Creating A New France

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 Faction-small groups
 Émigré-person who flees his or her country for political
 Republic-government ruled not by a monarch
Revolts in Paris and the Provinces
 The political crisis of 1789 coincided with the worst famine
 Peasants roamed the country or flocked the town
 As grain prices soared, everyone had to spend up to 80%
of their income on bread
The Great Fear
 Rumors ran wild and set off what was later called the
“Great Fear”
 Tales of attacks on villages and towns spread panic
 Because of the famine and fear, peasants unleashed their
fury on nobles who were trying to reimpose medieval dues
 Attacked noble’s homes, set fire to old manor records, and
stole grain from storehouses
Paris in Arms
 As the capital and chief city of France, it was Paris was the
revolutionary center
 A variety of factions competed to gain power
 Moderates looked to the Marquis de Lafayette- the aristocratic
hero who fought alongside George Washington
 A more radical group called the Paris Commune, replaced the
royalist government of the city
 Some demanded an end to the monarchy and spread
scandalous stories about the royal family and court members
 The Guard was the first group to don the tricolor- a red, white,
and blue badge which eventually became the flag of France
Moderate Reforms
 Peasant uprisings and the storming of the Bastille
stampeded the National Assembly into action
 On August 4, nobles in the National Assembly voted to
end their privileges
 Gave up their old manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, legal
statues, and exemption from taxes
An End to Special Privilege
 Delegates abolished feudalism at 2 a.m. on August 4
 The National Assembly turned the reforms of August 4
into law,. meeting a key Enlightenment goal– the equality
of all citizens before the law
Declaration of the Rights of Man
 In the late August, the Assembly issued the Declaration of
the Rights of Man & the Citizen
 The Declaration proclaimed that the all male citizens were
equal before law
 The Declaration asserted freedom of religion and called
for taxes to be levied according to ability to pay
 They followed the French Revolution slogan “Liberty,
Equality, Fraternity.”
Women March on Versailles
 On October 5, thousands of women streamed down the
road that led from Paris to Versailles
 They were angry at the queen, Marie Antoinette
 The women refused to leave Versailles until the king met
their most important demand– to return to Paris
 He agreed but wasn’t happy about it
The National Assembly Presses
 The National Assembly soon followed the king to Paris
 To pay off the huge government debt, the Assembly voted to
take over and sell Church lands
Reorganizing the Church
 The National Assembly put the French Catholic Church
under state control
 Under the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, bishops and
priests became elected, salaried officials
 Many priests and bishops refused, as well as peasants
 A huge gulf opened between revolutionaries in Paris and
the peasantry in the provinces
Constitution of 1791
 The Constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy in place of
the absolute monarchy
 A new Legislative Assembly had the power to make laws,
collect taxes, and decide on issues of war and peace
 Only about 50,000 out of 27 million men could qualify as
candidates to run for Assembly
 The Constitution abolished the old provincial courts and it
reformed laws
 Reflecting Enlightenment goals, it ended Church interference in
government and ensured equality before the law for all male
Louis’s Failed Flight
 Marie Antoinette urged the king to escape their situation
 On June 1791, the king disguised as a peasant and the
queen dressed as a governess rolled into Paris
 Their attempted escape failed
 A company of soldiers escorted the royal family back to
Widespread Fears
 European rulers increased border patrols to stop the spread
of the “French plague”
 Those fears were horror stories told by emigres
 They reported attacks on their privileges, their property, and
even their lives
 In Britain, Edmund Burke bitterly condemned
revolutionaries in Paris.
 He predicted that the revolution would become more violent
Threats From Abroad
 The failed escape of Louis XVI brought further hostile
rumblings from abroad
 In August 1791, the king of Prussia and the emperor of
Austria issued the Declaration of Pilnitz
 Stated that two monarchs threatened to intervene to
protect the French monarch
 Revolutionaries in France took the threat seriously and
prepared for war
War at Home and Abroad
 In October 1791, the newly elected Legislative Assembly
took office
 Faced with crises at home and abroad, it would survive for
less than a year
 Uncertainty about prices led to hoarding and addition
food shortages
Internal Divisions
 In Paris, working-class men and women called sansculottes pushed the revolution into more radical action
 By 1791, many sans-culottes demanded a republic
 Within the Legislative Assembly, several hostile factions
competed for power
 Sans-culottes found support among radicals in the
Legislative Assembly, especially the Jacobins
War on Tyranny
 The radicals soon held the upper hand in the Legislative
 In April 1792, the war of words between French
revolutionaries and European monarchs moved onto the
 The Legislative Assembly declared war first on Austria,
then on Prussia, Britain and other states
 The fighting that began in 1792 lasted on and off until 1815
 Tri Color-A red, white, and blue badge that became the
flag of France
 Jacobins-a revolutionary political club that supported the
 Faction-small groups
 Émigré-nobles, clergy, and others who had fled France
and its revolutionary forces
 Sans-Culottes-working class men and women who pushed
the revolution into more radical action
Review con’t
 Marie Antoinette-Queen of Versailles married to King
Louis XVI
 Louis XVI-King of Versailles