Projene Inc.

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Transcript Projene Inc.

An Engineering & Project Management Team

A Profile

Let’s talk about

“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” -T. S. Eliot

What are the challenges Why are we here What do we offer How do we work What have we done so far Who have we worked with

What are the challenges

“Nothing is particularly hard, as long as you divide it into small jobs “ - Henry Ford

Construction industry is the second largest contributor to the GDP in India Largest in terms of gross capital formation Massive investment is planned Overall fragmented and unorganized Appropriate management is rare Factors of deviation and risk are plenty but never focused adequately Lack of relevant information flow at all levels Challenges to manage PPP (Public-Private Partnership) in evident

What does that mean?

Better construction management is required for optimizing resources and maximizing productivity and efficiency

Why are we here

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever has! “ - Margaret Meade

is an Engineering Project Management Company specialized in Civil Design & Construction activities providing practical and efficient management tools by the way of customized solutions for medium to high value projects A seasoned set of engineers from the complimentary disciplines of Civil, Architecture, Mechanical and Software are bound together in the organization driven by a zeal to create and deliver solutions Supported by a team of downstream engineers to provide the bandwidth Already in Design & Construction for 9 yrs

What does that mean?

In simple terms, you can count on us to help with any project management problem, big or small or an appraisal of the existing processes for enhancement. Our clients see us as a trusted advisor, and we’d like to add you to our list of satisfied partners.

What do we offer

“The best vision is insight” – Malcolm Forbes

Project Plan Resource Spread Methodology Best Order Activities Overrun Control Risk Analysis & Mitigation Project Closure Report Resource Planning Project Management & Controls Budgeting Detailed Estimate Cash Flow Forecast Feasibility & Profitability Project Cost Monitoring Earned Value Analysis Tender & Contract Evaluation Cost Engineering Tender Evaluation Pre Bid Queries Tender Submittals Contract Synopsis Uncertainty & Risk Assessment Contracts & Claims Management Communications Notifications Evaluation of Claims Placement of Claims Report on issues

Tender & Contract Evaluation


“In the dog-eat-dog economy, the Doberman is boss” – Edward Abbey

Evaluation Tender Submittals  Fitness for use  Conformance to requirements  Conformance to standards  Feature completeness  Attention to detail  Identify Exclusive characteristics  Priced Vs Non Priced attributes  Identify values for customers  Risk identification and focus on practical & unique information  Pre Bid Queries relevant to project       Tender Document Tender Security Addendums to Tender Document Undertaking of tenderer Details of Work Experience Financial statement of the     company Certificate of Registration BOQ Statement including costing Other submittals as asked for in tender General and Special Conditions of Contract


“Contract: an agreement that is binding on the weaker party” – Frederick Sawyer

Project Study Query Contract Synopsis  Project Duration and implications  Interpretation and tabulation of Taxes, Mobilization Advance, Retention Money  Contract Price & Payment  Adjustment for change in Cost  Site Establishment & Enabling Works  Evaluation of Sub Contracting  Construction Sequence  Implications of • Force Majeure • Arbitration • Liquidated Damage for Delay • Defect Liability Period • Any other factor affecting project time and cost               Project Description Client Summary-Scope of work Contract Conditions Contract Timelines Tender Value Advance Bonus Bonds Payment Schedule Partnering Insurance Price variation Arbitration

Resource Planning

Resource Planning

“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning” – Winston Churchill

Activity Planning Gantt/PERT/CPM Best Order Activities Resource Spread • Manpower • Equipment • Material • Overhead Methodology Cost Spread and projected cash flow

Project Management & Controls



Project Control

“In poorly run projects, it's like the drip...drip...drip of an leaky underground pipe. Money is being lost, but you don't see it until there is an explosion” – Joy Gumz

Deviation Analysis Performance Reporting Comparison of Actual vs. Projected Time Overrun Control Project Management & Controls Project Dashboard Cost Overrun Control Project Closure Reports

Cost Engineering

Cost Engineering

"The fashion of the world is to avoid cost, and you encounter it" – William Shakespeare

Detailed estimate with level wise summary Feasibility Report Budgeting Cost Monitoring Comparative analysis against historical cost database Escalation Standardized cost code Tax Liability Earned Value Analysis

Contracts & Claims Management

Contracts and Claims

"They are bidding a worst-case scenario, which is increasing our cost when it comes to final construction contracts" – Andrew Gall

Evaluate Dispute Management Change/Variance Management Claims & Contractual Communication Bill Certification & Reconciliation Report on Issues / Notifications / Records

Summing it up

Management Insight

"Any idiot can see something wrong. But can you see what is right?“ - Winston Churchill

Periodic Comparison Statements Summarized Dashboard Reports Monthly Meetings to Review Overrun Customized Reporting Overrun Control Measures Profitability Reports

How do we work

“What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan” – Jason Fried

Micro Level Project Plan Detailed Cost Estimate Monthly Spread – Cost & Quantity Summary Report for above Feasibility & Profitability Report Projected Cash Flow Statements Overrun and Risk - Analysis & Mitigation Plan Daily Input • Activity, Material, Cost, Resource Overrun Analysis Variance Analysis Drilldown Overrun Reports Monthly Mgmt Review Meeting Cash Flow Statements Regular site visit & monitoring Disruption & Delay Reports Change Management Report Contract & Claim Report Profitability Analysis Lessons Learnt

What we have done

“It is through accomplishment that man makes his contribution and contribution is life's greatest reward” – John Portman

Project Consultancy Port/Flyover/Shopping Complex/Cooling Tower Fish Market Residential Complex Low Cost Housing Individual Housing Interior Design

Who we have worked for

“If you make the customer a promise... make sure you deliver it” – Merv Griffin

Questions from you

“My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions” - Peter Drucker

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Now ?

Later ?

Anindita Maitra Kajal Das Debabrata Dutta Sajal Kumar Das Anindita Maitra M: 98364 96690 61/25 Moore Avenue Kolkata – 700 040

B.E (Civil), M.B.A, A.M.I.E, Chartered Engineer B.M.E, PMP B.Tech (Mechanical) B.E (Civil), A.M.I.E

Thanks for being with us

“I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks” - William Shakespeare

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile that we walk…