Transcript FSA

There are two types of prompts:
- Informational
What’s the difference?
•Argumentative: You have a claim and
have to prove your point by choosing
a side
•Informational: You have a controlling
idea and they give you what you are
writing about
Examples of Informational Prompts
• Write an informational essay to explain how
automotive transportation will change in the coming
years. Your ideas must be based on ideas, concepts,
and information from the passage set.
• How would I write my main point?
C: Automotive transportation will change in the coming
Argumentative Prompt Examples
• Write an argumentative essay stating why you agree or
disagree with people who demand rescue services when
they put themselves at risk. Use information in the passage
set to support your claim.
In an argumentative you have to pick a side without using 1st
or 2nd person.
C: People who demand rescue services put themselves at risk.
C:People who demand rescue services do not put themselves
at risk
Argumentative Prompt Examples
•Write an argumentative essay stating why
you agree or disagree with the idea that
animals can learn and use language. Use
information in the passage set to support
your claim.
Write one claim agreeing and one claim
Identify what the task is. Is this an argumentative
or informational prompt. What is it asking you to
Explain how advancements in 3-D
technology can benefit society. Your ideas
must be based on ideas, concepts, and
information from the passage set.
•Informational. You are explaining
how advancements in 3-D
technology can benefit society. It is
given to you what you need to write
Identify what the task is. Is this an argumentative
or informational prompt. What is it asking you to
• Write an essay stating why you
agree or disagree with the idea that
individuals should be prosecuted for
statements made on social media.
• Argumentative, because you have to pick a point
and prove it. (either agreeing or disagreeing with
the idea that individuals should be prosecuted
for statements made on social media)
What does in your intro?
What goes in the Intro?
• The first sentence should be your claim or
controlling idea (your main point).
• The rest can be a summary of what each source
was about.
• Remember not to include your reasons in your
intro. You are explaining in your body.
What does in your body paragraphs ?
Body Paragraphs
• There should be 2-3 body paragraphs
• If you can’t come up with a third body paragraph
don’t do one!
• You should have direct quotes AND paraphrasing
that are CITED.
• Elaboration: defining, explaining, comparing,
• Transitions
• A point in each paragraph
What goes in your conclusion?
•Restate your claim or controlling
idea in a different way.
•Talk about your main points
•Why are your points important?
Citations- Give credit!
Paraphrasing: Stating something that was
written in the text in YOUR OWN words.
Direct quote: Taking the information from
the text directly (word-from-word)
•Paraphrase this statement
Source 2, paragraph 3
The titanic was originally designed to carry
32 lifeboats, but the number was decreased
because the designers felt that the deck
would be too cluttered.
Possible answer
•The titanic was suppose to have over 30
lifeboats; however, they were not added
due to space issues (Source 2, Paragraph 3).
Cite this as a Direct Quote
Source 3, paragraph 3
The captain wanted to prove that the
Titanic could cross the Atlantic in six days.
Possible Answer
•In source 3, paragraph 3, the author
states, “The captain wanted to prove
that the Titanic could cross the Atlantic
in six days.”
• DON’T use first or second person point of view
(example: I, we, us, you, your, I’m, our…)
• DON’T use slang
• DON’T forget to indent
• DON’T forget to capitalize and use punctuation
Practice: Rewrite Claims without Using “I or
•I agree that students should not
have homework.
•I think that animals can
communicate and use language.
•You should not get grades in school
Possible answers
•Students should not have homework.
•Animals can communicate and use language
•Students should not have grades.