Integrated real time information An IT tool to support local

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Integrated real time information An IT tool to support local management decision making…..

Wednesday 6 June: Beardmore Hotel Graham Gault ( eHealth Lead -NHS Dumfries & Galloway)


Workshop aim…… “To establish what appetite managers have for deploying management Information/business intelligence solutions to gather real time/near real time information and what the priorities are for improvement”     Drivers for change in approach to BI Our Approach - Our Journey of change Chosen tools, and why DEMONSTRATION of Health / Social Care real time data access

Strategy - Christie Report

( Gov’t response) The Scottish Government is committed to the introduction of an compassion, support and dignity they need and deserve.


system of health and social care to ensure that older people continue to receive the care, Strong evidence suggests that better outcomes for people, better use of resources (money, people’s time) and better experience of care and support can all flow from services that are planned and delivered in an effectively



Over the next 20 years demography alone could increase expenditure on health and social care by 70 per cent. Reform is necessary to help address this

unprecedented challenge


Strategy - Christie Report

( Gov’t response)  a decisive shift towards


;  greater integration of public


better partnership, at a local level driven by  collaboration and




;  greater investment in the people who deliver services through enhanced workforce and development and effective leadership; and  a sharp focus on

improving performance

, through greater transparency, innovation and use of digital technology.

Where we were……

 New Quality Strategy for Health ( and requirement for efficiency)  Lots of data in silo systems  A basis of retrospective reporting, not current…..

 An increasing need to benchmark amongst Peers……(efficiency)  Lots of routine reporting……..How useful ?

 Lots of different tools to deliver information to operational staff  Small Information team (with no budget to expand to meet demand)  Low level of ability in users to self service

Too many questions being asked with little ability to respond with succinct useful timely information

Better understanding of history & health status Reduce complications due to drug interactions Data for audit, improvement & population based studies Support protocols & evidence based pathways of care Effective patient identification Improved data quality & automatic validation Improved communications & sharing of information between patients, clinicians and carers across health and other partner agencies Reduced duplication of data entry Reduce unnecessary repeat investigations More efficient collection & analysis of secondary use data Real time information to support operational management Equitable & Patient Centered Less need for patients to repeat information More clinical time with patients rather than searching for information Patients will be supported in accessing, verifying & amending their health records Patients and carers will have improved access to information about their condition encouraging greater involvement in their own health

What we did………..

 Directors/ Senior General Managers review  Developed a simple high level “dashboard” tool “idashboards” (quick deployment)  Purchased a single BI reporting tool called “Qlikview”  Developed Operational Staff Awareness and Training materials  Developed a data model to allow data sets to be joined up  Developed near real time interfaces to key systems  Delivering a series of Staff Training sessions …. “starting at the top…..”  Build single “common look and feel” interface  Plan GO live…….

KPI Awareness…..

idashboards • Constant Feedback loop • RAG Targets set throughout • Live system feeds • Digital Dashboards – center piece of Intranet

Pre Canned Vs User Defined

The Tools…..

Finance Managers Social Work Doctors Planners        Quick to Develop Link multiple systems with common data fields Easy to deploy (web browser) Mobile options Dashboard Driven Low learning needs for Operational Staff A vehicle for self service Mobile App


Finance Systems Patient Systems Clinical Systems Social Work / Partner Systems


Inpatients – Key Stats

Discharge Management

Key stats - ALOS

Key Stats - Readmisisons

Length of Stay/ Num Admissions


Rates by Postcode

Emergency Admissions by Practice

Emergency Admissions by Practice

All Occupied Beds across the region of # neck of femur first admitted to DGRI

Demonstration of Linked SW/ Health Data sets >>>>>
