What`s new in Moodle 2.7 13 October

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What’s new in Moodle 2.7
What is new in Moodle 2.7
New module editing menu
Single assignment module
Group assignments
Marking workflow
Marker allocation
Offline marking
Annotation of PDF for assignment feedback
Turnitin Assignment 2
Access restriction with complex conditions
Advanced forums
Forum enhancements
Atto text and equation editor
Other updates
1. New module editing menu
Editing screen is decluttered by replacing strip of icons with a drop down menu
Moodle 2.5
Moodle 2.7
2. Single assignment module – 1
One assignment replaces four
• All rolled-over assignments are automatically converted to the new assignment format
(except Turnitin assignments)
Moodle 2.5
Moodle 2.7
2. Single assignment module – 2
Options determine the type of assignment:
• Online assignment (optional word limit)
• File submission (specify maximum number of files)
• Both online and file submission
• Neither online or file submission (replaces offline activity)
2. Single assignment module – 3
Additional new features:
• Date of earliest submission wording updated
• Cut-off date can be set after which submission may not be submitted.
2. Single assignment module – 4
• Blind marking
• Reopening of submission for individual students or groups to allow another
In Submission Settings
For individual students in Grading page
For multiple students at once in
Grading worksheet
3. Group assignments
New assignment setting - one submission made on behalf of a group
• Originality and contribution declaration made by one student or all students
(Require all group members submit)
• Marking optionally allocates result to group members, allows shared and individual
4. Marking: Workflow
Lecturer control of timing, release and marker allocation
• Marking goes through stages prior to release
• Lecturer controls current state
5. Marking: Marker allocation
Allocate selected submissions to specific markers
• Select students by group
• Markers can be filtered in Grading worksheet
In Grading Worksheet
Set allocated Marker
Or Filter students by Marker
6. Marking: Offline marking
Markers may download assignments and Grading worksheet for offline marking and
then bulk upload marked submissions with feedback files.
1. Download worksheet
2. Upload marked worksheet
3. Bulk upload feedback files
7. Annotate PDF assignment submissions
Annotate PDF assignment submissions in the Moodle marking interface
Stamps for preconfigured symbols and comments
Inline comments, Notes, Shapes and markups
Page navigation, text search
Inline comment,
Note, Move
Insert shapes,
8. Turnitin assignment 2 – 1
Improved workflow that allows modification of assignment dates/parts during
assignment setup
8. Turnitin assignment 2 – 2
Assignment summary and paper inbox are now combined into one inbox screen
The inbox has been separated by part with each part navigable by tab
Marker management tools
moved to this tab
Only relevant to users accessing
the Turnitin website (not Moodle
8. Turnitin assignment 2 – 3
File submission now uses a drag
and drop lightbox
Users are provided with an extract of
their submission as proof that the
submission has been received
9. Access restriction with complex
conditions – 1
Restriction conditions include AND, OR and nested conditions, as well as a new interface
• Conditions optionally displayed
Moodle 2.5
Moodle 2.7
9. Access restriction with complex
conditions – 2
• Use Dates, Grades and Activity completion to control access
• Specify if conditions must or must not be met
• Nest conditions
10. Advanced forum and enhancements
Advanced forums provide:
The option of anonymous postings
Additional “accessible” view option
Improved distinction between read and unread posts
Advanced forum posts do NOT allow viewing of individual student Forum posts in the
Navigation block
11. Forum enhancements
Forums enhancements include:
• Read tracking can be forced overriding profile preferences (Forum)
• In Settings the option to show the word count of individual posts (Forum and
Advanced forum)
11. Forums – setting digests per forum
Set digest preferences for each individual forum using the Activities block or URL
methods (Forum and Advanced forum) when you need to see details of some forums
but not others.
Set forum digest settings for each forum
Activities Block method
URL method
To open the edit window, in the site home page URL Window, replace “course/view” with
12. Atto editor option – 1
An alternative to TinyMCE Atto
LaTeX equation editor
(with preview area)
Capacity to enter TeX
Accessibility checking
Accessibility standards mean that
some text formatting options are
unavailable in Atto.
Atto does not include all table
editing functions (cell borders,
colours, merging)
12. Atto editor option – 2
Select your preferred default editor in My Profile
13. Other updates
Expandable menus in TinyMCE editor