WikiPlus Management - Home

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WikiPlus Management
Manage WikiPlus resources, settings and
What’s on the agenda?
 WikiPlus resources
 WikiPlus settings management
 WikiPlus administrative and user reports
WikiPlus resources
 Upon creating a WikiPlus site the following resources
are automatically created:
– Reusable content list
– Content templates list
– A library for each of the insert managers (Documents,
Flash files, Images, Media files, Silverlight files, Visio files,
 These resources can be managed on the top site
level, site level or both
WikiPlus resources
 Create additional content template and reusable
content lists by enabling the following site collection
Create additional WikiPlus resources
WikiPlus settings management
 WikiPlus settings may be found under the top level
site settings*
 Most used settings:
– Define the knowledge trustees group and page edit
– Customize WikiPlus notifications
– Change the WikiPlus content template list
WikiPlus settings management
Click to modify
WikiPlus settings
WikiPlus settings page
Choose who can edit
WikiPlus pages
Enable notifications to be
sent to page owner when
their page was modified,
customize the notification
message- you may use the
specified dynamic tokens
Use the new knowledge
trustees group created by
WikiPlus or specify a
different group to fill this role
WikiPlus settings page
Enable usage logging to
get usage reports
Set the time to send an
expired notification alert
and customize the alert’s
Use this option to change
the WikiPlus content
templates list used for
new page creation
WikiPlus settings page
If your company has a
naming policy, you can set
an automatic page name,
you may use {GUID},
{NOW} and {NUM} tokens
to do so.
Use this option to
change the default
home page
At any point you can
reset all customizations
to WikiPlus defaults
Customizing WikiPlus settings
WikiPlus reports
 When ‘usage logging’ is enabled WikiPlus usage data
is collected
 Two types of reporting scopes:
– Administrative
– User
Usage list
 Is automatically created when creating a WikiPlus
instance (site or library)
 Is used to log page views, page creation and page
edit actions
 Can be manually maintained*
Administrative WikiPlus Reports
 The following reports are available under site
– Page- views report
– Contributors report
 Choose a scope (site collection, site, Wiki library) to
view all relevant Wiki usage data
Administrative WikiPlus Reports
Click on the desired
Administrative WikiPlus Page-views Report
Chose the desired
usage scope
Choose to display results
from a specific date span
and click ‘Go’
The report displays the
number of page views for
each WikiPlus page
Administrative WikiPlus Contributors Report
The report displays the
number of pages created
and updated by each
You can also choose to
show the top or the lowest
[number] of contributors
User WikiPlus Reports
 The following reports are available under each
WikiPlus site:
– Pages report
– My subscription report (personal report which displays all
the pages a user is subscribed to)
– Contributors report
 Filter the reports according to tags, modified dates,
User WikiPlus Pages Report
Define filters to fine
tune the reports
The report displays all
pages that fit your filtering
criteria in this WikiPlus site
User WikiPlus My Subscriptions Report
The report displays all
pages that fit your filtering
criteria in this WikiPlus site
Click ‘Unsubscribe’ to remove
this page from the report
User WikiPlus Contributors Report
Click on the Export to
PDF\Excel icons to export
this report
The report displays all
contributors actions per
page (that fits the your
filtering criteria)
Using WikiPlus reports