Transcript File

The Old Woman Who
Lived with the Wolves
By Chief Luther Standing Bear
Week 1
Part 3
The plan….
• Objectives
• Review
– Reading Skill
– Literary Analysis
• Read the Story and Answer Questions
• Complete Comprehension Questions
• Evaluation
– Booklet page 2
• Preview
• Students will read, analyze and identify
conflict, internal and external, and
resolution within a short story
• Students will read and make inferences
• What is conflict? Resolution?
• What are the differences between internal
and eternal conflict?
• How can we make an inference?
• List 3 details about Chief Luther Standing
Reading Skill: Make Inferences
•An inference is a logical assumption you develop about information
not directly stated.
•To make an inference, combine text clues with your prior
knowledge, or what you already know.
•For example, from the sentence “Tina smiled when she saw the snow,”
you might infer that Tina is happy.
•This inference is based on your prior knowledge that people smile
when they are happy. Because the text states that Tina is smiling at
the snow, you can infer that the snow is the reason she is happy.
Using the Strategy: Inference Chart
Use a chart like this one to make inferences as you read.
Prior Knowledge
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Literary Analysis: Conflict and Resolution
A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. In a short story,
the conflict drives the action.
Events in the story contribute to the conflict or to the resolution—
the way in which the conflict is settled. A conflict can be external or
• External conflict: a character struggles against an outside force,
such as another person or an element of nature.
• Internal conflict: a character struggles within himself or herself
to make a choice, take an action, or overcome a feeling.
A story may have several conflicts, which may be related. As you
read, think about the types of conflict that each character faces.
Copyright © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc, or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Read the Story
• Open your books to page 217
• While we are reading look for our
vocabulary and the following words:
– Coaxed v. ________________________________
– Traversed v. ______________________________
– Offensive adj. _____________________________
• Any other words you find in the reading that
you do not know, come write them on the
Pre-reading Questions
page 217
• Who is the author of the story?
• Look at the picture. What do you already know
about the story?
• Make Inferences: Explain how the details in these
paragraphs support the inference that the Sioux
enjoy traveling.
Reading Questions
page 218
• What do the details here tell you about how
the Sioux feel about animals? Explain. Use
the graphic organizer below.
Prior Knowledge
• Look at the “Literature in Context” inset.
What features of tipis made them useful and
practical homes for the Sioux?
Reading Questions
page 219
• What choice does Marpiyawin make that
could lead to conflict? Is it internal or
external conflict?
• Does the snow have an effect on the conflict?
Why or why not?
• Why does Marpiyawin get separated from
her tribe?
Reading Questions
page 220
• Identify details that tell about the time when
Marpiyawin says goodbye to the wolves.
• Why do you think she did not bring them
with her to the village?
• Why would Marpiyawin approach a wolf like
the one in the painting without fear?
Reading Questions
page 221
• How do people react when they see wolves?
How would you react if you came across a wild
• What did the people in the village ask the old
woman about?
• What kind of information was communicated by
the wolf calls?
• How do the Sioux feel about wolves, based on
their reaction to Marpiyawin’s story?
• Answer questions 1-6 on page 222
Thinking About the Selection
page 222
1. Work in pairs. Ask your partner three
questions about the story. After your partner
answers your questions, answer theirs.
2. How did Marpiyawin come to spend time
living with the wolves? Why do you think she is
not afraid of the wolves?
3. Would Marpiyawin have survived without
the wolves? Explain and support. What does
her experience suggest about how the Sioux
view nature?
Thinking About the Selection
page 222
4. Think of a time you lost something. Make an
inference about how Marpiyawin feels when she
goes to seek her puppy. How did your own
experience and knowledge help you infer?
5. Complete the chart on page 222
What Kind?
Marpiyawin needs food and
shelter, but she is lost.
She is sad to leave the wolves but
misses her people.
6. Explain how the resolution of the first conflict
leads to the second conflict.
• Complete Questions, Worksheet and
Selection Test
The End
Way to be
Rock Stars!!