Transcript Year 1

PebblePad and
Personal and Professional
in the School of Medicine
Glenn Mason
School of Medicine
Blended Learning Forum June 2013
PebblePad at UWS
• New version of PebblePad called PebblePlus
– New interface
– Administrative backend now called ATLAS
• Introduced beginning of at UWS in 2012
• Still in trial phase
• Medicine, Music and Industrial Design
What is PebblePad?
• Often called an ‘online portfolio’
– PebblePad
– Mahara
• Developed using educational principles
• Capacity to
– Encourage student reflection
– Encourage collaboration
– Encourage ongoing formative feedback from
Educational affordances of
Formative feedback
What is personal and
professional development?
• Doctors deal with people not machines
• All those things that aren’t scientific!
– Culture
– Ethics
– Society
– Communication
– Empathy
How are we using it in years
1 & 2?
• Personal and professional development (PPD)
component of MBBS degree
• Covering a range of content areas
– Year 1
• 125 year 1 students
• 12 tutorial groups
• 7 assessment requirements
– Year 2
• 134 students
• 12 tutorial groups
• 7 assessment requirements
How are we using it in year 4 ?
– Students on Mental Health and Obstetrics
rotations complete reflective learning journals
over 9 week period
– 135 students
– 4 groups (~ 35 students in each group)
– 2 tutors for each group
The PPD team
• Curriculum designer with clinical background
• Educational technology advisor
• Year coordinators
• Tutors
How PebblePad works
• 2 ways to get in
– Single sign on through vUWS (
– using vUWS login
• Flash-based
But there’s also an HTML version/interface
Personal learning space
Personal learning space
– Students use and create resources,
submit activities etc.
– Tutors can create templates and resources,
shareable documents etc.
ATLAS or the institutional
The institutional space
Primarily for tutors/staff
Provide feedback
admin/backend functions
Year 1 learning activities
• Learning and studying medicine
– First year out of high school
– How do you learn?
Year 1 learning activities
• The Hippocratic Oath
– Collaborative and reflective activity
– What does being a doctor mean to you?
Year 2 learning activities
• Experiencing mental illness (reflective and
– Students fill out questionnaire on attitudes to
mental illness
Year 2 learning activities
– Further classroom-based activities (film and
– Submit group reflections on tutorial
Year 4 learning journal
• Summatively assessed
– Assessment rubric provides guidelines
Obstetrics and mental health rotations
6 weekly reflections
2 wrap-up reflection
1 final post
Year 4 learning journal
Student feedback and
• Students unfamiliar with unorthodox interface
– Need for more instructional material
• Not fully compatible with iPad
• Tutors need to be competent users
– PPD sessions on PebblePad were conducted
• Passage of time increases value of PebblePad
– Hard to evaluate at this stage
Possibilities for future use
• Problem-based learning
– Group reflection
– Personal reflection
• Clinical assessments
– Submission of forms using PebblePad’s form