank
Additional Resources
 The Blackboard Training and Support course.
 Email [email protected] to set up a one-on-
one training session with an instructional