Poultry Objectives

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Transcript Poultry Objectives

The Poultry Unit
 Goal
• List tips for buying poultry
 Goal
• Describe how to properly store poultry to
maintain its quality
 Goal
• Describe the principles and methods for
cooking poultry
 Goal
• Prepare poultry by moist and dry cooking
 Most common forms of poultry include
chicken, turkey, goose, and duck.
 Located
in the “meat and beans” group
on the food pyramid
 1 serving of poultry is 3-5 ounces
• Roughly the size of a deck of cards
 High
quality protein
• Good source of
 Phosphorus
 Iron
 Thiamin
 Riboflavin
 Niacin
 Fat
• Older birds have more fat
• Darker meat has more fat
 Turkey
& Chicken are lower in overall
saturated fat and calories then red meat
 Most fat is stored just under the skin
• If you remove the skin you remove most of the fat!
 Inspection/Grading
• All supermarket poultry must be inspected for
A round inspection seal is attached to the wing
of approved birds
May be voluntarily graded for quality
A grade shield will be attached with the
inspection seal
Grade A-highest quality…sold in supermarkets
Grade B-C…used mostly in processing
 Buying
• LEAST EXPENSIVE = whole birds!!!
• Most fresh or frozen poultry is “young”
• Young birds are tender and suitable for all
cooking methods
• Most poultry can be purchased fresh-chilled,
fresh-warmed, or frozen
• Chicken may be purchased whole, halved, by
piece (breast, thigh, wing, etc.)
Selecting fresh poultry (1 minute)
 Buying
• Select birds with meaty breasts and legs, well
distributed fat, and blemish free skin
• Select the type and amount that suits your needs
• Look for solidly frozen birds
• Beware of dirty and torn wrappers and freezer
burn (pale, dry, frosty areas)
 Buying
• Generally more expensive than fresh or frozen
• Read the labels carefully
 A label that reads “turkey leg or chicken breast”
means that the item was processed with the fat along
with the meat
 A label that reads “breast meat or leg meat” assures
the consumer that it is only the meat being processed
 Parts more than the whole
• Improperly stored/cooked poultry can result in
• Fridge:
 Rewrap in wax paper; coldest part of fridge; 2-3 days
• Freezer:
 Wrap in moisture-proof and vapor-proof wrapping; 68 months; do NOT refreeze!
• Canned/Cooked:
 Cool dry place; unused portion in fridge; store
stuffing separately; use within 2-3 days
• Use low temperatures and careful timing
• Cooking too long or too hot=tough, dry, flavorless
• Use a meat thermometer
• Check temp. in several places
• Must be above 165…should be between 170-180
 Roasting
• Giblets…edible internal organs
• Must truss a large bird before roasting
 Good Eats…How to Truss a Turkey (3 minutes)
• Roast at 325 until internal temp. of 180
• If breast is browning too quickly…tent with
aluminum foil about ½ way through cooking
• Oven bags shorten cooking time and use steam
• Allow to stand 10-15 minutes before carving
 Broiling
• Heat source is above the bird
• Mainly used for chicken and turkey
• Lightly brush with butter and place 4-5 inches
from heat source
• Thinner pieces will cook faster than thicker
 Grilling
• Cooks whole bird or poultry pieces
• With bones-indirect heat
• Without bones-direct heat
• May partially cook poultry before grilling to
insure internal doneness
 Frying
• Must cut poultry into pieces
• Roll in flour, egg, and bread crumbs or dip in a
• Brown pieces in about ½ inch of hot fat
• Turn pieces with tongs as they brown
 Oven-Frying
• Also known as Baking
• Coat poultry pieces in seasoned flour
• Brushing with melted butter with produce a
crisp golden crust
 Pan-Fried Chicken-Alton Brown (5 minutes)
 Stewing
• Place bird in a large kettle
• Complete cover with water
• Add carrots, celery, and seasonings
• Cover tightly, simmer over low heat until tender
 It should NEVER boil!
 Microwaving
• The following uses:
 Defrost
 Partially cook
 Fully cook
• Takes less time than other methods
• For even cooking
 Boney portion of the pieces towards the center
 Boning
• Removing the bones from the poultry
• Boning Chicken-Andrew Zimmern (3 minutes)