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4.1 Przegląd programów kształcenia akademickiego dla potrzeb badań kosmicznych

• University of Michigan, USA 12aoss_UMich.pdf

• University of Shieffield, UK Sheff

• University of Uppsala, Sweden - space engineering • European Space Master, EU EU • Uniwersytet im. Karola IV, Praga


•Polskie uczelnie: •UW – geofizyka, fizyka, astronomia – fizyka przestrzeni wokółziemskiej, fizyka plazmy kosmicznej nie jest przedmiotem wykładu •AGH – Wydz. Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska, Zakład Geofizyki – prof. Zofia Mortimer, wykłady, seminaria •PW, PRz, Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Sił Powietrznych w Dęblinie,.. – lotnictwo i kosmonautyka ( AGH.pdf

aircraft and space vehicle engineering, aerospace... )


Rymd- och plasmafysik

(space- and plasma physics)


Rymdfysik och rymdteknik, 5.0 p


Antennteori, 5.0 p Elektromagnetisk fältteori MN1, 5.0 p Elektronik i rymden, 4.0 p Fluidmekanik, 4.0 p Klassisk elektrodynamik MN1, 5.0 p Mikrovågsteknik I, 3.0 p Plasmafysik, 4.0 p Rymdfysik NV1, 6.0 p Rymdprojekt, 5.0 p (projekt misji satelitarnej, przyrządu satelitarnego)

University of Michigan

Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences:


The Master of Engineering Degree in Space Engineering, program concentrations:

Space science program

Propulsion program

Plasma electrodynamics & sensor program

Instrumentation & sensor payloads program

Launch vehicles program

Telemetry and spacecraft communications program

Astrodynamics program

Computer control and data handling program


M. Sc. In Atmospheric ans Space Sciences


Wybrane wykłady

: - The planets: their geology and climates; Instrumentation for atmosheric and space sciences ; Introduction to the space and spacecraft environment; Solar-terrestrial relations ; Practicum in atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences( aircraft spacecraft and rocket payload design, field campaign support, calibration simulation..);

Radiative transfer

; Planetary atmospheres;

Space policy and management

; Spacecraft technology;

Space instrumentation

; Space systems projects;

Intro to remote sensing and inversity theory

; Magnetosphere and solar wind;

Fundamentals of space plasma physics;

Current topics in Atm./Oceanic/ Space Sciences; Space Terahertz Technology and applications.

The SpaceMaster – Joint European Master in

Space Science and Technology

. The European Commission selected this project among a few others from over 200 proposals to the Erasmus Mundus programme: This two year Master Course is a joint effort between six European universities: • Cranfield University, UK • Czech Technical University, Czech Republic • Helsinki University of Technology, Finland • Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany • Luleå University of Technology, Kiruna Space Campus, Sweden • Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France EU

Uniwersytet Karola, Wydz. Mat. –Fiz.

-Research: -1. Study of the Earth and Universe by the Methods of Theoretical, Computer and Experimental Physics ---Study of the Earth’s magnetosphere and interrelations in the chain: Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere ---The physics of interplanetary and interstellar matter, planets, stars, and their systems ---Astrophysical applications of relativistic and quantum theory


Przegląd podręczników akademickich w dziedzinie fizyki przestrzeni kosmicznej:

powinien być poszerzony •Russell, C. T. and M. Kivelson, Introduction to space physics” (1995),

Cambridge Univ. Press

– praca zbiorowa, wyklady w UCLA, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, dla studentów i doktorantów, satelitarne obserwacje plazmowego otoczenia • Ziemi innych planet, teoria niezbędna do ich interpretacji


Gombosi, T., „Physics of the space environment” (1998) ,

Cambridge Univ. Press

szeroko zakrojony wstęp do fizyki otoczenia planet i zagadnień pogody kosmicznej, dla studentów fizyki, astronomii, astrofizyki, planetologii, meteorologii, aeronomii, lotnictwa i kosmonautyki, technik elektryczności

(aerospace and electrical engineering),

komputerowego modelowania w hydrodynamice


•Ondoh, T., and K. Marubashi (eds),”Science of space environment” (2001),

IOS Press, Japan -

dla studentów, doktorantów, i specjalistów


•Tribble, A.C. „ The space environment: Implications for spacecraft design”(2003),

Princeton Univ. Press

dla projektantów aparatury satelitarnej


dla inżynierów i studentów kosmonautyki,

Russell & Kivelson (1995) 1. A brief history of solar-terrestrial physics

2. Physics of space plasmas

(single particle, fluid) 3. The Sun and its magnetohydrodynamics 4. The solar wind

5. Collisionless shocks

6. Solar-wind interaction with magnetized planets 7. Ionospheres 8. Plasma interaction with unmagnetized bodies 9. The magnetopause, magnetotail and magnetic reconnetion 10. Magnetospheric configuration 11. Pulsations and MHD waves

12. Plasma waves

13. Magnetospheric dynamics 14. The aurora and auroral ionosphere

15. The magnetospheres of the outer planets

Gombosi (1998)


Theoretical description of gases and plasmas








Particle orbit theory Kinetic Theory Basic Plasma Phenomena ( Debye shielding, Plasma parameter, Plasma frequency ) Fluid and MHD theory Waves and oscillations Shocks and discontinuities Transport of suprathermal particles

II The upper atmosphere

8. The terrestrial upper atmosphere 9. Airglow and Aurora 10. The ionosphere

III Sun-Earth connections

11. The Sun 12. The solar wind 13. Cosmic rays and energetic particles 14. The terrestrial magnetosphere


Physical constants, Vector and tensor identities, Some important Integrals, Some useful special functions

Ondoh, 2001 1. Overview of the science of space environment : Forms of energy Emitted from the Sun; The terrestrial atmosphere; The ionosphere; Earth’s magnetic field; The magnetosphere; The changing space environment 2. The Sun and the solar wind : Energy radiation from the Sun;Theory of the solar Wind; Structure of the interplanetary space; Solar flares; Coronal mass ejections;Particle acceleration in solar flares; Particle acceleration in interplanetary shocks 2. The ionosphere : ...Ionospheric instabilitity; Currents; Equatorial Spread-F; Middle latitude instabilities; High latitude instabilities 2. Ionospheric radio propagation :....Radiowave propagation; Ionosondes; Short wave communication;Transionospheric propagation and TEC – group delay, Doppler shift, Faraday rotation; Ionospheric irregularities and radio wave propagation- Spread F, Scintillations, ionosperic storms 2. The magnetosphere 3. The magnetospheric particle environment: ....

Outflow of ionospheric plasma; Spacecraft charging; Spacecraft eclipse .......

2. The space radiation environment and the space weather information

3. The geospace radio environment : .....

Radio waves from solar system planets;

Answers to exercises Index

Tribble (2003)


: ( Overview; The space environment; Spacecraft design; The Earth’s Fields; The Solar-Planetary Relationship ; Exercises;References)

-The vacuum environment and its effects


The neutra l environment and its effects


The plasma environment and its effects

( Overview; The plasma environment; Plasma environment effects; Modeling, simulation, testing; Design guidelines and mitigation techniques; Exercises; References) -

The radiatio n environment and its effects


The micrometeoroid/space debris environment and its effects -Appendices

( nomenclature, acronyms, physical constants, LDEF – Long Duration Exposure Facility) *

Autor pracował w Boeing Space Systems Division, zajmował się projektowaniem satelitów, teraz w Rockwell Collins (aviation electronics)