Realsmart versus VLE

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Realsmart Cloud vs VLEs
What is a VLE?
A VLE is a Virtual Learning Environment.
The main purpose of a VLE is NOT content
storage but communication and interaction
between learners and teachers.
Think of it as a social learning site (SLS)
providing the tools of communication that
students use in their personal lives.
Realsmart Cloud vs VLEs
Advantages of Realsmart
• Collaborative – sharing is at the core
• Future proof – Google & Amazon’s gear
• Intuitive Interface – engages students
• Unlimited storage – less admin
• Support provided – less admin
• Integration with ePortal – less admin
The Apps
Rafl – allows feedback and self-assessment
Rpassport – portfolio of work
Rmap – mind mapping and it’s collaborative
Rweb – create web pages and invite comments
Rcast – create blogs, podcasts & vodcasts
• Create mind maps – a great visual tool
for learning.
• Allows for sharing of a mind map – each
node of the map can be commented on.
Click here for a demo of RMAP
• Students and teachers can create web pages
with an ‘easy to use’ set of tools.
• Once made web pages can be shared and
that means students can add comments
about what they think.
Click here for a demo of RWEB
• Students and teachers can create blogs.
• Once a post is made all students can make
comments on the post.
Click here for some benefits of RCAST
• Students add evidence and self-assessment
to the criteria of each task
• Mentors (teachers) can give feedback on this
Click here for a demo of RAFL
• Teachers and students can share anything
they create in Realsmart easily.
• Schools can share ideas and resources.
Click here for a benefits of collaboration
between schools