Transcript The Elbow

Functional Anatomy & Clinical Presentation
Elbow Anatomy
 What movements occur at the elbow?
 What type of joint is the elbow?
Bony Anatomy
 Upper Arm
 Humerus
 Forearm
 Ulna (medial)
 Radius (lateral)
Bony Anatomy
 Anterior
 Supracondylar ridge
 Lateral epicondyle
 Medial epicondyle
 Radial head
 Coronoid fossa
 Capitulum
 Trochlea
Bony Anatomy
 Posterior
 Olecranon fossa
 Olecranon
 Groove for ulnar nerve
 Annular ligament
 360 degrees around
radial head
 Keeps the radial head in
contact with the radial
notch of the ulna
 Ulnar Collateral Ligament
 Medial side of elbow
Connects medial epicondyle
to coranoid & olecranon
 Radial (Lateral)Collateral Ligament
 Lateral side of elbow
Connects the lateral
epicondyle to the annular
Bony Palpations
Supracondylar ridge
Lateral epicondyle
Radial (lateral) collateral ligament
Radial head/annular ligament
Olecranon process
Olecranon fossa
Medial epicondyle
Proximal end of ulna
Ulnar groove
Ulnar collateral ligament
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Anterior
 Biceps brachii
 Brachioradialus
 Brachialis
 Pronator Teres
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Biceps Bracii
 Origin
 Shoulder
 Insertion
 Radius
 Action
 Flexes forearm, supinates forearm
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Brachioradialus
 Origin
Lateral supracondylar ridge
 Insertion
Styloid process of radius
 Action
Flexes forearm
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Brachialis
 Origin
Anterior, distal humerus
 Insertion
Coronoid process of ulna
 Action
Flexes the elbow
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Pronator Teres
 Origin
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Coronoid process of ulna
 Insertion
Middle of lateral surface of shaft of ulna
 Action
Pronates the elbow
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Posterior
 Triceps
 Supinator
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Triceps
 Origin
Shoulder (3 origins)
 Insertion
Olecranon process of ulna
 Action
Extends elbow
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Supinator
 Origin
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
 Insertion
Proximal, lateral shaft of radius
 Action
Supinates the elbow
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Medial
 Wrist flexors
Originate off medial epicondyle
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Lateral
 Wrist extensor muscles
Originate off lateral epicondyle
Soft Tissue Anatomy
 Lateral
 Anconeus
 Posterior part of lateral epicondyle of humerus
 Later olecranon process, posterior ulna
 Extends forearm (helps triceps last few degrees)
Soft Tissue Palpations
 Anterior
 Biceps brachii
 Brachialis
 Brachioradialis
 Pronator teres
 Posterior
 Triceps
 Supinator
 Medial
 Wrist flexor muscles
 Lateral
 Wrist extensor muscles
Range of Motion
 Assesses the motion of the joint bilaterally
 (compared to the other side)
 Active Range of Motion (AROM) vs Passive Range of
Motion (PROM)
 Normal joint motion @ elbow
 Flexion: 150 - 160
 Extension: 0
 Pronation: 70
 Supination: 85
Measuring R.O.M.
 Goniometer
Stationary arm
Measuring R.O.M.
 Elbow Flexion
 Fulcrum
Lateral epicondyle
 Stationary arm
Midline of humerus
 Moving arm
In line with radial styloid process
Resisted Range of Motion (RROM)
 Elbow Flexion
 Put elbow in flexion
 Place one hand one the shoulder being tested
 Other hand on the anterior forearm
 Elbow Extension
 Pt is seated
 Elbow slightly flexed
 One hand supports the elbow
 Other hand applies pressure to the proximal wrist\
Trying to push the arm into flexion
 Pronation
 Pt is seated
 Palm is facing down
 One hand stabilizes below the forearm
 Other “shakes patient’s hand”, tries to make hand
 Supination
 Pt is seated
 Palm is facing up
 One hand stabilizes below the forearm
 Other “shakes patient’s hand”, tries to make hand
Injuries of the Elbow
 Bone Injuries
 MOI?
Forcing arm into bending
Fall on an outstretched hand
 Importance of prompt treatment?
Damage to blood vessels and nerves could cause cell death.
 Epiphyseal & avulsion fractures
 Ulnar dislocations
Epiphyseal & Avulsion Fractures
 More common on the medial epicondyle or the olecranon.
 Growing athletes are more likely to have an epiphyseal
 S/S
 Epiphyseal – pain, swelling, loss
of motion
 Avulsion – severe pain and
Elbow Dislocation
 MOI?
 Fall on an outstretched hand
 Violent hyperextension
 Severe blow to the lateral elbow
 Most common dislocation?
 Posterior
 S/S (What is observed?)
 Gross deformity
 Olecranon process extends posteriorly
 Swelling, bruising
Elbow Dislocation
 Potential complications?
 Damage to the median & radial nerves
 Damage to blood vessels
 Treatment/management
 Splint as you found it
 Send to emergency room for
Muscle & Tendon Injuries
 Elbow flexor strains
 Elbow extensor strains
 Medial & lateral epicondylitis
Elbow Flexor Strain
 MOI?
 Often includes both the shoulder & elbow (biceps)
 Excessive resistance elbow & shoulder flexion
 S/S
 Depends on grade… (think of sprains and strains chart)
Grade 1?
Grade 2?
Grade 3?
 Pain over anterior elbow and the biceps tendon
Elbow Flexor Strain
 Evaluation will find…
 Weakness
 Extra discomfort with elbow flexion
PROM? (pain decreases with PROM)
 Grades 1 & 2
RICE, rehabilitation
 Grade 3
Refer to physician/ER
Elbow Extensor Strain
 Same as flexor strain
 Trying to break a fall
 Pain with active elbow extension
 Be sure to check for avulsion fractures at the olecranon
Medial & Lateral Epicondylitis
 Chronic inflammation of either the medial or lateral
 Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
 Inflammation of the extensor tendons.
 S/S
 Minimal swelling over lateral epicondyle
Pain will also be present
Medial Epicondylitis
 AKA Little League Elbow
 Result of repetitive throwing
 Inflammation of the wrist flexors
 Pitch counts in Little League?
 S/S
 Same as lateral epicondylitis
UCL/RCL Sprains
 Ulnar collateral ligament is more prone to injury
 MOI?
 UCL – valgus force (force from the lateral side)
 RCL – varus force (force from the medial side)
 S/S
 Pain
 Swelling
 Possibly joint laxity
Special tests
Scenario 1
 A basketball player goes up for a lay up and has his feet
taken out from under him, and tries to catch himself
with an outstretched hand. He falls to the floor and
does not get up, but is holding his elbow in pain.
When you get there you notice that his olecranon
process is protruding posteriorly and there is already a
considerable amount of swelling.
Scenario 1 Answer
 Posterior Dislocation
 Splint as you found it, and refer to ER
Scenario 2
 A wrestler is trying to escape from a move. His hand is
planted on the mat when his opponent strikes the
lateral side of his elbow. He feels a small pop on the
medial side, but finishes the match. After the match
he approaches you with pain in both his medial and
lateral elbow. He has a moderate amount of swelling
over his medial epicondyle and has some laxity with a
valgus stress test.
Scenario 2 Answer
 UCL Sprain (Grade 2)
 Follow up with physician
 Discontinue activities
Scenario 3
 A tennis player approaches you with elbow pain. You
notice a minimal amount of swelling over her lateral
epicondyle. While palpating you notice that most of
her pain is over the lateral epicondyle and into the
wrist extensors. She does not remember doing
anything to that elbow, but says it has been bothering
her for about a week.
Scenario 3 Answer
 Lateral Epicondylitis
 Tape for relief
 Ice after practice