oncat - NBCAT

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Overview and Priority Projects
Presentation to 2014 NBCAT NBPLAR Symposium
October 2014
Glenn Craney
Executive Director
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
ONCAT’s Strategic Priorities
Students will experience ease of mobility among publicly funded
postsecondary institutions.
Students will experience reduced barriers when transferring,
which will help them to graduate.
There will be increased and improved collaboration among
institutions (colleges and universities) regarding transfer
opportunities and articulation.
Stakeholders will have improved awareness and knowledge of
transfer opportunities, outcomes and progress.
Early Successes: Increasing Collaboration
Annual Student Pathways Conference
• 250 + participants
• National and International panelists on student mobility
Ontario’s Credit Transfer Initiatives
• Jointly Developed Responses to Ministry priorities:
Best Practices Committee
• Data Collection
Degree to Degree Project
 Accountability Framework
Professional Development
• Workshops in areas of common interest
Learning Outcomes
Ontario Education Number
Early Successes: Opportunities for Students
Credit Transfer Innovation Fund
 Diploma to Diploma
 Degree to Diploma
Student Portal (ONTransfer.ca)
100+ Projects
• Apprenticeship to Diploma
• Diploma to Degree
ONTransfer.ca used as a resource to provide accurate information to
students on transfer opportunities
• Program Transfer Guide
• Course-to-Course Transfer Guide
Pathway Opportunities
700+ block pathways posted (100% increase over 2011)
Almost 90,000 course transfer equivalencies
800,000+ student opportunities
60% of diploma graduates have a pathway into at least one degree option
Early Successes: Communications
Communications Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Developed a corporate identity (ONCAT) and emphasized the website by
shifting from ONTransfer to ONTransfer.ca
Developed awareness through regular updates to members – infographic,
enewsletters & Annual Report
ONTransfer.ca website – on track for 300,000 unique views in 2014
Increased student awareness – student fairs, student viewbooks, transit
campaign, on-campus advertising, twitter
Google ads
Media Strategy
Earned media / paid media
Current Priorities
• Completing Projects of High-Priority
• Ensuring Best Practices in Credit Transfer
• New Pathways – Degree to Degree
• Accountability Framework
• Learning Outcomes
• Promoting Student Mobility across Canada
• Memorandum of Understanding (BCCAT, ACAT,
Ontario Council on
Articulation and Transfer
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1902
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8
Tel: (416) 640-6951
Fax: (416) 640-6959
ONCAT is funded by the Government of Ontario