Beef Quality Assurance

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Transcript Beef Quality Assurance

Pre-Harvest Considerations
• Should you know about HACCP
• Understanding HACCP …
• Working with HACCP …
– Beef industry’s QACMP ...
– (Quality Assurance Critical Management Points)
Hazard Analysis,
Critical Control Points (HACCP)
• It is a system developed for space flight to prevent
problems from happening.
• If you can figure out what might go wrong, you can
work toward finding ways to prevent the problem.
• It included check points along the process. These
allow you to know if process is working properly before
you get to a finished product.
• By definition, HACCP is a food pathogen reduction
program ... presently not possible in beef production.
• However working with HACCP now will provide us
valuable experience with the procedures.
Why should you interested in
because it may be headed to
your operation .. especially
this 20+ year old system has been sold
to the major US trading partners as
the standard for food processing
(production?) safety.
The selling of HACCP …
HACCP, a system, targets 3 items (BCP)
defects & is aimed at the avoidance not
removal of defects.
This has lead to selling the
“Farm to Table” approach.
Does “Farm to Table” HACCP
Make Sense? …
Bacterial ……..?
Chemical ……..?
Physical ……..?
Will or Can
“Farm to Table” HACCP Work? …
USDA-FSIS says “it is going to”
(Consumers concern over food safety is driving regulations …
Presently, HACCP is the best food safety system that has surfaced in
the previous 20 years that may be workable)
HACCP experts (NFP,etc) “classic HACCP”
will not, modifications will make it useful
for some physical defects,
most chemical defects, but
limited value for many bacterial defects.
Different HACCPs
(Critical Control Points)
Quality Factors
(Quality Control Points)
(Regulatory Control Points)
Operation Specifications
Hygiene GMP
Related to Company
& Customer Specs
Does it make any
difference ?
The ISSUE ……..
Safety Issues
It no longer
matters -how we deal
with it will
determine if we
HACCP (Hazard Analysis,Critical Control Points)
• A Process Control System:
– preventing (finding&monitoring) problems &/or
• If you can figure out what might go wrong, you can work toward
finding ways to prevent the problem.
• It included check points along the process…
allowing you to
know if process is working properly.
• By USDA definition, HACCP is a (pathogen reduction program) ...
• presently not possible for E.coli O157:H7 & Salmonella sp
in beef
• QACMP makes no promises to control food born pathogens
– QACMP will allow us to learn to work with HACCP.
• QACMP is compatible with Cost Effective Management.
• … Validate / Justify <==> Monitor / Verify
“Build on what you know” …
Road Map to BQA => QACMP
(QACMP… Implemented after BQA-GMPs)
• Cattlemen, Employees, Veterinarians,
Nutritionist, Suppliers & Other Specialist
must take a close look at what could go wrong.
• Build validated practices that allow checking &
• Design all of the everyday working techniques to
avoid having anything go wrong.
What it takes to make
HACCP work
Must make the commitment
Must let everyone get involved
Must be able to document all production steps
There are critical points in BQA
Must be able to monitor … simple / validate
Where Do You Start
• Establish GMPs appropriate to operation.
– Focus on potential for B-C-P defects.
• Develop HACCP plan & HACCP training.
• The HACCP startup program will be
evaluated by management, employees, &
consulting professionals.
• Outline (flow chart) steps of production &
evaluate methods of verification.
• Incorporate into mgmt. objectives & into
everyone’s job .. Allow it to grow.
Secret to HACCP
HACCP: Five Preliminary Steps
• Bring together your HACCP resources …
assemble the HACCP team.
• Describe the product & method of Distribution.
• Identify the intended use & consumers of the
• Develop a process flow diagram ..
– Verify the diagram
• Meet the requirements for Sanitation SOPs &
Good Management Practices (GMPs)
Seven Specific HACCP Steps
Identify potential hazards: B-C-P
Identify critical control points
Establish critical limits for CCPs
Establish CCP monitor procedure
Establish corrective actions
Establish record keeping procedure
Establish verification procedures
Conducting a Hazard Analysis
• Assure SSOP and GMPs are in place
• Review product production & use
– Evaluate all ingredients
– Evaluate BCP potential for each step
• Could BCP reach product or magnify
• Could process cause BCP of product
• Are hazards addressed by SSOPs &/or GMPs
• Describe and identify each BCP
• Assess significance using Sci/Tech info.
Conducting a Hazard Analysis
• Observe the actual operating practices
– Be sure it is the usual process or practice
– Evaluate ingredients and product for possible
cross contamination
– Review past BCP contamination incidents
• Evaluate the likelihood & severity of occurrence
of each BCP hazard
• Can preventive measures be built into the
Identify CCPs
• "A point, step or procedure at which control can be
applied and as a result a hazard can be prevented,
eliminated or reduced to acceptable level."
• Criteria supported by research.
• Criteria specific, quantifiable, provide Y/N
• Technique available at reasonable cost
• Monitoring is continuous & auto-adjustable
• Favorable history of control …
• preventing or eliminating a potential BCP hazard.
Steps to Identify CCPs
Q1: Do preventive measures exist for BCP?
if yes go to Q2,
if no, is required of safety
if no = not CCP,
(if yes modify process)
Q2: Does this step eliminate/reduce the likely occurrence of
BCP hazard to an acceptable level?
• if yes = CCP
if no go to Q3
• Q3: Could unacceptable BCP contamination occur?
• if yes go to Q4
if no = not CCP
(go to the next step in production).
• Q4: Will subsequent step eliminate BCP hazard?
• if yes = not CCP
if no = CCP
(go to the next step in production)
Establish CCP Critical Limits
• "The maximum or minimum value that must be
controlled for each BCP hazard at each CCP
• Some CLs are regulated by
• Some CLs are important to the operation
• Some CLs may be differ for different situations
• Document/file the CL for each BCP hazard
Establish CCP Monitoring
Who - What - When - How
Planned sequence of observations/measurement
Clearly identify people responsible for monitoring
Train monitoring people: Why, How, Correction
Document & sign all records
Record on CCP Monitoring Summary Review
Establish Corrective Procedures
• Training to know corrective procedures @ CCPs.
• How is the ingredient or product handled if BCP
contamination occurs at a CCP?
• Correcting the cause of "non-compliance" to
prevent recurrence at a CCP.
• Demonstrating the CCP is again under control.
• Document corrective actions.
• Record corrective procedures on the
Summary Review Sheet.
Establish Record Keeping Procedures
• Review current records and determine which
ones adequately address CCPs
• Develop records/forms for identified CCPs
• Develop records/forms for corrective actions
• ID & train people to work with records
• Documents should be dated and signed
• List records for CCP on the
Summary Review Sheet
Establish Verification Procedures
• Verification must be ongoing
– AND is in addition to monitoring activities.
• Verification is a double check
• How can the CCP control/monitoring be verified?
• How often should CCP control monitoring be
• Document verification procedures, date & sign
• List verifications on Summary Review Sheet
Validate the HACCP Plan
• "Validation is the scientific & technical basis
for determining the CCP and CL are adequate
to control BCP hazard"
• Validation should include a third party review
• Validation should be done regularly (yearly?)
• Reassess potential new BCP hazards
• Evaluate all new ingredients, suppliers,
production procedures, equipment, and
distribution systems
Remember the Basics
• BQA will help control the little mistakes that
decrease animal performance.
• It’s the little mistakes that cost us consumer
confidence… they buy what they trust.
• There NO Most Valuable Players
• BQA is everyone's job.
In the world of food =>
a force driving consumers purchases
... get involved
As Will Rogers put it ...
"The world is run by the
people who show up"
Program Acknowledgments & Funding*
Nebraska Cattlemen*
NCFB Task Force
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension*
Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association*
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Nebraska Beef Council*
USDA - CSREES - EFSQ - Grants*
– (Nebraska 96-EFSQ-1-4178 & 98-EFSQ-1-4178)