Transcript Animal Farm

Animal Farm
Chapter 8-10
Chapter 8
Central motif of this chapter
 The animals work, starve, praise, fight, are
 Napoleon separates, cheats/is cheated, negotiates,
drinks, alters
 Squealer orders, convinces, paints, absents himself,
 The humans cheat, destroy, are chased
 “No animal shall kill any other animal without
Reading of statistics, prove food production is better.
Napoleon’s ego.
“Napoleon mill”
N sells timber to Frederick.
Attack AF and windmill blown up.
Napoleon glorifies himself
 More concerned with own importance.
 Creates a cult.
appears in
poem of flattery
written on barn
Eats only from the
Crown Derby dinner
Lives apart from
other pigs
Gun fired on his
Pinkeye tastes his
Animals file past
him on a bed of
Names the mill after himself
Poem by Minimus
Orwell makes fun of the poem by using:
 Religious references
 Formal use of words
 Weak rhymes
 Last line of stanzas
The animals are cheated
“The animals deserve to be cheated”
 Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
 Motivate.
Battle of the windmill
 The animals win at a terrible cost (wounded or
Windmill is blown up.
Pigs cannot admit this, S explaining away the price
the animals have to pay.
Boxer cannot believe him (Thanks to N they won
back the ground).
“Then we have won back what we had before”
Windmill previously – symbolised animals’ hopes.
Windmill now – dream has become a nightmare.
Incident of alcohol
 Betray principles of Animalism.
 Squealer alters Commandment.
 Plant barley in paddock – implications for Boxer.
Chapter 9
 Boxer continues to work hard, wants to see windmill
completed before he retires when he is 12.
 So far no animal has been allowed to retire.
 Rations “readjusted” – “reduced”, Squealer still uses
statistics to make them believe they are better off.
The piglets
 31 piglets,
 N is their father and – other animals will have to
build a school for them.
 Not allowed to play with the other animals and get
special privileges.
Ruthlessness of the pigs
 Pigs get a ration of beer every day.
 Other animals are kept busy with special
celebrations – take minds off hardships they are
Farm is a Republic, N only candidate for president.
Moses returns… Sugarcandy Mountain.
Boxer collapses and taken away by horse
slaughterer’s wagon.
Squealer convinces animals that he had been with
Boxer when he died “happily and with dignity”.
 “Napoleon is always right”
 Special banquet to celebrate B’s life.
 Money to order a case of whiskey.
Sattire on the birth of a totalitarian state
 Pigs who are the ruling class get special privileges.
 Language is misused e.g. “readjusted” and
 Squealer continues to use propaganda, lies, false
statistics, distortion of history to deceive the masses.
Wrath of the pigs
 Lower animals’ sacrifices have been in vain.
 Propaganda can make the biggest lie sound
 N hopes that the animals will be prepared to endure
their sufferings in hope of a better life after death.
 Animals under oppression of the new ruling class –
Animals do not realise that they
have new rulers.
They think they are free of
mankind’s domination.
Chapter 10
 Farm is prosperous.
 Windmill has been finished, not used for power and
to make life easier.
 Mill corn and make m0ney for the pigs, others don’t
get share and still work hard.
 Type up reports and burn them.
 Still believe they are free and proud to be part of the
only farm run by animals.
Changing of the pigs into humans
 Pigs are carrying whips and walking upright on two
Wear clothes, install a telephone, get a radio and
“Four legs good, two legs better”
One commandment left: “All animals are equal but
some animals are more equal than others”
Neighbouring farmers come for a tour of AF.
 New rules: banning of Sunday marches past Old
Major’s skull, the horn and hoof on the flag and the
word “Comrade”.
 Manor Farm
Animal Farm
Manor Farm
 No difference between a pig and a human.
In conclusion
 Destruction of Major’s dream of an animal utopia.
 Narrator’s p.o.v sympathetic towards the common
 The revolutionary leaders become just like those that
they originally rebelled against.
The animals
The animals work even harder than in the previous
year; eat no more than they had done in Jones’ day;
praise Napoleon for ever-successful achievement,
however trivial; are cheated by Frederick in the timber
deal; fight the humans after they blow up the windmill.
2. Napoleon
He separates himself from the other animals; approves
of the poem composed by Minimus, negotiates with
Frederick and Pilkington about selling the farm’s
timber to them; cheats by playing one human off
against the other; is cheated by Frederick who pays
with forged banknotes; gets drunk on whisky; alters
the Fifth Commandment to ”No animal shall drink
alcohol to excess”.
3. Squealer
He orders the animals to do what Napoleon decrees;
convinces the animals that they are better off than they
were in Jones’s day; paints Napoleon’s portrait on the
barn wall; absents himself from the Battle of the
Windmill; falls off the ladder while changing the Fifth
4. The humans
They cheat the animals out of the timber, destroy the
windmill; are chased off the farm.
Napoleon glorifies himself
This is when the animals file past him as he reposes,
wearing his decorations, on a bed of straw.
The poem by Minimus
The religious references give it a (false) holy
2. The old-fashioned words try to make the subject
matter seem more important than it is.
3. The weak rhymes lack poetic quality and make the
poem childish and simple.
4. The last line is predictable.
All these devices have a satirical function; we laugh at
the way Napoleon is praised to excess.
The incident of the alcohol
It breaks the Fifth Commandment. The pigs have
adopted the humans’ (and especially Jones’) bad
habits and have become like the enemy they
2. He was suffering from a hangover and at that stage
felt as though he was going to die.
3. In spite of the fact that the animals see Squealer
altering the Fifth Commandment, they still
continue to follow blindly.
4. The pigs betray the principles of animalism and
pursue their own pleasures.
5. Boxer will never be allowed to retire. This
foreshadows his cruel death.
14. rations
11. readjustment
4. figures
7. green
19 DOWN. mill
18. Willingdon
15. end
16. maxim
1. fourteen
6. knackers
5. whisky
19 ACROSS. Moses
2. Sugarcandy
20. mountain
10. beer
17. Clover
3. Benjamin
12. Napoleon
9. oration
8. loyal
13. TT
What the pigs say/do
What the reality is
3. Napoleon is elected president.
4. Pigs’ decision only, no elections.
7. Snowball’s wounds were caused by
Napoleon’s teeth.
5. They welcome him because he gives
the animals hope of a better life.
9. Squealer stayed with Boxer to the
6. Snowball fought against Jones.
12. The pigs will hold a memorial
banquet in Boxer’s honour
8. Boxer is sent to the knacker’s.
10. The sign “Horse Slaughterer” is
11. Boxer had no grave; there was no
laurel wreath.
Nobody is left to remind the animals of the
2. They will unquestioningly obey the pigs and will
not constitute a threat.
3. All the animals were supposed to benefit; the
reality is that only the pigs and the dogs are better
4. Orwell is using satire. It is humorous as it imitates
and mocks the actions of humans, and shows how
effort is wasted.
5. Orwell agrees with this opinion because he is not
positive about a situation where too much power is
held by a few.
6. It drowns out any criticism the animals were about
to voice.
7. If all animals are equal, there can be no degrees of
equality. This is the contradiction. Orwell wanted
to show the abuse of power. By making the pigs
“more equal” he is pointing out how the pigs have
taken advantage of their power.
8. They carry whips, walk on hind legs, buy
themselves a wireless set, install a telephone, drink
an play cards. They imitate the very beings whom
they initially overthrew and rejected.
9. The pigs have turned into humans and are just as
corrupt and oppressive as Jones was. The qualities
they both share are evil and vile.