Government - Ward Creative Group

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Transcript Government - Ward Creative Group

Foundations of American Government
Principles of Government
Government and the State
1. What is Government
Government is the
institution through
which a society makes
and enforces its public
2. What are public policies?
Public policies are those
areas in which
government has decided
to take an active role.
3. Examples of Public Policy
Taxation, defense,
education, crime, health
care, transportation, disaster
relief, public health and the
environment, plus much
4. Three Basic Powers of
Legislative Power - to make
laws and form public policies
Executive Power – to execute,
enforce and administer laws
Judicial Power – to interpret
laws, determine legal meanings
and to settle disputes.
5. Constitution
A constitution is the
fundamental law of a
government that
establishes the principles,
structures and processes
of a government.
6. Democracy v. Dictatorship
The difference is rooted in who
has ultimate responsibility to
exercise power. In a democracy
the people decide. In a
dictatorship one person or a
small group make decisions.
7. Aristotle observed that
“man is a political animal”
8. Difference between politics
and government.
Politics is the process of
shaping government and
governmental policies.
Government is the institution
through which society makes
and enforces its public policy.
9. Characteristics of the State
P o p u la tio n
A s ta te m u s t h a ve p e o p le ,
th e n u m b e r o f w h ich d o e s
n o t d ire c tly re la te to its
e x is te n ce .
S o v e re ig n ty
E ve ry s ta te is s o v e re ig n . It
h a s su p re m e a n d a b so lu te
p o w e r w ith in its o w n
te rrito ry a n d d e c id e s its o w n
fo re ig n a n d d o m e s tic
p o lic ie s .
T e rrito ry
A s ta te m u s t b e c o m p ris e d
o f la n d — te rrito ry w ith kn o w n
a n d re co g n ize d b o u n d a rie s .
G o v e rn m e n t
E ve ry s ta te h a s a
g o v e rn m e n t — th a t is , it is
p o litica lly o rg a n ize d .
10. What does it mean to
be a sovereign state?
A state has supreme
authority over a
population, territory,
and government.
11. What are the four theories of the
origin of a state?
The Force Theory
The force theory states that one
person or a small group took control
of an area and forced all within it to
submit to that person’s or group’s
The Evolutionary Theory
The evolutionary theory argues that
the state evolved naturally out of the
early family.
11. What are the four theories of the
origin of a state?
The Divine Right Theory
The theory of divine right holds that
God created the state and that God gives
those of royal birth a “divine right” to
The Social Contract Theory
The social contract theory argues that the
state arose out of a voluntary act of free
people who were willing to give up
power for safety and the well-being of all
12. The Purpose of the
United States Government
The main purposes of government are described in the
Preamble of the Constitution of the United States:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence [sic],
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings
of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the United States of