RMA Considerations for MPI-3.1 (or MPI-3 Errata)

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RMA Considerations for MPI-3.1 (or MPI-3
Minor wording correction
 In our semantics and correctness section, for the SEPARATE
memory model, we state that a PUT/ACCUMULATE must not
access a target window once a local update or PUT/GET to an
overlapping window has started.
– Pg. 455, lines 32-39
 Recommendation: we change this to "... to the same or an
overlapping window has started", since it obviously applies to
the same window as well, and not just overlapping windows.
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Minor wording correction (contd.)
 The standard currently states, "A put or accumulate must not
access a target window once a load/store update or a put ... ".
 The term "load/store update" has caused a major confusion
even to the RMA working group, for example on the slide that
we put together for compatibility between load, store, put,
get, accumulate, etc.
 Recommendation: It should really say "load/store accesses" -that is, simultaneous loads and PUTs are not allowed in the
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
 We currently have an assertion for MPI_MODE_NOSTORE
 Recommendation: Add MPI_MODE_NOLOAD
 Optimization for the SEPARATE memory model
– Logically, when the epoch starts, the public window is copied into the
private window; when the epoch ends, the private window is copied
into the public window (will be the actual implementation for
software managed caches)
• MPI_MODE_NOSTORE allows the MPI implementation to ignore the copy
at the end of the epoch
implementation to ignore the copy at the start of the epoch
• Alternatives: we actually only need an MPI_MODE_NOLOADSTORE, but
MPI_MODE_NOLOAD is cleaner and symmetric
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Info argument for req_mem_model
 Currently, the user does not request for a specific memory model – the
MPI implementation has to decide this on its own
 If the hardware does not provide cache-coherence, the implementation is
expected to return MPI_WIN_SEPARATE
 If the hardware does provide cache-coherence, the memory model
provided is not straight-forward:
– MPI_WIN_UNIFIED will make load/store inter-leaving with PUT/GET more
straightforward for non-overlapping memory regions
– MPI_WIN_SEPARATE will allow the MPI implementation to maintain a
separate public window region (e.g., it can be allocated in symmetric address
space or shared memory space)
– MPI_WIN_SEPARATE might be sufficient for the application if it doesn’t plan
to do load/store operations
 Recommendation: add an info argument req_mem_model to window
creation and define UNIFIED > SEPARATE (provided value can already be
queried as an attribute)
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
MPI_WIN_SYNC clarification
 The current definition of MPI_WIN_SYNC states that it synchronizes the
public and private memories of a window
 This leads us to believe that this is not required for the UNIFIED memory
 Consider this example:
MPI_Put(P0, X, 1);
Y = X;
 P0 cannot do a load operation from “X”, unless all MPI operations
(MPI_Barrier in this example) do a memory barrier
 Recommendation: Clarify WIN_SYNC to say that it is still required in the
UNIFIED memory model as well, for overlapping memory accesses
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Type-safe MPI Windows
 The disp_unit is a weird semantic which is really meant to
demonstrate what datatype the application will be using
– Causing confusion with the “same_size” and “same_disp_unit” hints
which make little sense on heterogeneous systems
– Provides MPI with no type-checking capability when the same memory
location is accessed as “int” or “float” when they are of the same size
 Recommendation: provide type-safe MPI window creation
– MPI_Win_create_type, MPI_Win_allocate_type,
– MPI operations restricted to the window base type or datatypes
created out of this type (base type can be derived as well)
– Still backward compatible with the current model, if MPI_BYTE is used
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Load vs. Store distinction in the SEPARATE model
 The MPI standard does not distinguish load and store operations with
respect to window semantics
 In the SEPARATE model, when the epoch is closed, the private memory is
copied into the public memory
– When the user passes the MPI_MODE_NOSTORE assertion, the MPI
implementation is not required to do the copy, but might still copy
 MPI-3 states that if you start doing load/store operations on a window,
you cannot do PUT/GET operations within the same epoch
– This is valid in general, but too restrictive when the MPI implementation is not
actually doing the copy
 Recommendation: allow the application to use more relaxed semantics
when it is not doing STORE operations
– Possible solution: if we update the window creation prototypes for type-safe
windows, we can consider adding a new parameter to define this
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory