Transcript CHEM 101

CHEM 101
Dr. Behrang Madani
[email protected]
CHEM 101
• Some important facts:
• CHEM 101 does not count as a GE course.
• CHEM 101 cannot substitute for SCI 112.
– Students who stop coming to lectures, do no
ALEKS homework, or skip the final exam will be
given a “WU” grade.
• Where is ALEKS?
• Use our course code to register: XFKWL-MFYHQ
• Hint: do the initial assessment carefully.
• Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces
– Regular assessments
and homework mode
Initial State
– My Pie shows what
you know and what’s
left to learn.
• ALEKS will take about 8 – 10 hours per week.
Seek help early.
• Tutors in Sci II room 176, computer access.
• Instructor – bring printed problem.
• ALEKS customer support for technical help.
Do not procrastinate.
• Best progress early; weekly goals designed to help.
• Impossible to do ALEKS at the last minute.
• “My pie” shows how much you know and what’s left to learn.
• Do not click “I don’t know” unless you really don’t know.
• Helpful tools as you work on concepts: “Explain”, calculator.
• The calendar tells you the dates of scheduled assessments.
This week
• During this first week, be sure to:
1. Register in ALEKS.
 Carefully complete the first assessment, and make sure
you have enough concepts done to meet the bonus.
2. Get an iClicker.
 Check the batteries. Bring to class Wednesday.
3. Look at your textbook.
 Read over the first chapter if you have time.
4. Bring pencil, Scantron, calculator – Thursday
Practical hints.
• MEET your instructor at office hours. Bring a copy of the
problem that you are having trouble with.
• DO NOT spend hours trying to learn a single concept alone.
• UTILIZE your instructor to identify learning problem areas.
Discuss strategies to overcome these issues.
• PAY SERIOUS attention to the initial assessment.
• NEVER hit the “I don’t know button” just to speed up the
assessment. You will end up spending much more time later
repeating the concepts!
• LEAVE WHEN YOU NEED TO. ALEKS will remember your
progress, even if you log out during the middle of an